Animal Farm Assessment: Character & Comprehension

Name __________________________________
Open-book Assessment for Summer
Reading: George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Part One: Character Identification
In a novel filled with as many characters as Animal Farm, it’s essential to relate defining
characteristics to those characters. Use the Answer Bank to place a character with a
characteristic. Names can be used more than once or not at all. Be sure to use the book to
double check the questions you don’t know for sure. Do not write names. Use letters.
Answer Bank
A. Clover
B. Benjamin
C. Mollie
D. Moses
E. Boxer
F. Man
G. Old Major
H. Napoleon
I. Squealer
J. Snowball
K. Pincher
L. Sam
Loves sugar and pretty ribbons
Has the dream that starts the rebellion
Respected for working long hours
Never got her figure back after her fourth foal
A teller of tales and a tame raven
Only creature that consumes without producing
Has had more than 400 children
Believes all habits of man are evil
Answer Bank
B. Clover
B. Benjamin
C. Mollie
D. Moses
E. Boxer
F. Man
G. Old Major
H. Napoleon
I. Squealer
J. Snowball
K. Pincher
L. Sam
More outgoing and personable than Napoleon
Has a bad temper and is cynical
“Brilliant talker” who “turns black into white”
Claims to have been to Sugarcandy Mountain
Personal motto is “I will work harder”
Splits a hoof and gets sent away
Lies about Boxer’s death
Part Two: Multiple Choice
Select the proper choice in the questions below. Remember that this is an
open-book assessment, so feel free to use the book.
1. “Old Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern
which hung from a beam” (p 16). In this sentence, “ensconced” means
a. settled comfortably.
b. to walk on hind legs.
c. treading.
2. The song “Beasts of England” instructs the animals to
a. be grateful.
b. obey the owner.
c. rebel.
3. The day after the rebellion, “a unanimous resolution was passed on the
spot that the farmhouse should be preserved as a museum.” A “unanimous
resolution” is
a. an idea no one can agree upon.
b. an idea agree upon by all.
c. an idea that will be voted on later.
4. “There was a stormy debate over the correct retiring age for each class of
animal.” The use of the word “stormy” mean the debate was
a. held in bad weather.
b. dull.
c. rough like a storm.
5. The animals despised Mr. Jones, but once the pigs took control, they
_________________________ many of his practices.
a. condemned
b. used
c. rejected
6. The pigs frequently use __________________________ to keep the
animals in line.
a. fear
b. guns
c. the basement
7. Mr. Frederick was “perpetually involved in lawsuits” (p 45). “Perpetually”
a. hardly ever.
b. regularly.
c. occasionally.
8. The pigs decide they can sleep in beds after all, as long as the beds do not
a. pillows.
b. sheets.
c. headboards.
9. The song “Beasts of England” is irrepressible” (p 46). “Irrepressible” means
a. isn’t very good.
b. impressive.
c. can’t be kept down.
10. Boxer’s motto, “Napoleon is always right,” is put to the test when
a. milk gets stolen.
b. he argues with Squealer about Snowball’s activities.
c. Jones returns.
11. After the initial rebellion by the animals, The ____________
Commandments are created.
a. Four
b. Six
c. Seven
d. Ten
12. Soon after that, however, the Commandments are simplified for the
dumber animals. They are taught to chant
a. “Death to humans.”
b. “Take over St. Louis.”
c. “Four legs good, two legs bad.”
13. Near the end of the book, the pigs teach themselves
a. to fly planes.
b. to walk on hind legs.
c. to use scissors.
14. The name to the philosophy used to run the farm under the pigs’ rule is
a. Animalism.
b. Communism.
c. Pigtocracy.
15. In the final scene, it is _____________________ to tell the difference
between the pigs and the humans.
a. hard
b. impossible
c. easy
Open-Ended Item
One of the themes of “Animal Farm” is that—whether it’s in the hands of humans or
animals--power corrupts. Give at least two examples where the pigs took advantage of the
other animals simply because they are in control.