n o i s n e P l a n o i s s e r g n b o u C l C s r e p p i D e l e c i b w T u aid P Do t e G s res g n o C f so er b e s m n e e M p x 0 0 E s’ r e y a Over 1 p x All At Ta 4 May 201 aio M e D l r a yC Report B Congressional Double Dippers Club Report 2014 Hall of Shame Awards The Mega-­‐Rich Dipper Rep. Scott Peters Rep. Scott Peters is a multi-­‐millionaire and the 6th wealthiest member of Congress. Despite the fact that the City of San Diego’s Pension System is billions in debt, Peters took his pension early – and has received over $100,000 since he turned 50. The Big Dipper Rep. Joyce Beatty Rep. Joyce Beatty gets the award for receiving the most in taxpayer salary and pension -­‐ taking a whopping $427,000 from the taxpayers, which is more than the President of the United States. The Triple Dipper Rep. John Garamendi Rep. John Garamendi gets the award for receiving his salary and multiple government pensions all at the same time. Garamendi’s multiple government pensions tally up to over $88,800 a year. It’s hard to be a double-­‐dipper, but even harder to be a triple and quadruple dipper! 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 2 What is a “Double-­‐Dipper”? Double Dippers: government employees who draw a paycheck from the taxpayers at the same time they draw a government pension. Members of Congress receive $174,000 a year from the taxpayers, but 102 of them also take a second taxpayer-­‐ funded allowance in the form of a government pension.1 Double dipping forces taxpayers to pay twice – once for their pensions, another for their salaries. The extra cost – effectively a double payout for politicians, is particularly egregious given how generous their salaries already are. “It’s wrong,” says Carl DeMaio. “A pension system is intended to support you at a time you are no longer working. When you are a Member of Congress and already making a lavish salary, you should not be able to tap into both.” Who is Double Dipping? Over one hundred other Members of Congress currently double-­‐dip at taxpayer expense. Some of the double dippers are particularly egregious and have made it into the Hall of Shame. For example, Rep. Joyce Beatty is a double dipping and now makes more money than the President – taking in a whopping $427,000! Rep. Scott Peters is also an egregious example of double dipping. Scott Peters is a multi-­‐millionaire who ranks as the 6th richest Member of Congress. Not content with his millions, Scott Peters opted to take a government pension early – and has received over $100,000 since he turned 50. These so-­‐called double-­‐dippers are both Republicans and Democrats, Senators and Congressman, and many are in positions of leadership. The only commonality is their desire to help themselves to as much taxpayer money as possible. 1 For the purpose of this report, we excluded any pension derived from military service. 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 3 Why is Double Dipping Wrong? No one should get rich off public service – and Members of Congress are already well paid and should not be padding their earnings at taxpayers’ expense. The fact that most government pension systems are in severe financial distress raises an additional problem with the practice of double dipping. For example, Rep. Scott Peters was a member of the San Diego City Council responsible for the city becoming known as “Enron by the Sea” largely for his decision to spike pensions while illegally underfunding the city pension system. Members of Congress like Scott Peters who double-­‐dip on these government pensions only deepen the structural problems these pension systems face. “If fleecing the taxpayer twice wasn’t bad enough, politicians like Scott Peters are drawing from pensions already under-­‐funded to the tune of trillions of dollars -­‐ money the public eventually will have to make up.” – Carl DeMaio 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 4 Carl DeMaio’s Plan to End Double-­‐Dipping By Members of Congress: Carl DeMaio authored the landmark San Diego Pension Reform Initiative and successfully led the campaign to implement his ambitious reform package. Now DeMaio is proposing to take Pension Reform to the national level – starting with major reforms to the pensions received by Members of Congress. Step 1: End the Congressional Double Dippers Club DeMaio’s plan would deduct the amount of any government pension from the regular salary of a Member of Congress. This would ensure that no Member of Congress is paid twice from the taxpayer. Step 2: Scrap Congressional Pensions DeMaio also proposes to eliminate the lavish Congressional Pension Program and replace it with Social Security and a 401(k) contribution benchmarked to the average contribution received by workers in each Member’s district. “I’m running to reform Congress because I believe that elected officials entrusted with taxpayer dollars should be safeguarding those funds rather than personally enriching themselves.” – Carl DeMaio 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 5 THE LIST OF DOUBLE DIPPERS 102 Members of Congress Who Are Double-­‐Dipping At Taxpayers’ Expense Barber, Ron D Arizona-02 $48,942 Beatty, Joyce D Ohio-03 $253,323 Bishop, Rob Bishop, Sanford R D Utah-01 Georgia-02 $29,276 $6,397 Blackburn, Marsha Blumenauer, Earl R Tennessee-07 $4,299 D Oregon-03 $37,884 Blumenthal, Richard Blunt, Roy Boxer, Barbara D $47,080 R D Connecticut Senate Missouri Senate California Senate Brady, Robert A D Pennsylvania-01 $8,727 Butterfield, G K Capps, Lois Cardin, Ben Carper, Tom D D D D North Carolina-01 California-24 Maryland Senate Delaware Senate $55,331 $68,768 $5,627 $33,986 Carter, John Clay, William L Jr Cleaver, Emanuel Clyburn, James R D Texas-31 Missouri-01 $76,459 $21,090 D Missouri-05 $21,976 State of North Carolina Multiple State of Maryland Delaware Pension Defined Benefit Plan Texas Judicial Retirement System Missouri State Employees Retirement Sys Kansas City, MO Pension Plan D South Carolina-06 $54,834 South Carolina Retirement System $36,721 $4,445 Arizona Retired System Defined Benefit Ohio Public Employees Retirement System Utah State Retirement System Georgia Legislative Retirement System Tennessee Legislative Pension Oregon Public Employee Retirement System Connecticut Retirement Division State of Missouri Marin County Employees Retirement Assoc City of Philadelphia, PA 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 6 E Coffman, Mike Cohen, Steve R D Colorado-06 Tennessee-09 $55,547 $23,129 State of Colorado Tennessee Legislative Pension Multiple Multiple Multiple State of Florida Texas Employees Retirement System Texas Retirement Annuity Maryland State Employees Pension Plan Pennsylvania Employee Retirement System Multiple County of San Mateo, CA Cook, Paul Cornyn, John Costa, Jim Crenshaw, Ander Cuellar, Henry R R D R D California-08 Texas Senate California-16 Florida-04 Texas-28 $40,695 $65,383 $11,205 $13,168 $38,563 Culberson, John Cummings, Elijah E Dent, Charlie R D Texas-07 Maryland=07 $26,984 $15,950 R Pennsylvania-15 $16,439 Enyart, William Eshoo, Anna D D Illinois-12 California-18 $9,489 $11,728 Farr, Sam D California-20 $19,280 Fattah, Chaka D Pennsylvania-02 $4,586 Feinstein, Dianne Frankel, Lois J Fudge, Marcia L Garamendi, John Gerlach, Jim D California Senate $54,925 D D Florida-22 Ohio-11 $10,947 $48,000 D California-03 $88,800 R Pennsylvania-06 $15,400 Gowdy, Trey R South Carolina-04 $7,173 Green, Al Green, Gene D D Texas-09 Texas-29 $96,948 $51,862 Hall, Ralph M Hanabusa, Colleen R D Texas-04 Hawaii-01 $65,748 $22,158 California Public Empl Retirement System Pennsylvania Employee Retirement System City & County of San Francisco, CA State of Florida Ohio Public Employees' Retirement System Multiple Pennsylvania Employee Retirement System SC Judges-Solicitors Retirement System Texas State County & Retirement Texas Employees Retirement System Texas Legislative Pension State of Hawaii 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 7 Hastings, Doc R Washington04 Hawaii Senate California-17 Maryland-05 $2,469 Washington Pension Hirono, Mazie K D $46,556 $8,019 D Georgia Senate Texas-30 Hawaii Employees Retirement System Multiple Maryland State Retirement Agency Georgia Legislative Retirement System Texas Legislative Pension Honda, Mike Hoyer, Steny H D D Isakson, Johnny R Johnson, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Hank Joyce, David P D R Georgia-04 Ohio-14 $11,000 $60,000 Dekalb County, GA Ohio Public Employee Retirement System Commonwealth of Massachusetts Genesee County Maine Public Employees Retirement System New York State Employee Retirement Sys State of New Jersey Louisiana State Employees Retirement Sys California Public Employee Retirement System New York State & Local Retirement State of Missouri $50,014 $20,481 $35,000 Keating, Bill Kildee, Dan King, Angus D Massachusetts-09 D Michigan-05 I Maine Senate $110,743 $53,716 $30,488 King, Pete R New York-02 $39,000 Lance, Leonard Landrieu, Mary L Lowenthal, Alan Lowey, Nita M R New Jersey-07 D Louisiana Senate D California-47 $23,544 $15,000 $50,000 $46,941 D New York-17 $10,302 Luetkemeyer, Blaine Manchin, Joe R Missouri-03 $12,600 D West Virginia Senate $48,282 West Virginia Public Employee Retirement System $36,000 $40,031 Texas Legislative Pension Missouri Defined Benefit Plan $9,579 $5,729 Multiple Washington Dept of Retirement Systems Marchant, Kenny McCaskill, Claire McClintock, Tom McDermott, Jim R Texas-24 D Missouri Senate R California-04 D Washington07 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 8 Moore, Gwen Nadler, Jerrold D Wisconsin-04 D New York-10 $13,628 $20,383 Napolitano, Grace D California-32 $6,356 Neal, Richard E D Massachusett01 D California-35 $19,578 Negrete-McLeod, Gloria Nelson, Bill Nolan, Rick Nugent, Richard Pascrell, Bill Jr Pastor, Ed $3,348 Wisconsin Legislative Pension New York State Employee Retirement Sys California Public Employee Retirement System Springfield, MA Retirement System CalPERS D D R Florida Senate Minnesota-08 Florida-11 $44,995 $25,068 $72,339 State of Florida State of Minnesota Florida Division of Retirement D D New Jersey-09 Arizona-07 $56,405 $27,581 Peters, Scott Petri, Tom Pitts, Joe D R R California-52 Wisconsin-06 Pennsylvania-16 $20,298 $14,878 $90,867 Poe, Ted Posey, Bill Reichert, Dave R R R Texas-02 Florida-08 Washington-08 $126,743 $14,495 $109,101 State of New Jersey Arizona Elected Officials Retirement Sys SDCERS Wisconsin Retirement Fund Pennsylvania Employee Retirement System Multiple State of Florida FRS Washington Dept of Retirement Systems Risch, James E R Idaho Senate $34,721 Roybal-Allard, Lucille Ruppersberger, Dutch Sanders, Bernie D California-40 D Maryland-02 $2,501 $5,000 $91,074 Idaho Public Employee Retirement System California Legislators Retirement System Baltimore County, MD I $4,812 City of Burlington, VT $24,420 $18,340 Scott, David Vermont Senate D Illinois-09 D Pennsylvania13 D Georgia-13 Sensenbrenner, F R Wisconisn-05 $29,861 State of Illinois Pennsylvania Employee Retirement System Georgia Legislative Retirement System Wisconsin Legislative Pension Schakowsky, Jan Schwartz, Allyson $11,944 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 9 James Jr Serrano, Jose E Sires, Albio D New York-15 $14,200 D New Jersey08 $38,000 New York State Employee Retirement Sys State of New Jersey Slaughter, Louise M Speier, Jackie D New York-25 $9,296 D California-14 $6,000 Stabenow, Debbie Thompson, Bennie G Tonko, Paul D Michigan Senate $61,380 New York State Employee Retirement Sys California Legislators Retirement System State of Michigan D Mississippi-02 $9,000 State of Mississippi D New York-20 $64,641 Vargas, Juan Walberg, Tim D California-51 R Michigan-07 $20,304 $58,951 Waters, Maxine D California-43 $5,720 Waxman, Henry A Wilson, Frederica D California-33 D Florida-24 $5000 $15,000 $82,158 New York State Employee Retirement Sys SDCERS Michigan Legislative Retirement System California Legislators Retirement System California Public Employee Retirement System State of Florida Wilson, Joe R $39,364 Multiple Young, Don R $5,484 Alaska Pension South Carolina02 Alaska-All 2014 Congressional “Double Dippers” Report Page 10