Fifteen athletes who have excelled both in the classroom and on the court have been selected to rcceive 1967 NCAA postgraduate scholarships for basketball. The recipients of the $1,000 awards were picked by the NCAA’s Postgraduate Scholarship Committee under the chairmanship of Laurence C. Woodruff, Dean of Students at the University of Kansas. Included in the group are the nation’s seventh leading scorer, two players from NCAA tournament teams, two athletes who scored more than 50 points in a single game and a Rhodes Scholar. Gary Gray of Oklahoma City, part Delaware Indian, part Irish and all basketball player, tops the group in scoring with a 27.5 average, which placed him seventh nationally, less than three points per game behind the champion. Gray, an economics major who plans to pursue a law degree, was the sparkplug of the Chieftains who topped the major colleges in scoring with a 96.0 average. A 6-l guard, Gray’s 55-point performance against West Texas State was bettered only twice all season. 1.6 Compliance At New High Of 93 Per Cent At NCAA News deadline 547 of the Association’s 589 active member colleges and universities - 93 per cenGhad confirmed that their policies, procedures and practices satisfy the requirements of NCAA Bylaw 4-6-(b), the 1.6 legislation. Some of these are classified provisional, subject to the submission of additional information, but the largest number of NCAA members were eligible for recent winter championship events than at any time since the legislation became effective. Among those in a provisional category is the Ivy Group. An interim agreement clearing the way for eligibility of those eight institutions for winter and spring championships this year was announced February 20, by NCAA President Marcus L. Plant after both personal conversations and exchange of correspondence with Kingman Brewster, Jr., President of Yale University and chairman of the Ivy Group this year. Following Houston convention action which left the legislation unchanged, the NCAA Council ruled that if a member institutions’ procedures since January 1, 1866, have met the requirements of the bylaw, even though they did not submit the necessary information to confirm this fact, they are eligible for NCAA events once the necessary declaration has been received. If, however, an institution’s procedures contradicted the requirements of the 1.600 rule subsequent to January 1, 1966, then the twoyear ineligibility provisions contained in the rule apply. Best academic mark among the 15 winners is that of John Fontanella of Westminster (Pa.) who boasts a 3.86 average. The 5-10 guard is the shortest of the group in height, but his scoring average and single game output is exceeded only by Westminster’s THE VOLUME John Fontanella NATIONAL 4 l the sharpshooting Gray. Fontanella averaged 22.3 points per game in 1966-67 and recorded 51 in one game. Close behind Fontanella in the classroom were Don Hansard, St. Thomas (Minn.), who compiled a 3.83 mark; James Sutherland of Clemson, top officer in the school’s ROTC program with a 3.79 average; and Kurt Hollasch of Rensselaer with 3.76. Willie Wolters of Boston College and Bruce Parsons of Pacific (Calif.) each were important in their respective team’s success in the NCAA tournament. Wolters, 6-8 center for the Eagles, helped his team gain the finals of the East Regional before losing 63-62 to North Carolina. He averaged in double figures and maintained a 3.35 mark in the classroom. Parsons captained the Tigers to a 24-4 record including their second straight West Coast Conference title. Pacific went to the finals of the West Regional before losing to UCLA 80-64. Tom Ward, 6-6 center for the University of the South, scored at a 19.3 clip and managed a 3.62 mark COLLEGIATE NUMBER ATHLETIC 1 in the classroom enroute to becoming a Rhodes Scholar. An All-College Athletic Conference choice, Ward started every one of his team’s games over a four year span. The average height of the 15 students is 6-4 with Hansard the tallest at 6-9. The group averaged more than 15 points per game during 1966-67 per man and has a grade point average of better than 3.5. Winners of the 1967 NCAA scholarship awards for basketball are: University Division Edward Alvin Frcdenburg, Orcgon State University; Richard Albert Johnson, Yale University; James Lawrence Sutherland, Clemson University; Michael David Wicks, University of Idaho; William Francis Wolters, Boston College. College Division Michael Edward Bratman, Haverford College; John Joseph Fontanella, Westminster (Pa.) College; Kurt Dale Hollasch, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; James EdContinued on page 5 ASSOCIATION JANUARY-FEBRUARY-MARCH, 1967 Plant Picked Prexy; Teams With McCoy Marcus L. Plant, NCAA President, University of Michiaon The first act of Marcus L. Plant, newly-elected President of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, was to express to outgoing President Everett D. (Eppy) Barnes and Secretary-Treasurer Francis E. Smiley, “the deep gratitude that the Association feels for the service they have rendered over the years.” Next, the mild-mannered University of Michigan professor of law who will lead the NCAA for the next two years demonstrated his logical, practical approach to his new office: “ . . To the new members of the Council and those whose terms are continued, I would say that Article Five of the Constitution commits the business of this Association to the Council, and these affairs will start operating at nine o’clock tomorrow morning in this hotel.” Thirdly Professor Plant indicated his personal feelings about being NCAA President: “I realize that the selection of a president does not have as its primary purpose the conferring of an honor, and yet this is an honor, and I do so regard it, and feel it deeply and appreciate profoundly the implicit confidence that is suggested. I will make every effort to see that you do not feel this decision was illadvised.” Continued on page 3 THE EDITOR’S VIEW Columnary to the Federation-AAU The “plague on both your houses” approach dispute is not without some justification. And both public temper and media attitude which deplore a conflict between mature, intelligent men waged to the apparent detriment of the innocent competitor in a particular sport (track and field is the current focal point) are completely understandable. Plaguing and deploring there is not only an over are not enough, however. To let the case rest simplification, but an injustice as well. Issues More Vital Now The public may have forgotten, never have known, or not care about the issues which begot and perpetuate the warfare. The press may be sick to death of writing or telling about them. (It’s diffhxlt enough, heaven knows.) The fact remains, though, that the issues which set the schoolcollege community and the AAU against each other in those sports in which the U.S. educational system makes the major developmental and competitive contribution are even more important and valid now than in 1962, in 1920, 1911 or in 1897. They’re more important and valid because each year the gap between schoolIcollege contribution on the one hand and representation in policy and administrative decision at the national level on the ot:?er becomes wider. Reprinted below are excerpts from news columnists commenting pertinently about the collegiute position on various matters. They are selected, not merely because they ore fnvornble, but because they make points about undergraduate uthletics which the NCAA News feels need to be emphasized. Frank A human condition in 20th-century America which permits a governing body NOT TO REPRESENT those it governs is bound to be the source of a problem. Because the governing body has no intention of reducing its own authority and because the governed cannot reduce it without resorting to combative means, the federal government has intervened and has assumed what it considers a necessary responsibility. It is hoped this responsibility includes a solution basic problem-representative government. To paint (though neither may be all white) will not be sufficient Athlete which gets both parties answer. at the black * Not Forgotten Responsible athletic administrators are as concerned in their programs as conscientious doctors are about an exaggeration to say that the track athlete is “the the Federation-AAU conflict, but it is true there can legitimate world mark being denied a Jim Ryun, a eligibility being used as a weapon in the dispute, or being hung over the heads of bona fide amateurs who of those responsible for their training and competitive Conflict about the athletes their patients. It is forgotten man” in be no excuse for a foreign collegian’s suspension threats adhere to the rules opportunity. Not All Bad Despite these obvious wrongs, however, there’s been too much made over many of the athlete’s supposed sufferings and the harm being done U.S. track as a result. The conflict has heightened developmental activities by both Federation and AAU interests. There have never been more meets at every level of participation, or more interest in the sport or more good athletes or greater U.S. track and field strength than now. Ultimately Worth While You say it would be even better in every way feudin’? We would say, Amen, to that. And further, without the fussin’ it should be said: Published four times yearly by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, executive and editorial offices, Midland Building, Kansas City, MO. 64105. Phone: BAltimore l-7127 (A.C. 816). Executive Director, Walter Byers. Editor, Wiles Hallock; Assistant, Lou Spry. 2 News Oklahoman Dan Hardesty, Baton Rouge Morning Advocate All of us who were close to Jim Corbett have known, deep in our hearts that some day he would face this situation (sudden death), ever since his near-fatal heart attack in New York in 1958. Many of us tried time and again to get him to slow down his working pace but to no avail. He knew only one way to do his job and that was full-speed, often 18 to 20 hours a day . He had in fact been doing just that (working round the clock) for four consecutive days immediately prior to his death . . . He always kept on his office wall a sign which read: “It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice.” And that was the guiding principle under which he operated . . . Houston Post 01’ Duffy (Daugherty) wasn’t just whistlin’ the Notre Dame Fight Song when he suggested a collegiate elimination tournament (National Collegiate Football Championship). His proposal has genuine merit For the first time (Dallas, December 3lst-January 1) a major post-season game and NFL playoff occurred in the same city and only 24 hours apart. From a scheduling standpoint it was such a rarity that it may never take place again. Still one wonders what impact the pro game might have had at Dallas if it had been competing with, say, Texas A & M vs. Notre Dame in the semifinals of the national championship. No doubt which contest would be uppermost in the minds of Texans in spite of the fact that they like the rest of the nation have been swept up in the pro football boom. An overriding reason for the way in which the pro game caught on in Dallas was its import. This was for the NFL championship. The winner would go on to the Super Bowl. It was a playoff, an elimination, a meaningful contest rather than an exhibition. Matched against it, the SMU-Georgia contest was a drab affair with scant appeal . . . the colleges are fighting the pros for public attention. In order to promote its product, college football must be receptive to ideas that will add interest to the game. What better way than a series of eliminations leading to a national champion? If such a development took place would the Cowboys vs. Green Bay take precedence in Dallas over Arkansas vs. Michigan State in sudden death overtime for the national championship? Hardly. Abe Chanin, Collegiate Baseball (A refutation by Mr. Chanin of the claim of Jim Russo, Baltimore Orioles, that “the calibre of major league play will begin to suffer in four years if this rule (four-year rule protecting collegiate players) remains in effect.“) Russo claims that “the most successful big leaguers are those who came right out of high school.” And he cites statistics to prove his point. The Orioles surveyed American and National League rosters and found that “two high school graduates succeeded in reaching the major leagues for every one college player.” This survey is just as effective as the one that reveals that girls make the best mothers. The Orioles survey fails to take into consideration a rather important point: The best high school talent is lured every summer by the big bonuses of professional baseball and not by college scholarships. Just suppose this high school talent was allowed to flow into the colleges, a survey then would show 10 to 1 or 100 to 1 in favor of college players making the grade in the major leagues . . This is a day of utmost importance for the backing of higher education. Or didn’t the Orioles lly high enough to see the Sputnik? Paul Zimmerman, and The long-range benefit to the individual athlete inherent in a solution which will balance developmental and competitive programs with administratively sound, representative authority and policy will far outweigh any temporary anxiety, feeling of insecurity or actual trauma caused an athlete by the conflicting groups. NCAA Daily Jack Gallagher, Until this gap is substantially reduced no permanent solution to the conflict is possible. To say that both parties to a dispute are equally to blame because one adamantly refuses to make a single concession is ridiculous. To say that the other party should withdraw from the fray and demonstrate its cooperative attitude and willingness to reach an equitable solution by so doing makes no sense at all. * Boggs, The AAU had summoned Ryun to Chicago to receive the James E. Sullivan Award. It is presented annually to the “amateur athlete who, by performance, example and good influence did the most to advance the cause of good sportsmanship during the year.” By the way. The AAU never has received this award. Gap Must Be Reduced * Craft (Quoting track Los Angeles authority, Dick Bank, following to the Il. S. from Prague) Times the latter’s return Bank said he . . learned that the AAU did not properly submit Jim Ryun’s half-mile record to the IAAF. “I was told that if either president Dave Matlin or executive director Don Hull had signed the application like they did for the mile which was approved, it would have been accepted.” At the AAU meeting in Chicago recently it was stated the IAAF had turned down the record, made under supervision of AAU officials in a USTFF meet, because the event had been held without the AAU’s sanction. “Of course it did,” said Bank, “but only because neither Matlin nor Hull signed the record application like they did for Ryun’s mark. The thing that makes it more absurd is that the AAU turned right around and approved Jim’s half-mile performance as an American record.” Everett D. (Eppy) Barnes, NCAA immediate past president (left) and John Eisenhower display NCAA’s first Theodore Roosevelt award. The “Teddy” went to General Dwight D. Eisenhower and was accepted at the Association Houston Convention by son, John. Convention Actions If the actions taken by the membership were not revolutionary or spectacular, the 61st Convention of the National Collegiate Athletic Association showed at the very least that those engaged in the administration of intercollegiate athletics recognize both the values of tradition and the dynamics of new ideas. The Houston sessions in January saw the NCAA’s honors program continued in the form of a second successful yearly luncheon and the pattern set for its permanent establishment. It resulted in a significant decision to stay with its 1.600 academic legislation, unchanged, pending a full practical trial under “game conditions” so to speak. The attendant members voted to tighten their committee procedures, clarify extra events and enforcement regulations. And in rejecting by a narrow margin varsity eligibility of freshmen (in sports other than football and basketball) demonstrated an awareness that the rapid changes occurring in higher education generally could very well alter a hitherto unshakable premise of most major university athletic pro,:rams. While the merger of the professional football leagues eliminated the chief conflict between college and pro gridiron interests and professional baseball agreed not to sign collegians during their four-year eligibility, relationships with professional sports were nevertheless important behind-the-scenes an convention factor and continuing major issue in NCAA affairs. And though, during the convention, conflict between sports Federations and the AAU lay dormant, subsequent developments in the long-standing battle pointed to an early summer showdown. Colgate’s distinguished and energetic Director of Athletics, Everett D. (Eppy) Barnes stepped down as NCAA president after two years of tumultuous activity during which time he exercised firm and indefatigable leadership, to be succceded by the University of Michigan’s Marcus L. Plant, thoughtful, logii tally-minded professor of law. (See separate election story.) The Convention’s only resolution passed provides for a new national championship event-College Division Baseball to begin in 1968. Referendum vote of the membership to establish same passed overwhelmingly. The following are specific legislative actions taken by the 61st Convention : Constitution-CB-4(b), payments under the G.I. Bill of Rights may be excluded from the financial aid computation otherwise required by this constitutional provision. B7-A-l-(a), (f), (i), (j), series of four amcndmcnts adopted to sc cure improved supervision of postseason football games, establish eligibility procedures for such competition similar to those applying to NCAA events, establish official radio and television sponsorship policies and require selections for postseason football games to bc delayed until most of the season has been completed. B7-A-2- (c), authorize the Council to limit the number of approved post-season football games. Additional actions were taken which (1) made eligible an NCAA committee member for a full term on the committee if he has served one-half of a term or less, (2) placed the regional College Division football contests under the requircments of the Executive Regulations, (3) authorized the Extra Events Committee to administer additional regulations and policies as determined by the annual Convention or NCAA Council and (4) amended Bylaw 4 (effective September 1, 1968) to require member institu tions to be exclusively University Division or College Division for purposes of NCAA competition in sports in which the Association sponsors national events in each division. [Concerning (4), this new policy will not change the present procedure whereby College Divimembers may compete in sion National Collegiate Championship (University Division) events if their performance in the equivalent National College Division event meets the requirements of Executive Regulation 2-3.1 FirstTeddyAwardGoes To DwightD. Eisenhower General Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, could not be there in person to receive the NCAA’s first annual Theodore Roosevelt award. But his presence was felt keenly by the more than 500 attendees at the Convention’s Honors Luncheon, both by the words he sent the delegates and because the man who accepted for him was his son, John. The “Teddy” was given by NCAA President Everett D. (Eppy) Barnes. Tribute to General Eisenhower was eloquently paid by Earl Rudder, President of Texas A & M University, decorated commander of the Second Ranger Battalion at Normandy. John Eisenhower was obviously touched by President Rudder’s tribute. “I thought I was coming as an aide,” he said, “and wound up coming as a family representative. Perhaps, speaking from the third person I can tell you a little better than my father could himself, how much athletics has meant to him throughout his entire life. He has had an eventful career . . . but I can assure you that the fact that he was able to win his varsity letter as a yearling-a sophomore at the Military Academy-is certainly one of the events of his life he regards with the utmost pride.” Col. Eisenhower then read a portion of a letter his father had sent to the Convention: “In a very long lifetime, much of it spent in contact with young people, I have always been an enthusiastic supporter of college athletics, which of course, help in the development of physical fitness. More than this, they foster among the student body the beginning of layalty for the institution and a spirit of healthy competition. They de- NCAA NEWS vclop latent qualities of Icadership and promote the essentials of teamwork. Because of these advantages, our students normally become better citizens of our country and are better prepared to carry out the responsibilities and enjoy the privileges of freedom.” Three days later, Barnes presented the “Teddy” in person to General Eisenhower, recuperating from gall-bladder surgery in Palm Springs, Calif. and the ceremony was recorded for posterity by ABC TV and carried the next day on Wide World of Sports. Plant and New NCAA Continued McCoy OfFicers from page 1 A final word to the delegates by the Association’s 18th President commended their industry: “This has been a very hard-working convention, perhaps the hardest-working convention I have ever attended, both with respect to the meetings attended and the measures considered and the diligence with which the delegates have exercised their function.” Chosen as Plant’s running mate as Secretary-Treasurer was one of the NCAA’s most respected, best-liked and easily among the nation’s most competent directors of athletics, Ernest B. McCoy, Pennsylvania State University. He moves directly to his new post of service from the Council. He has served with great distinction as Chairman of the former Sports Injuries and Safety committee and as a member of thr University Basketball Tournament committee. Election to sccretarytreasurer gives the astute boss of Penn State athletics his first opportunity to be a member of the NCAA Executive Committee. / J anuary-February-March, 1967 BylawsB3-2-(a), amended to formalize legislative procedures of rules committees. B3-2-(k), two more high school representatives added to Wrestling Rules Committee. B3-3- (b), University Basketball Tournament Committee enlarged to seven members to accommodate Collegiate Commissioners Association’s representative. B4-I-(e)-(Z), enrollment figure for freshman exception in National Collegiate Championship events conformed to figure used for National College Division events. B5-l- (a), NCAA College Division Gymnastics Championships authorized. Seven official interpretations were also dealt with and members are urged to refer to their NCAA Manuals with respect to 0.1. 2- (c) and (d), 0.1. 11, 0.1. 42, 0.1. 101, 0.1. 108 and 0.1. 186. Members are asked to be particu larly careful in any application of 0.1. Z- (c) - (2) which relates, for example, to a student-athlete’s decision to voluntarily sever his connection with a season’s sport activity at some point after he had originally reported for practice with every intention to participate. The language in the application, letterof-intent or tender is very important in any decision regarding gradation or cancellation of institutional aid. Just as important would be the circumstances leading up to the student-athlete’s decision. 0.1. 2-(c)-(l) is not applicable under these circumstances. B. McCoy, Secretory-Treasurer Ernest NCAA’s 3 NCAA MembershipIs AtRecordHigh670 Like the cost of living. but with happier results, NCAA. memberships keep rising. The total has now reached 670 with the addition of 10 institutions this past winter. Included in the record figure are 589 active institutions, 20 associate institutions, 21 affiliated organizations and 40 allied conferences. The present figure represents an increase of more than 110 per cent since 1950 when the membership totaled 317 and is over 10 times as many schools as were present when the organization was founded in 1906. The new active members are: Southhampton Island University, N. Y. College of Long Southhampton, Albuquerque, University buquerque, N. M. Winona Minn. College, I New of, Al- Bryant College, Boston. College, California, Calif. University Central Washington Ellensburg, Wash. Farmington ington, Maine State Haven College, Stale R. I. of, Irvine, State College, College, Monmouth College, Branch, N. J. New Conn. Mass. Providence, Farm- West West Long Haven, Winona, Committee Elections and Appointments More than 50 new members have been elected or appointed to NCAA committees effective in 1967. The majority of these-on 23 different committees-were elected by the 61st annual Convention after having been nominated by the Committee on Committees. The NCAA Council is responsible for the appointment of 20 committees and acts for the membership in filling vacancies between conventions. The responsibility for recommending men to fill vacancies on the Council and Executive Committee rests with the Nominating Committee which must submit its choices to the annual Convention for approval. Two athletic directors and two faculty representatives were elected to the Council at Houston. Frank Carver of Pittsburgh was named to replace Ernest B. McCoy of Penn State as vice-president of District Two and Marshall Turner of Johns Hopkins was selected to replace Jerome Holland of Hampton Institute as a member-at-large. Faculty representatives elected to vice-presidencies were J. William Davis of Texas Tech in District Six and James McCoy of Ohio State in District Four. Davis and McCoy replaced Chris Groneman of Texas A&M and Marcus L. Plant of Michigan, respectively. Outgoing officers Everett D. Barnes and Francis Smiley of Colgate and Colorado Mines, respectively, were elected to the Executive Committee and William J. Flynn of Boston College replaced R. Victor Stout of crosstown Boston University on the same body. The members of the Committee on Committees will be appointed by the Council at its spring meeting and vacancies to be filled at the 62nd annual Convention will be published in a later edition of the News. Changes in the NCAA’s committee membership during 1967 have been as follows: Baseball Rules and Tou,rnament Jack Baer of Oklahoma will replace Tony Sharpe of Nebraska; John 4 Bentley 1 Tit/e NCAA institutional membership is almost split on whether or not any more sports should be added to the national collegiate championship schedule with those favoring additional events carrying the day, 162 to 132, in a recent survey. Voting on the above plus a variety of other questions relating to competitive sports not now carried on the 13-sport, al-event national title schedule in University and College divisions were the Association’s directors of athletics in answer to an NCAA events questionnaire which went out at year’s end. Lacrosse, by a considerable margin, is the most popular collegiate sport in which there is no NCAA title competition, but volleyball got the nod by the narrowest of margins over lacrosse as the event most wanted among those who thought the national championship slate should be expanded. Members Winkin of Colby will replace Joseph Justice of Rollins; both effect,ive September 1, 1967. Basketball Rules-Norvall Neve of the Missouri Valley Conference became chairman, effective January 11, 1967. John Kundla of Minnesota will replace George Ireland of Loyola (Ill.); Edward S. Steitz of Springfield will replace John Bunn of Colorado State College as secretary and rules editor; both effective January 1, 1968. Walt Shublom of Wyandotte High School, Kansas City, Kansas, replaced Harlan F. Carter of Rcdding, California; Jack Kraft of Villanova replaced Jack Ramsey of St. Joseph’s (Pa.); both effective January 1, 1967. College Basketball TournamenL Donald C. Perkins of Chapman will become chairman; Walter Hass of Chicago will replace Richard Koc nig of Valparaiso; Mox Weber of Hamilton will replace Edward S. Steitz of Springfield; all effective September 1, 1967. University Basketball Tournament-Fred Taylor of Ohio State will replace Waldo Fisher of Northwestern. Paul Brechler of the Western Athletic Conference will become a new mcmbcr; both effective September 1, 1967. Fencing Rules and Meet-Robert Kaplan of Ohio State will replacr Maxwell R. Garrett of Illinois, effective September 1, 1967. College FootballpErnest Casale of Temple will replace Ross Smith of MIT; Cecil Coleman of Fresno State will become chairman; both effective September 1, 1967. Football Rules-Ellwood Geiges of the Eastern College Athletic Conference will replace Abh Curtis of the Southwest Conference, effective January 1, 1968. Golf Tournament-Dick McGuire of New Mexico will become chairman; Vie Kelley of UCLA will replace Stan Wood of Southern California; both effective September 1, 1967. Gymnastics Rules and MeetOtto Ryser of Indiana will replace Norman Holzaepfel of Iowa; Carl Patterson of Temple was rcelectcd; both effective September 1, 1967. Ice Hockey Rules and TournamenCAllen Renfrew of Michigan replaced John Mariucci of Minne- New Named sota, effective January 11, 1967. Amo Bcssone will replace R. Victor Stout of Boston University; Herbert W. Gallagher of Northeastern will become chairman; both effective September 1, 1967. Lacrosse Rules-Glenn Penn State was reelected, January 11, 1967. Thiel of elective Skiing Rules and Meet-Sven Wiik of Western Colorado will replace Alan J. Bovard of Michigan Teck, effective September 1, 1967. Soccer Rules and TournamentRobert Baptista of Wheaton will bccome chairman; Tom Treasure of Colorado State University will replace Stuver Parry of Akron; Alden H. Burnham of Dartmouth will replace Charles R. Scott of Pennsylvania; all effective September 1, 1967. Harry Rodgers of Philadelphia, Pa., was appointed Rules interpreter. Swimming Rules and MeetMelvin R. Patterson of Arkansas will replace James McNally of Texas Tech; Fred Stetson of Montana will replace James Schultz of Long Beach State; both effective September 1, 1967. Tennis TournamenCDavid Snyder became chairman; George Toley of Southern California replaced Robert Renker; both effective January 11, 1967. Dale Lewis of Miami (Fla.) will replace Clarence C. Chaffee of Williams, effective September 1, 1967. Track and Field Rules and Meet -Hugh Hackett of New Mexico will hecome chairman; J. Elmer Swanson of Wesleyan will replace Elliot Noyes of Dartmouth; Forrest Towns of Georgia will replace Weems 0. Baskin, Jr. of South Carolina; Bill McClure of Abilene Christian will replace Jack Patterson of Texas; Dwight Reed of Lincoln (MO.) will replace Jack W. Rose of Long Beach State; all eflective September 1, 1967. Wrestling Rules and Tournament -Douglas Parker of Springfield will replace Frank Kapral of the Coast Guard; Kenneth E. Turner of Emory will replace Arnold W. Umbath of Auburn; Marvin Hess of Utah will replace Everett D. Lantz of Wyoming; all effective September 1, 1967. College-William Lacrosse is played at 90 member institutions at least. (Response to the questionnaire was just 358 of the NCAA’s 589 institutional members.) Volleyball is played at 73 and in third place is water polo which was listed by 49 of the colleges and universities answering. Other sports with which the survey dealt were Rugby, played by 48 colleges which answered and handball, 37 colleges. Judo is an intercollegiate sport at 52 colleges, but at Only fOUr iS it administered by the athletic department and at 13 others given some financial assistance by the athletic department. Ninety-seven institutions said they would participate in national comprtition in one of the above listed sports, 227 said they would not. Sports other than those listed in which some interest was expressed were bowling, crew, rifle, weight lifting, rowing, and sailing. R. Maybry of I Southwestern (Tenn.) replaced Marshall S. Turner, Jr. of Johns Hopkins, effective February 24, 1967. Wilford Ketz of Union (N.Y) became chairman; Lew Comer of Hayward State replaced Don Adee of Chico State; both effective January 11, 1967. Competitive Safeguards-J. William Orwig of Indiana was reelected; Walter C. Schwank of Montana replaced James Long of New Hampshire; both effective January 11, 1967. Extra Events-Roy Seils of Denison replaced Kenneth Knox of Southeast Missouri, effective January 11, 1967. Public Relations-Edgar Barrett of West Virginia replaced Bob Hartley of Mississippi State; Les Unger of Rutgers replaced James Tarman of Penn State; both effective January 1, 1967. Television-Thomas J. Hamilton of the AAWU was reelected; H. J. Dorricott of Western Colorado was reelected; Walter Byers of the NCAA was reelected; Cecil Coleman of Fresno State replaced Ross Smith of MIT; all effective January 1, 1967. Jefferson J. Coleman of Alabama replaced James J. Corbett (deceased) of Louisiana State, effectivc February 24, 1967. Accelerated Academic Programs ~ Dean Trevor of Knox became chairman; Frank Carver of Pittsburgh replaced Marcus L. Plant of Michigan; both effective February 3, 1967. Infractions-Harry M. Cross of Washington replaced J. William Davis of Texas Tech, cffcctivc January 1, 1967. Joint Committee on Physical Education and Athletics-Edward L. Jackson of Tuskegee replaced Thomas McDonough of Emory, effective March 10, 1967. Professional Relations-John Eiler of East Stroudsburg was added to the committee, effective March 10, 1967. John D. Bridgers of Baylor replaced James J. Corbett (dccesed) of Louisiana State, effective February 24, 1967. National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame-William M. Edwards of Wittenberg replaced Ray Eliot of Illinois, effective February 24, 1967. More College Bull Pro BusebulPs Rule Interpreted Thun Pro Gumes Pirhaps the most significant item revealed in the recent baseball survey conducted by the NCAA executive office is that there were more collegiate games played last year than in 211 of professional baseball. This, more than any other fact, substantiates the growth of the game on the collegiate level in recent years. Where once players of college age were in the low minors, today they are playing college and amateur baseball. Among the more impressive statistics in the survey of 553 members was the amount of money budgeted for rzllcgiate baseball. Following is a brief rundown: Coaches’ Salaries Student Financial Aid Equipment Travel Field Maintenance Miscellaneous Total $&862,800 1,963,700 1,110,000 1,105,000 832,000 545,400 $8,419,600- Nearly 22,000 athletes participated in collegiate baseball programs in 1966. Of this number, more than two-thirds competed in an intercollegiate varsity contest. In the 12 years since the last survey, participation within the NCAA membership has increased 133 per cent. Of the more than 900 coaches employed by NCAA institutions, over one-third (357) have played professional baseball and approximately two-thirds (607) are employed on a full-time basis. Not all schools indicated they had their own diamond, however, over 400 have at least one field and the estimated real estate value of these fields is over $70 million. PHILIP B. BROWN The gentleman pictured above is the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s official legal counsel in Washington, D. C. A partner in the Washington law firm, Cox, Langford and Brown, the NCAA’s representative in the nation’s Capital has worked with the Association since August, 1965 when the Senate Commerce Committee hearings on the track and field dispute were called. He was named to represent the Association in all Washington matters this past October. Brown, 42, a Middletown, Connecticut native, received his BA from Wesleyan University in 1944 where he was Phi Beta Kappa and Olin Scholar and received his Bachelor of Laws degree from Yale University in 1946. He is a trustee at Wesleyan. NCAA NEWS Alan 8. Shepard, Jr., America’s first astronaut, (right) accepts congratulations and NCAA’s special plaque from past president Robert F. Ray. Applauding in the foreground is Fred Russell, Nashville Banner, toastmaster of the NCAA’s Honors Luncheon. CollegiateCompetition Important to Space Effort “There are two characteristics that I feel are important to me and to the colleagues with whom I associate in that space program. They are physical fitness and a fine sense of selfdiscipline. There is no question in my mind, and I am sure there is no question in the minds of those of ~GU who are gathered here today, that these two characteristics are in fact developed during undergraduate days on the athletic field.” So said Capt. Alan B. Shepard, Jr., USN, America’s first astronaut and the spokesman for the 12 space pioneers honored by the NCAA at the Association’s second annual Honors Luncheon during the 61st convention in Houston. Seven of the 12 men of space singled out by the NCAA for their collegiate varsity sports competition / January-February-March, President Earl Rudder Texas A A M University 1967 were present to receive the special plaques including Lt. Col. Edward H. White, II, graduate of the U. S. Military Academy, a few short weeks later one of three astronauts to be fatally burned on the launching pad in an Apollo project drill. The others honored and present were, in addition to White and Shepard, Capt. Jack R. Lousma, USMC; Dr. Edward G. Gibson, Jr.; Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt, LCDR Joseph P. Kerwin, M.D., USN, and Maj Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., USAF. The five whose duties elsewhere prevented their attending the luncheon were Maj. David R. Scott, USAF; Capt. William A. Anders, USAF; Maj. Edward G. Givens, Jr., USAF; John L. Swigert, and Capt. Alfred M. Worden, USAF. Capt. Shepard is the officer in charge of America’s astronaut group. Scholar Honoree Charles Kirby Colorado School of Mines Professional baseball’s new Rule 3(K) governing signing of college players is subject to the following interpretations as noted by the NCAA’s Committee on Professional Relations: 1. The rule is not retroactive. High school and college players who have been drafted previously fall under the old rule and are eligible to be drafted according to its provisions. If a player has not been drafted previously, he comes under the new rule. 2. Junior colleges are not included in the new rule, but if a player transfers from a junior college to a four-year college, he immediately comes under the new rule. 3. The new rule protects the player who becomes 21 during the school year since he cannot be drafted until the summer meeting. 4. Under the new rule a collegian may not be drafted because he becomes temporarily ineligible for academic reasons. He must not only be out of college more than 120 days, but have been dropped by that college in order to be taken. 5. The 120-day clause likewise is not applicable to the player who enlists or is drafted into the Armed Forces since he is not considered as having been separated from college during such enlistment or draft period. 6. While a collegian, in order to be protected under the new rule, must participate in the collegiate baseball program at his college or university, he does not have to participatc against outside competition as a freshman ta be protected. The rule gives protection to those at all four-year colleges which have a baseball program of any type. 7. Freshman football players who take part in spring football practice are protected if they practice with and/or play in freshman baseball games either before, during or after spring football practice. 8. If an eligible player is not a member of the varsity baseball squad as a sophomore, he can be drafted at the summer meeting or be signed during the summer vacation period whether drafted or not. However, if he starts college in the fall of his junior year, he comes under the new rule. This also applies to his junior and senior years. NCAA Cage Scholarship Winners Able Group Continued from page 1 ward Pearson, California Institute of Technology; Thomas Reid Ward, Jr., University of the South. At-Large Division Gary Michael Gray, Oklahoma City University; John Russell Hamilton, Ohio University; Daniel Boyd Hansard, College of St. Thomas (Minn.); Robert Miller Hardt, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Bruce Victor Parsons, Jr., University of the Pacific (Calif.). Alternates William Victor Backensto, University of Toledo; David Lee Crow, Cornell (Iowa) College; Archibald Currie Johnston, Southwestern College at Memphis; John Anthony Kilo, St. Louis University. NOTEAlternates are listed in the order in which they will replace any student-athletes who do not accept a scholarship. 5 “.--.-.-.._. 11 NCAA Titlists Every section of the country is represented in the winner’s circle at least once as 11 national champions were crowned in NCAA title events during March. The West Coast walked off with the most laurels having five team champions. To the surprise of no one, UCLA won the basketball title, Southern California took the indoor track championship, Stanford recorded an upset win in swimming, UC Santa Barbara copped the College Division swimming title and Portland State was first in College Division wrestling. Denver nipped Wyoming by less than one point to take its seventh straight skiing title and 11th crown in 14 years. Southern Illinois hosted and won the gymnastics meet making it three championships in four years for the Salukis. Michigan State pulled a major surprise by winning the wrestling meet for the first time. Cross-state rival Michigan took runnerup honors marking the first time since 1950 that both Oklahoma and Oklahoma State had finished lower than second. Richard Sanders, a 155pounder from Portland State, was named the outstanding wrestler in both the University and College Division tournaments. INDOOR SKIING IO-Yard D-h--l. Charlie Greene, Nehmaka. 6.0 (tiea NCAA record) ; 2. Glenn ~XIK. Oklahnma; 3. Kent Lnwrenee. Car&: 4. Lennox Miller, Southern California; 6. 0. J. Simpson, Southern California. Earl McCullouch. Q&Yard High Hurdle-I. Southern California. 7.0 (art8 NCAA wrd) : 2. Erv Hall. Villanova; 3. Mike Butler, Wineonsin; 4. Leon Coleman, Winston-Salem Stute ; 6. Gene Washington, Michigan State. 440-Y& DMh-1. Bill Calhoun, Oklahoma. 4R.o ; 2. George Crosby. Loyola : 8. Doug Wither?, Air Force: 4. Don Crawford. Michigan State; 6. Ben Olison, Kansas. 600-Yard Run-l. Steve Carean. Iowa State, 1 :10.2 : 2. Clark Mitchell. New Mexico: 8. T. J. Alhright, Cob&e: 4. Bob O’Connor, Loyola ; ‘6. Pat Wilson, Michigan State. 880-Yard Run-l. Dave Patrick. Villanova, 1:48.8 : (sets world board track remrd) : 2. Jim Ryun. Kanass: a. Pete Farrell. Notre Dame; 4. Rickey Poole, Wisconsin ; 6. Ken Imtigo-Olal. Wisconsin ; 6. Joe Kearney. Manhattan. IOOO-Yard Run-l. Ray Arrfnpton, Wiwonain, 2:07.8 (sets NCAA record) : 2. Bob Zieminaki. Georgetown; 3. Byron DYC~. New York University : 4. Tom Yergovich. Kansan ; 6. Jim Metcalf, Oklahoma State; 6. Jonathan Iwnw. Lafayette. Mile Run-l, Jim Ryun. Karmaa. 9 :68.6 (sets NCAA mcord) : 2. Sam Bair. Kent State: 3. marry Wieczorek. Iowa; 4. Web IKmdat. New Mexico: 6. Mike Williams. Nurth Cnrolinri; 6. Terry Smith, Oregon state. Tao-Mila Run-l. Gerry Lindgren, Washinpton State. 8 :34.7 (sets NCAA record) : 2. horue Scott. New Mexico; 9. Oscar Moore. Southern IllinoL : 4. Glenn Ogden, Missouri: 6. John Celms, Washington : 6. Tom Donnellu. Villanova. Mile R&y -1. Oklahoma (James Shields, Jim Hardwick. Tom Melton. Bill Calhoun). 3 ~16.6 (eeta NCAA record) ; 2. Abilene Christian : 8. Iowa : 4. New Mexico, 6. Villanova. Two-Mile Relay-l. Southern California! (Richard Joyce, Dave Buck. Dennis Carr. Carl Trentndue), ‘I :30.1; 2. Michigan : 3. Manhnttan : 4. Fordham ; 6. Villanova. Dietancs Medley R&y--l. Kansas State (Charles Harper. Terry Holbrook. We, Dot ton. Conrad Nightingale). 9 :44.6 (a& NCAA record) ; 2. Villanova ; 3. Southern California : 4. Miami; 6. Southern Illinois. Rmad Jump1. Aaron Hopkiw. Toledo, 24-79; : 2. Gary Ard. Kansan: 3. Gary Rainwater. Missouri ; 4. JRmes Helton. Utah State: 5. Gary Groff, Tulane. Jump--.l. Ted Downing, Miami, (Resulta of 14th annual meet; Sugarloaf Mountain, Maine: March Z-4.) Slalom-l. Rick Chaffee. Denver, 81.96: 2. Tcrje Overland, Denver: 3. James Paul. We.stern Colorado: 4. Ladd Christensen. Utah : Washington; 6. Bill McCol6. Thor Mjoen. lam. Middlebury; I. Wayne Berg, Montana State: 8. Dennis McCoy. Denver: 9. Ron Fort Sargent. Wyoming ; 10. Jim Toftey, Lwvis. Denver, Den& Downhill ~ 1. McCoy. 2 :11.20 ; 2. Terje Overland, Denver: 8. Ladd Chrhtensen. Utah; 4. James Paul. Western Colorado; 6, Hana Mehren, Dartmouth ; 6. Jim HoeachIer, Colorado: I. Mike Kirol. Wyoming: 8. John Lobitz. Dartmouth : 9. Norm Zachary, Washington; 10. Dan Craig. Utah. Alpine Comhincd-1. Terjc Overland. Denver. 266.88: 2. James Paul. Western Colo4. Ladd rado : a. Dennis McCoy, Denver; Christensen, Utah : 6. Rick Chaffee. Denver : 6. Jim Hoesrhler. Colorado: 7. Bill McCollam. Middlebum: 8. Frank Emery. Western Colorado : 9. Thor Mjoen. Washington; 10. John Lobitz. Dartmouth. Cram Cuantry-1. Ned Gillette, Dartmouth, 1 :04.07 ; 2. Clark Matis, Colorado: and Lewis Matis, Fort Lewis; 4. Nils Sjohcrg. WwhNew. Western Colorado: ington : ‘5. Danny 13. Ole Bergset, Idaho: I. Terry Morse. Middlebury: R. Sandy Cameron. Dartmouth: 9. Helge Bjanland, MIT; 10. Jack Lufkin. Fort Lewis and John Morton, Middlehory. Jumping-l. Bjorn Loken. Utnb, 218.6: 2. George Krog. Denver: 3. Randy Garretson. Denver: 4. Jay Martin. Wyoming : 6. David Jennings. Wyoming: 6. Mate Jenssen. Utah: 7 F. Kalfoss. Montana State; 8. Bruce Jen9. Per Coucheron. DartI;ings. Wyoming: mooth; IO, Chin La. Caaae. Colorado. Nordic Combined-l. Matz Jenssen, Utah, 480.6 ; 2. David Jennings, Wyoming ; 3. James Speck, Dartmouth; 4. Per Coucheron, Dartmouth: 6. Dave Rikert, Williams: 6. Bill Kendall. Dartmooth: 7. M. Devecke. Fort Lewis : 8. Bjorn Loken. Utah ; 9. Larry Gillin. Dartmouth : 10. Chris Guttormaen, Waahington. Skimeister-1. Matz Jensaen. Utah, 865.2 ; 2. Dave Rikert, Williams; 3. Chris Guttormaen. Washington : 4. Erik Pierre. Wyoming : 6. Knut Olherg. Wsahirwton; 6. Peter Karna. IJtah: 7. Chnrle Wolcott, Williama: 8. Norm Washington; 9. Dave Durmnce. Znchary, Denver. Team Scoring-Denver, 3’76.1; Wyomina. 3iG.9 : Dartmouth. al4.0 : Utah, 366.5 : We& em Colorado. 362.2. Middlebury. 366.1 : Washinptan, 3,64.6 : ~illiame, 842.6 : Harvard. 292.0: 336.4 ; Colby, 320.0 : St. Lawrence, Maine. 291.2. 7-O (ties NCAA record) : 2. Steve Herndnn. Miasouri : 3. Ron Toll Oklahoma: 4. Cornelius Lindsey, Cincinnati; 6. Ed Mulvihull. Manhattan. Pole Vaultl. Bob Seanren. Southern Cslifornia, 17-O’/ (eeta NCAA record) : 2. Paul Wilson, SoutRrrn California; 3. Fred Burton. Oklahoma Wichita State: 4. marry Cur& State; 6. Bill Fradick, Southern California. Shot Put-l. Ken Patera, Brigham Young. X9-6: 2. Jack Harvey. Michigan: a. John Florida: 4. Martin Eisner, Kent Morton. State: 6. Rob Wrrwke, Wisconsin. 35-Pound Weight Tb?owp1. Andy Yuerr, Connecticut. Sl-Sy* (set8 NCAA record); 2. Jim Kavanagh. Boston College; 3. Bob BirdConnecticut; 4. Richard Sherman. St. :;:n’. ; 6. Bruce Weberhauer. Manhattan. Team Scoring-Southern California 26 ; Oklnhrma I,: Kansna 16: Villanova 1’6; New Mexico end Wisconsin, 12 : Missouri 9 ; Yichiyan and Connecticut 8: Miami (Ohio) 7. Iowa, Kent State and Loyola (Ill.), 6: Rrivham Young, Iowa State, Manhattan. NC braakn. Kansas State, To140 and Waahington state. 6. Boston College, Michigan State. Georgetown CD. C.), Abilrne Christian nnd Southern Illinois, 4 ; Colorado, Georgia. New York University. Notre Dame. Oklahoma Stati. Florida, Wichita State and Air Force. 3. Cincinnati. St. John’s, Utah State. WinstonSalem Stete and Fordham. 2 : North Carolina, Wuhington and Tulane, 1. 6 NYU probably traveled farthest to win a title by going to San Fernando Valley State at Northridge, California, for the fencing meet. The Violets won for the second year in a row and seventh time in history. Cornell brought more glory to the East by winning the Ice Hockey tournament, the first such title to go to an Eastern school since 1954. Big Red goalie Ken Dryden allowed TRACK (Renulta of third annual meet; Cob0 Hall, Detroit. Michigan : March 10-11.) High from UNIVERSITY DIVISION BASKETBALL (Results of 29th annual tournament. March 11-26.) Flrd Round Princeton 68. West Virvinia 67 R-ton Col. 48. Connecticut 42 St. John’s ‘67. Temple 6S Dayton 69, Western Kentucky 67 (OT) Virginia TRh 82, Toledo 76 HoosLrm 69. New Mexico State 58 Texas Western 62, Seattle 64 Second Round North Carolina 1% Princeton 70 (OT) ~uaton Col. 63, St. John’s 62 Dayton 63. Tennessee 62 Virginia Tech ‘ID. Indiena ‘70 Suuthern Methodist 63, Louisville RI Houston 66. Kansas 63 TJCLA 109. Wyomina 60 P~ciRr (Cal.) 72. Texas Western 78. St. John’s 68 Indiana 61, Tennessee 44 Kansas 70. Louisville 68 ~exnn Wratern 69. Wyoming Princeton Regional 67 Finals North Carolina 96. Boston Cal. 80 Dayton 71, Virginia Tech 66 (OT) 63 All Sections just one goal in the two games, a record, and recorded only the second shutout in the tournament’s 20 years. Winston-Salem overcame a threepoint deficit in the last four minutes to edge Southwest Missouri, 77-74, in the finals of the College Division Basketball Championship at Evansville, Ind. Earl Monroe of the winners scored 40 points in the championship game and 176 in five games enroute to winning the Most Outstanding Player accolade. Certainly the most decisive champions were UCLA and Portland State. The Bruins won all four games in the basketball classic by at least 15 points and never trailed in the second half of any contest. Portland State won the College Division wrestling tournament by a 29-point margin. In the previous four years of the event, no team title had been won by more than five. Records fell rather freely during the month. The indoor tracksters set or tied nine marks including the world record by Dave Patrick of Villanova in the 880. Patrick bested fabled Jim Ryun with a 1:48.9 performance. NCAA swimmers set 11 American records and tied two others. Greg Buckingham and Dick Roth of champion Stanford and Ken Merten cf Southern Methodist each cracked the record book twice, Buckingham at the expense of Yale Olympian Don Schollander. Record crowds totaling 30,956 attended the three-day wrestling finals at Kent State. A total of 345 matmen representing 91 schools participated, both totals being alltime highs. Horrrtrn X.7. Southern Methodist UCLA X0, Pacific 64 2. Don Buzzard, Iowa State; 3. Jack Zindel. Michigan State: 4. Jerry Crenahaw. Stanford: 6. Willie William% Illinois State: 6. Don Parker. St. Col. Iowa. Schlendorf def. Nuzznrd, 6-O. 15 SemifulalE Dayton 76. North Carolina 62 UCLA 78. Houston 68 Third Place Houston 84, North Carolina 62 Heavyweight ~ 1. Gurlcv Culp, Arizona State : 2. Dom Carollo. Adams State. 3. Dave Porter. Michigan: 4. Jeff Richardson, Michiiran State; 6. Tom Beeson. Western Colorado: 6. Granville Ligginn, Oklahoma. Culp pinned Cnrwllo, 0 :61. Team Scoring-Michigan State. 74 : Michigan 63 ; Iowa State. 61; Oklnhoma. 48 : Portland State, 41 : Oklahoma State, 40; Lehigh, 36 : Arizona State. 2’7 : Navy, 20 ; Air Force. 18. Syracuse and Wyoming. 1’7; East Stroudahum and Stanford, 16: Adams State and Colorndo. 16: Minnesota, Oregon State and UCLA. 14; Freano State and Wisconsin. 13. Penn State, 12 : Brigham Young. 11 : Army. Cornell fN. Y.). Toledo and Winona State. 8 ; Mnnkato State. Northwestern. Ohio State. Southern Illinois and Washington State, I. Championship Dayton M&Y Sndlier ObtXV&C Klaus HoODer Torain waterman Sharpenter Samanich Beckman Inderrieden Wannemacher TC¶lTl Totals UCLA Hietz Shackleford Aleindor Allen Warren Nielsen Saoek SLlffer srrner Chrisman Sutherland Lynn T&3Ill TLtala Dayton UCLA Official.-Wirtz FG 2-6 E4 l-2 o-2 4-7 2-7 3-14 4-11 2-6 o-2 o-o o-o o-o o-o o-o 2-4 o-o 2-3 4-G o-o o-o o-o o-o 26-76 -~ 12-16 2-l 6-10 8-12 o-o o-2 4-11 9-23 l-16 8-16 o-1 1-I R 11 1 2 5” 4 i A i 0 i 8 20 ‘61 6 3 18 l-l o-o l-2 : o-o O-l o-o 0 7 _ -- 84-69 11-26 20 : 2 3 3 2 0 6-U 1-l o-1 O-0 O-0 o-o 2-K PF 4 6 2 4 i 8: 19 17 2 ; 1 0 0 1 3 64 44 2” 4 : 2 2 2 0 : - - 16 - 1 19 Colorado State College, Illinois State, Indiana and Moorhead State. 6; Cortland State. Indiana State. Lock Haven. Ohio University. State College of Iowa. Weatern Colorado and Wilkes. 4. Albany (N. Y.) State. Bloomsburg. Coast Cnnrd. Kent State, Kinrrs Point. Mnrauette. Maryland. Miami (Ohio). Princeton. Virginia Tech and Washington (Mo.). 2. Arizona, Colorado Mines, Colorado State University, Franklin and Marshall. Fairlcinh-Dickinson, Illinois, Mhouri, MIT, Mantana State. Seton Hall, Utah. Wexleyan and Y&k. 1. 64 88 41 ~ 79 and DiTomaaao. Attendance - -18,892. UNIVERSITY DIVISION WRESTLING (Xe*ulta of 87th annual tournament; Kent, Ohio; March 23-26.) 115 Pnr,ndel. Richard Sanders. Portland State: 2. Jim Andemon, Minnexota: 3. ROY Arizona State: 4. Ray Sanchez, MrMinn. Wyoming; 6. Bob Rhodes, Colorado : 6. Ron Iwvasaki, Oregon State. Sandws def. AnderSO”, 19-2. 12.1 Poun&~-1. Mike Caruso. Lehigh: 2. Bob Fehra. Michigan: 8. Gary Burner. NRVY ; 4. Gary Walman. Iowa State; ,5. Ed Parker. Indiena State: 6. Bill DeSario. Cortland State. Caruso def. Fehrs. l-6. I30 Poundbl. Harold McGuire. Oklahoma ; 2. Don Brhm, Michigan; 3. Joe Peritore. L+ high ; 4. Jim Hanaon. Colorado: 6. Tim MCc-11. Indiann: 6 John Hansen. Iown State. Me&ire def. Behm, 9-6. 137 Paundsl. Dale Anderson. Michigan Slate; 2. Mannru Yatnhe, Portland State: 2. Gene Davis. Oklahoma State: 4. Runs McAdama. Brinhum Young: 6. Don Ncu. Corm-11; 6. Rick Stuyvoaant. Moorbead State. Anderson def. Yntahe. 10-8 fOT). 145 Pound-l. Don Hendemon. Air Force; 2. Glock, Wiaconeiin: 3. Dale Bahr. Iowa State: 4. Jim Rogers, Oklahoma State: 6. Pete Vnndelofske, Navy: 6. Dale Cnrr, Michigan State. Henderson def. Gluck. 8-1. I62 Pounds .I. Jim Kammnn. Michigan; 2. :X. Charles Seal, Wayne Wella, Oklahum*: Portland State; 4. Len Borcher, Stanford : 6. Jim Tanniehill, Winona State: 6. Phil MCCurtney. Toledo. Kamman drf. Wella. 6-G. 160 Pounds .l. Vie Mrrrcucei. Iowa: 2. clew MrC!ory. Oklahoma: a. Lee Ehrler. UCLA: 4. Fred Stehman. Michigan: 6. John Kwt. Navy; 6. Jerry Stone. Oklnhomn State. Itlarcuui def. MeGlory. 2-1. 16’1 Pounds 1. George Radman, Michigan State: 2. Mike GdeKo, Fr~lno State; 3. Pete Cornell, Michigan : 4. Jeff Smith. Oregon State; 5. Fred Fnirhankx. Washington State; 6. Don Miller, Wyoming. Radman clef. Galkm, 17-R. 17, Pound-l. Fred Fozzard. Oklahoma State; 2. Mike Bradley. Michigan State: 3. Gary Conk. East Stroodaburg: 4. Jim Harter. Army: 6. Allen Bulow. Southern Illinois; 6. Dave Mucka, Moravian. Fozxard dof. Brndlry. 1 o-a. 191 Pouncb~l. Tom Schlendurf, Syracuse: GYMNASTICS (Reaulta of 26th annual meet; Carbondale, Illinois : March 3l-April 1.) Floor Exercisbl. Dave J-ohs. Michigan, 9.460: 2. Sid Freudenstein. California; 3. Kanati Allen, UCLA; 4. Makoto Sakamoto, Southern California ; 6. Sandy Bassfat. UCLA ; 6. Jim Barber. Iown State; I. Steve Cohen, Penn State: 8. Bob Emery, Penn State. Side Horstl. Keith McCanlew.. Iowa. Dave Doty, Arizona; 8. Ken Gordon, Fred S&bum, Long Beach State; 6. Tom Auchterlonie. Springfield: 6. Frank Scardina. Denver and J. Herter, Wisconsin: 8. Blniae Blankn. New Mexim: 9. Dave Boland. Colorado State University. Trampoline ~ 1. Dave Jacobs, Michigan, 9.600 : 2. Wayne Miller. Michigan : 2. Homer Srardina. Iowa State: 4. Tim Clarke. Iowa State; 6. Gary Halveck, Illinois; 6. Steve Chapplr. Illinois. I. ClilP Carcthier, Denver ; 8. Cooke Rollo. Illinois. Horizontal Bar-l. Rich Grigsby, San Fernando Valley State. 9.600; 2. Nell Schmitt, Iowa; 3. Jerry Fontana. Iowa State rrnd Dave Neimnnd. Sacramento State: 6. Rick Tucker. Southern Illinois : 6. E?d Gunny. Miehignn : 7. Fred Dennis, Southern Illinois; R. Uuh Cargill, Springfield : 9. Al Luher. UCLA ; 10. Sid Freudensteim Cnlifornia: 11. Stew Cohen, Penn State. Long Honbl. I’nrll Mnuer. Southern IIlinois. 9.Gl2; 2. Paul Vexler. Penn State: 3. Makoto, Southern California ; 4. Bob Cargill. Springfield: 6. Homer Scardina. Jown State and Sid Freudenstein. California : 1. Bob Dickson, Iowa; 6. Dun EnylLr. SyraCURB: 8. Fred Rodney. Michigan : 10. Tom Aochterlonie. Springfield. Parallel Bancl. Makoto Saknmoto. Southern California. 9.626 : 2. Jerry Crowder. Iown State: 3. Steve Cohen. Penn State; 4. Fred Seihum. Long Beach State; 6. Ron Hamtad. Southern Illinois : 6. Tom Goldaborough. Iowa ; I. Bob Emery. Penn State; 8. Paul Maucr. Southern Illinois : 9. Ike Heller, Iowa. Still Ringbl. Josh Robison, California. 9.600; 2. Steve Cohen. Penn State: 3. Mike Jacki. Iows State; 4. Ed Gunny. Michigan State : 6. Don Kinsw, Michigan State ; 6. Don Hatch. Iowa; 7. Del Strange. Colorado State IJnivemity; 8. Pat Arnold, Arizona. Team ScorIngSouthern Illinois, 189.66 ; Mirhigan. 187.40: lowa, 186.90: Penn State. 1x6.16 ; Iowa State. 1886.6S: UCLA, 182.30; Springfield,. 177.66 : Southern California. 116.16 : Arrrona. 116.50 ; California, llG.96 : Colorado State University. 166.90. 9.600: Iowa; 2. 4. IVATIONAL COLLEGIATE ICE HOCKEY (ResultB of 20th annual tournament, Syracuse, New York, March 16-18) SemiEn& Cornell 1. North Dakota Hoston Univ. 4. Michigan 0 Stnte 2 Condation Miehig&n Stnte 6. North Dakota 1 Championship Cornell, Kinasewich (Death! 1 :26 : 2. Cornell, Stanowskl Stanowski). (Dave Ferguson. Orr). 18 :E.K. PenaltiesCoviello. 1 :G‘Z: P&ttison, 11:0X and 17 :40. Shots on Goal-Cornell 9, Boston Univ.. 12. First Period-l. Second Period-X (Dave Ferguson), Cornell, Doug Ferguaon 12 :41 : 4. Boston Univ., Sobeski (Quinn. Bnesi). 12 :6X PenaltiesKrnasewieh, 2 :Ol : Orr, S :28 ; Sobeaki. 6 :SO ; Cooke, 12 :12 : Althouae. 14 :37 ; Doran. 16 :29 ; Bassi. 17 :32. Shota on Goal-Cornell 16, B@tm Univ. 16. Third Periadd. Cornell, M&&inn (Coviel- lo, Stanowski), 10 :12. Penalties-Orr, five minutes, 3 :09 ; Baasi, 8 :lO ; Orr. 1’6 :27 ; Riley. 17.02 ; Psrkrr, 1l:OZ: Doug Ferguson, g&me misconduct, 17 :O2. Shots on Go&l-Cornell 6. Borton Univ. 6. 211-4 Cornell 0 1 0 1 Boston Univ. COLLEGE (Results DIVISION SWIMMING of fourth annual meet: Commerce, California: March 16-18.) SO-Yard Free&tyltl. Chris Williamal San Diego State, 22.0 ; 2. Fred DeVolp, H&mtlto~~ ; y. Steve Farmer, UC Irvine; 4. Phil Strick. Pncific and John Black. UC Santa Barb&r&; 6. Ron David. Mankato State. loo-Yard Freentyltl. Dave Belknap. UC Irvine. 48.9; 2. Larry Dalton. Indiana State: :r. Mike Gerry. San Diego State and Jim Rants, UC Santa Barb&r& ; 6. Steve Williams. s&n Jose State: 6. Chris Williams. San Diego state. ZOO-Yard Freestyle-l. Mike Gerry, San Diego State. 1:47.4 ; 2. Jim Ranta. UC S&nt& Uarbara; 3. Dave Gray. UC Santa Barbara; 4. L&rry D&lton. Indians State; ‘6. Bob Ned~, UC Irvine; 6. John Moztens~n. UC Sante B&rbara. SoO-Yard Freestyltl. Dave Gray, UC Santa Barbara. 4 :s6.7 (meet record) ; 2. Jim Rant&, UC Santa Barbara; 3. Mike Gerry, San Diego State; 4. Pat Glnsgow, UC Irvine: 5. Bill Leach. UC Irvine; 6. Terry Finwane. UC Ssnta Barbara. 1650-Ysrd Freestyle-l. Dave Gray. UC Snnta Barb&r&, 17 :27.8 (mrt record) : 2. Pat Glrragow. UC Irvine: S. Bill Leach, UC Irvine; 4. Bob McMurray. CorCl&nd State; 6. (:wrye Tomlinson, S&n Diego State: 6. Bob Smith. Chico Stnte. loo-Yard Backstroke-l. Steve Olsen. Sorinyficld nnd Nelson Shibaaaki. We&tern Colorado. 66.3: 3. Bill Burke, Catholic: 4. Mike Tomberlin. East Camlina: 6. Bill Bnmn. Trlnlty; 6. Ted Msthewson, San Jose St-&t=. ZOO-Yard Rackatmke-1. Bruce Mohl. Hamilton, 2:06.&z 2. Nelson Shib&saki. Western Colorado : 3. Mike Tomberlin. East Camline; 4. Bill Burke, Cstholie : 6. Rill Suk. American ; 6. Rick L&Rose. Brnrkport State. loo-Yard Buttrrfly-1. Doug Russell. Arlington State. 61.8 : 2. Phil Striek. Pacific: :x Bry&n R&thke. Evansville: 4. Bob Sharp,, IJC Irvine; ‘5. Malcolm Bears, Oneonta State: 6. Mike IIamilton. East Csrolins. ZOO-Yard Butterfly -- 1. M&lcolm Bears. Onroots St&te. 2 :02 ; 2. Mike Hamilton. E&at Cnwrlina: 3. Pat Glasgow. UC Irvine; 4. 6. Steve Mnrk Uruce. San Diego State; 111ubery. San J-e State; G. Tom Knopf. Santa Cl&r&. loo-Yerd Rreaststroke~ I. Dick Nesbit. Arlington State, 1 :00.3 : 2. Greg Kalmbach. Ken,T,,,: 3. John Moore. Kenyon: 4. Cal Percy, la&ho State; 6. Terry Harper, Fresno State; fi. Bill Keller. Kenuon. ZOO-Yard Breaststroke-l. Dick Nesbit. Arlington State. 2 :19.0 ; 2. Greg Kalmbnch, Kenyun: 3. Mikr Honig, IJC Sant& Barbara; 4. Harry R&ugher. Catholic; 6. Charlea Dean, Brockport State; 6. Terry Harrier, Freano state. ZOO-Ysrd Individual Medley-l. Doug Russell, Arlington Stnte. 2:OO.g: 2. Bruce Mohl. Hrrmilton: 3. Chuck Spink. UC Snots Barb&r&: 4. Harry Baugher. Cntholic ; 6. Bill Suk. American: 6. Mike Honig. UC Sant& Barbnra. 400-Yard Individual Medley-l. Harry R&ugher, Catholic, 4 r26.1 (meet record) ; 2. Rruce Mohl. IIamilton: 8. Mike Honig. UC Santa Bnrbars : 4. Mark Bruce. San Diego State: 6. Chuck Spink. UC Sante Barbara; 6. Rick Hill. Esstem Kentucky. One-Meter Diving-l. Les Gerber. East Cnrolina, 382.10: 2. Brian Robbin?. Arlington State; 3. Gordon Brynnt. Evan~vrlle; 4. Bob Wilhite. UC Irvine; 6. Jim Lilligan. Evansville; 6. Dennis Spanek. San Diego State. ThrebMetcr Diving-l. Bob Wilhite. UC Irvine, 410.50; 2. Urian Rabbi+ Arlington State. 3. Greg DeCriatof.sro. Pacifre : 4. L&TTY Hrmnnn, Los Angeles State: 6. Greg Rose. Los Angeles State: 6. Dick Tobin. East Csrolina. 4oo-Yard Freestyle Relay-l. UC Irvine ,Steve Farmer. Bob Sharp. Robert Nraly, D&w Belknnp). 3~14.9; 2. San Diego State: 3. UC Santn H&rbare ; 4. San Jose State: 6. Kcnyon: 6. Ohio Wesleyan. X00-Yard Freestyle Relay-l. UC Santa Il;lrb&r& (Chuck Spink. Craig Tempey. Ken yezan, John Mortmam). 7 :24 : 2. San Jose St&te: 3. UC Irvine; 4. Arlington State: 6. Chico Stste; 6. San Diego State. 4UO-Yard Medley Relay-l. Arlington State (Doug RushelI, Richard Nesbit. Ed B&not, Emrat Siefert). 339.6 (meet record) : 2. San JOJ~ State: 3. San Diego State: 4. UC Irvine: E.. Cptbolic; 6. UC Santa Barbara. Team Scoring-UC Santa Rarbara, 266%; UC Irvine. 246. Ssn Diego State, 203% : S&n Jwe State. 160: Arlington Stnte. 162’h: East Carolina. 96; Kenyon. 84: Catholic ID.C.), 81 : Chico State. 6R: Pacific (Calif.). 60’,$. Hemilton. 66 : Evansville, 49: Oneonte State. 42; Western Colorado. 38%; Fresno NCAA NEWS CliAMPlONSHIP SUMMARIES State. 37 : Springfield, 33% : American. 29 ; Indiana State, 24; Los Angeles State. 21. Sound. 19; Brockport State. 1y: puget Id&ho State, 1X1/,: Trinity (Corm.), 16’h: Eastern Kentucky. 16; Santa Cl&r% I6 : Cortlxnd State. 16 ; UC Davis. 14: Denisun, 12; Long Beach State. 10. Mankato State. 9; San Fernando Vallcv State, X; S&n Francisco State, 6, Younzsm town. 6i DePauw, 4, C&l Tech. 3 ; Southern Con”retleut, 3. ton 43. Army 41; Chic&go 36 ; Ohio Shte 34 ; Yale al. UCLA 31: Buff&lo 30; UC Riverside ;8! Long Berrch 26; San Francisco 2G: Miehigad State 26; San Franci.sco State 24; Sacramrnto State 20: San Fern&m% Valley State 20. Kansas 18. Cleveland State 14; North Carolina State 11: North C&rolin& 11; Cal Tech 9 : UC Santa Bazbara 9: Cal Polv (San Luis Obispo) 6; Uiivham Ybung 4. - COLLEGE COLLEGE DIVISION WRESTLING (Rerulb of titth annual tournament; WilkesBsrre, Pa.; March 10-11.) 115 Pounds-l. Richsrd Ssndera. Portland State; 2. John Garcia, Cal Poly (SLO): 3. Davzd Eberhard. llllinois State; 4. Al Ogdie. M&ok&to State. 6. Ewrette Hill. Wheaton ; 6. Steve Tipton. Colorado Mine% Sanders pmned Garcia, 7 :4X. 123 pound-1. warren Crow. Albnny (N. Y.) State: 2. Glen Younger, Western Colorado; 3. Kcmpf. Kings Point; 4. James Burch. Ashland: 6. Mike Howe, Mankato State; 6. Billy Paddock, Color&do Minea. Crow def. Younger, 7-6. 130 Pound-l. Bob Soulek. Mankato State; 2. Dale Stryker, Western Colorado; 3. Gerry Smith, Sooth Dakota State; 4. Rich Green. f’ortland State; 6. David Kling. IndIana (I’&.) : 6. Ken Frus. Illinois State. Soulek def. Stryker, 13-6. 137 Poundel. M&saru Yatabc, Portland State; 2. Jerry Uond. St. Col. 10~0.; 3. Gene Morrison. Colorado Mines; 4. Paul Stehman. Northwest Missouri; 6. Tom Sowlea, Mank&to St&t.e; 6. Dave Mentzer, Drcxel Tech. Yatabr def. Bond, 6-2. 145 Pounds -~.. 1. Uob Wend+, Mankato State; 2. Robert W&ligunda, Syrrnglirla; 3. Freeman Garrison, Portland State: 4. Dnvid Lindhjem. Old Dominion; 6. Bill Rex. Northwest Mixsour,; 6. Kent Wyatt. Cal Poly (SLO). Wendel def. Waligunda, 7-O. I52 Pounda-1. Clerence Seal. I’ortlnnd State; 2. Frank Peraino. Springfield; 3. Ron James, NorthweRt Missouri; 4. Bryan Lamb% Oneonta State: 6. John M,ller. Cal Poly (SLO) : 6. Gordy Frisch. Gust&vu Adolphus. Seal pinned Peraino, 4 :68. 160 Pounds-l. Don Morrison. Colorado Mines; 2. Joe Wiendl. Wilkes: 8. Curtis Sexton. lllinois St&te; 4. Jim Soulek. M&ok&to State; 6. Rick Evans. Gustavus Adolphus; 6. Neal Sk&&r, Luther. Morrison pinned Wiendl, 4 :on. 167 Pounds.1. Mike G&llsgo, Fresno State : 2. Jon MeNitt, South Dakotr State; 3. H&l Gritzmacher. UW Milwaukee; 4. Dick Cook. Wilkes: 6. Bob Way. Eastern Michigan; 6. William Miller, Hampden-Sydney. Gallego def. MeNitt. 6-Z. 171 Pound-l. Don Parker. St. Col. Iowa: 2. Robert Flayter. UW Milwaukee: 3. Robert G~bmn, Deniaon: 4. Dnve Muck&, Moravian; 6. Tony Cempbell. Portland Stz,te: 6. Denny Sager. Gustavus Adolphus. Pnrker def. Flauter, 6-3. 191 Pounds-l. Willie Williams. lllinois Strrte: 2. Mike MeKeel. Portland State: S. Tom Kline, C&l Poly (SLO) : 4. Fred Johnson. Awustrna (Ill.) : 6. Peter Middleton. Morningside; 6. Rarry Gold. Wilkes. Williams def. McKee], S-4. Hewywdght-1. Bob Kellogg, MacMorra~; 2. Kent Osboe, St. Col. Iowa; 3. Tom Uewm, Western coloeado ; 4. David McDowell. Wheaton: 6. Storm Goranson. San Frnncisco State; 6. Don Huffer. 6. W. Post. Kellogg def. Osboe. 6-4. Team ScorinpPortland State, 86; Mank&to State. 61 : St&te College of Iowa, 40: Co!orndo Mines. Illinois State and Western Colorado, 36; C&l Poly (San Luia Obiapo). 34; South Dakota State and Wilkes. 26; Sprinufield. 23. UW Milwrukee. 22: Northwest Missouri. 20 : MncMurray. 1’7 : Fresno State. 15 ; Albany (N.Y.) Stste. 13; Guatavus Adolyhus and Wheatun. 12 ; August&n& (Ill.). 11: Denlson. f;;p 9’oint. Old Dominion and Oneonta Ashland. R : Luther asa Went Chester 7; C. W. Post, Eastern Michigan. Mor&;ian. Morningside and San Francisco State, 6: Chico State and Drexel Tech. 4. Allegheny. August&n& (SD.). B&l1 State. Brockport State, Hampden-Sydney, Inainna (Pa.). Llnculn (Pa.), Lycoming, South Dakota and Wooster, 2. Clarkann. Cleveland State. Eastern Illinois. Eliznbethtuwn, Fort Lewis, John Cerroll. I*,ng Beach Stnte. Maryville. Oswego State. UC Davis and Western Marylsnd. 1. FENCING (Results of the 23rd annual meet; Northridge, California: March 30-al-April 1.) S&br+l. Todd Makler. Pennsylvania. 26-2 : 2. P&u1 Apostol. New York Univ.: 3. Paul ,Hsrvard: 4. John Swanson. Air Profeta. Force : 5. Dimitri Merdiunzen. Temple: 6. Andy Haliw, Wayne State: I. Dave White, Illinois: 8. Joe Paaula. Princeton: 9. John Holly. Navy; 10. Frank Emihovich, Columbia. Epee 1. George Mssin, New York Univ., 24-S : 2. Frank Hewitt. Navy : 3. Dan Cantillon, Detroit: 4. Steve Donlnn. Notre Dnme; 5. Don Siej&. Cornell: 6. Rick B&urn&n, Wiaeonsin: ‘I. Bert Pcarlman. Columbia: 8. John Houston, Buffalo; 9. Ron MeMahan. Pennsylvania; 10. Steve Knodle. Chic&go. Foil-l. Mike Gaylor, New York Univ.. Bfi-6 : 2. Gerard &pond&. San Frnnriaco: 3. Art Uear, Columbia. 4. Don Motr. Air Force; 6. Steve Bernard, CCNY: 6. Joe Cohen. Temple; 7. Steve Permut. Pennsylvanin: 8. John Crikelair. Notre Dame: 9. Armando Hereaia. Nnvy: 10. Ch&rles Suritz. Illinois. Team Scoring-New York University 72: Pennrylvania 64 : Columbia 63 ; Navy 62 : Air Force 68: Notre Dame 66; Cornell (N. Y-) 66 ; Temple 65 ; CCNY 64 ; Harvard 62. Wisconsin 62 : Illinois 49 ; Detroit 41; Wayne Stete (Mich.) 46; Rutgers 44: Prinee- / January-February-March, 1967 (Results DIVISION BASKETBALL of 11th annurl tournament. March 7-17.) Fint Round Assumption 87, American Int. 86 (30T) St. .Michael’a 70. Northeastern 61 Crntral Corm. YIJ. Buff&lo St. 12 Long Island 86, Rochester 76 Consol*tion9 Northeastern 80, American Int. ‘63 Rochester 76. Buffalo St. ‘70 Second Round St. Michael’s 77. Assumption 63 Long Island 114. Central Corm. 66 Akron 98. Mt. St. Man’s 72 Winston-Salem 91, Baldwin-Wnllace 16 Phil&. Textile 90. Wagner 86 (OT) Cheyney St. 76, Drexel Tech 63 KY. Wesleyan 611.Stetson 65 So. Carolin& St. 66: Tennessee St. 69 Southwest Misaourl 83, Arkansas Al kl&N Lincoln (Mo.) 93, Arkansas St. 80 Indian& St. 10~. Luther 88 Valparaiso 89. Southern Colo. 62 San Diego St. 101. Portland St. 13 Nevada Southern 1OU. UC Davis 88 Louisiana Tech X6. North Dakota 17 Illinois St. 72. Parsons 68 80 Consulation,s Baldwin-Wallace 106. Mt. St. Mary’s 82 Wagner 61, Drexel Tech G3 Tennessee St. fiG. Stelson 63 Ark&or&s St. 106, Arkansas AM&N 93 Luther 99. Southern Colorado 78 UC Davis 81. Portland St. 61 North Dakota 107. Persona 66 Regional Fin& loo-Yard Long Island 72. St. Michael’s 64 Winston-Salem 88. Akron 80 Cheyney St. 80, Phila. Textile 64 KY. Wesley&n 8’7. So. Carolina St. 70 Southwest Missouri X7. Lincoln 77 Valparaiso X0. Indiana St. 77 San Diego St. 88, Nevada Southern ‘71 Illinois St. 89, Louleiane Tech 66 Winston-Salem 62. LOng Island 64 KY. W~~leyan 66. Cheyney St. 63 Southwest Missouri X6. Valparaiso 72 Illinois St. 77. San Diego St. ‘76 (3 OT) seminn&l& Winston-Salem 82, Ky. Wea1e~s.n 78 Southwest Miasourl 98, Illinois St. 76 Third KY. Wcsleuan ;in;n;;-Salem English Reid Monroe Smiley TeaIll Tot&Is SW Missouri Bolden Carlaon Shepherd Gummersbach Shennxbhnn Bsncroft Jenkins Team PIace 112. Illinois St. 73 ch?$“M$ ,” 66:; 16-30 4-10 l-6 o-1 S-16 2-2 _ 33-64 _~ 11-23 11-21 l-9 8-14 6-14 4-6 2-6 l-2 6-6 l-2 4-Y o-o o-o o-o O-O 10 12 4 : 40 12 7 10 1 2 2 6 9 Totals 32-71 lo-16 48 37 40 Winston-Salem 34 40 SW Missouri Officisls-Wedge and Strauthera. dance-6.041. P: T; 4 3 4 2 1s 12 40 10 ~ 16 ~ 77 4 1 3 21 3 20 10 8 4 2 : ,” UCLA, 16:ll.G (sets American, NCAA and meet records) ; 2. Greg Buckmgham, Stsnford ; 3. ike Wall. St&nford; 4. Carl Robie, Michigan ; 6. Steve Danielson. Southern Crrlifornia ; 6. Sandy Gilchrist. Southern California; 1. Duna Curtis. Tex&s ; 8. Bob Windle. Indians ; 9. Ed Glick. Michigan State: 10. Mike Geribsldi. Utih; 11. Ken Webb, Indiana; 12. Dave Heim. Maryland. lOO-Y&rd B&ckstrok-1. Charlie Hickcox, Indiana, 58.11: 2. G&ry Dilley, Michigan State; S. Ruse Klngery, Michigan ; 4. James O’Malley, Colorado State Univ.; 6. Charles Southern Methodist; 6. Terry Ne”~lln, Craig, Utah; 7. Dennis Dale. Minnesota; 8. Fred Dannemann, North Carolin&: 9. Ron Wirth, North Carolinr State; 10. I’ete Skoglund. Northwestern ; 11. Tim Birnie. Southern Methodist: 12. Dick Marshall. Southern Methodist. 200-Yard Backstroke-1. Charlie Hiekeox. Indiana, 1 :G6.3 (sets American. NCAA and meet records) : 2. Jim Malley. Colorado State Univ.: 3. Gary Dilley. Michigan State; 4. Russ Kingery. Michigan; 6. Dick Marsh&ll. Southern Methodist; 6. Dick Roth. Stanford; 7. Uill Utlry. Indrana: 8. Martin Knight, Minnesota : 9. Tim Birnie, Southern Methodiat; 10. Pete Williams. Michigan State; 11. Kerry O’Har&, Army; 12. Greg Westcott. Southern Celifornia. lOO-Y&rd Bre&stitralrs - 1. Ken Merten, 68.4 (rreb American. Southern Methodist. NCAA nnd meet records) : 2. Russ Webb, UCLA; 3. Wayne Anderson, Southern Celifoxnia; 4. Dave Perkowski. Indinna: 6. Paul Scheerer, Michigan; 6. Mike Buckley. Yale; 7. Bill Charhonneau, Southern Methodist: X. Gerald Pearson, Southern Illinois; 9. Bob Momsen, Stanford ; 10. Alan Richardson. Yale; 11. Tom Bryant. Georgiu: 12. Kip l’ope, Illinois. ZOO-Yard Breaststroke 1. Ken Merten, Southern Methodist, 2 :07.Y (sets American. NCAA and meet records) ; 2. Bob Momsen. Stcnford : 3. Wayne Anderson. Southern C&lifornia; 4. Paul Scheerer. Michiuan: 6. Russ Webb. UCLA; 6. Dave Perkowaki. Indiana; 7. Paul Jellera, Southern California: 8. Mike Buckley. Yale: 9. Steve Seigler, Air Force; 10. Bill Charbonneau. Southern Methodist. 17 74 17 14 Atten- UNIVERSITY DIVISION SWIMMING (Results of the 44th annual meet: East Lansing. Michigan ; M&reh 28-26.) LO-Yard Fremtylbl. Z&ck Zorn, 21.12; 2. Don Havens. Southern California; 3. Bob Uoyer. uregon: 4. Ed Mossoti, Southern Illinoia; 6. Robin Waples, Yale: 6. Steve Retyeh. North Carolina State; 7. Pete Worthen, North Carolina: 8. Doug Kennedy, Yale; Y. Bill Graft. Michigsn; 10. James Burwell, Duke; 11. Phil Denkevitz, Maryland: 12. Dan M,lne, Purdue. 109-Yard Freestyle-l. Ken Walsh. Micbiy&n State, 46.6 (ties Americrn record. sets NCAA and meet records) ; 2. Don Havens, Southern California; 3. Znck Znm. UCLA: 4. Don Schollnnder. Yele; 6. Mike Fitzmnurice. Villanova ; 6. Robm Waples. Yale: 7. Bill Meyer. Stanford: 8. Steve Rerych. North Carolina State: Y. Jim Laney. Stsnford : 10. Bryan B&tern&n. Indian&; 11. Fred Irogan. Wisconsin ; 12. Dennis O’Connor, Colorado State Univ. ZOO-Yard Freeetylbl. Greg Buckingham. Stsnfora, I :41.3 (sets Americsn, NCAA snd meet record) ; 2. Don Schollander. Yale: 3. Bill Johnson. Southern California: 4. Mike Fitzmaurice. Villanova; 6. Mike Wall. Stanfora : 6. Bob Baehman. Illinois ; I. Dean Willelord, Southern California; R. Steve Rerych, North Caroline State; 9. Bob Windle, Indiana; 10. Jay Williams. Army: 11. Ken Walsh. Miehican State: 12. S&nay Gilchrist. Southern California. 500-Yard Freestylbl. Greg Buckingham. Stanford. 4 :31 (sets American. NCAA sod meet records) : 2. Mike Burton, UCLA: 3. Carl Robie. Michignn; 4. Steve Dnnieleon. Southern California ; 6. Dean Willeford. Sobthern California; 6. Mike W&II. Stanford: 7. Ken Walsh. Michignn State; 8. Bob WindIe. Indirmrr; 9. Sandy Gilchrist. Southern Cslifornia. 10. Erik Korazold, Wyoming. 1650-Yard Freeetyls - 1. Mike Burton. Buttertly-1. Roan Wales. Prinee- ton, KU.2 (ties American. NCAA and meet reconla) : 2. I.uis Nicnlso. Stanford; 3. Phil liiker, North Carolina: 4. Bill Johnson? Southern California: 6. John Russell, Miami (Ohio) : 6. Steve Macri, Florida: 7. Don Spencer, Minnesota : 8. Lea Bisbeq, Michigan : 9. Stan Cole, UCLA: 10. John Lmdley, Wiswnsin ; 11. Morgan Alsup. Dartmouth: 12. Gary Langendoen, Texas. 200-Yard Carl Rohie. Michinan. 1:62.69; 2. Rosa Wales. Princeton: 3. Mike Burton, UCLA; 4. Toomss Arusw, Miehigsn : 6. Kevin Berry, Indian&; 6. Lois Nicalao, Stanford ; I. Phil Rikef, North Carolina; 8. John Lindley, Wisconsm: 9. Vernon Slovm. Southern Methodist; 10, Barry Russo, Florida; 11. Mike Siebert, Southern Califomia: 12. Gary L&.ngendoen. Texan. ZOO-Yard Individual Medley-l. Dick Rath. Stanford. 1:66 (sets American. NCAA and meet records) ; 2. Bill Utley. Indian&; S. Pete Siebert. Stanford; 4. Frrnk Bates, Southern Crrlifornia; 6. Bill Johnson, Southern CallState: 7. fornia; 6. Pete Wiliama. Michigan Martin Knight, Minnesot&i 8. Tony Gleneon. Southern California: 9. Mike Siebert, Southern California: 10. John Culvert. North Carolina State; 11. Mike Fitsmaurice. Villanova. 400-Ysrd Indirldurl Medley-l. Dick Roth. Stsnford. 4 :12 (sets NCAA and meet records) : 2. Bill Utley. Indiana : 3. John Calvert. North Carolina State ; 4. Mike Siebert. Southern Californi.; 6. Fete Siebeti, Stanford : 6. John Porter, Southern California; 7. Pete Williams, Michigan State; 8. Frank Bates, Southern California; 9. Dean Willeford, Southern Califarnie; 10. Ken Webb. Indinna; 11. Dave Johnson, Yale; 12. Paul Jeffem, Southern Californis. One-Meter Diving-l. Ken Sitzberger, Indiana. 510.26 : 2. Chuck Knorr. Ohio Sbte; 3. Win Young, Indiana; 4. Kim Kirklin, Ohio State; 6. Fred Brown. Michigan: 6. Julian Kruh. Wisconsin: 7. Luis Nino de Rivera, Indiana: 8. Jay Me&den. Michig&n; 9. Nick Carlton, Indiana: 10. Duane Green, Michigan Shte; 11. Fred Whiteford. Michigan State. Three-Meter Diving-1. Ken Sitsbergcr, Indiana. 672.66: 2. Win Young, Indiena; 3. Chuck Knox. Ohio State; 4. Julian Krug. Wisconsin; 6. John Meaden. Michigan: 6. Harry Robbins. Southern Methodist: I. Bob Walmsley. Mirhigpn; 8. Fred Brown. Michigan ; 9. Holt Manesa. Princeton; 10. Nick Carlton. Inclmm: 11. Pete Rhodos. Indienn. 400-Y&rd Fr-tyle Relay-l. Stanford (Lois Nicolao. Bill Meyer, Morgan Manning, Jim Laney), 3 :04.9 (aem American. NCAA and meet records) : 2. Y&l=; 3. Southern California; 4. Michignn SLate: 6. UCLA; 6. North Carolins : 7. Michigan : 8. Indiana ; 9, IJteh: 10. Oregon : 11. Southern Illinois; 12. NEW. EOO-Yard Freeetyle Rel&y--1. Stanford (Dick Roth, Pete Slebert. Mike W&11, Greg Buckingham). 6 :64.6 (set& American. NCAA &nd meet records: 2. Southern California: 8. Indiana: 4. Ynle: 6. Michigan; 6. Southern Methoaixt: 7. Michisnn StRte: 8. Utsh; 9. Minneanta: 10. Washington : 11. Texas ; 12. UC Ssnta Barb&n. POO-Yard Medley Relay-l. UCLA (Mike Bergcr. Russ Webb, Stan Cole. Zaek 7firn). 3 :29.6 (sets American, NCAA md meet retorda) : 2. Southern Methodist: 3. Indisna; 4. Stanford : 6. Yale: 6. not awarded due to di~qualifimtion : 7. Southern California : 8. Michigan : 9. Minnesota; 10. North Carolin& ; 11. Army. Team Scoring-Stanford 275 : Southern California 260: Indian& 249: Michignn 1R4 : IJCLA 148; Yale 136 ; Southern Methodist 127 ; Michigan State 116 ; North Carolina 65 ; Minnesota 42. North Carolina State 38 : Ohio Stnte 36: Princeton 33 : Ut&h 32 ; Wisconsin 30: Colorado State University 25; Villsnova 23 ; Southern Illinois 20 : Oregon 18 ; Texas 13. Illinois and Florian 12 : Miami (Ohio) 10 : Army Y : W&shington 6 ; Air Force 4 : Northwestern. Maryland. Wyoming nnd Duke 3. Navy, Dartmouth. Georgia and UC Snnta Bnrbara. 2: ruraue 1. 7 suo!+D+ardre+u~ s1f-y li”q=s~9 OJd JaMO~UaS!~ 01 PJDMV &al pa+S!l SJaqUIaW aa++!UUO-J s+psaa M ’N d!ysuo!dumyD weds Ja+u!M L96 1 pa+sg suq+qf uo!+uaAuo~ sJ=‘!HO ‘bDW dnoJg +s 19 VV3N M=N PUD +‘JDld alqV d!ysJnloW sJauu!M =f% VV’3N ‘i6!H M=N +V axmlduro3 9-l . . . anogG w “G S()Lj79 !JnOSS!W ‘& SDSlJD>( ‘allll~A~ JJOU!(lbfj LZZ[ t6Lt ‘ON ~l”lJod ‘OW ‘ND SVSNVY alvd ‘5 -I-I UO!lDZ!LdhO (~,OJd-“ON 33VlSOd Site or Host Event Event Sports Site or Host Arbitration Board New York, Date New York May l-2 Atlantic College Division Baseball Championship Baseball Rules Committee National College Division Golf Championships Long Island University Brooklyn, New York Omaha, Nebraska -....~~Murray State College Paducah, Kentucky - ~-~ . _ .._.-~~~. Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska ~_ -__.^_~_~~~ Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois Chicago, Illinois May 4-5 Chicago, Illinois May 5-6 Illinois --California State College Los Angeles, California May 5-7 May 12-13 National Collegiate Baseball Championship -~~ -.. National Collegiate Tennis Championships To be determined May 19-20 U. S. Track Coaches Association Provo, Mt. St. Mary’s College Baltimore, Maryland May 19-20 Brigham Young Provo, Utah Pacific College Division Track Championships California Hayward, May 20 National Collegiate Track Championships -~-.-__-._~~ National Collegiate Golf Championships Television Chicago, Executive Extra Committee Events Committee Council Chicago, Pacific College Division Tennis Championships Pacific College Division Baseball Championships Atlantic Track College Division Championships Committee - State College California May 23-24 Illinois National Association Collegiate Directors Athletics of Date Utah University University of Pennsylvania Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa. ~“Learnington Hotel Minneapolis, Minn. June 9-10 -_--June lo-11 June 12-16 June 12-17 June 12-17 June 13-15 June 15-17 June 19-24 June 20-21 Midwest College Division Golf, Tennis, Track Championships State College of Iowa Cedar Falls, Iowa May 27 Mideast College Division Baseball Championship Illinois State University Normal, Illinois June 2-3 Mideast College Division Track Championships Eastern Michigan U. Ypsilanti, Michigan June 2-3 Basketball Committee Colorado Springs, Colorado -~_.-,_~-_~ University of Minnesota Pan American Minneapolis, Minnesota Gymnastics Trials Midwest College Division Baseball Championship Arkansas State University Jonesboro, Arkansas June 2-3 Pan American Wrestling Trials University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota July 8-15 Atlantic College Division Tennis Championships Rider College Trenton, New Jersey June 5-7 Col. Basketball July 13-15 14-15 University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois June 6-10 Pan American Track and Field Trials July National College Division Tennis Championships To be determined -.University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Pan American Winnepeg, July 24-Aug. National Track Weber State College Ogden, Utah College Division Championships U. S. Track Federation Championships USTFF Governing Collegiate Council Commissioners Chicago, Illinois June 27-28 To be determined July l-6 ~I_~ July 5-8 -. July 7-10 Univ. ~- University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico _- .June 9-10 June 9-10 Public CoSIDA College Committee Games Relations Committee Convention Committee Canada Chicago, Illinois July 30-31 Chicago, Illinois Aug. l-4 San Francisco, California Aug. 8-9 5