Chattahoochee Technical College

Pierpont Community & Technical College
Disability Services
How do I obtain Disability Services at Pierpont Community &
Technical College?
It is the student's responsibility to identify himself/herself and to seek assistance from
Disability Services. The Disability Services office is located in Turley Student Services Center
Suite 316 on Main Campus. Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through
Phone: 304-333-3661
TTY: 304-367-4906
Students with disabilities should schedule an appointment with Disability Services and bring
documentation of their disabilities with them.
At this appointment, students will learn about the disability services provided at Pierpont
Community & Technical College and the process of determining disability related appropriate
accommodations. Students will provide the following data upon application: demographic
information, statement/documentation of diagnosis and the problem(s) created by the disability.
Each student and the Disability Services Coordinator will develop an Individualized
Accommodation Plan, which will detail that student's accommodations while attending Pierpont
Community & Technical College. The accommodations will address the needs of students in the
classroom and when testing. If students decide that other accommodations are necessary for
their success, they will meet again with the Disability Services Coordinator to determine the
possibility of additional accommodations.
Students are provided with letters outlining accommodations and are required to provide these
letters to their faculty members during a private meeting. As the needs for each class may differ,
the determination of applicable accommodations is a collaborative effort between students and
each of their faculty. The student and faculty will determine which accommodations will be
used for the class and each party will retain a copy of the letter. An additional signed copy will
be provided to the Disability Services to be kept in the student’s file.
Should the student encounter any problems related to their accommodations and/or disability, it
is the student’s responsibility to contact Disability Services promptly to initiate the resolution of
problems. Faculty and staff are not responsible for the provision of accommodations that have
not been requested in a timely manner (e.g. five (5) business days for testing accommodations).
If necessary, there will be follow-up appointments and/or referral to other support services.