SRE Lessons: The Good News Beads

Holy Spirit
SRE Lessons: The Good News Beads
Six lessons for children on the good news about Jesus
This Unit contains six lessons, lasting approximately 30 minutes, for children. The lessons go through six
main points of the Gospel, and include the making of wristband or necklace with coloured beads to
symbolise each main point.
Bible Passage
Big Point
Green Bead: God’s Creation
Genesis 1:1-2:3
God created everything, and everything he made
was good, beautiful and perfect, including man
and woman.
Black Bead: Sin
Genesis 3 and
Something went very wrong! Mankind disobeyed
God, which is sin. Darkness entered the world,
and things weren’t perfect anymore.
Romans 3:23
Red Bead: Jesus Died
Romans 5:6-20
God’s love fixes the problem. Jesus died on the
Cross to take away Sin.
White Bead: God Forgives
Acts 10:34-43 and
1 John 1:9 (CEV)
God Forgives all who Trust in His Son Jesus
Blue Bead: The Holy Spirit
John 14:6 and
Galatians 5:16-26
Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to live in all who love
and trust Him
Yellow (Gold) Bead: Heaven
John 14:1-6 and
Revelation 21:4
God prepares a place in Heaven for His people to
Live with Him forever.
Activity – The Good News Beads
These six lessons are based on coloured beads,
each representing a bit point of the gospel
You can either
1. make the beads (as a wristband or necklace) at
the beginning of the six weeks (as a separate
lesson, or in the first lesson).
2. add a bead each week; or
3. make the beads at the conclusion of the
Have a simple explanation of the beads that
enhances the memory.
E.g. What do the colours Green and Gold remind
you off? (Australia)What about the colours Red,
White and Blue? (Many world flags have the
colours). The black bead spoilt everything for
everyone. But God had a plan to fix everything. This
is a craft to help you remember “Gods Plan for
This is then a reference point for the explanation
of each of the beads in the lessons.
NOTE: This craft needs to be well prepared – have a kit for each child with the first knot tied large enough
so the bead does not slip off!
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Explore the Bible story
Unit: The Good News Beads
Drawing: Have a big blank piece of paper (or use the
black/white board) and draw six boxes to represent
the six days in which God created things. Ask for a
volunteer to come and draw something from each day
of creation. Read from the Bible again if the children
have forgotten what happened on each day.
Lesson 1 - Green: God’s Creation
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
Genesis 1:1-2:3
Memory Verse
Genesis 1:31a
Main Idea
Green Bead: God created everything,
and everything he made was good,
beautiful and perfect, including man
and woman.
READ Genesis 1:1-2:3 to get familiar with the story;
perhaps time how long it takes to read out loud. If
you like, write it out in your own words and practice
re-telling it.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day (light) &
Night (dark)
The Sky
Land & Sea,
plants and
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
The Sun, Moon
& Stars
Birds & sea
Land animals
and Humans!
Call and response: God created everything, including
people. Everything was good and perfect.
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB) A big piece of butchers paper and thick
textas OR a black/whiteboard with chalk or
markers.Leather thonging/cord for each child,
with a knot (find halfway on the cord and tie a knot
about 2cm to one side of the halfway point) 
beads for each child.
Activity – Hand out pieces of leather / bands for the
beads to each child. Also hand around a green bead.
(or all of the beads, if you’re making the whole
wristband in the first week). Together, thread the
bead(s) onto the leather. (If you’re making it week by
week, you may like to have a little bag for each child
to put the wristband back into.)
Repeat the Call and Response: God created
everything, including people. Everything was good and
Welcome the children
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
Personal story / intro the theme: Choose a
volunteer to come up and make something from
either plasticine or play dough or drawing
something on the board. Talk about making things
and how we feel about what we’ve made.
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
The Memory Verse
God saw all that he had made,
and it was very good. (Genesis
Share the Bible story either from a simple Bible
translation (CEV or GNB). You could have a child
volunteer to read from the Bible, or re-tell the story
in your own words.
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Accept answers: your friend is sad; it’s hard to be
Lesson 2 – Black Bead: Sin
friends in the same way; sometimes you stop being
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
Genesis 3
Memory Verse
Romans 3:23 (CEV)
Main Idea
Black Bead: Something went very
wrong! Mankind disobeyed God,
which is sin. Darkness entered the
world, and things weren’t perfect
Share the Bible story from Genesis 3, either from a
simple Bible translation (CEV or GNB). You could have
a child volunteer to read from the Bible, or re-tell the
story in your own words.
Explore the Bible story - Ask the children the
following questions. Hold up pictures of: a snake; a
piece of fruit; Adam & Eve; trees to hide Adam and
Eve behind. Use the pictures when you ask the
questions and receive their answers below.
READ Genesis 3 to get familiar with the story;
perhaps time how long it takes to read out loud. If
you like, write it out in your own words and practice
re-telling it.
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB) pictures of a snake, a piece of fruit, Adam &
Eve, trees  (if making the wristbands each week
The children’s wrist bands (with the prior beads
on) Black beads for each child )
Welcome the children
(Activity – If you’re making the wristbands each
week, hand out the wristbands belonging to each
child. Together, thread the bead onto the leather.
You may like to have a little bag for each child to
put the wristband back into.)
Intro the theme - Ask the children:
What happens when you disobey your teacher
in the classroom?
Accept answers (e.g. you are disciplined)
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
What happens when you disobey and do
something your parents have told you not to
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
Accept answers- (e.g. you are disciplined;
maybe even that it makes your parents sad with
What did the serpent (snake) tempt Adam and Eve
to do? Eat the fruit; disobey God
Why shouldn’t they do it? God told them not to.
What did Adam and Eve do when God came to see
them? Why do you think they did? They hid. They
knew they had disobeyed God and were ashamed.
What did God do when they disobeyed Him? He
disciplined them.
What happened to the friendship between God,
Adam and Eve? It was never the same close
friendship, because they disobeyed God.
The Memory Verse
All of us have sinned and fallen
short of God's glory. Romans 3:23
What happens when you lie to your friend, or
are mean to them, or don’t keep your promise?
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Share & Explore the Bible passage – Read the
Lesson 3 - Red Bead: Jesus Died
passage either from a simple Bible translation (CEV
or GNB). You could have a child volunteer to read
from the Bible.
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
Romans 5:6-20
Memory Verse
Romans 5:19 (CEV)
Main Idea
God’s love fixes the problem. Jesus
died on the Cross to take away Sin
Put up on the board a picture of Adam with his
name, and a picture of the cross with Jesus’ name.
READ Romans 5:6-20 get familiar with the
passage; Write out what the passage is teaching in
your own words and practice explaining it.
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB) big piece of paper / board with a picture of
Adam and a picture of Jesus/the cross and a marker
to write beneath them  (if making the wristbands
each week The children’s wrist bands (with the
prior beads on) red beads for each child).
Welcome the children
Intro the theme: Opposites – ask the children,
what’s the opposite of the following?
SIN – Adam disobeyed
God, and introduced sin to
GIFT - Jesus died on the
cross for us to take away
our sin.
ENEMIES – Adam brought
sin into the world and
caused everyone who
lived after him to sin
against God.
FRIENDS – Jesus died so
we can be friends with
DEATH Adams sin & ours
means that everyone
needs to be punished; sin
leads to death
LIFE Jesus obeyed God and
can give us a new life with
God as our friend.
Write underneath the pictures as you explain the
story. Say: “Last week we learnt that Adam sinned,
which brought death into the world. Everyone has
sinned, so we can’t be friends with God. But Jesus is
the opposite to Adam. Adam sinned, which meant
everyone sinned and needs to be punished. But
Jesus died on the cross for us, as a gift, so that God
can accept us as his friends, and we have life.”
Explain to the children that: “Jesus died for us, even
though we had disobeyed God and were sinful. This
shows how much God loves us, because to die for
someone is a huge thing to do, and we aren’t
always good people!” (vs 6-8)
Then say, “today we’re
going to see how
people went from being
enemies with God, to
being friends with God.
We’re going to look at
how Jesus brought
peace between people
and God.”
Friends Enemies
“God can accept us as his friends now, because
Jesus shed his blood on the cross to take away our
sin. We were God’s enemies, now we can be his
friends. We were fighting against God (disobeying
him), but now Jesus has made peace between us."
Ask the children:
What did Jesus do? He died for us and took
away our sin.
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Say, “When I say a word, you tell me the opposite:
We don’t have to be God’s ENEMIES, we can be
We don’t have to be against God and at WAR
with him, because Jesus made PEACE
(Activity – If you’re making the wristbands each
week, hand out the wristbands belonging to each
child. Together, thread the Red bead onto the
leather. You may like to have a little bag for each
child to put the wristband back into.)
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
The Memory Verse
Adam disobeyed God and caused
many others to be sinners. But
Jesus obeyed him and will make
many people acceptable to God.
Romans 5:19 (CEV)
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Have one child volunteer to be Peter and read out
Lesson 4 - White Bead: God Forgives
the speech. Whilst ‘Peter’ is reading, have someone
act, without speaking :
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
Acts 10:34-43
Memory Verse
1 John 1:9 (CEV)
Main Idea
God Forgives all who Trust in His
Son Jesus
John the Baptist - baptising people
Jesus –healing people, teaching people, dying
on a cross, and rising to life.
Disciples –watching Jesus do all these things,
then telling others about Jesus.
Alternative for Exploring the Bible passage: Have
two empty soft drink cans. Wrap black paper around
one and fasten with sticky tape, and white paper
around the other. Make sure you can pull the paper
off and put it back on.
READ Acts 10:34-43 to get familiar with the
passage; write out what Peter is saying in your own
words and practice explaining it.
Say to the children: “We are like this can here. Our
sin is black, and it’s like we’re wearing it. Jesus is like
the other can. He never disobeyed God, he never
sinned, so he is wearing white.
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB)  (optional) two soft drink cans with black
paper around one, white paper around the other 
(if making the wristbands each week The
children’s wrist bands (with the prior beads on) 
white beads for each child.
Jesus died on the cross so that he could forgive our
sins. If we put our trust in him, and ask him to forgive
us, he swaps ‘clothing’ with us.”
Take the black paper from the ‘us’ can and swap with
Jesus’ white paper.
Say: We are forgiven and ‘white’; Jesus takes our
black sin and dies on the cross for us, then rises
Welcome the children
Intro the theme: Who has ever gotten really, really
dirty? Playing sport? Running around in the rain and
mud? Food fight? Painting? (Tell the children a
story when you have gotten really dirty).
Ask the children:
What does Peter say will happen if we put our faith
in Jesus? We will have our sins forgiven in his name.
When we are dirty, how do we get clean? If we had
a white T-shirt on, and it got really dirty, how could
we get it white again? Wash it with soap and water.
What colour bead did we use to learn about sin?
Today we’re going to learn about how Jesus makes
us clean and white; but not clean from dirt, but
clean from our sin when he forgives us.
If we are ‘black’ with our sin, how can we become
clean and ‘white’ again? Put our faith in Jesus and
have our sins forgiven.
Say: Jesus died on the cross so he could wash away
our black sin and make us white and clean. God will
forgive everyone who trusts in Jesus.
Share the Bible passage from Acts 10:34-43from a
simple Bible translation (CEV or GNB). Perhaps have
a child come up to read the passage.
Explore the Bible passage – Mute Drama
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
(Activity – If you’re making the wristbands each
week, hand out the wristbands belonging to each
child. Together, thread the bead onto the leather.
You may like to have a little bag for each child to
put the wristband back into.)
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
The Memory Verse
But if we confess our sins to God,
he can always be trusted to forgive
us and take our sins away. 1 John
1:9 (CEV)
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
translation (CEV or GNB) or explain the passage in
Lesson 5 - Blue Bead: The Holy Spirit
your own words.
Explore the Bible story
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
John 14:6 and Galatians 5:16-26
From what you’ve just read or explained from the
Bible, ask the children:
Memory Verse
John 14:16
Main Idea
Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to live in
all who love and trust Him
Who will Jesus and God the Father send to his
followers? The Holy Spirit
What will the Holy Spirit do? He will help us and
always be with us.
Say: We’re going to look at one of the ways how the
Holy Spirit helps us live.
READ the passage to get familiar with what it’s
teaching; write out what it’s teaching in your own
words and practice explaining it.
On paper, draw nine pieces of fruit with the words
(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self control ) written on
them. Cut them out, and ask volunteers to come up
and stick the ‘fruit’ on the picture of the tree from
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB) A big sheet of paper or a board on which is
already drawn or which you can draw a big picture
of a tree Markers to draw with Nine cut out
paper pieces of fruit with a Fruit of the Spirit
written on each  (if making the wristbands each
week The children’s wrist bands (with the prior
beads on) blue beads for each child.
Say: When the Holy Spirit comes to live in us, he
helps us to be all of these things, and live in a way
which pleases God.
Sing: ‘The Fruit of the Spirit’ song (if you know it)
(Activity – If you’re making the wristbands each
week, hand out the wristbands belonging to each
child. Together, thread the blue bead onto the
leather. You may like to have a little bag for each
child to put the wristband back into.)
Welcome the children
Intro the theme: Ask the children: What is your
favourite fruit? Accept answers.
Where does fruit come from?
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
Have a picture of a tree / draw or paint a tree. Have
children volunteer to come and draw fruit on the
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
The Memory Verse
Today we’re going to learn about the Holy Spirit,
and the kind of ‘fruit’ he brings into our lives.
(Jesus said) “I will ask the Father to
send you the Holy Spirit who will
help you and always be with you.”
John 14:16
Share the Bible passages from John 14:6 and
Galatians 5:16-26, either from a simple Bible
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
Explore the Bible story Ask the children:
Lesson 6 - Yellow (Gold) Bead :
How were the disciples feeling? Worried
What does Jesus tell them they should have? Faith
in him and in God. Faith is like trust
Overview of the Lesson
Bible Passage
John 14:1-6
Memory Verse
Revelation 21:4
Main Idea
God prepares a place in Heaven for
His people to Live with Him forever
Where does Jesus’ say he is going? To his Father’s
house to prepare a place for each of his
friends.(have a child come up and draw this, and
explain what they have drawn – a large house with
many rooms)
Who will be there (in the Father’s house / heaven)?
God, Jesus, and his friends. We’ll all be together.
READ John 14:1-6 and Revelation 21:4 to get
familiar with the passage; write out in your own
words what it teaches and practice explaining it.
How does Jesus say we can get there? What is the
way to the Father’s house? Jesus is the way!
Without him, we can’t get there.
Call and response: Heaven is where God is. Jesus is
the way to Heaven.
the activity sheets  a Bible to read from (CEV or
GNB)  A big piece of paper and markers / or a
white board/black board with chalk  (if making
the wristbands each week The children’s wrist
bands (with the prior beads on) beads for each
Sing “I am the way, the truth and the life”, if known
to you, or a similar song.
(Activity – If you’re making the wristbands each
week, hand out the wristbands belonging to each
child. Together, thread the yellow (gold) bead onto
the leather. You may like to have a little bag for
each child to put the wristband into to take home.)
Welcome the children
Intro the theme: Who do you love spending time
with? Friends, grandparents, parents, etc.
Repeat the Call and Response: Heaven is where
God is. Jesus is the way to Heaven.
Tell a story about a time you enjoyed being with
people you love; at a party or a holiday, or a family
Sheets – have the children complete their activity
sheets. Draw their attention to the memory verse.
Tell the children: Today we’re learning about
heaven. Heaven is something we can look forward
to, because it will be the best of everything that we
love now, and because we will be friends with God
and be with Him forever.
Dismiss the children, thank them for coming. You
could say the memory verse with them.
The Memory Verse
“(God) will wipe all tears from their eyes, and
there will be no more death, suffering, crying
or pain.” Revelation 21:4
Share the Bible passages from John and Revelation.
Explain the passage in your own words.
SRE Unit – The Good News Beads
This is what Church is for. As followers of Jesus, that is,
Christians, we need each other to grow in our friendship
with Jesus. That is why we have the Church, so we can
help each other know Jesus better.
Additional tips in using the beads
Revision Quiz
Have a quick revision quiz each week:
1. What are the six colours in order. Green, Black, Red,
White, Blue, Gold.
2. What is each bead about? Creation, Fall, Jesus
Blood, Forgiveness, Holy Spirit , Heaven
The Leather Cord
What about the cord? The cord connects the story.
The story is History = His-Story , God’s Story
the Good News is the Full Gospel, which is All
About Jesus.
The Knots in the Cord
What about the Knots?
The knots mark the beginning and end of the
Gospel. It is complete. Nothing need to be added Jesus does it all.
Teach the children that all they need is to believe
the gospel. A way to remember what the Good
News, the Gospel is:
Putting the Bracelet on – Needing Each Other
How do we put bracelet on?
To wear the Good News, you need help to tie the knot
on your wrist. Learn to:
Ask for help
Learn to Offer help