Thursday, Do~nibor14, 1989 Tho South Lyon Haraid 19A Herald . LIVING 9VaFtez~L~s: Page 18A The Sculh Lyon Herald Thursday, December 14, 1989 ~Oi1O!CliOfl ‘4CES Discount Prices On All Your Christmas Gifts Santa ÷ Walter ‘a.. — -~‘0~ ,._4 5½” AC/DC SPACESAVER COLOR TV ‘i’ [ .4.. ‘4’: 4;. TWO YEAR PARTS ~1~ I~DLABOR WARR~1JTY ‘ospjuvsuNo 13” COMPACT ,~ 4’.’ ‘4% st. 1. —. ACOUSTIMASS5 -3 SPEAKER SYSTEM WORLDS SMALLEST SPEAKER SYSTEM Delivers pure sound and virtual ~ bility. Compatible with receivers lOto 100 wafts per channel. AM-3 COLOR TV 82 chicable, AFT. Color, tint, brightness, contrast controls. Auto color. TC3146 - ~149 S549~ snsr 25” F TERNIKA ss 13” REMOTESaae~ CONTROL atiMITSUWSHI’ t’ STEREO COLOR UW~RE~ER 1$” REMOTE COLOR TV CHANNEL FLASHBACK ¶57 chJcabIe, On screen muM function display. Sleep COLORDirect TV acoess 129 thdcabie, rwte. I )W pn and labor *trranly. ¶300CM 181 thit ~199 $379 $399 -a it ea tinier. Model TJ2511 1ew tuning, C52o15 4 TWO POWER LEVELS 110 WATTS PER CHANNEL = ‘t4~ Dii oh. dsplsy. Off timer, Oialck Cia Jet t~SAMSUNG • 45 TOUCH CONTROL MICROWAVE OVEN .7 cu. ft. capacity. 600 watts. 5 variable power levels. 2 stage memory. MQ549 ase ( VIDEO REMOTE SPEAKER SYSTEM ‘4,,- Speaker system with built In amplifier hooks to :w. ‘.4 audio output of any color ‘TV monitor for great sound. yAM-i •‘t~ / Panasonic Stereo Rack System W/ Dual Cassette Deck, 28 Rey remote. Quartz tuner W/24 ch, presets. Dolby 8”. 5 band EQ. SCR800 ‘4 MAESTRO THREE WAY SPEAKER.DESIGN FOR MASSIVE POWER HANDLING Lighted angels seemsuspended over the arches at Domino’s Farms near Ann Arbor ‘“‘ , ‘Blessed Christmas’ di splay draws throngs of visitors This “stained glass window” appears to grow out of the ground Domino’s Farms “Blessed Christmas’ lighting display was officially turned on this year just beforeThanksgiving, ThIs’occurred despite the fact that Ann Arbor Township had passed an ordinance controling special events’ lighting in an effort to shutdown the display due to the back up of traffic in 1987. “The judge ruled that the township ordinance was vague and unconstitutional and threw out the township’s case,” explained Dick Bnmvand, public relations activities manager for Domino’s Midwest Region. The township had been successful In keeping the lights from being turned on in 1918, but Brunvand said a new traffic pattern has been designS to handle the great influx of cars during the holiday season, “We tried to work with the township on this but they didn’twant to talk about it. They are theones who filed suit against the display. “The judge rUled that the township’s ordinance was so vague that it could have prevented the ordinary homeowner from displaying holiday lighting if a neighbor complained about them,” Brunvand added. Whatever the past history of the light display, the public obviously enjoys the huge lighted arches and Nativity scenes. In one week, more than 29,~0cars had passed through the entrance on Earhart Road off Plymouth Road progressing around the loops to see the magnificence of the display which features an estimated 280,Th lights. In addition, more than $25,O~was raised in one week for several charities by donations from delighted visitors dropping donations into recepticales on the winding route. The display can be viewed from 6:30-Il p.m. week nights and from 5:30 p.m. until midnight Saturdays and Sundays from now until early January. Brunvand said the freewill donations are given to nine different charities in the area. Included are the American Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Leaders in Prevention, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Students Against Driving Drunk, Meals on Wheels, World Vision, t,e Exchange Club Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse, Inc. and St. AndrewsSoup Kitchen. ‘It’s (the freewill offering) is an opportunity for people to express their appreciation by giving back to the community,” explained Phil White, vice president and general manager of Domino’s Farms Activities. “We feel this is the real spirit of the season. “Based on attendance at the light display two years ago, the farms hopes that $103,000 will be raised for the charities to split,” White added, Donations to the 1989 Christmas charities are made at collection booths located halfway into the display route. Representatives from each charity assist In the nightly collections, Designated funds go to the named charities while all other donations are evenly distributed, White added, In addition to the nine charities, CS, Mott Children’s Hospital at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is conducting its annual Christmas Tree Sale at Domino’s Farms. This is underwritten by Donimo’s Pizza, Inc. with proceeds from the trees sold going to the hospital, White noted, The Christmas Tree Sale runs through Dec. 23. Hours for the sale are noon to 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 am. to6p.m. weekends, Trees for sale include Scotch pine, blue spruce, Douglas and Fraser firs, live Colorado blue spruce plus wreaths and garlands. The large volume of traffic this year has moved smoothly except for Thanksgiving nIght (Nov. 23), according to Brunvand. “All routes were at capacity shortly after the lights were turned on that night.” Working with the on-site deputies from the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department, the light displayteam made a decision to turn off the lights and disperse the traffic so that area roads would not be backed up, Brunvand said. lie added that the special off-duty deputies are hired by Domino’s to facilitate the flow of traffic. As part of the lighting plan this year, news of the closing was immediately broadcast over WPZA 1050 AM Radio, located at the farms. Other area radio and TV stations are also notified, Brunvand added. Lights were turned off and traffic routed out of the area by 9 p.m. Thanksgiving night. Although the display double-loop traffic system now in operation is handling all the traffic in a safe manner, farms officials continue to receive a variety of suggestions to improve the flow which include a system for odd license numbers one night and even the next and the use of shuttle buses from nearby parking lots, according Brunvand. Visitors are to asked to respect the residential and business area that they pass through when they come to the display and are encouraged to avoid what are expected to be the most popular times to view the lights. These include Fridays, Saturdaysand Sundays as weil as Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. To get to Domino’s Farms from the freeway, take US•23 to exit 41 (Plymouth Road) and go east to Earhart Road, then north to the farms. Thomas Monaghan, founder, owner and chairperson of the Board of Directors of Domino’s Pizza, Inc., first established the “Blessed Christmas” drive-through display In 1987 to provide a Christian celebration of the Christmas season, The light display consists of 16 separate elements, inciuding three lighted tunnels and two nativity scenes, The display is powered by 10 generators in addition to the regular electrical circuits, The popularity of the 1987 display revealed the potential for traffic congestion at peak viewing hours and the display was not turned on for the 1988 Christmas season. After nearly two years of planning and study, a new traffic flow program has been developed and reviewed with the Washtenaw County Road Commission, the State of Michigan Department of TRansportation and the Washtenaw County Sheriff, according to Brunvand, This pian allows for the continual movement of traffic on a double-loop system aided by additional approach lanes using the shoulders of Plymouth Road leading to the entrance to the farms. Also sheriff deputies’ coordination allows for an orderiy shut-down procedure in the event the traffic flow cannot be maintained. Each loop of the double-loop system is two miles long. If the double-loop system can’t handle the load a third route will open which is the first step in the shut-down procedure. The third loop is 3.7 miles long. If all three loops cannot handle the traffic load, the entire route will be shut down for that evening. Highlights of the display include. • lighted fence lines at the entrance to Domino’s Farms. • several displays depicting the Nativity and other Christian themes • lighted star and angel tunnels : ‘‘ Ii-. P~fl~5OflKl 5 I ~ The BOSS’” Upright s~, The Lowest Priced ESV ~A Ever From Eureka ~‘~\ 6.5 amp ESP (extra suc~.\ lion .1~ ~‘fill bag. #2034 power) motor. Cuts cleaning time In half. Top P. S 1 77 I FREE HEADPHONES FROM PANASONIC 2 I&P. $77 1.S~ ~; ~DISHWASHER I Sure scrub level wash. Energy Triple titteratlon-soll savermulti dryer option. collector 1~ 131161 3 H.P. 131251 _________________ $399 K I I c a. en It Id ~89 /EUREM/~~j~aswav,~Le ~s I SsVstem. KUDB22OT No pre rinsing. rn Panasonic I PANASONIC PORTABLE ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER $95. Letter quality dalseywheel. 330 character text memory. Quick erase. Express backspace relacation keys. KXR32O —4 I RF423 S ~998 E1 UREKA Suction power MIGHTY fullMITE size vac. Easy roll wheels H.P. lSlttt 7ofATTACHMENTS~~ PORTABLE PORTABLE COMPACT AM/FM PLAYER STEREO DISC Rechargable battery system. RADIO 1 XBS-Extra eass System. Belt o ip. Skip • Search • Repeat Stereo headphones. ,,~, $799 . fl , $89 Remote Audio RaCk System, 125 watt perfch. AMS tuner w/40 preset AM/FM stations. CD W/6 disc changer: Dual cassette, GX96CDM Remote Audio System, 100 wafts per channel. 16 presets. Dual cassette deck. Compact disc player. 5 band EQ. Model E2200 ‘EUREM/555 750 wafts peak power handling, three drivers and 4&~~’ 1apreclsiori crossover. AIO12 Lights go on again A unIque effect Is achieved by thousands of lights I. $499 -ADVENT 5.’. [Jvc I AMFISLJwSHI’ BEEPERLESS REMOTE ANSWERING MACHINE .L, AC OPERATION. HARD COVER — CARRYING CASE INCLUDED. $147 Day/time stamp. Digital counter. Digital clock. 17 functIon remote. Model 2-9882 I ‘Al SOUTHWESTERN BELL FREEDOM PHONE CORDLESS PHONE Has i000 foot range. — * Two separate dial 4~1 ~-t.j CORDLESS PHONE WITH BUILT IN ANSWERING MACHINE e- pads. 9 number Is memory redlal. FF1100 $1 39 LI. a ‘&, rcnt.. Pt~.- * ~ 32 dIgital security coding. Use with . ~-- TOSHIBA ? TEKNIKA — graniming. VcR882 Head phone jack. MP200 j~287 FLYING ERASE HEAD Ran 1- ‘t~anon ‘2 19” MONiTOR AND HID Cauöu canovislona 8MM REMOTE HI BAND 8MM CAMCORDER VALUE REMOTE CAMCORDER 8 program/i year timer. On I 10 chicable. 22 key remote. Stereo sound. 1/2” COD im- 1/1000 8 11500 second I-li screen display. 1 55 Ch./cab#e. 4 event 14 day program. HO. agesensor. F/1.4 lOX power shutter speeds. Auto focus. Model VR490 Model VM6003 zoom with wide angle. Al 6XF/1.4 zoom, E80 GET WALTER’S LOW DISCOUNT PRICE 4 HEAD VCR WITh WNCR REMOTE VOR COMBINATION All LocatIons Open Till ChrIstmas . . I •—- —r~J,Ju FULL SIZE VHS CAMCORDER SAVINGS 8:1 zoon lens. Flying erase head. Hi speed shutter. Has carry case. GR500V SUNDAYS: 12 P.M.5 P.M. a&~e.’Vtt.HOME APPLIANCES Your Appliance, Video and Sound Connection . LOCATION a $999 $999 ~239 $349 $599 NEW LImIt (5) —4 OPEN DAILY: 10 AMc8:30 P.M.’ •1 s I ill Slilibil TAPE VALUE F,iier mode reduces false alerts Oily-Highway selt’nçs. LFD. nd’ cator #876 Panasonic going messages. disconnect. #1455Auto range.KXT4 21000 WIRELESS REMOTE VHS REMOTE VHS HI Fl VcP W/AUTO PLAY VCR ONE lOtiON RECORD ~ V~.çtytS<oSy. Edt rn~e. 6 e.e,t114 day pr~am.Quick P~umsewth-S~r~on. timer record. On screen pro. TI2OSP RADAR DETECTOR ,~ . -. ~ C? ~* Two dIgItLED call counter. Two out AI.ITO PROGRAMMING In Is INTENNA CORDLESS ‘I TELEPHONE Last number redial. any system. CP4BO .:Ig ‘4.’.. ~ Beeperless remote. Panasonic LED call counter. Panasonic LONG RANGE TONE REMOTE AUTO LOGIC ANSWERING MACHINE CHARGE IT AT WALTER’S ~ HOME APftIASC(S ‘. VISA 1 BLOCK ONE MILE EAST OF OAKW000 FARMINCTON WEST OF 1