TABLE OF CONTENTS - Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. Inc.

1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.0 COMPLIANT WEBSITES ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 National Website ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Chapter Websites .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Chapter Websites may include (but are not limited to): .................................................................................... 5
2.4 Websites May Not Include:.............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.0 GENERAL EMAIL.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Chapter Email Account .................................................................................................................................................. 11
4.0 SOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES............................................................................................................................................. 13
4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.0 MERCHANT ACCOUNTS & DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS ................................................................................................. 18
6.0 PAYPAL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................................................ 19
6.1 Approval and Accountability ....................................................................................................................................... 19
6.2 PayPal Fees ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 Account Access .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
6.4 Setting up the PayPal Business Account ................................................................................................................. 20
7.0 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
8.0 LEGAL NOTICES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Delta Internet Guidelines
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The World Wide Web provides an excellent opportunity to inform sorors and the public of Delta
activities throughout the world. Guidelines pertaining to the Internet have been prepared in the
interest of protecting Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and minimizing potential legal liability. Delta
has intellectual property interests in its symbols, ceremonies and other materials which need
protection from legal risks. Therefore, accurate, complete and current information is critical to
legal protection.
This document outlines Delta’s guidelines pertaining to various aspects of the Internet to include
websites, email, social media, merchant accounts, and the use of PayPal.
The Delta Internet Guidelines (DIG) has been approved by the Scholarship & Standards Committee,
which is responsible for enforcing the policies and procedures of the Sorority.
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All information on the National Website is reviewed and approved by the sorority's National
President. National Headquarters will be the sole source of the following topics as they appear on
any website. Chapters and sorors with websites are not permitted to share the following
information, but may provide links to the National web site: (
History of the Sorority
Membership Demographics
Membership Information
The Sale of Delta Publications/Artifacts
How to Become a Member
The Chapter President will be held responsible for the content of the chapter website.
Websites should contain the following statement:
"This website is the sole property and responsibility of the _________ Chapter"
All references to the National Website imply the
Sorority’s official Internet website.
Chapter websites must contain chapter contact information such as the mailing address, an email
address and/or phone number for the general chapter or a chapter officer. This should appear on
the main page of the website. Example:
Durham Alumnae Chapter
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated
PO Box 1000
Durham, NC 27707
Chapter websites should be kept updated and links checked often.
Internal chapter events and information must be password protected. Access to any password
protected area (e.g. Restricted area) of a chapter website must be limited to the financial
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membership of that chapter. The password for the site should be changed every fiscal year (i.e.
dues cycle).
A sorority member must create and maintain the restricted area content.
A chapter member should secure the domain name for the website, instead of using a second
party to host and maintain the website. This ensures that chapters can control the domain
name and content.
The National Technology Task Force will collaborate with the Regional Technology committees
for compliance and certification of Chapter Websites.
Founders: An authorized picture (i.e., graduation photo) of the Founders and their names are
appropriate. However, additional information would be considered history, which is provided
by the National Website.
Sorority Public Motto: The sorority’s public motto may appear on the chapter website.
Calendar of Events: Calendar of Events: Including the dates for chapter public service events,
fundraisers, Sorority meetings and committee meetings. Rush dates and or flyers may be
included after being approved by the Regional Director. Collegiate chapters may also post
approved Rush dates and/or flyers on their respective university’s website.
Photographs: Websites may include various photographs depicting sorors participating in
chapter activities, public service events or any photographs directly related to the chapter.
Depictions of ceremonies (i.e. table set) are not allowed. Youth who are captured in a
photograph or video shall not be identified. See Section III-G of the Risk Management Manual
and its Appendix 23 (Mar. 2011) for guidelines on posting photographs of youth.
Chapter Histories: Chapter websites may include the chartering date of the chapter, charter
members, the location of the chartered chapter, or any significant historical information about
the chapter that is newsworthy.
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Significant Information: Should include the name and year of awards, stellar programs, and
outstanding recognition for service.
Chapter Charter Members: The names of charter members may be included on chapter
websites. Charter members organized chapters and are not called Founders.
Charter members are not referred to as Founders
Current Chapter Officers: The names of current chapter officers, their position and email
addresses (if permissible) should be included on chapter websites. The personal mailing
addresses and phone numbers of current chapter officers mailing should not be included on
chapter websites without prior consent from the officer.
Past National, Regional, and Chapter Officers: Chapter websites may contain general
information pertaining to past national, regional, and chapter officers that are affiliated with the
chapter. This includes listing names of past officers and the years in which they served in the
position, initiating chapter, current chapter affiliations, and pictures of these persons. Pictures
of and information about Past National Presidents associated with the chapter may be put on
the chapter’s website, but a link to the Sorority’s National Website should be provided for the
entire listing of the Past National Presidents.
Links to the National Website, and Regional Website: Chapter websites should provide
links to the National Website and to the official website of their region. These links should be
explicitly tagged stating one of the following:
Link to our sorority’s official website at
For more information, visit our National Website at
Visit Delta Sigma Theta’s National Website at
Regional Websites should also be listed in the above manner with the name of the region stated
and the regional website’s address provided. These website addresses should be provided as
hyperlinks, meaning that a user can click on the address and be directly routed to the specified
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Contact information for chapter functions and fundraisers: Names, mailing addresses,
email addresses and/or phone numbers for chapter members responsible for specific chapter
functions or fundraisers may be listed under information pertaining to these functions or
fundraisers with the consent of that chapter member. If chapter members would not like their
information published on the website, the chapter’s general mailing address, email address
and/or telephone number may be provided instead. Chapters are encouraged to use some type
of contact information for functions or fundraisers that are open to the public and are listed on
the chapter’s website.
Online Sales: Chapters may offer the following items for sale through the chapter internet site:
Event registrations
Ticket sales
Fundraising donations
Other chapter-specific activities requiring payment, with the exception of Sorority items
Chapters electing to accept online payments may use PayPal via the chapter’s website. Notice of
online sales open to the public may be disseminated via email and other social media. Payment
links for items/events open to the public should appear in the public section of the chapter
internet site and may also be posted to the chapter social networking site(s). Payment links for
internal chapter sales MUST be placed behind the Restricted section of the chapter website only
and MAY NOT be posted to any social networking site or sent via email or text messaging.
Detailed instructions for setting up a chapter PayPal Business account can be found in
Section 6.0 “PayPal Business Accounts”.
The sale of official Sorority items is prohibited on websites on in any social media
channels. These include but are not limited to the following:
Convention or conference registration
Sorority rituals
Administrative handbooks or documents
Sorority pins
Pyramid pins
Membership Intake documents and materials
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The following should not appear on any website in written, audio, video, or image form. All of
the information listed below is privileged Delta information and should not be shared with nonDeltas without the permission of Grand Chapter.
Written, audio, video, or image form refers to all types of Internet
media (e.g., blogs, podcasts, video broadcast websites, etc.)
The Sorority Crest: The Sorority Crest may not be displayed on websites to prevent its
inappropriate use.
The Torch of Wisdom: The official Torch of Wisdom may not be displayed on websites to
prevent its inappropriate use.
Secrets, Passwords, Signs, and Grips: Secrets, passwords, signs, and grips can only be
transmitted by word of mouth from one Delta to another.
Mottos: The Sorority's secret motto cannot appear on websites since it is never to be written
and should only be communicated in a closed Delta setting. The motto acronym (i.e. letters of
the motto) should only appear in personal correspondence between Sorors. Email is public
Delta Oath: The Delta Oath is only given to women who have been duly initiated into the
Sorority and it is not to be displayed on websites.
Official Delta Songs: The following official Sorority songs may not appear on websites in any
form (streaming, audio, text, etc):
Delta Mizpah
Delta Sigma Theta National Hymn
Delta Prayer
Beta Hymn
Delta Sweetheart Song
Pyramid Hymn
Ceremonies, Formal Openings, Membership Intake Activities: Ceremonies, formal
openings, and membership intake activities are closed Delta assemblies; therefore these events
may not be shared with non-Deltas. Photos may be taken of sorors who are in robes but are not
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actively participating in a ceremony. Membership intake activities are intended only for Deltas
and Pyramids.
Membership Information: Any information outside of chapter contact information and
general chapter history. Information for prospective members should be provided only via links
to the National Website. (This includes narratives for suggestions for seeking membership, chat
rooms, bulletin boards, guest books, and quizzes targeted toward prospective members and
specific dues information).
Past chapter membership information cannot be included on
chapter websites.
Past Chapter Lines or "Lineage": There should be no listing of the birth names, legal names,
or "line names" of sorors initiated into a chapter during a specific year. In addition, "ship"
names or the name for the entire membership intake line are not acceptable. Example of
unacceptable information:
1996: 5 Downright Devastating Divas
Katherine Adams
Deloris Hampton
Cherie Mayberry
Janice Miller
Barbara Thompson
Any Internal Chapter Information or Chapter Doctrines: Examples include chapter meeting
minutes, chapter bylaws, chapter policies and procedures, committee reports, etc., unless this
information is password protected (e.g., Restricted Area) and only viewable by current financial
chapter members. The following information cannot be included in the Restricted area:
chapter treasury report, financial secretary report, and membership directory.
Links to personal, business, or other chapter websites: Chapter websites may not include
links to any other websites other than the National website (, or any
official Delta regional website.
An exception shall be non-fraternal organizations that sponsor chapter public events that are
described on the website. Once the event has expired, the link must be removed. Examples are
American Heart Association and Breast Cancer Walk.
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If a chapter website lists businesses, a disclaimer must be included on the web page that the
chapter and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. does not endorse any of the businesses listed on
the website.
Links to other Pan-Hellenic or other Greek letter organizations: Chapter websites may not
include any material that implies a relationship between Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and any
other Greek letter organization. This includes audio, links, graphics, photographs, and/or text.
Photographs in poor taste: Chapter websites may not include any material in poor taste. This
includes scantily dressed persons, provocative poses, pictures of a sexual nature, or pictures of
persons displaying the signs or wearing the paraphernalia of an organization to which they do
not belong.
Websites should not include images, pictures, portraits, and
paraphernalia from unauthorized vendors
Photographs and/or Paraphernalia from unauthorized vendors: Chapter websites should
not include any Sorority pictures, portraits, and/or paraphernalia that is distributed by
unauthorized vendors.
Sale of Official Sorority Merchandise: See Section 2.3 “Online Sales”.
Copyrighted Material or Illegal Material: This includes works of art, music, and video.
Advertisements: Chapters are discouraged from using free web hosting services that provide
automatic advertising on websites.
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Confidential information should not be sent in an electronic message.
When sending emails to multiple people or to groups including members of the sorority and
non-members, use the ‘bcc’ (blind carbon copy) option to specify addresses. This will allow
each recipient of the message to see only his or her own email address.
Do not forward email that includes the previous recipients’ email addresses.
The email addresses of sorors, chapters, or officers should not be given out without the explicit
permission of those individuals. Addresses should not be sold, and the addresses should be
used for official Sorority business only.
Sorors should use a personal email account, not their professional/work email account, to
receive sorority information. This personal account should not be shared with non-sorority
members, such as spouses, relatives, or friends.
The Sorority's public motto cannot appear in email to prevent its inappropriate use.
Use personal email accounts rather than work accounts
Should be checked at least weekly.
All chapters should have a chapter account to communicate with National Headquarters.
The specific email addresses for the chapter or addresses reserved for chapter officers should
be passed on to the new officers at the end of each sorority year. The current username and
passwords, access information, and any other information pertaining to the account should be
provided to the new officer(s).
The following officers should have access to the chapter email account: President and
whomever she deems necessary, and Advisor (for collegiate chapters). If the email account is
associated with the chapter website account, create a separate user id password for the chapter
Web Master.
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Passwords should be changed whenever officers change (during election cycles, resignations, or
The chapter mailing lists should be checked regularly for accuracy, especially during dues
cycles and when sorors relocate or leave a chapter.
Do not forward email that presents inappropriate content and media (e.g., pictures, images,
video). If the content violates the Code of Conduct and/or may create embarrassment for the
Sorority, then it should be forwarded to National Headquarters.
Emails containing Sorority information are not to be forwarded outside the intended recipients.
If there is a question about recipients of email messages, the chapter webmaster should be
contacted and the corresponding person should be verified and subsequently added to the list.
Sorors cannot send documents listed in Section 2.4: "Any Internal Chapter Information or
Chapter Doctrines ".
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Social media applications and channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Myspace, Ning,
Squiddo, Delicious, Digg are prevalent on the Internet and new ones are created frequently. Sorors
increasingly are using social media channels to communicate with each other and for a variety of
other purposes. More and more sorors are using the Sorority’s name and other property in their
exchanges and are doing so in some instances in ways that infringe on the Sorority’s rights and
harm its interests.
These guidelines are for the express purpose of protecting the interests of Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Incorporated (“Delta”). Unless a particular guideline expressly and specifically relates to
chapters and regions, the guidelines apply with equal force to the activities of individual sorors.
Before a soror (whether operating individually or as part of a chapter, region or other group)
creates a profile, group, or page that relates to the Sorority, she should review these guidelines.
These guidelines are not meant to infringe upon individual sorors’ personal freedom or social
interactions, except to the extent necessary to ensure that a soror’s use of social media does not
harm Delta’s reputation or goodwill, or expose Delta to injury or liability.
ALWAYS REMEMBER: Delta is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property associated with
it or used to denote it, including its name (and any derivatives of its name), logos, and symbols
(collectively “Marks”). Thus, no individual soror is authorized to use such property for any
commercial purpose (i.e., to make money from using the property or to promote other causes),
or to authorize any third party to use Delta’s Marks for any purpose. Sorors also are prohibited
from using Delta’s Marks in a manner that would defame Delta or otherwise damage its
reputation and goodwill.
To enhance Delta’s mission and enable sorors to publicize events that promote local chapter
activities or regional activities (including posting photographs or videos of public Delta programs),
Delta authorizes sorors to use Delta’s Marks (except the Sorority’s crest and the Torch of Wisdom)
in using social media channels, so long as they do so within the constraints of these guidelines and
the Delta Internet Guidelines, which are incorporated herein by reference.
Naming Pages, Groups, and Sites. When a chapter or region creates a social media site, the
name of the site and/or pages must reflect the name of the chapter or region (e.g.,
_________________ Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.” or “________________ Region, Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc.”). Any such site can be used only for chapter or regional activities.
Exercise Control in Promoting Sorority Events. Chapters and regions may promote public
Delta programs on social media sites (such as Facebook fan pages or Twitter), provided that the
president of the chapter or director of the region that is responsible for the event to be
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advertised has approved the planned promotion. If the social media site allows guests to post
content (such as comments on a Facebook wall), the president of the chapter or director of the
region must assign an individual soror responsibility for monitoring the site and removing any
inappropriate content. Rush activities may not be included on social media sites.
There shall be no online promotion or discussion of private ceremonies or events. Chapters or
regions promoting any events where alcoholic beverages will be served must follow established
policy regarding the serving of alcoholic beverages at events sponsored by Delta. The policy
can be accessed through the secure website. Any questions regarding the policy should be
directed to the Executive Director of Delta.
Only national officers or staff at National Headquarters may advertise national events (such as
National Conventions and Delta Days at the Nation’s Capital). A social media outlet operated by
a chapter or region may provide links to a national event.
No individual may advertise any Sorority event or activity.
Tagging Sorors and Non Sorors. Before “tagging” or identifying any soror or other person in
photographs or videos, seek approval of the person to be “tagged” of identified. Youth who are
captured in a photograph or video shall not be identified. See Section III-G of the Risk
Management Manual and its Appendix 23 (Mar. 2011) for guidelines on posting photographs of
Use Good Judgment. Before tweeting, blogging or posting on social media sites such as
MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, and/or Twitter (or any subsequently developed social media
network) carefully consider whether a post would be an appropriate representation of
individual sorors and/or Delta. Use good judgment and ensure that your use of social media
postings always reflect the highest standards of conduct and portray any individual soror
(including yourself) and Delta in a positive light. In addition, ensure that you adhere to all Delta
policies, including the Code of Conduct, Protocol and Traditions Manual, and the Delta Internet
Use a Disclaimer. The authorization granted in these guidelines is limited. Thus, in using any
form of social media in which Delta is mentioned or its Marks are used, the user must identify
herself and shall always use a disclaimer such as the following: “The postings on this site (or
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the views expressed) are mine alone and do not represent the views of Delta, its management,
its leadership, or any of its individual sorors.” (Note: If the posting is in the name of a chapter
or region, the disclaimer must be modified accordingly).
Protect Delta’s Confidential and Proprietary Information. Always be mindful that the
security of social media sites may be low, and non-sorors may have access to posted content
that you believe is limited to a group of Deltas. Delta’s confidential or proprietary information
shall not be posted or shared online. Do not post private or personal information about other
sorors, such as addresses, telephone numbers, membership number, or other identifying
information. Also, any comments regarding allegations (even if they are ultimately
substantiated) that a soror has engaged in illegal, unsafe, or Code of Conduct violations should
be sent to the Scholarship and Standards Committee and not discussed on the social media
sites. Moreover, sorors shall report to the National First Vice President and the Executive
Director any discussion of any such allegations. Under no circumstances should such
allegations be forwarded to any other soror.
Use Discretion in Posting Photographs and Videos. Ensure that photographs and videos
that are posted online reflect well on individual sorors and Delta. Do not post photographs or
videos of any individuals (sorors or non-sorors) engaging in unacceptable behaviors or who are
scantily clad. Under no circumstances may photographs or videos of Delta’s private ceremonies
and events be posted, including pre-ceremony activities such as those conducted in the special
room (holding room) where the dais participants assemble and organize prior to entering a
ceremony. Access to such room is restricted; the room is not open to the general public or the
general membership.
Chapters must obtain authorization from parents to photograph youth and to use the
photograph for chapter-related activities, including posting on a social media site that discusses
chapter activities. Parental authorization should be very explicit. See Section III-G of the Risk
Management Manual and its Appendix 23 (Mar. 2011) for guidelines on posting photographs of
youth and for the parental authorization requirements.
Do not Misuse Delta’s Intellectual Property. As the sole and exclusive owner of all Marks
associated with or used to denote it, Delta has sole authority to decide how its Marks may be
used. No soror may use any Delta Mark in a manner inconsistent with these guidelines.
Specifically, posting graphic images of Delta’s Marks as one’s avatar, icon or wallpaper, or for
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any other personal reason is prohibited.
Delta, however, authorizes the limited use of its Marks (except the Sorority’s crest and the
Torch of Wisdom) in personal photographs or videos that individual sorors may wish to post on
social media sites (such as photographs of sorors wearing Delta paraphernalia) so long as all
such photographs or videos are for non-commercial purposes and do not show sorors scantily
clad, or engaging in any conduct that the Founders of Delta would deem inappropriate. If in
doubt, leave it out.
Respect Third Party Intellectual Property Rights. Respect all copyrights and other
intellectual property rights of third parties. Do not post logos, symbols or copyrighted
materials owned by third parties in any posting that is in any way linked to or associated with
Delta, without the third party property owner’s approval. It is the responsibility of the soror
who decides to engage in social computing to become familiar with and respect the copyright
and trademark fair use rules and to observe other rules of social computing.
Protect Third Parties’ Confidential and Private Information. On any social media site that
could be associated with Delta, even tangentially, through the use of Delta’s Marks, the user
must honor the confidentiality and privacy rights of other individuals, including other sorors,
contractors, vendors, affiliates, or business partners and must seek their permission before
writing about or displaying sensitive information that might be considered to be a breach of the
third party’s privacy and/or confidentiality. This includes information about internal chapter
happenings or information about other fraternal organizations.
Respect Your Fellow Human Beings. Sorors are prohibited from making (or forwarding)
disparaging comments about any individual, including members of other fraternal
organizations; from using personal insults or racial or ethnic slurs about any individual,
including members of any fraternal group; and from engaging in bawdy humor on any social
media site which could be associated with Delta, even tangentially, through the use of Delta’s
Exercise Control in Establishing Social Media Groups. Chapters may create social media
groups for chapter members only relating to Delta to use in networking and communicating
with other sorors (such as Ning networks or Facebook groups), so long as all groups are
invitation-only and the group organizer has verified (by consulting with the chapter president,
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treasurer, or financial secretary) that anyone joining is a Delta soror in good standing, and so
long as all groups are private and limit their access and content to sorors only.
Adhere to Delta’s Code of Conduct. Delta’s Code of Conduct is applicable to online as well as
offline activities. Violation of the Code may form the basis for disciplinary action. In addition,
Congress and states are codifying laws regularly that criminalize or penalize certain online
conduct and communications. Being sanctioned pursuant to Delta’s Code of Conduct will not
protect an individual from being punished under applicable state or Federal laws for engaging
in conduct online that is illegal.
Note 1: Limitations expressed in other sections of the Delta Internet Guidelines (“DIG”) that are
broader than the policies expressed in these guidelines are expressly incorporated herein by
referenced and should be followed where applicable. Sorors are held to have notice of these
guidelines as well as all sections of the DIG. To the extent applicable, the policies expressed in
the Delta Internet Guidelines, Constitution and Bylaws, its Code of Conduct, and its Protocol and
Traditions Manual are incorporated herein by reference.
Note 2: Delta expressly disclaims any liability resulting from a soror’s use of social media channels
(whether the soror operates individually or as part of a chapter, region or other group),
including liability for any illegal use of any third party’s intellectual property, even if such use is
on a social media site operated by a chapter or region.
Please direct any inquiries regarding social media use to Nicole Lenon, Delta’s Intellectual Property
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Chapters may obtain merchant accounts or secure online payment systems such as PayPal to
accept credit and debit card charges for fundraisers and dues.
The sale of Delta merchandise through chapter websites or online payment systems is
The Merchant Account must be in the name and Employer Identification Number (EIN) of the
The application to obtain a merchant account must be in the name of the chapter and be signed
by the Chapter President.
The chapter will assume all cost and fees associated with the account. Associated fees cannot be
passed on to the consumer/soror.
All statements and correspondence regarding the merchant account(s) must be mailed to the
chapter’s post office box.
All funds received through merchant accounts must be credited to the applicable chapter
account. Chapters must establish and maintain written policies and procedures for the
acceptance of credit/debit cards including the secure retention/storage/destruction of credit
card information.
Chapters must safeguard cardholder information and restrict access to credit card data and
Chapters are required to conduct quarterly/annual audits and must include the merchant
account in the chapters auditing program.
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A PayPal Business account allows a business to receive funds through credit, debit, and PayPal accounts
and allows funds to be sent or withdrawn from the PayPal Business account to any account. The
PayPal Business account can be linked to a regular checking or savings account, so funds can be
electronically transferred at no charge within three to four business days. Or the funds can be
withdrawn by check, which PayPal will process for a small fee. In order to have adequate internal
controls and to ensure withdrawals are only made from the PayPal account to the chapter’s account,
the following guidelines should be followed in implementing and managing a chapter PayPal Business
The use of PayPal must be approved by chapter vote and detailed guidelines for the use and
management of the PayPal Business account must be included the chapter Policies and Procedures.
The use of PayPal is not a mandate and is optional for all chapters. Chapters should thoroughly
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using PayPal and ensure adequate controls are in
place to alleviate misappropriations, embezzlement and theft.
All existing procedures and responsibilities currently in effect from Grand Chapter, the National
Finance Committee, the National Internal Audit Committee, the National Scholarship and Standards
Committee and local Chapter Policies and Procedures apply to the use of PayPal as a payment tool for
the chapter.
A procedure for transferring ownership of the PayPal Business account due to changes in chapter
leadership (transition of officers) should be created and added to the Chapter Policies and Procedures.
Passwords associated with the PayPal Business account must be transferred and immediately changed
during the transition of officers.
Chapters are required to conduct quarterly/annual audits and must include the PayPal Business
account in the chapters auditing program.
PayPal currently assesses a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. The fees to use PayPal should be
internal; and therefore, incurred by the chapter and not passed on to individuals who use PayPal or any
merchant account. Chapters should factor the cost of using PayPal in their overall budget as it is
considered “a cost of doing business.”
The PayPal account should be set up in the name of the chapter with the chapter President being the
“Owner”. User accounts will be set up for the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary. PayPal will send
an email to the primary email address listed on the application notifying the chapter of the receipt of a
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payment. The chapter must establish an email account specifically for the PayPal Business account.
The Login ID and password will be provided to the President, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. This
email account must be monitored regularly (at least every other day or daily during high volume use).
Go to the PayPal website-
1. Select the “Sign Up” link in the upper middle of the page.
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2. Select the “Get Started” button in the “Business” Section.
3. Under “I want to sign up for a payment solution” select “Website payments Standard”. Click
4. Select the “Go” button under #1 “Sign up for a Business Account”.
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Business Account Setup
1. Select “Non-Profit Organization” in the drop-down menu for Business Type
2. Complete all fields marked with an asterisk.
a. Business Name: enter Chapter Name
b. Address Line 1: enter Chapter Address
c. City, State, Zip Code
d. Work Phone: If your chapter does not have a telephone listing, this should be the
Chapter President’s telephone number.
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e. Category: enter “Nonprofit”
f. Subcategory: enter “Other”
g. Average Transaction Price: Select the price range that best fits the chapter’s financial
h. Sales Venue: select “Other”
i. Please describe your business: enter “Civic Organization”
j. Percentage of Average Revenue from online sales: Enter “Less than 25%”
k. Date Business Established: enter date of chapter chartering
l. Customer Service Email: enter email address specifically set up for the PayPal Business
m. Customer Service Phone: enter Chapter Treasurer’s telephone. Note: Customer Service
contact information is for “customers” who use the site and have question for the
chapter regarding the transaction.
n. Select “Continue”
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Business Owner Contact Information
1. The owner of the PayPal account should be the Chapter President and she should be contacted
if there is a problem with the account. The President is ultimately responsible for the account. If
there is a problem, the President should be contacted and she would notify the treasurer in
order to resolve the problem.
2. Complete all sections marked with an asterisk.
PayPal Account Login Setup
1. Enter the PayPal Business account email set up by the chapter and develop a password that will
be provided to the President, Treasurer and Financial Secretary.
2. Complete all sections marked with an asterisk.
3. Check the box “I want to learn more about granting multiple employees limited access to my
Business account.”
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Password Recovery-User Agreement
1. Enter Security Questions and Answers which will be maintained by the President and Treasurer
2. Read the “User Agreement” and Privacy Policy” and check the boxes
3. Click “Continue”
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Business Setup
1. Click on “Go to My Business Setup” on the “Congratulations” Screen
2. Select “Overview” from the top menu bar under the “My Account” tab
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Account Overview Welcome Screen
1. Select “Get Verified” and follow the steps to verify your account
2. Select “Add your Bank Account” and follow the instructions to add the chapter checking account
to your PayPal Business Account.
3. Select “Profile” to add/manage users.
In the Profile Summary Screen
1. Click “Manage User”
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2. Select “Add User” to start creating users for the account
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User Access should be created for the Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Advisor
3. Create Usernames and Passwords for each user and record this information in a confidential
4. Select the following boxes for the Treasurer:
a. Withdraw Funds (transfer funds from PayPal account to the chapter account)
b. View Balances
c. View Profile
d. Discuss Account with Customer Service
e. Handle Authorizations & Settlements
5. Click Save
6. Repeat steps for the Financial Secretary and select the following box:
a. Virtual Agent-Schedule and download Transaction History, and run Settlement Report
7. Repeat steps for the collegiate chapter advisor and select the following boxes:
a. View Balance
b. View Profile access
8. Repeat steps for the collegiate chapter advisor and select the following boxes:
a. View Balance
b. View Profile Access
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9. Complete “Account Administrator Agreement” for each user and select “Accept”.
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Remember that the Internet is public accessible worldwide and the security of Delta properties are
our responsibility. When the names of sorors appear online, use caution in providing identifying
information such as telephone numbers, addresses and place of employment. Protect the privacy of
Sorors at all times against such fraudulent and potentially criminal activities and unauthorized
credit card and ATM usage and robbery.
Any questions regarding these guidelines should be emailed to the National Technology Task Force.
If any of the Internet Guidelines are violated, the person(s) associated with the violation should be
reported to National Headquarters. Upon further review, a decision will be made whether the
violation should be reported to Scholarship & Standards.
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The contents of all material available on the National website are copyrighted by Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc. unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work
prepared by a U.S. or state government officer or employee as part of that person’s official duties.
All rights are reserved by Delta Sigma Theta, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded,
disseminated, published or transferred in any form or by any means, except with prior written
permission of DST, Inc. or as indicated. Members of DST, Inc. may download pages or other content
for their own use, consistent with the mission and purpose of DST, Inc. However, no part or such
content may be otherwise or subsequently reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published or
transferred, in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of an with
express attribution to DST, Inc. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law subject to
criminal and civil penalties.
Chapters and/or Sorors should also refer to the Protocol & Traditions manual and the Code of
Conduct for other guidelines.
Revision Date
S&S and/or National
Executive Board
Approval Date
June 18, 2006
National Technology Task Force
June 2006
March 2008
National Technology Task Force
March 2008
April 2011
National Technology Taskforce
October 2011
National Finance Committee
Scholarship and Standards
Legal Counsel
December 2011
National Scholarship & Standards
January 2012
National Scholarship & Standards
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