Trabajo de verano

Trabajo de verano
Colegio Monaita
Objetivos de 1º de Bachillerato
- Presente simple y continuo (oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas); también
con valor de futuro.
- Stative verbs.
- Reglas básicas para elaborar una oración.
- El orden lógico de las palabras en una oración afirmativa en inglés.
- El orden lógico de las palabras en oraciones interrogativas directas e indirectas en inglés.
- Expresiones que indiquen gustos y preferencias.
- Pasado simple y pasado continuo (oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas);
expresiones temporales asociadas a ambos tiempos verbales.
- Uso de la forma used to
- Preguntas con la partícula interrogativa wh.
- El orden básico de la oración en inglés: Sujeto + verbo + complementos + complementos
- El futuro: futuro simple/continuo; be going to. Futuro perfecto
- Oraciones condicionales.
- Oraciones subordinadas temporales.
- Oraciones subordinadas de relativo.
- Pronombres relativos.
- Verbos seguidos de partícula y/o preposición. (phrasal verbs y verbos
con preposición)
- Adjetivos y sus preposiciones.
- Estructuras de gerundio y de infinitivo.
- Verbos modales y semimodales.
- Estructuras y léxico fundamentales para dar sugerencias y consejos.
- Estructuras y expresiones básicas para utilizar un orden lógico en las
- Enlaces y nexos.
- Tipos de adverbios.
- La voz pasiva y oraciones con la estructura de Have/ get + something +
- Las tres partes de una redacción: introducción, desarrollo y conclusión.
- Distintas maneras de comenzar una redacción.
- Pretérito perfecto/continuo (oraciones afirmativas, negativas e interrogativas).
- El sufijo: -er.
- Expresiones temporales: for, since, yet, already, just, never, ever, still.
- So, such, too, enough para enfatizar el significado de la frase (oraciones consecutivas).
- Uso del pretérito pluscuamperfecto y continuo.
- La estructura básica de una carta informal.
- Las expresiones de cantidad.
- Uso de some, any, few, most, all, little, no, many y several.
- Expresiones y frases hechas para expresar acuerdos y desacuerdos.
- Estilo indirecto: statements, questions, commands, reported verbs
- Sufijos para formar nombres, adjetivos y algunos prefijos
- Nombres con preposición.
- Oraciones causales y oraciones finales.
Realización del trabajo de verano
o Las alumnas que han sacado una nota de 7 o superior a ella deben realizar los
ejercicios de comprensión lectora y dos de las composiciones que se proponen en
los textos. De los ejercicios de vocabulario y gramática, podrán presentar diez
de cada parte. Los ejercicios los entregarán en la primera semana del curso
o Las alumnas con una nota inferior al 7 deberán realizar los ejercicios
correspondientes a la comprensión lectora, dos de las composiciones que se
proponen en los textos y veinte ejercicios de cada parte: vocabulario y
gramática. Los ejercicios los entregarán en la primera semana del curso siguiente.
o Las alumnas que han suspendido la asignatura deberán realizar TODOS los
ejercicios que se proponen en este documento, tanto de la parte de vocabulario y
gramática como de la parte de la comprensión de textos y composiciones. Los
ejercicios los entregarán cuando vengan a realizar el examen de septiembre.
Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
The prime minister’s explanation convinced me. I believe / don’t believe him.
University applicants are being evaluated with a new exam / fee this year.
This book is exciting / boring, so it’s difficult for me to concentrate on it.
They don’t realise Michael / that that’s Michael because he dyed his hair.
Please help me arrange the furniture. I can’t buy / do it without someone’s help.
This course is for people who want to develop computer repairs / skills.
Complete the passage with the correct word below.
subjects ■ mistake ■ trained ■ unwilling ■ memorise ■ manual ■ group ■ great at
Dear Beth,
I just got a summer job at Bob’s Burgers, and had to attend a course where new employees are 1. .................................. .
There were six people in my 2. .................................. , and we actually had fun learning how to prepare all the food.
We also studied other 3. .................................. , including how to serve customers and use the tills. The most boring part
was studying the company 4. .................................. , which is 100 pages long! We even had to 5. ..................................
the company rules. In the exam at the end, I had only one 6. .................................. . I’m not sure I’ll be
7. .................................. cooking burgers, but I’ll try. As our instructor said: If you’re 8. .................................. to do your
best, don’t work here!
Choose the correct preposition.
I’m very fond about / of Bill.
The shop manager is satisfied with / in my work.
She’s not very good at / for driving.
He’s angry with / about the change in plans.
He wasn’t involved in / at the robbery.
Their flat is similar of / to ours.
Many cities are famous at / for their architecture.
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition below.
in ■ with ■ to ■ at ■ for ■ about ■ of
1. Vegetables are good .................................. your health.
My sister is jealous .................................. me.
Emily is angry .................................. Steve for losing her CD.
We were all amazed .................................. Lisa’s news.
I’m not interested .................................. your opinion.
I’m really sorry .................................. what happened to you.
Dave’s brother is married .................................. Tina.
Match each phrasal verb in I with its meaning in II. Use a dictionary to help you.
look up
go up
turn down
look over
catch on
put off
...... a.
...... b.
...... c.
...... d.
...... e.
...... f.
become popular
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a suitable phrasal verb from Exercise 5.
Don’t ................................………… studying for the exam. You might not have a lot of time next week.
Please ................................………… the air conditioning. It’s cold in here.
Sam looked at the instructions and ................................………… how to assemble the machine.
At first, nobody liked the new fashion trend but now it ................................………… all over the city.
The price of petrol ................................………… tomorrow so there are long queues at the petrol station.
I ................................………… my work one more time before I give it to the teacher.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb below. Use a dictionary to help you.
look into ■ look after ■ look for ■ stay out ■ take up
While my neighbours are on holiday, I ................................………… their dog.
At present, I ................................………… different possibilities of studying abroad.
Last summer, I ................................………… surfing so I was at the beach a lot.
Everybody ................................………… the missing children when they suddenly appeared in a park.
We ................................………… late on Friday nights because we don’t have to get up early the next morning.
Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below.
chat ■ lead ■ get to know ■ sense of humour ■ in any case
Please introduce me to Amy. I want to ................................………… her.
We started to ................................………… and discovered how much we’ve got in common.
Try to arrive at the meeting as soon as possible. ................................………… , we won’t start without you.
Can you ................................………… the way? We’ll follow you.
He’s got a great ................................………… . He tells the funniest stories.
Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
He was surprised to see Emily at the party. He knew / had no idea that she would be there.
It’s a fake diamond. It’s real / not real.
He hides his emotions well. It’s easy / difficult to know what he’s really feeling.
That’s a reasonable argument. It is logical / ridiculous.
Let’s exchange phone numbers / marks.
He’s in a new relationship now. He’s got a different aunt / girlfriend.
There was a tattoo craze a few years ago, when it seemed like everyone was avoiding / getting tattoos.
MP3 players and iPods have really taken the world by storm. They’ve become very expensive / popular.
Match the beginning of each sentence in I to a suitable ending in II.
It was a big disappointment
Her appearance really changed
Everyone had a date
People often give signals
My girlfriend matters
We heard their voices
She has got a good sense of humour
...... a. to me; she’s very important.
...... b. when our team lost.
...... c. by gesturing with their hands.
...... d. and tells great jokes.
...... e. when she cut her hair.
...... f. when they were talking outside.
...... g. for the party.
Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verb in brackets.
She’s not upset. She just feels like .................................. (be) alone.
Don’t forget .................................. (answer) all the questions in the exam.
I remember .................................. (tell) you about the meeting – you even made a note of it.
We hope .................................. (visit) our friends when we’re in London next month.
.................................. (write) e-mails was a great way to get to know my pen-pal better.
He stopped .................................. (eat) fast food because it’s not very healthy.
Choose the correct answer.
1. I can’t believe I forgot meeting Tim!
a. I usually remember when we’ve made plans to meet.
b. But he was absolutely right – we already met once, about a year ago.
2. He didn’t remember to set his alarm clock.
a. That’s why he woke up late yesterday.
b. That’s why he checked to make sure that it was set.
3. She didn’t remember giving me her mobile phone number yesterday.
a. I had to ask her for it again today.
b. She was surprised when I rang her on her mobile phone.
4. I forgot to bring a sandwich to school today.
a. That’s why I was surprised to find it in my bag.
b. That’s why I’m going to buy a sandwich at the kiosk.
Complete the passage with the correct noun form of the word in brackets. Use a dictionary to help you.
Many secondary-school students in the UK gain valuable work experience through 1. .................................. (participate)
in special job programmes called 2. .................................. (intern) programmes. These match students with areas of
3. .................................. (employ) related to their studies or career goals. Students and 4. .................................. (teach)
agree that these programmes enhance students’ 5. .................................. (educate) and prospects for well-paying jobs by
helping them to develop a greater sense of 6. .................................. (responsible) and make wise 7. ..................................
(decide) about their studies and careers. Another benefit is that bosses who are satisfied with a student’s job
8. .................................. (perform) will usually agree to be used as a 9. .................................. (refer) – someone who will
recommend the student to universities and workplaces.
Complete the sentences with the words below.
dedicated ■ sensational ■ profitable ■ modest ■ likely ■ proof
Newspapers often use .................................. headlines to catch people’s attention.
It’s .................................. that I’ll be home but call first.
The shop wasn’t very .................................. in the first year, but since then business has improved.
Have you got any .................................. that he’s the thief?
The singer .................................. the song to his girlfriend as a sign of his love.
He’s not a very .................................. man. He always tells us that he’s very rich.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Every time I borrow the car, my father gives me the same word of warning:
a. don’t drink and drive!
b. have a great time!
2. Mark passed on the exciting news so
a. it’s still secret.
b. everybody knows.
3. In my family, we express emotions and
a. tell each other how we’re feeling.
b. hide our true feelings.
4. This place became popular by word of mouth; everybody heard about it
a. from other students.
b. on television.
5. Like it or not, I’m becoming a vegetarian
a. and your opinion isn’t important.
b. so I’d love to hear your opinion.
6. I hate to rush; I prefer to do everything
a. quickly.
b. slowly.
Match the sentences in I to the sentences in II.
She used to go to this school.
She is used to going to this school.
She is getting used to this school.
She didn’t use to go to this school.
...... a. Now she is studying here.
...... b. She left last year.
...... c. She is accustomed to it.
...... d. She has not yet adjusted to it.
Choose the correct answer. One sentence has got two correct answers.
Nicole Kidman would / used to be married to Tom Cruise.
Peter is from Hawaii, so he gets used to / is used to hot weather.
My mother used to / would bake biscuits every day when I was a child.
He wouldn’t / didn’t use to like Chinese food, but now he loves it.
Could you get used to / be used to living in another country?
At first, John hated his new school, but he slowly got used to / was used to it.
My flat is on a busy street, but I rarely notice the noise. I’ve lived here for so long that
I am getting used to / am used to it.
Match I and II to form logical sentences.
She accused her friend
They succeeded
We waited
I agreed
You can rely
She always boasts
They are arriving
That CD belongs
...... a. about her high marks.
...... b. at noon.
...... c. on Jim because he’s honest.
...... d. to Jeff.
...... e. for them until 4’oclock.
...... f. of lying.
...... g. in climbing Mt Everest.
...... h. with what Helen said.
Complete the sentences with the prepositions below.
She apologised .................................. arriving late.
It’s difficult for her to concentrate .................................. her studies when she’s tired.
My cousin stayed .................................. us when he was in London last year.
I haven’t heard .................................. your date with Gwen yet! How was it?
Why is that girl over there looking .................................. you? Do you know each other?
They haven’t listened .................................. their phone messages yet.
Choose the correct adverb.
I’m absolutely / fairly sure this is the right answer. I’ve got no doubt about it.
The waves are a bit / extremely high today, so we can’t go swimming.
I’m not at all / quite hungry. I think I’ll have a big meal.
Jenna is slightly / very nervous about her exam. She’s sure she’s going to fail.
She looks completely / pretty different. I didn’t recognise her.
Complete the sentences with the adverbs below.
terribly ■ pretty ■ totally ■ a bit
I absolutely agree with you. You’re ................................………… right.
Pat was ................................………… upset by what Keith said. I’ve never seen her cry so much.
These maths problems are ................................………… easy. You shouldn’t have much trouble doing them.
My legs are just ................................………… sore, but I can still continue walking.
22. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below.
go down ■ get on ■ pay off ■ get up ■ get into ■ go on
He didn’t ................................………… Oxford University, but Leeds accepted him.
She usually ................................………… early for school, but she slept late today.
Yesterday I ................................………… the train too late to find a seat.
I’m going to ................................………… the money I owe my parents very quickly.
Nothing special ................................………… in our town at weekends.
I didn’t buy an MP3 player until the price ................................………… during a sale.
Complete the passage with the words below.
prove ■ find out ■ come true ■ talent ■ chance
Gill could hardly believe it: it was a dream 1. ................................………… . She was at Wimbledon, the famous annual
tennis tournament in London. She was about to see the world’s finest tennis players, all of whom had great
2. ................................………… and wanted to 3. ................................………… that they were truly the best. Gill hoped
that one day she would have the 4. ................................………… to play at Wimbledon and 5. ......................... whether
she was as good as the players she admired.
Choose the correct answer to show that you have understood the meaning of the words in italics.
Are there many restaurants / rooms in this neighbourhood?
Tom is the oldest sibling. His sisters / friends are younger than he is.
I’ve recently joined a health club but now I regret getting / ending a year long membership.
The band was amazing! I was disappointed / happy that I went to hear them.
I let Dave read my story, but I’m not going to allow / forbid anyone else to.
Ann moved to Manchester last month. So far, she’s enjoying visiting / living there.
We did our history projects in teams. It was nice to work alone / in a group.
Sally had reminded me about the test so I was / wasn’t prepared.
It was painful so she laughed / cried.
This old computer is useless. It has got all / none of the new software!
Replace the words in bold with the words below.
refuse ■ signed ■ neglect ■ stunned ■ tricked ■ failed
Those criminals deceived people into giving them their credit card numbers. ................................…………
Beth wrote her name on 50 thank-you cards. ................................…………
Jack didn’t pass the audition for the play. ................................…………
Dogs whose owners pay no attention to them are usually lonely animals. ................................…………
We were shocked that Jason had been arrested. ................................…………
The club’s owners aren’t willing to allow people under 18 to enter. ................................…………
Complete the sentences with adjectives formed from the word in brackets and a suitable suffix
(-ed, -ing, -ful, -less). Use a dictionary to help you.
Being a vet is a ................................………… career. I feel that I help both animals and people! (satisfy)
Everyone was ................................………… by the dancer’s incredible performance. (amaze)
The film’s main character is a ................................………… man who sleeps in a London park. (home)
I’m ................................………… about next year – I’m not sure whether I want to work, travel or go to
university. (confuse)
It was quiet and ................................………… on the beach, and I was really able to relax. (peace)
Oh, this is so ................................………… ! I don’t understand these instructions. (frustrate)
Pollution from cars is ................................………… to the environment. (harm)
I’m ................................………… at cooking. I’ll never learn how to make anything taste good. (hope)
Form adjectives by adding a suitable suffix (-ous, -al, -able, -ive) to the following words. Use a dictonary
to help you.
Complete the passage with adjectives formed from the word in brackets and a suffix. Use a dictionary to
help you.
Dear Sue,
Thanks for the e-mail – I’m glad you’re having an 1. ................................………… (excite) holiday! Things here aren’t
so 2. ................................………… (wonder). It’s so 3. ................................………… (bore) spending time with our friend
Amy. She’s very 4. ................................………… (excite) about her new boyfriend, and talks about him constantly.
I’m so 5. ................................………… (tire) of hearing how romantic and 6. ................................………… (thought)
he is, and what a 7. ................................………… (talent) guitar player he is (she’s convinced that he’s going to be
8. ................................………… (fame) one day!). She also tells me very 9. ................................………… (person)
things about him, which I find 10. ................................………… (embarrass). She’s so 11. ................................…………
(fascinate) by him that it’s actually 12. ................................………… (humour)! When you come home, you’ll see how
13. ................................………… (hope) it is to have an 14. ................................………… (interest) conversation with her.
Complete the sentences by adding a suitable prefix below to the word in brackets.
over- ■ im- ■ dis- ■ anti-
It’s ................................………… to see the stage from here. We’re sitting too far away. (possible)
Most of the protesters against the fighting held signs with ................................………… slogans. (war)
The only ................................………… of my new school is that it’s far away, but otherwise it’s great. (advantage)
The teacher doesn’t want us to ................................………… – our essays must be under 300 words. (write)
Complete each sentence by adding a prefix (multi-, bi-, under-, un-) to the words below.
Use a dictionary to help you.
monthly ■ likely ■ cultural ■ weight
Joe’s ................................………… to be on time. He left late.
Our ................................………… meetings usually take place on the 5th and 20th.
Your dog is ................................………… . She needs to eat more.
This is a ................................………… neighbourhood, with a mixture of people from different religions and nations.
Complete the dialogues with the words below.
race ■ shot ■ take off ■ left behind ■ proudly ■ land ■ purposely ■ beat
Paul: I’m waiting for a friend so can you please tell me when flight 64 is supposed
to 1. ................................………… ?
Clerk: Unfortunately, it won’t be arriving until 4.30 pm because it didn’t 2. ................................…………
on time.
John: This is a great photo of Sam. He’s smiling so 3. ............................………… !
Amy: It’s my favourite 4. ................................………… of him. It was taken right
after he 5. ................................………… William in the 100-metre 6. ...........................…………
David: Hey – you 7. ................................… your jacket ..................………… !
Do you want to go back and get it?
Mark: No, I did it 8. ................................………… . When Erica calls to tell me that
I forgot it.
Choose the sentence that best follows the original sentence. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. There’s no evidence that Tom stole your bag.
a. Nobody saw him do it.
b. Nobody believes it.
2. Global warming is affecting mankind.
a. Women, however, are not being affected.
b. All of humanity is feeling the effects.
3. These footprints are so large!
a. I usually wear smaller boots.
b. Whoever walked here has got very big feet.
4. He has operated this shop for 40 years.
a. He’s been a loyal customer for 40 years.
b. He started the business when he was 20 years old.
5. She admitted hitting our car.
a. She told the truth.
b. I saw her do it, but she didn’t confess to it.
Complete the passage with the prepositions below. Some prepositions are used more than once.
for ■ to ■ on ■ of ■ with ■ in ■ about
Emma: David, what’s the matter 1. ................................………… you? You look tense.
David: I am. And I’ve got good reasons 2. ................................………… it, too. Today’s been a terrible day. I got
an assignment to write 3. ................................………… London’s history – and I’ve got no interest
4. ................................………… the subject. Plus, this morning, my parents and I had an argument
5. ................................………… my lack 6. ................................………… responsibility at home. I’ve really
got no objection 7. ................................………… helping at home, but with the increase
8. ................................………… schoolwork and exam preparation, I just haven’t got time!
Emma: Well, I might have a solution 9. ................................………… that problem. A few months ago, when my
parents had similar complaints, I actually described everything I had to do for school, and that really
seemed to have an effect 10. ................................………… their attitude.
David: Maybe I’ll try that. But first, I’d better offer an apology 11. ................................………… shouting at them.
Choose the correct reporting verb.
The new prime minister suggested / declared that she would improve the health-care system.
My mother insisted / announced that everyone wear their seatbelts.
The doctor recommended / offered that I exercise more.
The lifeguard warned / wondered us that the sea was too stormy for swimming.
My father claimed / demanded that I explain where I had been.
Complete the sentences with the reporting verbs below.
complained ■ announced ■ ordered ■ offered ■ suggested ■ admitted ■ wondered ■ claimed
“Do you think you made the right decision?” Ellen ................................………… .
“We should leave early to avoid the traffic,” Mark ................................………… .
“We did everything possible to help her,” Mr Smith ................................………… .
“I’m the one who broke your camera,” my little brother ................................………… .
“The music’s too loud!” my sister ................................………… .
“I can drive you home,” ................................………… Bill.
“The exam will be postponed for a week,” ................................………… our teacher.
“Stop!” the policeman ................................………… .
Complete the chart. Use a dictionary to help you.
2. inform
4. decide
6. offend
Complete the sentences with a suitable word from Exercise 5.
She felt an immediate ................................………… to the handsome man.
The smell of the biscuits is too ................................………… to resist.
After a lot of practice, I finally ................................………… in standing on my head.
I don’t ................................………… Sue. Her life is so difficult.
The security guard looked at us ................................………… . Perhaps he thought we were thieves.
Dave is usually very ................................………… , but now he doesn’t know which option to choose.
I ................................………… myself when I spilled soup on Dan.
There was a lot of ................................………… when the contest winners were announced.
This brochure isn’t very ................................………… . We’ll need more details before booking our holiday.
Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. What’s so funny? (laugh)
Why ............................................................................................................ ?
2. In my opinion, she isn’t very generous. (not think)
I ................................................................................................................... .
3. Emma can’t find her maths book. (look for)
Emma .......................................................................................................... .
4. She’s walking to school today. (ride)
She usually .................................................................................. her bicycle.
5. Please put the milk back into the fridge. (drink)
Nobody ............................................................................................... it now.
6. What are you talking about? (not understand)
I ................................................................................................................... .
Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous.
Nearly everyone 1. .................................. (love) chocolate, but most people 2. .................................. (think) that it is
unhealthy because it 3. .................................. (contain) a lot of calories and a high amount of fat. However, these days,
scientists 4. .................................. (find) that it has also got some health benefits. Based on recent studies, researchers
5. .................................. (begin) to promote the idea that moderate amounts of dark chocolate can help protect against
heart disease and high blood pressure. Furthermore, dark chocolate provides small amounts of important nutrients, so
it adds some vitamins and minerals to your diet. I 6. .................................. (want) some chocolate right now; what about
Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.
You missed an exciting football match ................................………… .
................................………… we had swum, we had lunch at a café on the beach.
My friends were shouting encouragement ................................………… I was running the race.
I was sleeping ................................………… Beth rang the bell.
................................………… our bags arrived, all the other passengers had already got theirs.
This shopping centre is only a few years old. It opened ................................………… .
Choose the correct answer.
when ■ as ■ last night ■ by the time ■ in 2003 ■ after
1. Someone stole my wallet while I … yesterday.
a. shopped
b. was shopping
2. Jim … on the phone when I arrived.
a. was talking
b. talked
3. By the time the waiter brought the dessert, we … our coffee.
a. had finished
b. finished
4. Dan was at basketball practice when he … his knee.
a. had hurt
b. hurt
5. … that joke before Cindy told it last night?
a. Did you already hear
b. Had you already heard
6. I wasn’t feeling well, so I … the wedding immediately after the ceremony.
a. was leaving
b. left
Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous.
I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home last night. But it wasn’t as quiet as I had hoped.
I 1. .................................. (watch) television when the first call 2. .................................. (come). It was my old girlfriend.
I didn’t want to talk to her, so I 3. .................................. (tell) her that I 4. .................................. (study). Then Lisa rang,
but she 5. .................................. (laugh) so much that I couldn’t understand what she 6. .................................. (say).
After that, my new girlfriend, Mary, 7. .................................. (arrive) at the door. While she 8. ..................................
(stand) in the hall, the phone 9. .................................. (ring) again. Luckily, it was Bob. He 10. ..................................
(do) his homework when he realised that he 11. .................................. (need) the maths assignment. Finally, Mary
12. .................................. (leave), the phone stopped ringing, and I watched another programme on TV.
Decide which sentence has got a meaning that is similar to the first one.
1. We were swimming when the waves got very high.
a. We began swimming after the waves got high.
b. We had begun to swim before the waves got high.
2. I did my homework after I had had dinner.
a. When I finished dinner, I did my homework.
b. I had done my maths homework by the time I had dinner.
3. The football team was practising while it was raining.
a. The team was practising until it began to rain.
b. The team practised in the rain.
4. Tim ran across the street to meet me as I was parking the car.
a. I parked the car, and then Tim ran across the street.
b. While I was parking, Tim ran across the street.
5. By the time the concert ended, my ears were hurting.
a. My ears had begun to hurt before the concert ended.
b. The concert had ended before my ears began to hurt.
Choose the correct answer.
They offered me more tea, but I already drank / had already drunk enough.
By the time Mia decided / had decided which jeans to buy, she had tried on seven pairs.
Jason was upset / had been upset last night because he hadn’t scored a goal.
The thieves were caught after they robbed / had already robbed three banks in a month.
I spoke / had spoken to my sister when she called home yesterday.
Alice came home after her parents went / had gone to bed.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Past Simple, Past Perfect
Simple or Past Continuous.
Sally .................................. (hike) when she and David met for the first time.
What .................................. you .................................. (do) after you heard the news?
Last night, Joni was wearing the boots she .................................. (buy) the day before.
By the time we got to the station, their train had already arrived and they .................................. (wait) for us.
What DVD .................................. you .................................. (watch) when I rang last night?
Complete the sentences with the time expressions below.
since ■ ever ■ never ■ for ■ yet ■ when ■ last night ■ just
My grandparents have owned their farm .................................. 1970.
Sherry has been our neighbour .................................. six years.
The dog ran outside .................................. I opened the door.
Their plane has .................................. landed, so it will be a while until we see them.
Linda and I went to a great club .................................. .
Have you .................................. heard of a band called Portishead?
I’ve .................................. ridden a moped before, but Keith is taking me for a ride later.
Joe hasn’t told his family .................................. , but he wants to ask Meg to marry him.
Write sentences by putting the words in the correct order. Use the Present Perfect Simple form of
the verbs.
1. final / Sara / exams / begin / already / to / study / for / her / .
2. Sunday / television / not watch / I / since / .
3. you / find / your / yet / sunglasses / ?
4. suitcase / pack / already / Mike / his / .
5. the / dark / I / never / be / afraid / of / .
Choose the correct answer.
Until the late 1990s, flying between European cities 1. was / has been quite expensive, so people often
2. have chosen / chose to travel by coach, train or car. Recently, however, new airlines 3. have been /
were established that offer low-cost flights throughout Europe. When these airlines 4. began / have begun to
operate, many experts 5. have believed / believed they would fail. But with thousands of passengers taking
advantage of the new lower fares, that 6. didn’t happen / hasn’t happened yet. For many people who
7. haven’t already taken / didn’t take one of these flights, they should think about it – many are now cheaper
than a train or coach!
12. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentence. Use
the Past Simple or Present Perfect Simple forms of the verbs.
1. The last time we went on holiday was in 2002. (since)
2. Tomorrow John is seeing a cricket game for the first time. (never)
3. Susie is no longer in my class. (last year)
4. Have you got any experience of working in a shop? (ever)
Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to or the Present
Continuous. Some sentences may have more than one correct answer.
That crazy driver ................................………… (cause) an accident one of these days!
According to the weather forecast, it ................................………… (not rain) today.
................................………… you ................................………… (finish) everything by 8 o’clock tonight?
I ................................………… (study) at Lindsay’s house tonight.
I see you’re interested in piano lessons, so I ................................………… (give) you my teacher’s phone number.
You’re late! We ................................………… (not get) there on time!
Dan ................................………… (perform) at a comedy club tomorrow evening.
Write a suitable continuation for the sentences below. Use the words in brackets and the Future Simple,
be going to or the Present Continuous. There may be more than one correct answer for some sentences.
1. If you don’t like horror films, don’t see this film. (be frightened)
You ............................................................................................................................
2. I’m studying at the library this afternoon. (turn off mobile phone)
I .................................................................................................................................
3. Lisa told me what she’s planned for Ron’s birthday next week. (give surprise party)
She ............................................................................................................................
4. I’ve got to buy two copies of this book. (give one to Mark)
I .................................................................................................................................
Choose the correct answer.
During the next two weeks, we will be learning / will have learnt about ancient Rome.
Don’t worry – we won’t have eaten / won’t be eating everything by the time you get here.
At this time tomorrow, I will be having / will have had my hair cut.
I’ve got so much homework, it looks like I will have worked / will be working all weekend.
On 8th March, we will have lived / will be living in this house for six years.
They will be hearing / will have heard from Ben by now. I wonder what he said.
Complete the passage with the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to, the Future Perfect, the
Future Continuous or the Present Continuous. There may be more than one correct answer.
Dear Meg,
My purse was stolen yesterday! So, during the next few days, I 1. ................................………… (replace) everything in it.
I told the bank about the theft immediately. The bank cancelled my old cashpoint card and credit card and
2. ................................………… (post) new ones to me by next week. Tomorrow, I’ve got an appointment at the driving
licence office, where I 3. ................................………… (get) a temporary licence to use until the end of the month.
According to the clerk I spoke to on the phone, I 4. ................................………… (receive) my new permanent licence by
then. I must also buy a new mobile phone, but until I do, I 5. ................................………… (use) my brother’s old phone. I
can’t remember the number, so I 6. ................................………… (send) you another e-mail with that information later.
And don’t forget – you and I 7. ................................………… (meet) next Friday.
Complete the sentences with the relative pronouns below. There may be more than one possible answer.
Then tick those sentences in which the relative pronoun can be omitted.
whose ■ when ■ that ■ where ■ which ■ who
I found the book ................................………… I borrowed. (......)
What’s the name of your friend ................................………… moped is for sale? (......)
At the time ................................………… the earthquake occurred, we were all in bed. (......)
I remember the place ................................………… I met him. (......)
The shopping centre ................................………… opened near me is huge. (......)
Everyone ................................………… has seen the film has loved it. (......)
Combine the sentences using a defining relative pronoun. Make any necessary changes. There may be
more than one possible answer.
1. I met a woman. She looks like you.
2. I want to go to the bookshop. Mary recommended it.
3. This programme is about an educator. Her ideas have become popular.
4. Rome is a city. It has got ancient ruins.
5. I’ll always remember that day. We met then.
6. My father planted the tree. It fell in the storm.
Complete the passage with a suitable relative pronoun.
The party that I gave for David, 1. .................................. birthday was last Saturday, didn’t have the best start. First, my
best friend, 2. .................................. had just broken up with her boyfriend, decided not to come to the party. She thought
that being there, 3. .................................. everyone would be having a good time, would be too “painful” for her. Then I
left the cake, 4. .................................. I had made from a special recipe, in the oven for too long. Finally, people had
already begun to arrive 5. .................................. David rang to say that he was going to be late! However, by the time
David arrived, everyone was dancing and the party, 6. .................................. hadn’t started out well, seemed to be a
Combine the sentences, using non-defining relative clauses and the relative pronoun in brackets.
Make any necessary changes. There may be more than one possible answer.
1. The band have got a hit record. The band members are all 18 years old. (whose)
2. This magazine was established in 1964. It now appears in several languages. (which)
3. This small Italian town attracts many tourists. I stay there every summer. (where)
Combine the sentences using a defining or non-defining relative clause. Make any necessary changes.
There may be more than one possible answer.
1. Carol had a computer. It was five years old.
2. On Monday, she needed to do some important work. It stopped working then.
3. She called the nearby computer shop. She had seen a notice there about repairs.
4. The technician arrived an hour later. He managed to fix the computer.
5. Still, Carol decided to buy a new one. Her work requires a reliable computer.
6. She asked the technician for advice. He was happy to give it.
Complete the sentences with the modals below.
shouldn’t ■ mustn’t ■ might ■ ought to ■ must ■ could ■ can’t ■ have to
That ................................………… be Mary. She’s away on holiday. But that girl really resembles her.
Remember – you ................................………… use your mobile phone on the plane. It’s not allowed.
................................………… I have a glass of water, please?
In my opinion, she ................................………… leave her job. She hates it.
We ................................………… give the dog so much food. I think he’s getting a bit fat.
They ................................…………share a flat again next year but they’re still not certain.
She was glad that she didn’t ................................………… do all the work on her own.
You ................................………… be so hungry! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be eating these disgusting chips!
Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the original meaning of the sentences.
1. There’s a possibility that Tom will be in London tomorrow. (might)
2. Is it possible for me to borrow this book? (could)
3. She is undoubtedly a great football player, because three teams want to sign her. (must)
4. It would be a good idea for you to go to bed early tonight. (should)
5. It’s impossible for me to buy a moped this year. (can’t)
6. Is it necessary for you to go to the meeting today? (need to)
7. He isn’t obligated to tell Miranda where he was last night. (not have to)
8. Are we required to wear school uniforms? (have to)
Choose the correct answer.
1. You broke my necklace! You … been more careful!
a. should have
b. must have
2. It’s beautiful. You … given me a nicer present.
a. wouldn’t have
b. couldn’t have
3. I think James … got lost. He’s never late.
a. might have
b. should have
4. I … bought milk, but I didn’t know we needed more.
a. may have
b. would have
Complete the sentences using a suitable modal perfect and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
There may be more than one possible answer.
It was wrong of Glen to be so rude. He ......................................... (not behave) that way.
Maggie ......................................... (write) sooner, but she didn’t find an Internet café until yesterday.
I can’t remember for sure, but I ......................................... (not lock) the front door.
Something ......................................... (happen) to Steve. He always calls when he’s late.
Complete the passages using the modals and modal perfects below and the correct form of the verb in
brackets. Use each modal or modal perfect once only.
Teens in the News
can ■ could ■ couldn’t have
I. 1. ......................................... you ......................................... (use) some assistance organising your
your cupboard and your room? Tidy Teens 2. ......................................... (help). This student-run
group raises
money for charity by cleaning up. "We didn’t realise it when we started, but we 3.
(think) of a better way to raise money," says 17-year-old Brian Mason, who helped establish the
must have ■ be able to ■ shouldn’t have ■ should have ■ have to
II. Carol Dahl 4. ......................................... (think) she was dreaming when she heard that she’d won the national
secondary-school essay contest. “I didn’t believe it,” she explains. “I just laughed at first, which I probably
5. ......................................... (do).” The prize, a cheque for £1,000, will be awarded to Carol at a ceremony in
March. “I 6. ......................................... (guess) that there would be a price to pay for the award – and there is.
I 7. ......................................... (write) a speech to give at the ceremony,” Carol says. “I’m pretty nervous but I
hope I 8. ......................................... (do) a good job.”
Choose the correct answer.
If Heather feels better later, she would meet / will meet us at the cinema.
Dan will move into his new flat as soon as he signs / will sign the contract.
I won’t call / wouldn’t call unless I need your help.
If you could meet any film star, who will it be / would it be?
I would buy a big house if I were / am rich.
When I would go / go to university, I won’t forget my friends at home.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
As soon as we get to the theme park, we ................................………… (go) on the roller-coaster.
If the service were better, this ................................………… (be) a fabulous restaurant.
Unless you ................................………… (give) me directions, I won’t know how to get to your house.
If they weren’t good at maths, they ................................………… (not be able to) give private lessons.
When I ................................………… (see) Bill, I’ll tell him about your new job.
If I ................................………… (can afford) to go to Australia, I would go there.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the third conditional.
1. I didn’t have a good time at the club. I probably ................................………… (enjoy) myself
more if I ................................………… (dance).
2. Shari got her driving licence today. If she ................................………… (not have) such a good teacher,
she ................................………… (not pass) the test.
3. I missed my favourite TV programme tonight. I ................................………… (watch) it if my homework
................................………… (not take) so long.
4. If you ................................………… (pay) attention in class, you ................................………… (know) what
the teacher said.
5. Thomas ................................………… (tell) us if he ................................………… (broke up) with Lindsey.
Complete the dialogue with the verbs in brackets. Use the first, second or third conditional or a time clause.
Ann: You’re really late!
I know, but it’s not my fault. I 1. ................................………… (not be) late if my dad’s car
2. ................................………… (not break down). It seems to have a different problem
every week. If he 3. ................................………… (take) better care of his car, it
4. ................................………… (not break down) so much. If I 5. ................................…………
(be) him, I 6. ................................………… (get) a new car. Anyway, did I miss much in maths
and history?
Ann: Not too much. As soon as this lesson ends, I 7. ................................………… (give) you my
notebook so you can copy my notes.
Joe: Thanks. I don’t know what I 8. ................................………… (do) without you!
If I 9. ................................………… (not be) around, I’m sure you 10. ................................………… (find) someone else to help
you out!
Ms Larsen:
Ann, Joe, please be quiet! Unless you 11. ................................………… (stop) talking, I
12. ................................………… (ask) you to leave the classroom!
Complete the sentences without changing the original meaning of the sentence.
1. I think you should go to the dentist.
If I were you, ......................................................................................................................
2. I felt ill because I ate too much ice cream.
I wouldn’t ...........................................................................................................................
3. Lisa was upset because she failed her exam.
She wouldn’t ......................................................................................................................
4. Sam’s going to try to finish work by five in order to meet us at the café.
Unless he ..........................................................................................................................
5. The police are trying to find the thief in order to arrest him.
They’ll arrest ......................................................................................................................
6. It’s very important that I go to the office the moment I get to school.
As soon as .........................................................................................................................
7. I didn’t remember to return the library book, but Dave reminded me.
If he hadn’t .........................................................................................................................
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use have / get something done.
1. She ................................………… her hair ................................………… (dye) black yesterday.
2. My sister ................................………… her wedding dress ................................………… (made) by a designer.
It should be ready next week.
The children ................................………… their height ................................………… (measure) twice in the past
six months.
4. Whenever we study for exams, we ................................………… pizza ................................………… (deliver).
Complete the sentences using the correct form of have / get something done. Use the words in brackets.
1. A:
2. A:
3. A:
4. A:
What is all that noise?
The neighbours ................................................................................... . (flat / renovate)
What are you going to do with your old camera?
I ............................................................................................................................. . (fix)
Where were you when I rang earlier?
I ................................................................................................................... . (hair / cut)
Are you packing everything yourselves before you move house?
No, we .............................................................................. . (heavy possessions / pack)
Choose the correct answer.
1. I’m nervous because our exam results … to us today.
a. are being given
b. are giving
2. The Lord of the Rings films … by Peter Jackson.
a. directed
b. were directed
3. This instruction manual … in seven languages.
a. writes
b. is written
4. You … this letter yesterday. It’s a pity you forgot.
a. should have been sent
b. should have sent
5. Sue and I went out for lunch while her glasses … .
a. were being repaired
b. were repairing
6. I … TV now, so you can watch whatever you want.
a. am not being watched
b. am not watching
7. Dinner … until after the ceremony.
a. won’t be served
b. won’t serve
8. The train … because of the snow.
a. might have delayed
b. might have been delayed
Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
The programme ................................………… (broadcast) right now.
More information ................................………… (provide) next week.
That film is violent, and ................................………… (should not / watch) by young children.
Do you know whether this CD ................................………… (record) in 2005?
This bill ................................………… (must / pay) by tomorrow.
The government’s new economic plan ................................………… (explain) in this article.
Write sentences that logically follow the original sentences with the words in brackets. Use the passive
form of the verbs.
1. This is the oldest house in the town. (it / build / in 1745 / .)
2. I can’t say this word. (how / it / pronounce / ?)
3. Those men are still behind us. (I / think / we / follow / .)
4. I think they made a mistake by not hiring Robert. (he / should / offer / the / job / .)
Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Omit the agent when possible. Some sentences can be written in
more than one way.
1. We gave the teacher our work.
2. Someone has told him the latest gossip.
3. They won’t give me a credit card.
4. The last I heard, he hadn’t sold his moped.
5. Someone is playing loud music.
6. They shouldn’t have given that information to the reporter.
Reading Comprehension and writing
Text 1
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Sherlock Holmes, the fictional English private detective who solves complex mysteries with logical
thinking, has captivated readers for over a hundred years. Writer Arthur Conan Doyle introduced him in
the 1887 novel A Study in Scarlet. A second Holmes novel, The Sign of Four, appeared in 1890. Then,
Conan Doyle began writing short Holmes stories for the monthly magazine The Strand. Accompanied
by dramatic illustrations, the stories were immensely popular. And then, quite suddenly, tired of the
character, Conan Doyle ended Holmes’ life in the December 1893 story The Final Problem.
Holmes fans reacted emotionally. Twenty-thousand Strand readers cancelled their subscriptions. Some
men wore black cloth around their arms as a sign of sadness over Holmes’ death. And disappointed
readers wrote letters begging Conan Doyle to produce more Holmes stories. But Conan Doyle ignored
his fans and concentrated on writing historical novels, which were unsuccessful.
In 1901, needing money, Conan Doyle published the novel The Hound of the Baskervilles, presenting it
as an old Holmes case. A couple of years later, he brought the character back to life and by 1927, he had
written over 30 more Holmes short stories. Conan Doyle died in 1930, but the Holmes stories live on.
They still sell well in various languages, and have been made into dozens of films and plays.
Holmes has even been the subject matter of academic articles, books and “the game”, a hobby of
thousands of people around the world. Participants call themselves Sherlockians and pretend to believe
that Holmes and his assistant Dr Watson were real people. They research the stories in order to work out
conflicting details and unsolved issues that Conan Doyle never specified, such as when Holmes was
born, or what university he attended. Sherlockians have set up local clubs and Internet sites, published
their research and held conferences. With new books about Holmes being released every year, the
number of Sherlockians is sure to grow.
Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.
...... 1. Holmes first appeared in a short story in a magazine.
...... 2. After The Final Problem was published, more people subscribed to the Strand.
...... 3. “The game” is popular globally.
Find words or expressions in the text that mean:
fascinated (paragraph I)
bored with (paragraph I)
paid no attention to (paragraph II)
solve (paragraph IV)
established (paragraph IV)
Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as far as possible.
1. As a result of Conan Doyle’s financial problems,
............................................................................. .
2. It is safe to assume that there will be an increase in
the number of Sherlockians because .....................
............................................................................. .
Choose the correct answer.
1. Conan Doyle decided to kill Holmes because
a. he was tired of writing.
b. he was bored with the character.
c. the readers demanded it.
2. Sherlockians
a. believe that Sherlock Holmes actually lived.
b. try to understand things about Holmes’ life that don’t appear in the stories.
c. are detectives who investigate mysteries.
Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.
1. Describe your favourite fictional character.
2. Describe a detective story or mystery you have read or seen on television or in a film, and explain how the case was
Text 2
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
It may sound strange, but large corporations actually hire people to hack into – or illegally enter – their
computer systems as well as to try to physically enter restricted office areas. These security industry
specialists in “penetration testing” are known informally as “sniffers”. Their job is to “sniff out” – in
other words to discover the weaknesses in computer and physical security systems. To succeed, they
need sophisticated computer programming skills and a sense of adventure. They work in secret, with
their identity known to only a handful of top executives.
Penetration testing of a computer system involves hacking into it and then trying to break through the
internal security. The sniffer’s goal is to find and adjust any security problems before hackers manage to
damage or retrieve information from a computer system.
Even when computers are secure, poor physical security means that thieves can still obtain valuable
information by stealing “hard copies” of the data. Ironically, companies that invest huge sums of money
in computer security often fail to protect paper records and back-up discs of computer data.
Sniffers testing physical security use the same methods that a clever thief might use. This rarely involves
breaking into an office. Instead, they gain access to restricted areas by, for instance, wearing a repairservice uniform or presenting false identity. Then, free to wander, they look for security problems,
including ineffective locks and alarms and lax office procedures such as failing to shred confidential
documents before discarding them.
Sniffers are constantly amazed at how often they easily find confidential information. For example, one
large bank’s sniffer found details of highly secret business deals in an unlocked filing cabinet. And all he
had to do to locate that filing cabinet was call a clerk from an internal bank phone and pretend to be one
of the top executives.
As with computers, physical security is not foolproof. But with sniffers on the job, security in both areas
will continue to improve.
Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as
far as possible.
1. When sniffers are hired, only a handful of top executives
2. The same methods that a clever thief might use ...
............................................................................. .
3. One sniffer located a particular filing cabinet by ....
............................................................................. .
Are the following statements T (true) or
F (false)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.
...... 1. Penetration testing of computer systems is usually done after hackers manage to hack into it.
...... 2. Companies with good security on their computer systems always invest in good physical
as well.
Answer the questions according to the information in the text.
1. What is essential in becoming a good sniffer?
2. What always surprises sniffers?
Find words or phrases in the text that mean:
very few (paragraph I)
repair (paragraph II)
walk slowly (paragraph IV)
careless (paragraph IV)
guaranteed to function
(paragraph VI)
Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option
1. In your opinion, is it justified to hire a sniffer without the knowledge of the other employees in
that workplace? Why / Why not?
Text 3
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
More computers! Longer school days! These are among the usual prescriptions for improving education.
But proponents of forest schools recommend something different: get young people into nature’s
The forest school idea originated in Sweden in the 1950s as a way to teach young children about nature.
Primary-school teachers soon noticed that children who attended forest schools before beginning school
had more self-confidence and social skills than their peers.
Expanding to include older children, the programme gradually caught on throughout Scandinavia and,
beginning in the mid-1990s, in the UK. Now, thousands of children and teenagers throughout the UK
spend about 10% of their school time outdoors – ideally, in a woodland area. But, successful
programmes have been implemented in less-than-ideal conditions, including under a tree in the school
playground. “The site isn’t that important,” says Sally York, who is employed by Scotland’s Forestry
Commission and is helping to establish forest schools there, “because forest schools are really more a
technique than a place.”
The “technique” involves doing a variety of practical outdoor tasks and having a lot of fun while doing
so. A typical forest-school day might include observing insects, planting saplings, collecting wood to
make a fire for cooking food, or building a temporary wind shelter.
Educators involved with forest schools say that the activities improve important skills. Younger pupils
expand their vocabulary and become less shy about speaking. Furthermore, the many group tasks that
are done in all age groups encourage effective communication and cooperation among students. In
addition, many of the tasks sharpen students’ observational skills. Even maths skills improve. Simple
calculations become more fun when they involve counting insects or flowers. And at higher maths
levels, geometry, for instance, becomes more interesting and understandable when used to design and
build a wind shelter.
Of course, everyone benefits from the fresh air, open space and physical exercise – which many of
today’s urban kids lack. That alone may explain the increasing popularity of forest schools.
Choose the correct answer.
1. “Nature’s classroom”
a. originated in Sweden.
b. means “the outdoors”.
c. is in the forest school in Sweden.
2. Forest schools
a. are only for young children.
b. are operated by 10% of schools in the UK.
c. don’t have to be in forests.
Find words in the text that mean:
1. solutions (paragraph I)
2. people who support an idea
(paragraph I)
3. small forest (paragraph III)
4. young trees (paragraph IV)
5. improve (paragraph V)
Are the following statements T (true) or F (false)? Find evidence in the text to support
your answers.
...... 1. Forest school activities don’t influence young pupils’ verbal skills.
...... 2. School subjects such as maths are utilised in
forest-school activities.
...... 3. At forest schools, geometry is introduced to younger students.
Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose one option.
1. Describe a place that you think would make a good site for a forest school.
2. Explain why you would / wouldn’t want to participate in a forest school.
Text 4
Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
What do you think influences people the most when choosing a mobile phone? Is it the variety of
functions it can perform, the brand name or the price? Or is it instead the way it looks? For many people,
the design is the most important thing. People buy their mobile phones because of how they look, and
for the image they project to others.
There are three main mobile phone styles. The most basic is the oblong “candy bar”, which has usually
got an uncovered keypad and screen. The flip-phone, or “clamshell”, protects the keypad and screen
when closed, and flips open for use. The slim “jackknife” turns open to reveal a screen and keypad.
Some candy-bar models can be “dressed” in easy-to-change colourful plastic or fabric covers. Some
clamshells, when closed, resemble sports cars. And jackknife styles are getting ever thinner.
But these styles may soon give way to completely new designs as mobile makers use the latest wireless
technology to devise fashion accessories that are actually phones. For example, Joe Dvorak of Motorola,
one of the largest mobile phone producers, thinks that “the most common mobile phone shapes in the
future” will be worn on the wrist or sewn into clothing. In fact, “watch-phones” are already being
produced and sold in Japan, and are popular with consumers. Other ideas that companies are developing,
or have introduced in small quantities, include mobile phone jewellery, such as necklaces and pins. Also
on the way are sunglasses that act both as a mobile phone headset and a “screen” on which to display
text messages.
The continued pairing of appealing design and sophisticated technology will definitely offer some
interesting versions of what Motorola staff like to call “the device formerly known as the mobile phone”.
Are the following statements T (true) or
F (false)? Find evidence in the text to support your answers.
...... 1. Many people choose a mobile phone only according to its looks.
...... 2. The “sports car” is a basic mobile phone style.
...... 3. “Watch-phones” aren’t yet available to the public.
Complete the sentences using the information given in the text. Use your own words as
far as possible.
1. Plastic or fabric covers ..........................................
............................................................................. .
2. Mobile phone jewellery such as necklaces and pins
............................................................................. .
Answer the question.
How will wearers of the sunglasses mentioned in the text be able to read text messages?
Choose the best meaning for each word or phrase.
1. reveal (line 7)
a. hide
b. show
c. open
2. give way to (line 10)
a. be replaced by
b. allow to go first
c. look like
3. pairing (line 18)
a. combining
b. separating
c. introducing
4. formerly (line 19)
a. presently
b. secretly
c. previously
Write a composition of about 100-120 words.
1. In your opinion, what are the most important things to consider when buying a mobile phone?
Explain your reasons.