Spanish I - Segment 1 - Span1ResourcesJafrate

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Spanish I - Segment 1
This pace chart assumes a finish goal date similar to school system semester end dates.
(This includes allowance for 2 weeks of minimum work in a Segment. Teachers require explanation when you take this
time off.)
Week 1: Due ______________ (assignment instructions found by clicking on red highlighted link in Lessons)
□ 1.00 Introduction to MODULES, LESSON TABS, GLOSSARY
□ 1.03 Writing Assignment - Words borrowed SpanishEnglish, EnglishSpanish
□ 1.04 Hispanic Culture – Languages spoken in the USA and holiday traditions
Week 2: Due ________
□ 01.05 Vocabulary Quiz – true and false cognates
□ 01.05 Writing Assignment - Find true and false cognates in a dialog.
□ 01.06 Making the Sounds Voice Activity – Choose and record similar sounding words from a list.
□ 01.07 Voice Activity - Record answers to 5 common questions in Spanish.
Week 3: Due ____ __________
□ 01.08 Vocabulary Quiz—numbers, colors, adjectives,
□ 01.08 Voice Activity – Record answers about yourself or a cartoon character you create.
□ 01.08 Writing Activity – Write your answers about yourself.
□ 01.09 Discussion-based Assessment(DBA)/Module Review - Make appointment for teacher call.
□ 01.10 Module One Exam
Week 4: Due _____ _________
□ 02.00 Module Two Checklist & Pretest (6)- TELLINGS LIKES & DISLIKES ABOUT SCHOOL (6)
□ 02.01 Quiz = Noun gender and number and the 4 “the”s.
□ 02.01 Voice Activity –Record 2 sentences: tell who the teacher is and what supplies “I” need.
□ 02.02 Voice Activity –Record 5 answers to questions about likes and dislikes.
□ 02.03 Time and Schedules Quiz - Tell time.
Week 5: Due _______ _______
□ 02.04 Listening Activity& Quiz - Listen to a video about after-school activities.
□ 02.05 Vocabulary Quiz – Subject pronouns.
□ 02.05 Schools in Other Countries Writing Assignment – Compare school schedules with Cuba, Spain,
Argentina, Colombia in 2 paragraphs. WRITING COMPONENT
Week 6: Due ______
□ 02.06 Vocabulary Quiz- Question word, verb endings
□ 02.06 Voice Activity –Choose 5 questions to answer about school.
□ 02.06 Writing Assignment – Conjugate lesson verbs 3 ways in 9 sentences.
□ ¡Ojo! Schedule an appointment for your exam review for next week!
Week 7: Due _____ _________
□ 02.07 Discussion-based Assessment(DBA)/Module Review - Make appointment for teacher call.
□ 02.08 Module Two Exam –
Week 8: Due ____ ________
□ 03.01 Vocabulary Quiz - Numbers 10-100, dates, días festivos
□ 03.01 Writing Assignment – Use 3.01 personality description expressions.
□ 03.02 Vocabulary Quiz – Tener + family
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□ 03.02 Writing Assignment –Use tener feelings expressions to clarify estar feelings expressions.
□ 03.02 Visual Presentation – Show a gesture of a tener feeling expression. Technology component.
Week 9: Due ___________
□ 03.03 Vocabulary Quiz – dates, calendar terms, días festivos
□ 03.03 Writing or Visual Assignment – 2 paragraph analysis of Quinceñera & Sweet Sixteen, OR 2
slides of Christmas and Navidad traditons.
□ 03.04 Vocabulary Quiz – feelings with tener, días festivos
□ 03.04 Family Descripton Voice Activity – Answer questions about your family.
□ 03.05 Vocabuarly Quiz - gustar + activities
Week 10: Due ____________
□ 03.06 Vocabulary Quiz – using ser + professions
□ 03.06 Writing Assignment – Submit reflection & screenshot of job search. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENT
□ 03.07 Vocabulary Quiz – Using ser + characteristics and estar + feelings; gustar + object pronouns
□ 03.07 Writing Assignment – Writing about yourself and others using what you’ve learned.
□ 03.07 Voice Activity – A parent records reflection about you teaching them tener expressions.
□ ¡Ojo! Schedule an appointment for your exam review for next week!
Week 11: Due ____________
□ 03.08 Discussion-based Assessment(DBA)/Module Review - Make appointment for teacher call
□ 03.09 Module Three Exam
Week 12: Due ____________
□ 04.00 Module Four Pretest – Replacing English constructions “I need to” “the room has” with
Spanish “I have to” and “there is X in the room”; room, furniture, appliance vocabulary; going
□ 04.01 Vocabulary Quiz - rooms, furniture
□ 04.01 Writing Assignment – Reflect on matching activity.
Week 13: Due ___________
□ 04.02 Vocabulary Quiz –kitchen, dining room + hay/ estar
□ 04.02 Writing Assignment – Describe ”the house of Marisa”, your house, the differences.
□ 04.03 Listening and Visual Activity – Use pictures to show what was mentioned in recording.
Week 14: Due ___________
□ 04.04 Voice Activity – Record a description of your house and the contents of 3 rooms.
04.05 Writing Assignment – Create a block party flyer. TECHNOLOGY COMPONENT
□ 04.06 Vocabulary Quiz – community locations
□ 04.06 Out-of-seat Assignment - Submit pictures of Spanish around your neighborhood.
□ ¡Ojo! Schedule an appointment for your exam review for next week!
Week 15: Due ____________
□ 04.07 Collaborative Project – Interview fellow student.
□ 04.08 Discussion-based Assessment and Module Exam Review
□ 04.09 Module Four Exam
□ ¡Ojo! Schedule an appointment for your Segment final exam review for next week!
Week 16: Due ____________
□ 04.10 Segment Exam Review-Select sets of questions – PRACTICE page, scroll down for Module links
□ 04.11 Segment One Exam
Week 17: Floating vacation week
Week 18: Floating vacation week