Last update: 18-05-2015 240ST021 - Economy and Legislation in Transport and Logistics Coordinating unit: 240 - ETSEIB - Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering Teaching unit: 732 - OE - Department of Management Academic year: 2015 Degree: MASTER'S DEGREE IN SUPPLY CHAINS, TRANSPORT AND MOBILITY (Syllabus 2014). (Teaching unit Compulsory) ECTS credits: 5 Teaching languages: Spanish Teaching staff Coordinator: Maria Josep Borreguero Fígols Others: Maria Josep Borreguero Fígols Opening hours Timetable: Wednesday from 16:00 to 18:00 and Thursday from 18:00 to 19:00 Teaching methodology We will use an applied methodology in the course. Afterwards, a theoretical introduction of the different concepts will be proposed some applied exercises. It will be valued the use of external sources of information and the adaptation of the solutions proposed to the reality of the company positively. Learning objectives of the subject The general objective is understanding the international economic and legal framework in logistic operations. Study load Total learning time: 125h Theory classes: 30h 24.00% Practical classes: 15h 12.00% Laboratory classes: 0h 0.00% Guided study: 0h 0.00% Self study: 80h 64.00% 1/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 18-05-2015 240ST021 - Economy and Legislation in Transport and Logistics Content ECONOMY and LOGISTIC and TRANSPORT LEGISLATION Learning time: 125h Large group/Theory: 30h Medium group/Practical: 3h Guided activities: 12h Self study : 80h Description: Module I: International Economy - Introduction to International Economy. Main economic theories related to overseas trade. Absolute advantage theory (A.Smith). Comparative advantage theory (D.Ricardo). Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. Economies of scale and product differentiation. - Multilateral economic Institutions. (WTO-GATT, UNCTAD, World Bank, IMF) - Economic integration. Economic integration treaties: Regional analysis. Module II: International trade - International economic order. Introduction to international trade, its structure and evolution. - Specialization. Absolute and comparative advantages. - Barriers to international trade: tariffs, quantitative quotes and no tariff measures. Module III: Customs management of international logistics. - Customs legislation: European Community customs law and Customs tariff. Product customs classification systems: Harmonized System (HS), the Combined Nomenclature (CN) and TARIC. Another tariff measures. - Import process and trade regimes. - Customs destinations and customs regimes. Economic customs regimes: Customs transit, customs warehouse and active and passive improvement. Module IV: Transport Legislation - Basic legislation of international road transport. Treaties CMR and TIR. - Basic legislation of international maritime transport: Brussels convention of 1924, The Hague rules 1968, Hamburg rules 1978 - Basic legislation of international aerial transport: Warsaw convention 1929, The Hague protocol 1955, Montreal convention 1975. - Regulations applicable to multimodal transport. (Rules UNCTAD/ICC). Specific objectives: The specific objectives are: - Understand the processes for regional integration and the economic integration treaties currently in force. - Study the main economic theories related to overseas trade and globalization process. - Know the main characteristics of the European Community Customs Law. - Identify the customs import formalities, knowing the barriers and tariff benefits and the legislation that regulates them. - Know the main international treaties of goods? transportation. - Recognize the main customs and international transportation documents, identifying its distinctive features. 2/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 18-05-2015 240ST021 - Economy and Legislation in Transport and Logistics Qualification system The final grade will be calculated by the weighted average of the following scores: - Written test: 50% of the final grade. - Evaluation of the final practical work: 40% of the final grade. - Student's participation and exercises: 10% of the final grade. Regulations for carrying out activities The written final evaluation will consist in a multiple choice test and exercise test. The required mark in the written test, in order to calculate the average final mark is 4.0. Bibliography Basic: Tugores Ques, Juan. Economía Internacional : globalización e integración regional. 6a ed. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill, 2006. ISBN 8448146530. Llamazares García-Lomas, Olegario. Estrategia y gestión del comercio exterior : curso superior. 2a ed. Madrid: Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, 2005. ISBN 8478119361. Llamazares García-Lomas, Olegario. Operativa y práctica del comercio exterior : curso básico. 2a ed. Madrid: ICEX, 2005. ISBN 8478119353. Díez Vergara, Marta. Manual práctico de comercio internacional. 3a ed. Madrid: Deusto, 1999. ISBN 8423416550. Jiménez, Guillermo C. Guía ICC de comercio internacional. 4a ed. Barcelona: Cámara de Comercio Internacional, 2012. ISBN 9788489924505. 3/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya