GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments University of Central Florida School of Social Work GEY3001.OW61-Gerontology- An Interdisciplinary Perspective To access the course login at: Instructor: Denise Gammonley, PhD, LCSW Term: Fall, 2014 Office Phone: 407-823-2215 Office Hours: By appointment Office: HPA I Room 248 Email: Use the Webcourses mail system to contact Dr. Gammonley Credit Hours: 3 COURSE DESCRIPTION Study of aging from an interdisciplinary perspective bridging social and behavioral sciences, nursing, social work, allied health, and natural sciences. COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the conclusion of the semester students will be able to: 1. Define the scope of the field of gerontology as an interdisciplinary endeavor encompassing research, service, and public policy. 2. Understand the biological, psychological, and social factors associated with the process of human aging. 3. Display heightened self-awareness of their own aging process, including the ability to envision a personal future as an older adult and appreciation of intergenerational relationships. 4. Analyze the implications of the demographic imperative of a global aging society for long-term care and family caregivers while considering diverse cross-cultural values about aging. 5. Identify key political and economic issues associated with an aging society that affect older workers, the health care, and social service systems. 6. Discuss ongoing ethical controversies brought on by an aging population including end-of-life care decisions, and the distribution of economic, social, and health resources. 7. Articulate and defend positions on key controversies related to economic, social, and health aspects of aging through discussion forums and reaction papers. As of Fall 2014, all faculty members are required to document students' academic activity at the beginning of each course. In order to document that you began this course, please complete the following academic activity by the end of the first week of classes, or as soon as possible after adding the course, but no later than August 27. Failure to do so will result in a delay in the disbursement of your financial aid. 1 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Required Assignment: Aging IQ Quiz---due August 25, 2014 11:59pm. LEARNING METHODS A variety of web based instructional methods including tutorials, discussion forums, reaction papers, quizzes, interactive video and websites are employed in this course. REQUIRED TEXTS Moody, H.R. & Sasser, J. R. (2015). Aging: Concepts & controversies (8th Ed.), Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. Available for purchase online at the UCF Bookstore LIBRARY RESOURCES Students will be expected to utilize UCF library resources to search library databases for required readings. The following web sites can help students find information, navigate through databases and learn how to use the library: 1. Library Instruction sessions - 2. Library Research Tutorials - 3. Streaming videos - 4. Research Guides - 5. Ask a Librarian service - 6. Consult with the librarian familiar with Social Work—Mr. Hal Mendolsohn The UCF Libraries has a full array of paper and electronic resources available for students and their research needs. In addition to paper copies of books and journals, UCF students have the ability to access a vast selection of journals and books in electronic format while on or off campus. The web address to the library's catalog is The Ask A Librarian service provides students the ability to contact a library professional either by phone, on-line chat or email, and ask for assistance on "how to" locate, research, and obtain library materials. The web address for Ask A Librarian is A series of streaming videos, showing students how to search for a book or journal article, has been developed and are available at Research Guides for different majors, that list books, journals, databases, and web sites have been developed and are available in electronic format at Another service to help students conduct library research is called Research Consultation. After a student has conducted his/her research and is in need of additional information, s/he can work with a librarian to locate material with the help of his/her expert searching capabilities. To set-up a Research Consultation, students can either come into the library and sign-up at the Reference Desk or call the library Reference Office at 407-823-5880. Finally, students are always encouraged to visit the library and ask a Reference Librarian how best to conduct one's research. If a student has a simple question on how to locate either a book or journal title, the UCF Reference Libraries are happy to provide this type of service too. 2 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments ASSIGNMENTS AND POINTS Assignments and Points are listed at the end of this document in the Course Schedule GRADING SCALE 95 – 100 90 – 94 87 – 89 84 – 86 A AB+ B BC+ C C- 80 - 83 77 - 79 74 - 76 70 - 73 D+ D DF Final Grade Calculation Total # of Points A 146-154 A- 139-145 B+ 134-138 B 130-133 B- 124-129 C+ 119-123 C 114-118 C- 108-113 D+ 103-107 D 99-102 D- 93-98 F 92 or less 67 - 69 64 - 66 60 - 63 59 or less POLICIES In addition to the information below, the student should become familiar with School of Work Student Handbook and The Golden Rule Handbook for UCF Students. All policies included in these handbooks apply to this class. Discussion Forum Decorum The instructor expects students to respect the culture, values, beliefs and rights of their classmates. During class discussion forum sessions, alternate points of view are encouraged and should be received by others with respect. Students should feel free to express their opinions and to refer to relevant personal situations without fear of disapproval or disrespect; however, the classroom is not the place where students should indulge in personal venting or support seeking. 3 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Attendance and Participation Student attendance and participation are integral parts of this course. Online learning is not for everyone; some people may not be able to manage a course that does not meet face to face to learn. Online learning requires lots of planning and self-pacing so that you may be successful in my course. Since I will be covering much material in 16 weeks, I would highly recommend treating this course like a regular lecture course, and keeping up with modules and assignments. Please do not be tempted to skip two weeks of modules and expect to catch up easily. Students are expected to actively participate each week of the course. Students are also expected to assume responsibility for their own learning and to actively involve themselves in discussion forums and exercises. Students must be prepared for the weekly learning modules (i.e., complete readings and other assignments prior to attempting the course assignments, discussion forums, quizzes, etc). Furthermore, make-up exams or extensions of due dates will be given ONLY in extreme circumstances. These circumstances include exceptional health EMERGENCIES (that require that the student bring in medical documentation). Out-of-town vacations, trips, mild colds, and other similar circumstances do not qualify as extreme. 1. Completion of Assignments: All examinations and case assignments must be completed in order to pass the course. Students may NOT elect to skip any of the exams or assignments and accept a lower grade. 2. Policy on Incompletes, Late Assignments, Extra Credit, Faxes & Emails: All written assignments must be uploaded to the course website Assignments tab, with a second copy uploaded to, no later than the time and the date indicated on Webcourses. In case of a documented, dire, life threatening emergency, a late assessment or assignment may be accepted at the discretion of the instructor. For all late assignments and assessments, regardless of the reason, the grade will be reduced 10 percent per day, including weekends. Therefore, a paper that would merit a grade of 100 on Tuesday will receive on a grade of 70 if it is submitted on Friday without prior arrangements with the instructor. To obtain permission to submit an assignment or assessment after the deadline, the student must seek approval from the instructor before the the day that the product is due. No assignment will be accepted after the last day of class. Written Assignments Effective written communication skills are essential. Thus, students are expected to present their ideas clearly and properly and to adhere to accepted standards of writing. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are to be correct in all written materials submitted and will be considered in grading written assignments. All written assignments must be typed in a 12-font print, and all margins must be one inch. The cover page of a paper is not considered to be a page of text. Work not conforming to these standards or demonstrating serious deficiencies in common English usage will be returned ungraded. When required, references should be included in the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition documentation style. Students are encouraged to use the University Writing Center (UWC) for assistance in preparing written assignments. The UWC is located in MOD 608 (near the Communications Building). UWC staff may be reached at (407) 823-2197 or The assignments will emphasize the integration of interviewing, verbal, conceptualization and writing skills in practice. All assignments will be evaluated and graded on the following criteria. 4 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Appropriate use of APA writing style. Adequate number of references cited. Organization and clarity of ideas presented. Ability to integrate theory and practice appropriately. Ability to use analytical skills throughout the assignment. Creative ways of responding to the instructions beyond the requirements. Required Document Format of Submitted Papers/Assignments I cannot read .rtf or MicroSoft Works files. If you have Works you can obtain instructions on how to convert your file to Word here: Convert Works documents to Word format - Word - Microsoft Office Online You must submit papers as .doc, .docx, .pdf or PowerPoint files (for one assignment) only. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and Cheating of any kind on an examination, quiz, or assignment will result at least in an "F" for that assignment (and may, depending on the severity of the case, lead to an "F" for the entire course) and may be subject to appropriate referral to the Office of Student Conduct for further action. See the UCF Golden Rule for further information. I will assume for this course that you will adhere to the academic creed of this University and will maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. In other words, don't cheat by giving answers to others or taking them from anyone else. I will also adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity, so please do not ask me to change (or expect me to change) your grade illegitimately or to bend or break rules for one person that will not apply to everyone. Each student will be required to complete an online tutorial and assessment “Avoiding Plagiarism Using APA Style” as part of the course requirements. UCF faculty members have a responsibility for your education and the value of a UCF degree, and so seek to prevent unethical behavior and when necessary respond to infringements of academic integrity. Penalties can include a failing grade in an assignment or in the course, suspension or expulsion from the university, and/or a "Z Designation" on a student's official transcript indicating academic dishonesty, where the final grade for this course will be preceded by the letter Z. For more information about the Z Designation, see For more information about UCF's Rules of Conduct, see THE UCF CREED Integrity, scholarship, community, creativity, and excellence are the core values that guide our conduct, performance, and decisions. Integrity: Scholarship: Community: I will practice and defend academic and personal honesty. I will cherish and honor learning as a fundamental purpose of my membership in the UCF community. I will promote an open and supportive campus environment by respecting the rights and contributions of every individual. 5 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Creativity: Excellence: Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments I will use my talents to enrich the human experience. I will strive toward the highest standards of performance in any endeavor I undertake. In this course we will utilize, an automated system which instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student's assignment with billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database of student papers that grows with each submission. After the assignment is processed, as an instructor I receive a report from that states if and how another author’s work was used in the assignment. provides some useful resources explaining its procedures and tips to avoid plagiarism at Incomplete Grades In exceptional circumstances, an incomplete grade may be given per School and University policies. Individual arrangements must be made with the instructor for the completion of the course requirements, but in no case will the date set extend beyond the end of the following semester. Students who experience chronic medical or personal problems that prevent them from attending class regularly are encouraged to review policies relating to securing a leave of absence from their university studies. Disability Access Statement The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in this course must contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services, Ferrell Commons room 185, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the professor. Copyright This course may contain copyright protected materials such as audio or video clips, images, text materials, etc. These items are being used with regard to the Fair Use doctrine in order to enhance the learning environment. Please do not copy, duplicate, download or distribute these items. The use of these materials is strictly reserved for this online classroom environment and your use only. All copyright materials are credited to the copyright holder. 6 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Module Module 1 Topic and Assignment(s) Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Assigned Reading from Textbook or Webcourses Tutorial Assignment Due Date Point Value(s) “What’s Your Web reading 2 points for completing Monday, Aging IQ?” Quiz quiz August 25, 2014 es/AgingIQ_web.pdf 11:59pm Avoiding Plagiarism Module Citing Sources Using APA Style Module Monday, 3 points for completing Sept. 1, both 2014 Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: Concepts and Controversies. Module 1 (continued) Monday, September 1, 2014 Prologue, (America as an Aging Society), p xxiii-xxxi and pp. 301-324 (Basic Concepts II: Social and Economic Outlook for an Aging Society). Discussion Forum: When I am 80 Module 1 Textbook Reading Quiz Module 2 Global Aging Quiz 11:59pm 5 points 5 points Learning Module Pages Readings on 8 points Webcourses Monday, Sept. 8, 2014 11:59pm Module 3 Module 3 Textbook Reading Quiz Retirement Community Brochure Moody, H.R. (2014). Basic Concepts I. 5 points Aging concepts & controversies. pp. 1-26 and Controversy 11--Aging Boomers: Boom or Bust? p. 455-464 and Controversy 12 “The New Aging Marketplace” p. 477-492. Monday, Sept. 15, 2014 11:59pm 10 points 7 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Module Module 4 Topic and Assignment Biology of Aging Textbook Reading Quiz Module 5 Module 5 Textbook Reading Quiz Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Assigned Reading from Textbook Time Line Questions Quiz on Reading Module 7 Discussion Forum: Family Caregiving Letter to the Editor Point Value(s) Monday, Sept., 22, 2014 Aging: Concepts and 5 points Controversies, 8th edition. Moody, H.R. Pine Forge/Sage, 2014. pp. 22-27; Controversy 3-Do Intelligence and Creativity Decline with Age; 97-132. Monday, Sept., 29 2014 11:59pm Text Reading: Aging: Concepts and Controversies, 8th edition. Moody, H.R., Pine Forge Press, 2014. pp. 1-7; Basic 5 points Concepts: Social & Economic Outlook 301-314. Monday, October 6, 2014 Moody, H.R. (2014). 8th 5 points Ed. Aging: Concepts & Controversies. Controversy 5: Should Families Provide for Their Own? pp. 201238 Monday, October 13, 2014 11:59pm 11:59pm 5 points Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: Concepts and 5 points Controversies, 8th Ed. Basic Concepts III pp. 301-334 Quiz on Reading 11:59pm 5 points Quiz on Reading Module 8 Due Date Aging: Concepts and 15 points Controversies, 8th edition. Moody, H.R. Pine Forge/Sage, 2014. PP. 1721. Controversy 2 Why Do Our Bodies Grow Old, pp. 55-96. Creativity and Aging Exercise Module 6 Assignment Monday, October 20, 2014 11:59pm Controversy 8: “Should Age or Need Be the Basis of Entitlement?” pp. 335- 10 points 373 Reading 36, pp. 356-365 Reading 37, pp. 366-369 Controversy 9 –“What is the future of Social Security?” pp. 375-414 8 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Module Module 9 Topic and Assignment Assigned Reading from Textbook Discussion Forum: Older Workers Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: 5 points Concepts and Controversies, 8th Ed. Quiz on Reading Module 10 Reflection Paper: Does Old Age Have Meaning? Quiz on Reading Module 11 Module 12 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Discussion Forum: Health Reform and Health Rationing Alzheimer’s Disease Quiz Controversy 10 from your textbook "Is Retirement Obsolete?" (pp. 415-454) Assignment Point Value(s) Basic Concepts II: Aging, Health Care, and Society (pp. 133-166) Controversy 4: Should We Ration Health Care for Older People (pp. 167-197). 11:59pm Monday, November 3, 2014 11:59pm 5 points Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: Concepts and 5 points Controversies, 8th Ed. Monday, October 27, 2014 5 points Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: Concepts and 5 points Controversies, 8th Ed. Controversy 1 from your textbook "Does old age have meaning? (pp. 29-52) Due Date Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: Concepts and 10 points Controversies, 8th Ed. p. 138-144; 235-238 Monday, November 10, 2014 11:59pm Monday, November 17, 2014 11:59pm Also—extensive web tutorial readings found on Module 12 Module 13 Social Service Worksheets Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: 8 points Concepts and Controversies, 8th Ed. pp. 301-334 (No Reading Quiz this week) Monday, November 17, 2014 11:59pm 9 GEY 3001, Fall 2014 Module Module 14 Topic and Assignment Assigned Reading from Textbook Discussion Forum: Should Older People Be Protected from Bad Choices? Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: 5 points Concepts and Controversies, 8th Ed. Controversy 6: Should Older People Be Protected from Bad Choices? pp.239267. Reading Quiz Module 15 Syllabus, Course Schedule and Assignments Also—extensive web readings on Module 14 Assignment Due Date Point Value(s) Monday, November 24, 2014 11:59pm 5 Points Discussion Moody, H.R. (2014). Aging: 5 points Forum: Talking Concepts and about dying Controversies, 8th Ed. Controversy 7: Should People Have the Choice to End Their Lives? Pp. 269Quiz 300. 3 points Monday, December 1, 2014 11:59pm 10