Latin America Tour Report 2013-3

Linden Tour Report: Linden Latin America Fall 2013
The 2013 Fall Linden Tour to Latin America was productive visit to ten cities (Recife, Brasilia,
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Lima, Panama City, San Jose, Quito, Bogota and Cartagena) in six
countries (Brazil, Peru, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Colombia). Many of the participants
joined in three of the University Fairs planned by EducationUSA Advising offices in the region
that positioned the university representatives in direct contact with students and families seeking
educational opportunities in the United States. In addition to participating in EdUSA Fairs, the
almost 30 tour members met with secondary school counselors and educational advisors in the
tour cities as well as the third Linden-sponsored Educational Forum in San Jose Costa. Linden
sponsored three University Fairs in Recife, Brazil, Lima, Peru and San Jose, Costa Rica, where
we were not participating in the EducationUSA Fairs. Our group included public and private
institutions, small and large as well as institutions specializing in aerospace, arts and
engineering. During the 21 days of travel, we interacted with approximately 7,800 students and
nearly 90 education professionals.
Our participation in the three EducationUSA Fairs provided us contact with approximately 4,492
young adults interested in studying in the United States. This contrasts with the three Lindensponsored fairs, where we saw much more focused groups of potential undergraduate students,
most of whom were accompanied by at least one parent. In San Jose, we hosted our third
Linden Educational Forum with secondary counselors attending from El Salvador, Chile,
Colombia, from most of the international schools in and around San Jose as well as
EducationUSA Advisers from Guatemala (Guatemala City and Quetzaltenango), El Salvador,
Nicaragua, Honduras (Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula), Costa Rica, Panama, Dominican
Republic and the REAC for Mexico, Canada, Central America and the Caribbean. The visits to
secondary schools continue to be a highlight of travel in Latin America. On this year’s tour we
interacted with approximately 2,900 high school students, many of whom attended one of the
successful multi-school college fairs held in each of the cities.
The pace of this year’s tour did not allow for many structured programs to experience the culture
of the region. However, as is always the case, tour members created opportunities to explore
the sites along the way with impromptu visits to Monserrate in Bogota to view the city at night,
and a city tour and shopping excursion in Quito with some enjoying a quick trip to the Equator.
In our first city, Recife, about half of the group enjoyed an outing to the historic, colonial city of
Olinda. Exploring the sites and tastes of this charming city allowed us the opportunity to get out
of the hotel and begin coming together as a group. In Lima, the majority of the group enjoyed
spending much of a free day exploring the city and purchasing lovely handicrafts. The “foodies”
also took advantage of the opportunity to experience “Mistura”, a large culinary festival
celebrating the diversity of Peruvian cuisine. In Bogota, many of the group made a visit to the
ever-popular Andres Carne de Res, DC, for a fabulous dining experience at this innovative
restaurant! In our final city, Cartagena, we experienced the costal tradition of a “Chiva de
Rumba”. This rolling disco (actually a bus tricked out with a band and cocktails) drove through
the streets of this colonial city with stops at several places of interest. Additionally, we enjoyed
many outstanding group meals that provided us with opportunities to taste the local flavors and
to experience the warmth of traditional Latin hospitality and culture.
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Student Market
As has been evident during the past few years, the United States is certainly a desired, and
many times preferred, destination for higher education for students throughout Latin America
even though Australia, Canada and several European countries are making slight inroads into
the student market place. The US is being helped by the governments in several of the
countries we visited as Brazil, Panama, Ecuador and Colombia all have established scholarship
programs in place for both undergraduate and graduate level studies.
Throughout our travels we observed that the students’ understanding of the US system of
education is increasing as it their ability to engage in more meaningful conversations with the
university representatives. However as the tour expands its reach into secondary schools that
have not been focused on sending students to the US, we see great interest from the students
but the need to introduce and educate about a system and philosophy of education that is very
different from what the students and their families know. Business and engineering continue to
be leading areas of interest for students in Latin America; however, there has been an increase
in the number of students seeking degrees in the areas of computer science/IT; communication,
health sciences and design. Requests for financial assistance continue to be significant
According to IIE’s Open Doors 2012, the number of students from Latin America now studying
in the United States has decreased by .2% to a total of 64,021 from the 2011 population of
64,169. Brazil maintained its position as the 14th leading sender of international students with a
total of 9,209 in 2011/12, which is an increase 2.9% from the previous year. Colombia slipped
slightly in the list to 22 from 21 in sending countries with 6,295 in 2011/12 down from 6,456
students in 2010/11. The split between undergraduate and graduate studies remains basically
constant from the previous year. In Ecuador (58%), the percentage of undergraduate students
is greater than graduate students while in Colombia (38%) and Brazil (46.7%) the reverse is true
although not too great a difference. The current report shows a small upswing in the
percentage of undergraduate students from Latin America heading to studies in the United
States. While the increase is small, it is encouraging for those universities primarily interested
in undergraduate candidates.
Tour Review
Based on the written evaluations and the tour review meeting, the tour members really liked:
• An international student market that was larger and more engaged than expected
• Multi-school fairs and the opportunity to share information with counselors and students
in a common setting
• Being associated with EducationUSA and the “legitimacy” that the brand provides
• The Costa Rica Forum and the continued opportunities for establishing and/or building
significant relationships with counselors and advisors
• University fairs that provided an appropriate ratio of undergrad to grad and a diversity in
fields of study
• The group itself, a cohesive team that came together quickly and remained supportive,
kind and focused.
For future tours in Latin America, tour members would like us to:
• Make more presentations about educational opportunities at high school visits and
segment the visits with separate activities for students in grades 9 & 10 and 11 & 12
• Explore different formats/designs for the Fair brochure to allow for wider distribution and
better utilization by students.
• Create special opportunities for parents (based on the Parents’ Night in Sao Paulo)
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Return to Recife and continue the work the Brazilian International schools
Continue to offer the Forum and create as many opportunities as possible for quality
interactions among university reps and secondary counselors/advisers
Successful international group travel doesn’t just happen – it is the result of much hard work by
many people. This tour was no exception. To the tour members, our overseas partners, the
Linden staff and wonderful, bright students, I say thank you! Without your expertise, time,
insights, willingness to share and great senses of humor, our time together would have been
less successful and enjoyable.
The strength of this group was seen in the diversity of the tour members’ experience in Latin
America and in international admissions that was shared effortlessly and selfishly with students
and one another! The group came together quickly and managed to hold that cohesiveness for
the entire time we were together. You were an extraordinary group with which to travel! Our
local contacts must be thanked for all of their work throughout the many phases of our planning
and follow-up. Without their onsite coordination and commitment, the tour would not have
enjoyed the same level of success. Behind the scenes, we had the competent and committed
Linden staff, whose collaboration allowed us to accomplish all we did during such a short period.
Thank you, Kathy, Jody and Liz your individual and collective contributions kept us moving
A special thank you to Donald Occhiuzzo, my friend and colleague! His love of Latin America,
especially of Brazil, was evident as he shared his knowledge and experiences with the group.
Nowhere was this more evident than at our visits to the Brazilian schools. Without Donald’s
years of dedication to students and teachers in Brazil, we would never have been given such
warm welcomes and access to excellent students. From start to finish, Donald tirelessly worked
to ensure we all felt taken care of and had everything we needed to be productive. Thank you
for your support and friendship!
Respectfully submitted,
Greg Walker
Tour Leader
November 2013
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Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Brazil remained relatively constant in the
2011/2012 academic year. The numbers increased from 8,777 in the 2010/2011 academic year to
9.029 in 2011/2012. 46.7% are studying at the undergraduate level, and 32.7% are at the graduate
level. 11.6% of the Brazilians in the US are studying in either Intensive English programs or other
programs while 9% are completing OPT (Optional Practical Training).
Total students seen in Brazil: 3,945
Recife, Brazil
September 1-3, 2013
School Visits
Colégio Marista São Luis
Colégio Motivo
American School of Recife
U.S. University Fair
September 2 – Atlante Plaza
Other Activities
Optional City Tour of Recife and Olinda
Newcomer’s and General Orientation Meetings
Brazil Briefing
Welcome Dinner at Spettus
Total Students seen in Recife
• Meeting in Recife, getting to know one another and the beginning of professional sharing and
• The first Linden Tour visit to Recife
• Warm welcomes and positive interactions with teachers, counselors and students
• Welcome Dinner at Spettus, a delicious rodizio-style restaurant with delicious food and drink
Fair Statistics –
Of the 153 students attending the fair, we learned that:
• 50% were male, 50% were female
• 36% were graduate students, 59% were undergraduate, 5% Other
• 56% want to begin studies in 2014, 25% in 2015 and 19% in other years
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Biological & Biomedical Sciences
o Communications
o Health Sciences
o Engineering
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Brasilia, Brazil
September 3, 2013
School Visits
School of the Nations
American School of Brasilia
Total Students seen in Brasilia
§ Quick “fly-through” and good time utilization
§ Warm welcomes from the students and staff
§ Well organized visits with quality students
Campinas, Brazil
September 3 – 4, 2013
School Visits
Colegio Notre Dame
Escola Americana de Campinas
Colegio Sant’Anna
Total Students seen in Campinas
§ First ever visit to Colegio Sant’Anna
§ Warm welcomes and positive experiences at the Brazilian schools
§ A well-organized and executed visit with many interested students at EAC
§ Relaxing, informal dinner with Maria Isabel, EdUSA Adviser at Restaurant Giovannetti
Sao Paulo, Brazil
September 4 – 7, 2013
School Visits
Pan American Christian Academy
Colegio Magno
Colegio Dante Aligheiri
Colegio Santo Americo
Graded School
Colegio Pueri Domus
Parents’ Night at Dante Aligheiri
EducationUSA Fair
September 5 – Hotel Renaissance
Total Students seen in Sao
Fair Statistics* –
Of the 2,142 students attended the fair, we learned that:
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Biological & Biomedical Sciences
o Communications
o Health Sciences
o Engineering
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*Note: Because of differing registration forms used at the EducationUSA Fair, we are unable to provide Fair
Statistics in the same format and with the same fields as the Linden Fair Statistics.
• An extra day of school visits
• The quality of the students with whom we interacted during the school visits
• Introduction to new, quality students at Brazilian high schools where we were warmly
• The outstanding Parents’ night at Dante where 85 parents** participated in the evening
Lima, Peru
September 7 – 10, 2013
School Visits
Colegio Markham
International Christian School of Lima
Colegio Roosevelt
U.S. University Fair
September 9 – JW Marriott Hotel
Other Activities
Peru Briefing
City Tour
Mistura Food Festival
Total Students seen In Lima
Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Peru decreased by 8.1% in the 2011/2012
academic year with 2,702 students studying in the US. 43.7% of those students are studying at the
undergraduate level.
Fair Statistics*
Of the 196 students attending the fair, we learned that:
• 48% were male, 52% were female
• 41% were graduate students, 57% were undergraduate, 2% Other
• 62% want to begin studies in 2014, 23% in 2015 and 15% in other years
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Biological & Biomedical Sciences
o Communications
o Health Sciences
o Engineering
• Our first unscheduled day on the Tour
• Relaxing, seeing the city sights of Lima and enjoy outstanding cuisine
• The opportunity to learn about Peru at the Fulbright Commission
• The quality of the students we saw at high schools and at the University Fair
• Excellent presentations and questions at the school visits
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Panama City, Panama
September 13 – 14, 2012
School Visits
Balboa Academy (with ISP)
Instituto Alberto Einstein
Academia Interamericana de Panama
Total Students seen in Panama
Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Panama decreased by 4.3% in the 2011/2012
academic year. Student enrollment decreased to 1,122 students with an increase to 70.4% of the
students studying at the undergraduate level.
§ Solid school visits with excellent support from the local counselors
San Jose, Costa Rica
September 11 – 14, 2013
School Visits
The Lincoln School
University Fair
Crowne Plaza Corobici Hotel – September 11
Other Professional Activities
Graduate Studies Session at CCCN
3rd Linden Educational Forum
Total Students seen in San Jose
Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Costa Rica increased 1.5% in the 2010/2011
academic year. Student enrollment increased to 1,1605 students in 2010/2011 with 47.4% of the
students studying at the undergraduate level.
Fair Statistics
Of the 68 students attending the fair, we learned that:
• 50% were male, 50% were female
• 42% were graduate students, 58% were undergraduate, and 0% other
• 65% want to begin studies in 2014, 24% in 2015 and 10% in 2016
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Computer Science/Information Technology
o Mathematics
o Theater Arts and Dance
o Health Sciences
• The warm hospitality and quality students at Lincoln School
• The Forum and opportunity to spend quality time learning from and enjoying one another
• A University Fair where the students were engaged and came with parents
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Quito, Ecuador
September 14 – 17, 2013
School Visits
Multi School fair at Colegio Americano de Quito
• Alliance Academy
• Academia Cotopaxi
• Colegio Alberto Einstein
• Liceo Internacional
• Colegio Los Pinos
• Colegio Menor
EducationUSA Fair
September 13 – Swissotel
Other Activities
Day Trip to Papallacta
Visit to Mitad del Mundo
Total Students seen In Quito
Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Ecuador slightly increased by .5% in the
2011/2012 academic year, from 2,150 in 2010/2011 to 2,160 in 2011/2012. 58% are at the
undergraduate level, and 42% are at the graduate level. The trend of increasing numbers of
undergraduate students from Ecuador continues in this academic year.
Fair Statistics*
Of the 1595 students registered at the fair, we learned that:
• 48% were male, 52% were female
• 36% were graduate students, 60% were undergraduate, 4% short courses & other
• 23% want to begin studies in 2013, 53% in 2014 and 17% in 2015 and 7% in other terms
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Engineering
o Biological & Biomedical Sciences
o Communications
o Health Sciences
o Computer Science/Information Technology
• A great visit and the wonderful hospitality at Colegio Americano
• A chance to hike and soak away the stresses of travel high in the Andes at Papallacta
• The opportunity to visit the center of the world
• An almost overwhelming turnout of interested students at the EdUSA Fair
*Note: Because of differing registration forms used at the EducationUSA Fair, we are unable to provide Fair
Statistics in the same format and with the same fields as the Linden Fair Statistics.
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Bogota, Colombia
September 17 – 20, 2013
School Visits
The English School
Colegio AngloColombiano
Colegio Billingue Buckingham
Colegio Nueva Granada
EducationUSA Fair
September 5 – JW Marriott
Total Students seen In Bogota
Current Market/Trends
According to Open Doors, the number of students from Colombia decreased 2.5% in the 2011/2012
academic year to 6,456 students. 38% of the students are studying at the undergraduate level.
Colombia remains in the top 25 sending countries at position number 22.
Fair Statistics*
Of the 755 students registered at the fair, we learned that:
• 47% were graduate students, 38% were undergraduate, 15% ESL and other
• The most popular majors are:
o Business Management/Marketing
o Engineering
o Biological & Biomedical Sciences
o Communications
o Law
o Computer Science/Information Technology
• Welcoming counselors and prepared students
• Warm hospitality and a fun evening at Andres Carne de Res, DC
• A busy and productive EdUSA Fair with more undergraduate students and parents than were
*Note: Because of differing registration forms used at the EducationUSA Fair, we are unable to provide Fair
Statistics in the same format and with the same fields as the Linden Fair Statistics.
Cartagena, Colombia
September 20 – 21, 2013
School Visits
Colegio Britanico de Cartagena
Colegio Jorge Washington
Total Students seen in Cartagena
• Warm, coastal hospitality with interested students
• An inviting and lively city with great sites, sounds and flavors
• Chiva de Rumba – a great way to celebrate our successful travels
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