• UNIfORM CONTRACf fORMAT AND 'rIORK STATEMENT fOlU1AT 1. With the exception or construct1on contracts, most contracts above the small purchase level are a3sembled 1n a Uniform Contract format (UCF). The UQ' spec 1r Ies the d l s t inct sect ions of a con tract and the sequence in whten they must be arranged. The UCf is as fo Llovs . (V) sac. II. DESCRIPTION TASLr: OF CDtIT PAGE(S) (v) SEC I C 0 [ F G U SOLICITATION/CONTRACT fORH SUPPLI~S OR SERVICES AND PRICESI COSTS oESCRIPTIOH/SPf.CS/~ORX STATrHEHT PACKAGINC AND HAR~ING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE DELIVERIlS OR PERfORMANCl CONTRACT ADHINISTRATION DATA SPlCIAL CONTRACT RE:OUIREXEIfTS PAGE(S) PART II - COtITRA.:r CUUSES PART I - THE SCllEDULE A II DESCRIPTl0N I I I COtfTJV.CT CLAUSES fARr HI - LIST or OOCUH£IITS. EXllilliTS wo ornER I ',1ST Of ATT ACllHENTS PART [V - REPRESENTATIOHS AND IlISTRUCTIONS REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS AND OTHER I: STATEHDITS Of OfTERORS L INSTRS COHIlS ANn NOTICES TO OFFER EVALUATION fACTORS fOR WARD H J The federal Acquisition Regulation (fAR) spells out the contents of each or the sections in the UCF. The contents of some sections will vary depending on if the acquisition i::l formally advertised or negotiated. The formally advertised informat ion is found at FA R 14.201-1 and the negot Ia t ed information 1s found at fAR 15.406-1. A brief summary of the contents or each section of the UCF is aa ro11o\ols: a. SECTrON A - Contract Form. Ordinarily Standard Form 33 is used here. This form is called Solicitation, Offer, and A\oIard. b. SECTrOO B - Supplies or Serv Ices and Pr 1ce3/Co3t3. Normally. tili3 section will contain a br1er de3cription oC the contract line item3 being purch~ed. Also, Section B will contain any prov1slon ror tile extent of any quantity variation allowed and a reference to DO Form 1423 (Contract Data ReqUirements List), When used. c. SECTION C - De scr- ipt ion/Specs/Work Statement. The Performance Work Statement (or whatever type or purcha3e de3cription being u3ed) is located in thi:s section. d. SECTION 0 - Packaging and Marking. This ::lection contain3 any packaging or marking requirement3. Use of th1s 3ect10n i3 normally not reqUired for service contract3. e. SECTION E; - Inspect; ion and Acceptance. acceptance are annotated in Sectlm E. The pIaces or inspect ion and ATTACH. I f. SECrrON F - Deliveries or Peformance. This section spells out the time, place, and method of delivery or performance. g. SECTION G - Contract Administration Data. Any accounting or appropriation data not included on Standard Form 33 will be included in this section. Also, instructions to paying offices and administrative contracting offices should be contained here. h. SECTION H - Special Contract Requirements. This section may include a myriad of special requirements which are unique to the specific acquisition. Some of the more co~non ~pecial requirements are option prOViSions, wage determinations, special Government property provisions, and award fee evaluation criteria. i. SECTION I - Contract Clauses. Section I contains those general contract clauses that are required by law, regulation, or applicability to the spec I f Ic acqu is I t Ion , Some of these con t rac t c Iau se a are incorporated by reference. j. SECTION J - List of Attachments. This section will contain a list of all of the documents, exhibits, and other attacrunents that make up the solicitation package. Examples of the contents of this section are work frequency schedules, work statements, specific3tions, special requirements, or other docwnen t s vh ich are too vo hun Incus to be wri t ten in to the other sec t I ons of the solicitation. k. SECTION K - Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offerors. There are a variety of representations, certifications, and notices of compliance which indicate a contrrlctor's standing in respect to various social, economic, political or other programs. Some common information located in Section K concerns small business status, labor surplus area concerns, equal opportunity, affirmative action programs,small disadvantaged businesses, and women-owned businesses. (SEE NOTE) 1. SECTION L - Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors. This section basically describes administrative requirements applicable to the solicitation. EXillnples of items addressed in this section are those covering late bids/proposals, contract award information, discount conditions, site visit instructions, type of contract, notice of cost comparisons, proposal format and contents, bonding instructions, and notice of set-asides. The contents of this section may vary significantly depending on if the method of acquisition is formal advertising or negotiation. (SEE NOTE) ill. SECTION H - Evaluation Factors for Award. This section must contain an exact statement of the basis upon which an award will be made. Under formal advertising an award will be made on the basis of the responsive, responsible bidder who has the lowest evaluated price. Under negotiation, the evaluation factors for award may be more than price alone. When an award is to be based upon technical and other factors, in addition to price, this section shall clearly inform offerors of: 1) the significant evaluation factors, 2) the relative order of importance that the Government assigns to each factor, and 3) the multiple awards provision. The specific numerical weights to be used in the evaluation of pr-oposa Ls shall not be disclosed in the solicitation. Other provisions which may be contained in this section are 2 discount provisions, evaluated options, and unique provisions of some specific acquisitions such as laundry and dry cleaning and mortuary services. (SEE NOTE) NOTE: SUbchapter H, Part 52, Subpart 52.3 of the FAR lists which solicitation provisions apply to Sections K, L and H, with consideration given to what is being procured and to type of contract to be used. These three sections pertain to the pre-award phase only. Upon award of the contract, these sections are incorporated by reference. 2. The following format for a Performance Work Statement (PWS) is prescribed by CPPP PAM IJ/j, containing a description of the type of information to be included in each section. The basic configuration of the PWS must follow this format. C.l. General. Th l s section pr-ov ides a broad ovecv lew to the P\~S. In formation pertaining to the following should be incorporated in this section, as applicable: C.l.l. by the PWS. Scope of Work. This should be a brief complete description of work required (Detailed specific tasks ~ not appear here.) C.l.2. Background Information. This should include any background information which would give the contractor a better perspective of the requirement, e.g., history, clbnatic conditions, where the work is to be performed. C.l.3 Personnel. This section should contain any requirements for key personnel and their qualiFications, minimum staffing requirements and project managers. C.l.4. Security of Classified Items and Information. Include here any requirements for security clearances. (Note that this does not pertain to physical security.) c.r. 5. Contingencies. State here the contractor's responsibility toward contingent requirements to cover mobilization and disaster relief. Additionally, a requirement for the contractor to develop a strike contingency plan explaining how the contractor will assure there will be no significant interruption of contract services due to labor disruption shall be included here. 3 C.l.6. Quality Control. State clearly the contractor;'s responsiblity for quality control. C.l.7. Operating Hours. Specify the hour's during which the contractor is expected to provide the required services. C.l.B. Management Plan. State here any requirement for the contractor to submit a management plan to the Government. C.l.9. Access to Facilities. Advise the contractor who is authorized access to facilities designated for contractcr use, when access is authorized, and how this may impact upon his performance. C.l.lO. Safety. Here advise the contractor of his responsibility area of safety, to include any reqUirement for a Safety Plan. C.l.ll. in the Conservation of Utilities. Here advise the contractor of his responsibilities in the area of utilities conservation, t~ include any requirement for a plan or program. C.l.12. Physical Security/Key Corrtr-o i , Advise the contractor of his responsibility toward the physical security of facilities provided for h13 use, to include key control. C.l.l3. Warranty Repair. Specify here the procedures the contractor is to use to obtain repair of any equipment still under warranty. NOTE: Any other information that would not properly fall under any of the other sections, yet not specifically mentioned elsewhere should be included as general information under Section C.l. TI1ese subsections need not appear in the order listed here, nor need they dll be included in every PWS. C.2. Definitions. Here define all special words and phrases used in the PWS, which may not be commonly recognizable by the reader. 4 C.3 Government-Furnished Property and Services. Here include information on all of the following to be provided by the Government to the contractor: Facilities Util1t1e:3 Equipment Hater i a l s Services (including those provided by another contract) Infonnat ion (List should be complete, stating such things as nomenclature, stock numbers, make and model numbers, aer Ia l numbers, Quant ity, condit ion. ) If these lists are too long, make them into a technical exhibit and here juat refer the reader to the exhibit. Include any requirements for joint inventory at beginnLng and end of contract. C.4. Contractor-Furnished Items. You may list here what the contractor mU3t furnish; however, 'be sure to include a simple statement to the effect that the contractor ml~t provide everything else necessary to complete the contract, except what is specified as Government-Furnished in C.3. C.5. Specific Tasks. List her-e , in logical sequence, the ta.ak s to be perfonned by the contractor. Include a general statement that the tasks will be performed in such a manner as to conform to the standards as shown in the Performance Requirements Summary, Technical Exhibit Be sure to specify jU3t the wock to be done to meet our minimum needs and state the tasks in performance language to the maximum extent possible. C.6. Applicable Documents. List here all documents that are applicable to the contract effort, e.g., specifications, regulations, manuals, State whether they are advisory or mandatory in nature, and be sure that the most current revisions are stated. Tailor the documents you list. Further, state what happens when changes to these documents are issued during the life of the contract. Advise the contractor where he may obtain these documents. C.7. Technical Exhibits. Here list the attached Technical Exhibits by number and title. Technical Exhibits (TE) should consist of information that is too bulky to incorporate into the body of the PWS. The following are examples of information that may be included in Technical Exhibits. They do not necessarily have to appear in this order. 5 TE-l Performance Requirements Swrunary. Describe here the methods to be used to evaluate how well the specific tasks are being performed. This is best displayed in chart form, with col~ showing performance indicators, contract reference. standards, Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLs) , methods of surveillance and an amount to be deducted for noncompliance. 1£-2 Data Requirements. List here all records or reports that the contractor must deliver under the contract. The DO Form 1423. Contract Data Requirements List, supported by DO Form ~64, Data Item Description may be used to accomplish this, if the Contracting Officer so desires. 1£-3 Estimated Service Frequencies. Thi3 exhibit should inform the contractor how often he will be expected to perform the specific tasks. TE-4 Schedule of Services. If services are specified to be performed at certain frequencies, it is helpful to have them listed or charted. TE-5 Government-Furnished Property/Services. See C.3. 6