Sociology - McGraw

Introductory Sociology
Sociology in Modules, 2/e
Richard T. Schaefer
Published: 10/12/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802681-2 / 576 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-07-131841-9 (OR)
Make Sociology new with McGrawHill’s Connect Sociology and the 2nd
edition of Sociology in Modules. New
to Connect is Investigate Sociology, a
brand-new tool that develops students’
sociological imaginations by placing
them in provocative scenarios where
they must analyze various sources and
determine a solution. Connect also
comes with LearnSmart, an adaptive
questioning tool proven to increase
content comprehension and student
results, as well as fun interactivities like In
their Shoes and Applying the Perspectives
that teach sociology’s three theoretical
frameworks. Finally, make sure students
come prepared to class by assigning our
many e-book activities. With McGraw-Hill’s
digital tools, focus on what you do best—
Unique to this program, Sociology in
Modules 2e has the most flexible content
on the market. Instead of losing students
in chapters that are long, unspecific,
or out of order, customize your text
and assignments with our modular
approach, which breaks chapters into
more manageable, topic-focused sections.
Sociology in Modules’ flexible content
coupled with powerful digital learning
tools makes this an ideal choice for your
introductory course.
• • • • • • • • • •
Sociology: A Brief
Introduction, 10/e
Richard T. Schaefer
Published: 9/21/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802672-0 / 512 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-07-131856-3 (OR)
Make Sociology new with McGraw-Hill’s
Connect Sociology and the 10th edition
of Sociology: A Brief Introduction. New
to Connect is Investigate Sociology, a
brand-new tool that develops students’
sociological imaginations by placing
them in provocative scenarios where
they must analyze various sources and
determine a solution. Connect also
comes with LearnSmart, an adaptive
questioning tool proven to increase
content comprehension and student
results, as well as fun interactivities like In
their Shoes and Applying the Perspectives
that teach sociology’s three theoretical
frameworks. Finally, make sure students
come prepared to class by assigning our
many e-book activities. With McGraw-Hill’s
digital tools, focus on what you do best—
Unique to this program, Sociology: A Brief
Introduction encourages students to take
sociology with them in their everyday
lives, just as Rick keeps a small notebook
of daily sociological events. In Sociology
brief, instructors get the most trusted
content in manageable form. This, coupled
with powerful digital learning tools,
makes Sociology brief an ideal choice for
your introductory course.
• • • • • • • • • •
Experience Sociology, 1/e
David Croteau
Published: 1/5/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-319353-3 / 576 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-07-122145-0 (OR)
Make the familiar new. Experience
Sociology empowers students to use
the lenses of Culture, Structure, Power
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
to see sociology everywhere. Bringing
theory and sociological concepts together,
Experience Sociology helps students move
beyond an individual perspective to gain
a sociological perspective. Experience
Sociology engages students with a clear
framework for understanding sociology
based on three familiar concepts: Culture,
Structure, and Power. For every topic in
the book—from the family to the economy
to the environment—students learn to
recognize the effects of the culture that
has taught them, see the structures that
constrain or empower them, and notice
how power operates at every level of
• Connect with LearnSmart
• Connect Plus with LearnSmart
• • • • • • • • • •
SOC 2013
Jon Witt
Published: 09/27/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802674-4 / 480 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-07-131848-8 (OR)
SOC, updated annually, offers instructors
scholarly content and unmatched
currency in a succinct magazine format
that engages students. The 2013 Edition
comes with LearnSmart, McGraw-Hill’s
revolutionary adaptive learning system,
and interactivities to help students master
key concepts. SOC consistently encourages
students to foster their sociological
imagination to see the world through a
different lens.
• • • • • • • • • •
Sociology, 13/e
Richard T. Schaefer
Published: 9/20/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-802666-9 / 608 pp.
ISBN: 978-0-07-131046-8 (IE)
The new edition of Sociology helps
students take Sociology with them on
campus, in their careers, and in their
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
communities. While still maintaining
its well-balanced coverage of the 3
perspectives, this new revision has a
strong focus on encouraging students
to think about their world with a
sociological imagination. Through its
strong coverage of globalization, race
and ethnicity, careers in sociology, and
current topics like mass media and social
policy, Sociology provides students with
knowledge they can use at school, at work,
in their neighborhoods, and in the global
• Student Study Guide ISBN: 9780077427870
• Connect
• Connect Plus
• • • • • • • • • •
Sociology Matters, 6/e
Richard Schaefer
Published: 02/15/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-802695-9
Richard T. Schaefer’s Sociology Matters is
a concise introduction to the discipline
of sociology. Schaefer’s characteristic
straightforward style, a streamlined
design, and highly focused coverage
make it the perfect affordable, ultra-brief,
introductory text for instructors who use
a variety of materials in their course.
• • • • • • • • • •
The Practical Skeptic: Core
Concepts in Sociology, 6/e
Lisa McIntyre
Published: 06/14/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-80268-1
ISBN: 978-0-07-131841-9 (OR)
The Practical Skeptic: Readings in
Sociology includes classic sociological
research writings as well as recent
pieces on fascinating topics of interest
to students. It is the ideal companion to
McIntyre’s text, The Practical Skeptic: Core
Concepts in Sociology, or other sociology
texts. Readings in this edition challenge
students to re-evaluate familiar social
arenas: the college classroom, televised
sports shows, restaurants, doctors’ offices
and even public restrooms. The readings
focus around the essential message that
there is much that goes on in the social
world that escapes the sociologically
untrained eye.
• • • • • • • • • •
Sociology: The Core, 11/e
Michael Hughes and Carolyn Kroehler
Published: 10/12/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802676-8 / 576 pp.
Highly respected for its scholarship
and straightforward approach, this text
covers core sociological concepts with a
brief and accessible presentation at an
affordable price. In the eleventh edition,
Sociology once again comes alive as a vital
and exciting field to relate sociological
principles to real-world circumstances.
• • • • • • • • • •
Mapping the Social
Landscape: Readings in
Sociology, 7/e
Susan J. Ferguson
Published: 11/23/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802679-9 / 704 pp.
This best-selling anthology provides
excellent coverage of key concepts in
sociology including culture, socialization,
deviance, social structure, social
institutions, and social inequality. Drawing
from a wide selection of classic and
contemporary works, the 58 selections
represent a plurality of voices and views
within sociology. By integrating issues of
diversity throughout the book, Ferguson
helps students see the interrelationships
between race-ethnicity, social class, and
gender as well as how these relationships
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
have shaped the experiences of all people
in society. The 7th edition includes
seven new readings that address race
and racism, including a new overview of
race and racism by top scholars Matthew
Desmond and Mustafa Emirbayer.
Comparative Societies
Global Sociology:
Introducing Five
Contemporary Societies,
Linda Schneider and Arnold Silverman
Published: 1/5/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802670-6 / 352 pp.
An effective supplement to any
standard sociology text, this broad and
comprehensive sociological description
of five diverse contemporary societies
with wide geographic distribution—Japan, Mexico, Egypt, Germany and the
San peoples of Namibia—is organized
around basic sociological topics: culture,
social structure, group life, socialization,
deviance, social institutions, social
stratification, and social change. Fictional
vignettes of individuals in each country
helps students experience first-person
viewpoints on life in five different
societies. By comparing other societies
with their own, students read about
the range of social variation, learn what
makes their own society distinctive, and
gain a unique and fascinating vantage
point on what sociology offers in a world
of rapid social change.
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
Drugs and Society
Marriage and Family
Drugs, Society, and Human
Behavior, 15/e
Marriage and Family: The
Quest for Intimacy, 8/e
Carl Hart and Charles Ksir
Published: 9/21/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-352974-5 / 480 pp.
Drugs, Society and Human Behavior
provides the latest information on drug
use and its effects on society as well
as on the individual. Trusted for more
than 30 years by both instructors and
students, this authoritative resource
examines drugs and drug use from a
variety of perspectives—behavioral,
pharmacological, historical, social, legal,
and clinical. The 15th edition includes
the very latest information and statistics
and many new timely topicsand issues
have been added that are sure to pique
students’ interest and stimulate class
discussion. Accompanying the text are
instructor and student resources on the
Online Learning Center.
• • • • • • • • • •
Drugs in American
Society, 8/e
Erich Goode
Published: 4/13/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-811154-9 / 528 pp.
Drugs in American Society is a sociological
introduction to the use of psychoactive
substances in the United States that takes
the focus of attention on drug use out of
the lab and into the street. Throughout the
book, personal accounts tell the stories
of drug use and the impact that it has on
the lives of users. The book also contrasts
the image of drugs in society, particularly
in the news media, and the reality of drug
use itself.
Robert Lauer and Jeanette Lauer
Published: 6/7/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-811162-4 / 480 pp.
This text combines a positive and practical
approach to the study of marriage and
family life. It is based on extensive and
up-to-date research as reported in the
journals and monographs. It shows how
sociological theories apply to the various
topics. Thus, it not only provides students
with a basic understanding of marriage
and family life, but also helps them apply
this knowledge to enrich their lives and
nurture their own intimate relationships.
Race, Class, and Gender and Sexuality
Experiencing Race, Class,
and Gender in the United
States, 6/e
Roberta Fiske-Rusciano
Published: 9/21/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-811161-7 / 576 pp.
Through individual stories, essays, poetry,
and critical analyses, Experiencing Race,
Class, and Gender in the United States, Sixth
Edition, introduces issues of race, class,
and gender within an interdisciplinary
framework. Themes of identity and
power are examined from many different
perspectives and voices, and readings will
reinforce student understanding about the
power to effect change in both the private
space and in society.
• Connect with LearnSmart
• Connect Plus with LearnSmart
• • • • • • • • • •
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
Identities and Inequalities:
Exploring the Intersections
of Race, Class, Gender, &
Sexuality, 2/e
David Newman
Published: 8/24/2011
ISBN: 978‐0‐07‐338010‐0 / 464 pp.
We don’t experience our everyday
lives through just one lens; rather,
we experience all elements of our
identity—race, class, gender, sexuality—
simultaneously. Identities and Inequalities
acknowledges this complex reality
and brings to light the importance of
studying the intersections of race, class,
gender, and sexuality. It also examines
these intersections as both elements of
personal identity and sources of social
inequality. Newman has written a unique,
engaging, and highly accessible book that
will prepare students to study these allimportant issues in a whole new way.
• • • • • • • • • •
The Meaning of Difference:
American Constructions of
Race, Sex and Gender, Social
Class, Sexual Orientation,
and Disability, 6/e
Karen Rosenblum and
Toni-Michelle Travis
Published: 2/11/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-811164-8 / 592 pp.
The Meaning of Difference focuses on the
social construction of difference as it
operates in American formulations of race
and ethnicity, sex and gender, social class,
sexual orientation, and disability. The
conceptual structure of this text-reader
comes from four framework essays that
addressing the construction of difference,
the experience of difference, the social
meaning of difference, and social actions
that might bridge differences. Each
framework essay is followed by a set
of readings selected for readability,
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
conceptual depth, and applicability to
a variety of statuses. Boxed inserts
throughout offer first-person accounts,
many of them from students. The readings
in this edition, which include twentyfour new readings and ten new personal
accounts, have been selected to speak to
contemporary assumptions of a “postracial” America.
Race and Ethnicity
Rethinking the Color Line:
Readings in Race and
Ethnicity, 5/e
Charles A. Gallagher
Published: 11/10/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-802663-8 / 496 pp.
User friendly without sacrificing
intellectual or theoretical rigor, this
anthology of current research examines
contemporary issues and explores new
approaches to the study of race and ethnic
relations. The featured readings effectively
engage students by helping them
understand theories and concepts. Active
learning in the classroom is encouraged
while providing relevance for students
from all ethnic, cultural, and economic
backgrounds. The fifth edition features
articles on such timely topics as:
• -Race and ethnicity
• -Race-based disparities in health
• -Racial and gender discrimination among
racial minorities and women
• -Being Arab and American
• -How social control maintains racial inequality
• -The increase in black and brown incarceration
• -How racial bias may affect the use of DNA to
locate suspects of crimes
• -How derogatory ethnic and racial images are
created and disseminated by the media
• -The sexualization of African American women
through the use of gender stereotypes
• -The portrayal of light- and dark-skinned
biracial characters
• • • • • • • • • •
Social Stratification
Inequality, 8/e
Harold Kerbo
Published: 1/25/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-811165-5 / 672 pp.
The 8th edition continues to provide a
comprehensive, up-to-date exploration
of the economic and social divisions in
human societies. Extensive comparative
information, as well as an overview of
how social stratification has changed and
evolved over time, gives readers a global
perspective on class conflict. Praised for
its thorough research and scholarship,
the text includes current statistics and the
latest trends in the field.
• • • • • • • • • •
Terrorism and
Understanding the New
Security Environment,
Readings and
Interpretations, 4/e
Russell Howard and Bruce Hoffman
Published: 10/14/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-352778-9 / 816 pp.
In this new edition, Brigadier General
(Retired) Russell Howard and Dr. Bruce
Hoffman have collected original and
previously published seminal articles
and essays by political scientists,
government officials, and members of
the national armed forces. The editors
and several of the authors write from
practical field experience in the nation’s
war on terrorism. Others have had a
significant responsibility for planning
government policy and responses. The
contributors include a majority of the
significant names in the field including
Richard Betts, Martha Crenshaw, Rohan
Gunaratna, Richard Shultz, and Paul
Pillar. Unit I of the book analyzes the
philosophical, political, and religious roots
of terrorist activities around the world
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
and discusses the national, regional, and
global effects of historical and recent acts
of terrorism. In addition to material on
the threats from suicide bombers, as well
as chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear weapons, there are also important
contributions analyzing new and growing
threats such as genomic terrorism. Unit
II deals with past, present, and future
national and international responses to—
and defenses against—terrorism. Essays
and articles in this section analyze and
debate the practical, political, ethical, and
moral questions raised by military and
non-military responses (and pre-emptive
actions) outside of the context of declared
war. This section has expanded on the
previous edition to include expanded
strategic and tactical counterterrorism
offerings and a final chapter devoted
entirely to the post-bin Laden security
• • • • • • • • • •
Weapons of Mass
Destruction and
Terrorism, 2/e
James Forest and Russell Howard
Published: 3/16/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802622-5 / 640 pp.
In Weapons Of Mass Destruction And
Terrorism, 2/e, Dr. James Forest and
Brigadier General (Retired) Russell
Howard have collected original and
previously published seminal articles
and essays by scientists, academics,
government officials, and members of
the nation’s security and intelligence
communities. The editors and several
of the authors write from practical field
experience in nonproliferation and
counterterrorism efforts. Others have had
a significant responsibility for planning
government policies to address the
threat of weapons of mass destruction
and terrorism. The contributors include
many significant names in the field
including Bruce Hoffman, Ashton Carter,
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
William Perry, Brian Jenkins, Jonathan
Tucker, Charles Ferguson, David Albright,
Gary Ackerman, and Gregory Koblentz.
Unit I of the book introduces key terms
and addresses important strategic and
policy debates. Authors explain how the
new forms of terrorism affect the post9/11 security environment and how
weapons of mass destruction could give
terrorists short-term, asymmetric attack
advantages over conventional military
forces. Unit II offers detailed accounts
of the characteristics, availability, and
dangers of specific types of WMD, along
with five case studies that associate
theory with practice—-an important
feature of this volume. Unit III is focused
on key dimensions of the WMD threat
to critical infrastructure. Unit IV deals
with past, present, and future national
and international responses to—-and
defenses against-—the threat of WMD
terrorism. And in the final section of the
volume, authors provide several analytical
frameworks for predicting future WMD
threats, and draw from historical events
to identify lessons and strategies for the
future. Appendices include U.S. national
strategy documents on countering
terrorism and standards for controlling
WMD materials and technologies.
• • • • • • • • • •
Sports in Society: Issues and
Controversies, 11/e
Jay Coakley
Published: 1/10/2014
ISBN: 978-0-07-802252-4 / 672 pp.
Sports in Society is the definitive text
for the sport sociology course. Taking a
global, issues-oriented approach to the
study of the role of sport in society, this
text encourages the discussion of current
sports-related controversies and helps
students develop critical thinking skills.
• • • • • • • • • •
Feminist Frontiers, 9/e
Verta Taylor, Nancy Whittier,
and Leila Rupp
Published: 9/13/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-802662-1 / 576 pp.
The most widely used anthology of
feminist writings, Feminist Frontiers
has stood the test of time. Classic and
contemporary readings on cutting‐
edge topics cut across disciplinary and
generational lines, presenting the full
diversity of women’s lives and exploring
commonalities and interconnected
differences. Feminist Frontiers offers
analyses of the causes and consequences
of gender inequality in interaction with
race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, ability,
and nation, and introduces students to
feminist theory and methodology. The
ninth edition maintains a consistent
coverage of diversity within a global
perspective while highlighting the impact
of new technologies on women’s lives and
Women’s Voices, Feminist
Visions: Classic and
Contemporary Readings,
Susan Shaw and Janet Lee
Published: 7/29/2011
ISBN: 978-0-07-351232-7 / 768 pp.
As a leading introductory women’s
studies reader, Shaw and Lee’s Women’s
Voices, Feminist Visions offers an excellent
balance of classic, conceptual, and
experiential selections including new
contemporary readings. This studentfriendly text provides short and accessible
readings reflecting the diversity of
women’s experiences. With each new
edition, the authors keep the framework
essays and selections of readings fresh
and interesting for students.
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
• • • •of•Family
• • • •
Public and Private Families:
An Introduction, 7/e
Andrew Cherlin
Published: 10/5/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802667-6 / 608 pp.
Public and Private Families: An
Introduction, now in its seventh edition,
continues its tradition as the essential
text in the examination of family as
both a private entity and public space.
Discoursing over intimate personal
concerns, such as whether to marry,
as well as global concerns, such as
governmental policies, this nationally
recognized text will give sociology
students a deep understanding of how
the “family” functions in our society
today. Features of 7e include sets of boxed
essays that explore the consequences of
the recession on the family; repositioned
emphases on gender as social structure,
family inequality and globalization;
and an expanded treatment of seven
contemporary family issues including
marriage promotion, same-sex marriage,
nonmarital childbearing, single-parent
families, national health insurance,
responsible fatherhood, and work-family
balance. A companion reader to this
textbook, Public and Private Families:
A Reader, is also now available in its
7th edition and offers both veteran and
updated materials that supplement
and enhance Cherlin’s introductory
• • • • • • • • • •
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
Public and Private Families:
A Reader, 7/e
Andrew Cherlin
Published: 11/23/2012
ISBN: 978-0-07-802668-3 / 384 pp.
Public and Private Families: A Reader,
seventh edition, exemplifies Andrew
Cherlin’s belief that families matter
in both the public and private sphere,
and the book’s 28 readings reflect this
notion. Keyed to the fourteen chapters of
Cherlin’s successful text Public and Private
Families: An Introduction, also in its
seventh edition, the reader includes both
veteran and updated materials that both
supplement and enhance the introduction.
Sociological Theory
Readings in Social Theory,
James Farganis
Published: 02/08/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-802684-3
ISBN: 978-1-259-01064-4 (IE)
This established anthology of primary
readings provides a firm foundation
in sociological theory. Concepts
are expressed through the most
influential thinkers in each of the
classic, contemporary, modernist, and
postmodernist eras.
• • • • • • • • • •
Sociological Theory, 9/e
George Ritzer
Published: 03/08/2013
ISBN: 978-0-07-802701-7
ISBN: 978-1-259-01083-5 (IE)
The ninth edition of Sociological Theory
by George Ritzer gives readers a
comprehensive overview of the major
theorists and schools of sociological
thought. Key theories are integrated with
biographical sketches of theorists, and are
placed in their historical and intellectual
context. Written by one of the foremost
authorities on sociological theory, this
text helps students better understand the
original works of classical and modern
theorists, and enables them to compare
and contrast the latest substantive
• • • • • • • • • •
The Annual Editions series is designed to
provide convenient, inexpensive access
to a wide range of current articles from
some of the most respected magazines,
newspapers, and journals published today.
Annual Editions are updated on a regular
basis through a continuous monitoring of
over 300 periodical sources. The articles
selected are authored by prominent
scholars, researchers, and commentators
writing for a general audience. The Annual
Editions volumes have a number of
common organizational features designed
to make them particularly useful in the
classroom: a general introduction; an
annotated table of contents; a topic guide;
an annotated listing of selected World
Wide Web sites; and a brief overview for
each section. Each volume also offers an
online Instructor’s Resource Guide with
testing materials. Using Annual Editions
in the Classroom is a general guide that
provides a number of interesting and
functional ideas for using Annual Editions
readers in the classroom.
• 978-0-07-805120-3,
Aging 12/13
• 978-0-07-813608-5,
Aging 13/14
• 978-0-07-805100-5,
Developing World 12/13
• 978-0-07-813591-0,
Developing World 13/14
• 978-0-07-805123-4,
Drugs, Society, and Behavior 12/13
• 978-0-07-813610-8,
Drugs, Society, and Behavior 13/14
Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
• 978-0-07-805105-0,
Dying, Death, and Bereavement 12/13
• 978-0-07-805130-2,
Dying, Death, and Bereavement 13/14
• 978-0-07-805106-7,
Education 12/13
• 978-0-07-813595-8,
Education 13/14
• 978-0-07-805104-3,
The Family 12/13
• 978-0-07-813593-4,
The Family 13/14
• 978-0-07-805052-7,
Gender 10/11
• 978-0-07-805103-6,
Health 12/13
• 978-0-07-813592-7,
Health 13/14
• 978-0-07-339730-6,
Homeland Security, 2/e
• 978-0-07-813603-0,
Homeland Security, 3/e - CREATE only
• 978-0-07-805117-3,
Human Sexualities 12/13
• 978-0-07-805089-3,
Race and Ethnic Relations, 18/e
• 978-0-07-805085-5,
Social Problems 11/12
• 978-0-07-805119-7,
Social Problems 13/14
• 978-0-07-805122-7,
Sociology 12/13
• 978-0-07-813601-6,
Sociology 13/14
• 978-0-07-352877-9,
Technologies, Social Media, and
Society 13/14
• 978-0-07-805098-5,
Urban Society, 15/e
• 978-0-07-813612-2,
Urban Society, 16/e
• 978-0-07-805111-1,
Violence and Terrorism 12/13
For more information or to request an examination copy contact your local sales representative or email us at
Taking Sides volumes present current
controversial issues in a debate-style
format designed to stimulate student
interest and develop critical thinking
skills. Each issue is thoughtfully framed
with Learning Outcomes, an Issue
Summary, an Introduction, and an
Exploring the Issue section featuring
Critical Thinking and Reflection, Is
There Common Ground?, and Additional
Resources. Taking Sides readers also
offer a Topic Guide and an annotated
listing of Internet References for further
consideration of the issues. An online
Instructor’s Resource Guide with testing
material is available for each volume.
Using Taking Sides in the Classroom is
also an excellent instructor resource.
• 978-0-07-805012-1,
Bioethical Issues, 14/e Expanded
• 978-0-07-813949-9,
Bioethical Issues, 15/e
• 978-0-07-805079-4,
Constitutional Law
• 978-0-07-805025-1,
Crime and Criminology, 10/e
• 978-0-07-805037-4,
Crime and Criminology, 10/e Expanded
• 978-0-07-282817-7,
Criminal Justice
• 978-0-07-805039-8,
Death and Dying
• 978-0-07-805022-0,
Drugs and Society, 10/e
• 978-0-07-351530-4,
Early Childhood Education, 2/e
• 978-0-07-805035-0,
Educational Issues, 17/e
• 978-0-07-813950-5,
Educational Issues, 17/e Expanded
• 978-0-07-805038-1,
Family and Personal Relationships, 9/e
• 978-0-07-805030-5,
Gender, 6/e
• 978-0-07-805023-7,
Health and Society, 10/e
• 978-0-07-805020-6,
Human Sexuality, 12/e
• 978-0-07-805028-2,
Legal Issues, 15/e
• 978-0-07-805049-7,
Legal Issues, 15/e Expanded
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Race and Ethnicity, 8/e
• 978-0-07-805047-3,
Race and Ethnicity, 9/e
• 978-0-07-805027-5,
Science, Technology, and Society, 10/e
• 978-0-07-805045-9,
Science, Technology, and Society, 10/e
• 978-0-07-805033-6,
Social Issues, 17/e
• 978-0-07-805036-7,
Social Psychology, 4/e
• 978-0-07-805043-5,
Urban Studies
• 978-0-07-813948-2,
Women’s Studies
Available for Spring
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they encounter in their daily lives. An
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objective, address a wide variety of
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Available for Spring
©2014 & EARLIER
WILL Interactive: Reel
Society: An Interactive
Movie CD-­ROM Version, 2.0
ISBN: 9780072996630 / 2005
Reel Society 2.0 is the learning tool for
bridging the classroom and real life. This
unique interactive movie on two CD-ROMs
demonstrates the sociological imagination
using actors and scenarios involving
campus life. Taking on the role of one of
the characters, each viewer takes part in
key plot turns by making choices for the
character. Through it all, a wide variety
of issues and perspectives are addressed,
reinforcing major sociological concepts
and theories, relating them to students’
lives, and sparking debate. In addition to
the interactive movie, explanatory text
and a glossary, this enhanced two CD set
includes quizzes and discussion questions
to test your knowledge of sociology.
Plus, there are links to the McGraw-Hill
sociology websites. A perfect complement
to any introductory sociology textbook,
Reel Society 2.0 is available in discounted
packages with selected McGraw-Hill texts.
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