Joyeux Noël (and Blessed Advent)


December 2015


The angel answered Zechariah,

“I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to bring you this Good News.”

~ Luke 1:19



Faces of Saint Gabriel



Quiet Day

Christmas Service for the



4 Children’s Ministry update

5 MPACT news



Dave Doty Christmas


SROW Lite Project C.U.R.E.


7 Thank you

Coffee Hosts


8 From the Parish Register

9 Vestry Highlights

10 Celebrations

11 Calendars

Editor: Sarah Dougherty

Proofreaders: Katie Mazerov

& Chris Ditzenberger

Editorial oversight:

Chris Ditzenberger

Volume 3, Issue 11

Submissions most welcomed!

Joyeux Noël (and Blessed Advent)

S omehow, in French, Joyeux Noël has a more appealing sound to it than our “Merry Christmas.”

Perhaps because it joins together the sense of joy and the nativity of our

Lord Jesus, it seems fresh to me.

Adult Formation, we’re taking our cues from the Hebrew scriptures in the series

“ Maranatha : Come, Lord Jesus .”

Every year we seem to move up the

Christmas holiday season one additional week. In doing so, the commercial side of the holiday can easily eclipse what for Christian people is a highly significant and sacred event.

A commercial Christmas is frenetic, emotionally draining, and seems almost to hijack the sacred; it’s not the inspiring, joyful, proclamation of Good

News that we believe the birth of Jesus achieves.

Yet, don’t we find it easy to capitulate to the culture that asks, “Why wait?” Why be restrained when now is the time to celebrate? What about the parties, the galas, corporate dinners, the holidays on ice and performances of The


Christian people, especially those of a sacramental, liturgical lineage such as ourselves, are called to walk a different path towards Christmas. In the weeks to come, we at Saint Gabriel will observe Advent first followed by

Christmas in the order that the Church long ago established as the best possible pathway.

My advice, if asked, would be simply to enjoy the festivities but to leave room for preparation, leave room for quiet contemplation of the Word made flesh.

We find ourselves torn. To my mind, the Church’s Advent season highlights the way in which, as followers of Christ

Jesus, we are called to a different kind of worldliness. A worldliness that waits patiently for the coming Messiah; enjoying the good things of creation while being attentive to the needs and concerns of those around us. We hear

Mary’s response to Gabriel’s news, “My soul magnifies the Lord” and our hearts make room and are magnified for the coming Savior. Then and only then do we join with the Magi who, “opening their treasures, offered him gifts.”

I admit that we may find ourselves torn.

On the one hand, Advent calls us to a season of preparation. In our liturgies we intentionally refrain from singing

Christmas carols until December 19.

This year, the greening of the nave will occur on December 19. Our Sunday readings have more than a hint of self-examination, repentance and penance in anticipation of the Lord’s return. On Sunday mornings during

However it is that you choose to keep

Advent and Christmas, my prayer is that you are richly blessed in this season of quiet wonder.

Joyeux Noël!

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Faces of Saint Gabriel

Did You Know…?

R eed Haymons, fellow parishioner and 11-year old

5th grader at Cherry Hills Village Elementary, son of Melinda and Chris, and brother to Alexandra and

Tyler, is cast in the role of Amahl in the Central City

Opera's upcoming production of Amahl and the Night

Visitors ?

Reed is quite a busy young man. This past September, he played Winthrop in the Music Man with the

Colorado Symphony. And, he’s been working on a movie titled The Earth is Flat for the past three years that has just been completed and now will be in distribution mode. It’s the true story of a man and his family’s Amish upbringing. Reed plays Samuel, the main character, when he was a boy. We’ll keep you posted regarding when and where the movie premiers.

On top of all this, Reed sings with the Colorado

Children’s Chorale’s regional tour choir, and still manages to acolyte on occasion at Saint Gabriel, along with his siblings.

~ At Saint Gabriel we support young people in their endeavors. If you have a story you’d like us to share, please let us know. We learned a lot about Reed Haymons’ activities through Facebook and we feel his endeavors deserved a wider distribution here among the parish community. Well done,


The Following prayer is offered for all our young people.

We pray, Lord, for children and youth who serve your Kingdom through the pursuit of worthwhile endeavors, including music, theatre, athletics, scouting programs, community engagement and through many other pursuits. Help them to bear witness to your grace on the field of play, on stage, in rehearsals or through serving others. Show them that your ways give more life than the ways of the world, and that following you is better than chasing after selfish goals. Give them strength to hold their faith in you, and to keep alive their joy in your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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Daughters of the King Advent Quiet Day ~ December 12

T he Saint Gabriel chapter of the Daughters of the

King will be hosting a Quiet Day on Saturday,

December 12.

Nancy Severin will be our spiritual leader. Nancy serves as the Providence VI President for the

Daughters of the King. She is a member of the

Dorothy Day Chapter at Saint Charles Episcopal

Church in Fort Morgan. Nancy is a powerful and heartfelt speaker. She has a deep prayer life with a passion for serving God.

To make reservations, please contact Sarah

Dougherty at 303.771.1063 or

If you have questions about the quiet day or about

Daughters of the King, speak with one of the

Daughters (just look for the cross), or contact the church office and speak with either Sarah Dougherty or Sharon Stewart.

On Saturday, December 12 hospitality will begin at

8:30 am, presentations will start at 9:00 am and then the day will conclude with Eucharist and lunch at 12:00 pm.

Christmas Service for the Homebound ~ December 22, 11:00 AM

L ast year was the first year that we had a home-bound Christmas service and it was a huge success! The goal behind this offering is to provide an opportunity for home-bound parishioners to attend a service at the church during the Christmas season. This service is made possible through the help of parishioners who volunteer to pick up home-bound parishioners and bring them to Saint

Gabriel. This may be the only time that some parishioners are able to attend a Christmas service in their home church. If you are able to help, sign up in the Parish Hall. Ministry resident, Chris Hirschy, will coordinate the rides, matching volunteers with parishioners attending the service.

Please contact Chris Hirschy or Sarah Dougherty if you have questions.

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Children & Family Ministries

Thought of the Month

“There are no Christmas elves to perform the many tasks that precede a joyfully observed Christmas. There is only us—our busy hands, our expectant hearts, both preparing to welcome the long-awaited, incarnate love of God, both necessary for knowing that love more deeply and sharing it more widely.” – Ellen Dollar

The Christmas season is a busy time full of preparing for the numerous celebrations that are to come. While it is important to slow down, pause, and reflect on God’s love becoming incarnate, we can also do so actively in the midst of our decorating, our baking, our cleaning, our cooking, our traveling, etc. It is good to find time to slow down and intentionally reflect with your families during the season, but it is also meaningful to allow your hearts to be full of anticipation of God’s incarnate love in the midst of performing all the other holiday preparations. In what ways can you help your children and grandchildren reflect joyfully on Christmas in the midst of the busy preparations?

Looking Ahead

Seeking: A small team of helpers to assist on Christmas Eve: luminaria set-up and lighting, nave preparation for 8 pm service. Contact Megan Hirschy.

Godly Play: Please bring your children or grandchildren downstairs each Sunday at 9:15am to participate in a time of story, wonder, play, and feast!

Parent’s Forum: The Parent’s Forum is a group of parents that meet together during Christian Formation for a time of fellowship and discussion about raising and nurturing our children to be lifelong disciples of

Christ. This group meets in the All Saints Room (behind the kitchen) from 9:15-10am Sunday mornings. We are currently going through weekly topics/articles.

Get Involved: We are still searching for some more volunteers for our Godly Play classrooms as well as ministry event co-coordinators for this upcoming year. Contact

Megan Hirschy (

) for more information.

Christmas Pageant: All children are welcome to participate in our Christmas pageant, A Children’s

Liturgy for Christmas Eve, which will take place during the 4pm Christmas Eve service. We will use the beginning of our Godly Play sessions throughout

December to prepare for the pageant including practicing with our choir master, Fritz Anders.

O n November 8, the confirmation class undertook a prayer hike at Spruce Mountain Open Space near Monument. The day was beautiful and the weather great for us to enjoy God’s creative work. Tate

Fox and Alex Argust were joined by Chris Hirschy,

Fred Mast, Fr. Chris and me. Fred documented this event through photography. It was great to get to know these students more and we had some meaningful conversations along the five-mile hike.

Along the way, we stopped for prayer and to read and meditate on scriptures that Fr. Chris selected and assembled in a prayer booklet.

My prayer is that our students continue to deepen their faith through this confirmation experience. We are off to a great start with the entire class: Tate, Alex,

Thomas Benedict, Brennan Dorighi, Daniel Plank and

Cole Johnson. Please keep our confirmands in your prayers as they take this journey of growth in Christ



Dexter Nocon

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O ur Dave Doty Christmas Ministries is underway! The Mile High Ministries Christmas Store event will take place on Saturday, December 5th from 8 am - 3 pm at the Denver Community Church located at 1595 Pearl St. We've been given five volunteer spots for this year's event. Contact Joan Kuntz at

or by phone (303) 721-8142 if you have any questions.

2015 Christmas Ministries Update

Interfaith Community Services has shared the good news that all families in this year's Adopt-A-Family program have been placed with sponsors. However, there are several additional ways to contribute to their

Adopt-A-Family/Senior gift giving program:

Purchasing a toy for children, ages 1 - 18

Providing a grocery store gift card for a family

Donating rolls of wrapping paper so that parents can wrap their children's gifts

Thank you for your support!

SGROW Lite at Project C.U.R.E.

W e had a wonderful turnout Saturday morning, November 7 th , for a successful outreach project at Project C.U.R.E.!

23 adults, youth and children ventured out to their massive warehouse in Centennial. We spent the morning touring the operation and sorting medical supplies to be prepared for shipment to hospitals and clinics in developing nations. It was rewarding to directly impact the health of thousands of people around the world who are in need of medical care.

Project C.U.R.E. was founded in 1987 to help meet the need for medical supplies, equipment and services around the world. Project

C.U.R.E. builds sustainable healthcare infrastructure by providing the medical supplies and equipment that medical personnel need to deliver healthcare to their communities. Since its inception, Project

C.U.R.E. has delivered medical relief to needy people in more than

120 countries.

After our work was completed, several of us gathered at a nearby restaurant for lunch and warm fellowship. Be on the lookout for more details regarding our SGROW (St. Gabriel’s Reach Out

Weekend) Lenten project scheduled for Saturday morning,

February 13 th !

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Y ou may have noticed the beautiful new painting of our church buildings, just outside the office. We would like to thank Armi Earlman for donating this beautiful work of art. We would also like to thank the artist, Bonnie Kimbrel, for her time and talent in capturing the beauty of the Saint Gabriel building.

Bonnie and Armi met through a mutual friend, Erin.

Bonnie and Erin are a part of a group of artists that

Armi has come to know.

“Bonnie Kimbrel specializes in acrylic paintings in the photo surrealism style, that features bold saturated colors. Art themes range from historical reference, portraiture, and storytelling. Many of her art pieces give the viewer the perception that they are viewing a scene from a story. She draws inspiration from music, nature, and strong imagery. Bonnie has been painting for 15 years and attended Rocky Mountain College of

Art and Design.”

If you would like to see more of Bonnie’s work, here is a link to her Etsy page.

ref=shopinfo_shophome_leftnav .

How Coffee Hour Works. Did You Know…?


…the coffee hosts are precious volunteers?

They purchase and prepare the food items for coffee time on Sunday mornings. They are quietly committed to making coffee hour a time for members and visitors to meet and greet each other.

…The donations that you put into the kitty are used to offset the expense of buying the coffee, sugar, cups, napkins, and other supplies that are used. Ann Young, one of the coffee hosts, keeps the kitchen well supplied.

…There will be a sign-up sheet on the serving tables at coffee time starting in December. We can use volunteers to help with the coffee time.

You can set up the serving tables, make the coffee, bring the food items and clean up.

However, you can choose to just set up and serve coffee or simply provide the food items. You may serve once or twice a quarter, twice a year or once a year. Remember “many hands make light work.”

AS YOU NOW KNOW…. we are blessed to have such committed coffee hosts.

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From the Parish Register

Your Contributions to Saint Gabriel Just Got Easier!

We are offering you the opportunity to pay your donation directly from your checking account to Saint

Gabriel via ACH (Automatic Clearing House).

Ever left your offering check sitting on your desk, and when you arrive at church, you realize you left it at home? Do you often travel and get behind on your pledge? If so, this is the program for you! If you use ACH for bills such as utilities and loans, you know how convenient it is. Your donation will reflect on your contribution statement as “on-line.”

To enroll for ACH, you will need to complete a form that includes your bank account number, bank routing number, donation amount, frequency of donation, and a voided check.

You can pick-up a form from the credenza outside the church office. Return the filled-out form with your voided check to the office or place it in Sharon Stewart’s folder in the hallway by the nursery. If you have questions, please contact Sharon Stewart at 303-722-3674.

The Trumpet

The deadline for submissions for the January ~ February Trumpet is

Monday, December 21st . It you have an article you would like to submit, please send it to

Sarah Dougherty at

The Trumpet 2016

In 2016 the Trumpet will become a bi-monthly publication. This will start with a combined

January-February Trumpet. We are hoping to keep the same interesting articles and

The lighter side...

photographs and reserve more announcement type notices for the Sunday bulletin and weekly Constant Contact email.

Please change in your Parish Directory:

Judy & Mark Schlechten

2 Caleridge Court

Highlands Ranch, CO 80130

Linn & Judy Wilson

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Vestry Highlights ~ November 10, 2015

Father Chris welcomed the vestry for their time together with centering prayer.

Treasurer’s Report Kay Ward, Treasurer, provided the treasurer’s report. Income received year-to-date was reported as $375,684. This is $50,

398 less than the budgeted income year to date of

$426,082. $30,000 of this difference is made up of unfunded pledges. Total expenses year to date was reported as $465,674 with budgeted year to date expenses of $422,104.

Action Item: Father Chris, Sharon Stewart

(parish bookkeeper), and Kay Ward will meet to look into the issue and perhaps follow up with parishioners as necessary.

2016 Vision/Decision-Making/Financing:

Endowment: St. Gabriel’s has been blessed with a substantial contribution to the endowment from the

Martha Ramsey estate. Total funds in the endowment now exceed $200,000.

Goals and Budget Requests: Most ministry leaders within the church have submitted their goals and budget requests. The vestry will take a closer look at the 2016 budget during its next meeting once there is a clearer understanding of potential income

(e.g. pledges).

Action Item: The vestry requested the

Finance Committee start the budget process using these budget requests, and to add funding for a financial audit and a clergy sabbatical fund.

Cathedral Ridge: Malin Jones provided the vestry with a potential proposal for providing funding to the Diocese’s Cathedral Ridge Capital Campaign.

After much discussion, Father Chris requested the vestry continue its discernment process regarding our church’s financial commitment to Cathedral


Hanging of the Greens: Lisa Swenson announced that greening of the church for Advent will be on

December 19 th at 11am. Anyone wishing to help is encouraged to swing by.

Annual Reports: Annual reports, to be included in the Annual Meeting booklet, are due on

December 1 st .

Prayer and Adjournment The meeting came to a close in prayer at 8:34.

Next Meeting

December 8, 2015, 6:30 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Brooke S. Fox

Clerk of the Vestry

The clergy who participated in the

Community Thanksgiving Service on

Monday, November 23, 2015 at

St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church

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December Birthday Blessings

12/01 Fritz Anders

12/06 Patricia Favero

12/08 CJ Ditzenberger

12/10 Gail Nash

12/12 Jane Harper

12/12 Rhea Miller

12/13 Lynne Connor

12/14 Suzie Lee

12/14 Linnea Tate

12/16 Connie Summers

12/17 Will Methe

12/17 Nick Ries

12/22 Jennifer Johnson

12/23 Tate Fox

12/24 Bob Zinke

12/25 Christopher Jolas

12/26 Helena LaBree

12/27 Jane Heath

12/29 Emma Sveen

12/30 Matt Blue

12/30 Lynn Wano

12/31 Audrey Eggert

12/31 Talmage Miller

December Wedding Bells

12/02 Nichola & Paul Madigan 12/26 George & Vivian Shyne

12/07 Chris & Megan Hirschy 12/26 Bob & Diane Zinke

12/21 Malin & Jan Crewes Jones 12/29 Don & Nada Graves

12/21 Tom & Edie Williams

Upcoming Wedding Bells

12/27 Betsy Jeffery and Frank Thornton will be joined in Holy Matrimony during the 9:00 am Holy Eucharist.

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8:00 am Rite I HC

9:15 am All-ages

Christian Formation/

Christmas Marketplace

10:15 am Rite II HC/

St. Nicolas’ visit

5:30 pm C2A2


8:00 am Rite I HC

9:15 am All-ages

Christian Formation/

Christmas Marketplace

& Bake Sale

10:15 am Rite II HC

3:00 pm MPACT Youth

Game Night N Grubbin


8:00 am Rite I HC

9:15 am All-ages

Christian Formation

10:15 am Rite II HC

11:30 am Outreach committee meeting






9:00am HC



7:30 am Morning



7:30 am Morning




6:30 am 4th Day

9:30 am

Staff Meeting

5:30 pm C2A2

6:00 pm Families First

7:15 PM Congregational Care meeting



7:00 am HC &

Men’s Breakfast

10:00 am Wednesday Study group

7:00 pm Community


7:30 pm AA Meeting



9:30 am Artist


1:00 pm Stewardship committee mtg

7:00 pm Choir practice



8:00 am Morning


9:00 am EFM

4:00 pm music classes


6:30 am 4th Day

9:30 am

Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Families First

6:30 pm Vestry meeting


7:00 am HC &

Men’s Breakfast

10:00 am Wednesday Study group

2:00 pm Discipleship committee

7:00 pm Community


7:30 pm AA Meeting


9:30 am Artist


7:00 pm Choir practice


8:00 am Morning


9:00 am EFM


6 :30 am 4th Day

9:30 am

Staff Meeting

6:00 pm Families First

6:30 pm Villas @

Cherry Creek HOA mtg


7:00 am HC &

Men’s Breakfast

10:00 am Wednesday Study group

7:30 pm AA Meeting


9:30 am Artist


10:00 am Wellness group

7:00 pm Choir practice


8:00 am Morning


9:00 am EFM


11:00 am Hanging of the Greens

10:00 pm AA mtg


7:30 am Morning


Trumpet deadline


6 :30 am 4th Day

9:30 am

Staff Meeting

11:00 am Homebound

Christmas service




7:30 am Morning



6 :30 am 4th Day

9:30 am

Staff Meeting


7:00 am HC &

Men’s Breakfast

7:00 pm Community choir

7:30 pm AA Meeting




4: 00 pm HC—

Family service

8 :00 pm Lessons &

Carols w/HC




8:00 am Morning


10:00 am Christmas

Day HC


7:00 am HC &

Men’s Breakfast

10:00 am Wednesday Study group

7:30 pm AA Meeting


9:30 am Artist


7:00 pm Choir practice


10:00 pm AA mtg



8:30 am Emergency

Response Training

8:30 am Mile High

Ministries Christmas


3:00 pm Pi’ilani

Hawaiian Civic Club

Christmas party

10:00 pm AA mtg


8:30 am Men of the


9:00 am DOK Quiet


10:00 pm AA mtg

Proclaiming and celebrating the good news of God’s grace and life-changing love for all


The vision of Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church is to be an increasingly vibrant and loving Christian community, constantly seeking to fulfill its God-given mission, and expanding its capacity to serve its people, neighborhood and the world through the utilization of its many strengths.



The Rev’d Chris Ditzenberger

Parish Administrator

Sarah Dougherty

Music Director

Fritz Anders

Ministry Resident

Chris Hirschy

Children & Family Minister

Megan Hirschy

Youth Minister

Dexter Nocon


Sharon Stewart


Senior Warden

George Evans

Junior Warden

Lisa Swenson


Kay Ward

Clerk & Secretary

Brooke Fox


Larry Ellis

Bob Enwall

Gina Fielder

Reg Holmes

Malin Jones

Margot LaBree

Joan McGill

Will Pickard

Roger Rhodes

Worship Schedule


8:00 am & 10:15 am Holy Eucharist

Mondays : 7:30 am Morning Prayer

Fridays: 8:00 am Morning Prayer

T h e T r u m p e t D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 5

Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church

6190 E. Quincy Avenue

Cherry Hills Village, CO 80111

Tel: 303-771-1063

Office Hours:

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:00pm
