SAT Vocabulary: Unit One

SAT Vocabulary: Unit One- Negotiation
1. Accede: to give one’s consent
2. Arbitrator: A person chosen to settle an issue between two parties
3. Concord: Harmony or agreement of interests and feelings
4. Intractable: Difficult to manage; stubborn
5. Obdurate: Not giving in to persuasion.
6. Obsequious: full or exhibiting servile compliance; fawning
7. Obstinate: Stubbornly adhering to an attitude
8. Oscillate: To waver between conflicting sides
9. Reciprocity: A cooperative exchange of favors or privileges
10. Resolute: Firm or determined
Guidelines for Sentences
Identify the part of speech for each of the SAT vocabulary words. Use each word
correctly in a sentence. Please make sure you follow the guidelines for creating
1. No two sentences start with the same word.
2. Do NOT start any sentences with “The” or “I”.
3. Sentences must have a minimum of eight words and must have a clear representation of
the meaning of the word.
4. Use for additional meaning, information, and part of speech.
5. Use for pronunciation of words.
Example: Accede, verb (used without an object)
1. After much begging and pleading, my parents finally acceded and allowed me to go
to the movies with my friends.
Incorrect example: Accede, verb (used without an object)
1. After much begging and pleading, my parents finally acceded me and let me go to
the movies.
(Word does not take an object “me” direct object)
Yes, you may add a suffix to the word if necessary or use the base word!
SAT Vocabulary/Unit One/Negotiation
Draft of Sentences
1. No two sentences start with the same word.
2. Do NOT start any sentences with “The” or “I”.
3. Sentences must have a minimum of eight words and must reflect a clear representation
of the meaning of the word.
1. accede/part of speech _____________
2. arbitrator /part of speech _____________
3. concord/part of speech _____________
4. intractable/part of speech ____________
5. obdurate/part of speech _____________
6. obsequious/part of speech _____________
7. Obstinate/part of speech _____________
8. oscillate/part of speech ____________
9. reciprocity/part of speech _____________
10. resolute/part of speech _____________
Final copy of sentences must be written neatly in blue or black in or typed.
Due Friday, August 23, 2013