Palabras Afirmativas y Negativas Use pg. 31 of the book to help you fill in the table Affirmative 1 2 3 4 5 Negative alguien- nadie- noun noun algo- nada- noun noun siempre- nunca, jamás- adverb adverb también- tampoco- adverb adverb algún alguna algunos algunas ningún ninguna ningunos ningunas *adjectives (these ones go before the noun) *adjectives (these ones go before the noun) *NOTE: When these words precede nouns, they function as adjectives. Therefore, they MUST agree with the number and gender of the noun they describe.* Masculine Singular Plural algún algún libro (some book) libro = masc./singular ningún ningún libro (no book) libro = masc./singular The singular form is generally used; The plural form is used when the noun it modifies exists in the plural form. Feminine Singular alguna alguna bandera (some flag) bandera = fem./singular ninguna ninguna bandera (no flag) bandera = fem./singular The singular form is generally used; The plural form is used when the noun it modifies exists in the plural form. algunos algunos libros (some books) libros = masc./plural ningunos ningunos lentes (no glasses) lentes = masc./plural Plural algunas algunas banderas (some flags) banderas = fem./plural ningunas ningunas vacaciones (no vacation) vacaciones = fem./plural Práctica 1. I have something new. _______________________________________________________________ 2. I have nothing new. _________________________________________________________________ 3. Elena always studies for the tests. ________________________________________________________ 4. Javier never studies for the tests. ________________________________________________________ 5. Margarita always talks with someone at lunch. ________________________________________________ 6. Gerardo talks with no one at lunch. _______________________________________________________ 7. I also watch TV. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. I don’t watch TV, either. ______________________________________________________________ 9. Do you have some book to read? ________________________________________________________ 10. No, I have no book to read. ____________________________________________________________ 11. No, I don’t have any to read. ___________________________________________________________ 12. Do you have any fruit to eat? ___________________________________________________________ 13. No, I have no fruit to eat. _____________________________________________________________ 14. No, I have none to eat. ______________________________________________________________ 15. Do you have any ideas for the party? ______________________________________________________ 16. No, I have no idea for the party. _________________________________________________________ 17. No, I have none for the party. ___________________________________________________________ 18. Do you have any pencils in your desk? _____________________________________________________ 19. No, I have no pencil in my desk. _________________________________________________________ 20. No, I don’t have any in my desk. _________________________________________________________ 21. Do you have any scissors? ____________________________________________________________ 22. No, I have no scissors. _______________________________________________________________ 23. No, I don’t have any. ________________________________________________________________ 24. Do you have any black pants? __________________________________________________________ 25. No, I have no black pants. _____________________________________________________________ 26. No, I don’t have any. ________________________________________________________________