Counters l Programmable l Totalisers Din Rail Timers Series 600 600XU 600ST Description Model 600U Accuracy COMMON FEATURES Mounting : DIN RAIL Mounting Size: 17.5 (W) x 90 (H) x 60 (D) Reset: On interruption of power; Reset time less than 100ms. (600DT has front key reset option also) LED INDICATION: 1) Power 2) Relay RELAY RATING: NO/5A, NC/3A @ 250V AC (600DT has 8A @ 250V AC) 600DT 600SD Output Contacts Modes* Time Ranges 240V AC, 110V AC, 24V AC / DC AC:( 50/60 Hz) 600ST Supply Voltage Order Code* Certification Single Function 10 time ranges 600ST Setting: ± 5% of F.S. Repeat : ± 0.5% (F.S. = Full Scale) 1 C/O (SPDT) A 0.1-1 sec, 0.3-3 sec, 1-10 sec, 3-30 sec, 0.1-1 min, 0.3-3 min 1-10 min, 3-30 min, 0.1-1 hr, 0.3 - 3hr 13 Functions 10 Time ranges 600XU Setting: ± 5% of F.S. Repeat: ± 0.5% (F.S. = Full Scale) 1 C/O (SPDT) A, B, C, Ci, D, E, F, H, I, J, K, Ai, Bi, 0.1-1 sec, 0.3-3 sec, 1-10 sec, 3-30 sec, 0.1-1 min, 0.3-3 min 1-10 min, 3-30 min, 0.1-1 hr, 0.3-3 hr 20-240V AC 12-240V DC AC:(50 / 60 Hz) 600XU 5 Functions 10 Time ranges 600U Setting: ± 5% of F.S. Repeat: ± 0.5% (F.S. = Full Scale) 2 C/O (DPDT) A, B, C, Ci, D 0.1-1 sec, 0.3-3 sec, 1-10 sec, 3-30 sec, 0.1-1 min, 0.3-3 min 1-10 min, 3-30 min, 0.1-1 hr, 0.3-3 hr 20-240V AC / DC AC:(50 / 60 Hz) 600U-2 15 Functions 8 Time ranges 600DT Setting: ± 0.1% of set time or ±50msec (whichever is greater) For Y contact operation : +100msec Repeat: ± 0.1 % 1 C/O (SPDT) A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J, K, L, P, Q, R, T, U 0-99.9 sec / min /hr, 0-999 sec / min / hr 0-9:59 min:sec, 0-9:59 hr:min 20-240V AC/DC AC:(50 / 60 Hz) 600DT Star Delta 600SD Setting: ± 5% of F.S Repeat : ± 0.5% (F.S. = Full Scale) 1 C/O relay each for star & delta Star - Delta Runup time: 3 sec - 30 sec, 6 sec - 60 sec Change over: 50/100 msec 230V AC, 110V AC, 415V AC AC:(50 / 60 Hz) 600SD-2 Modes* 600XU A - On delay, B - Interval, C - Repeat cycle equal OFF first, Ci - Repeat cycle equal ON first, D - Pulse output 500ms fixed, E - Delay on break, 600U 600ST F - Delay on make/Delay on break, H - Interval after break, I - Single shot, J - Retriggerable Single shot, K - Latching relay, Ai - Delay on make with Totalise, Bi - Interval with Totalise 600DT A - On delay, B - Interval, C - Asymmetrical cyclic OFF first, D - Asymmetrical cyclic ON first, E - Repeat cycle equal OFF first, F - Repeat cycle equal ON first, H - Pulse output, J - Delay on break, K - Delay on make/Delay on break, L - Interval after break, P - Single shot, Q - Retriggerable Single shot, R - Latching relay, T - Delay on make with Totalise, U - Interval with Totalise Series 800 COMMON FEATURES Mounting : DIN RAIL / Screw Mounting Size: 22.5 (W) x 75 (H) x 101 (D) Reset : On interruption of power (Reset time : Less than 100ms) Description Model Output Contact Modes LED indication: For 800XU, SQ-A, S, XC : 1) Power 2) Relay For 800SD: 1) Star Relay 2) Delta Relay For 800XMR 1) Relay 1 2) Relay 2 Accuracy: For 800XU, SQ-A, S, XMR, XC, SD: Setting: ± 5% of full scale, Repeat: ± 0.5% For 800POD: Setting: ± 10% of full scale, Repeat: ± 2%. Time Ranges Supply Voltage Order Code* Certification 800XU C 2 Functions, 12 ranges, Universal voltage 800XU 2 C/O (DPDT) ON delay / Interval 1 / 3 / 10 / 30 sec / min / hr 20 to 240V AC (AC:50 or 60 Hz); 12 to 240V DC Low cost, 8 ranges, dual voltage 800SQ-A 1 C/O (SPDT) ON delay / Interval 3 / 10 / 30 / 60 sec / min 230 - 230V AC & 24V AC/DC 110 - 110V AC & 24V AC/DC 800SQ-A-230 800SQ-A-110 C Low cost, Single range, Single Function 800S 1 C/O (SPDT) ON : ON delay 30 : 30 sec 60 : 60 sec (factory set) 12 - 12V DC, 110 - 110V AC, 230 - 230V AC, 415 - 415V AC 800S-1-ON-30S-230 800S-1-ON-60S-230 --- Star delta timer 800SD-2 1 C/O relay each for star & delta Star - delta Runup time range: 30 / 60 sec Change over: 50 / 100 msec 110 - 110V AC, 230 - 230V AC 415 - 415V AC 800SD-2-230 800SD-2-110 800SD-2-415 Cyclic with unequal ON time & OFF time 800XC 2 C/O (DPDT) Asymmetrical Cyclic ON first or OFF first 1 / 10 / sec / min / hr for both ON & OFF time 20 to 240V AC, 12 to 240V DC. (AC:50 / 60HZ) 800XC C Forward - Pause - Reverse 800XMR 1 C/O each for Forward & Reverse Forward - Pause - Reverse ON time : 1 / 2 / 4 / 8min Pause time : 10 / 20 / 40 / 80s 20 to 240V AC, 12 to 240V DC 800XMR --- True Power OFF delay Timer 800POD 2 C/O (DPDT) True power OFF delay 60s - 60sec, 180s - 180sec 110 to 240V AC / DC 800POD-60 800POD-180 C E253771 E253771 US US US Not applicable for 415V model Note - Timing diagrams refer to page no. 2 Order Code* - For CE Certified & UL approved product order code consult factory or Please refer datasheet of respective product available @ 1 C E253771 E253771 E253771 US US Din Rail Timers Timing Diagrams for 55 Series / 600 Series / 800 Series Function: Interval Function: ON Delay Function: Asymmetrical Cyclic OFF First Function: Asymmetrical Cyclic ON First Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Start NO Contact NC Contact NO Contact NC Contact NO Contact NC Contact T T Function: Cyclic Equal OFF First (with Y Contact) Supply Voltage Control Contact (Y1) NO Contact NC Contact Supply Voltage NO Contact NC Contact T T T T T Function: Interval After Break Supply Voltage Control Contact Y1 NO Contact NC Contact T t T T t T T t < T, T = set time t1 Control Contact NO Contact NC Contact T ta Function: Interval With Totalise Control Contact Y1 Y1 NO Contact NC Contact NO Contact NC Contact t1 Function: True power off delay Supply Voltage Star Relay (NO Contact) Delta Relay (NO Contact) Supply Voltage NO Relay1 NC NO contact NC contact T2 T1= Run up time T2= Pause time t1 + t2= T ; T = Set time Function: Forward - Pause - Reverse Supply Voltage T1 t2 t2 t1 + t2= T ; T = Set time Function: Star Delta Supply Voltage (U) Control Contact Y1 T Supply Voltage ta<T ; T = Set time T = Set time t1 (U) Control Contact T T Function: Delay With Totalise Supply Voltage (U) Y1 NO Contact NC Contact T = Set time; t1 < T Function: Latching Relay Function: Retriggable Single Shot Supply Voltage (U) T Note: Applicable for 600DT only (U) T = set time; t1 < T Function: Single Shot T2 T1 = Off time ; T2 = On time Function: Delay On Make / Break T T1 T Control Contact Y1 NO Contact NC Contact T = Set time ; P = 500msec T Supply Voltage (U) Note: Applicable for 600XU only t1 T T = set time Supply Voltage (U) Control Contact Y1 P Supply Voltage NO Contact NC Contact NO Contact NC Contact T Function: Delay On Break Supply Voltage NO Contact NC Contact Function: Pulse Output Note: Applicable for 600XU only Function: Pulse Output (500ms fixed) Supply Voltage (U) Control Contact Y1 NO Contact NC Contact Note: Applicable for 600DT only Function: Cyclic Equal ON First T = set time T = set time NO Contact NC Contact Note: Applicable for 600DT only Supply Voltage T T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 = ON time ; T2 = OFF time T1 = OFF time ; T2 = ON time T = set time T = set time Function: Cyclic Equal OFF First NO Contact NC Contact T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 Relay2 t = Preset time NO NC t1 = ON time of Relay1 & Relay2 t2 = Pause time Terminal Connections 600XU 600DT + + A1 A2 R A1 A2 18 R NO NC ON 16 18 NO NC NO NC NO 15 25 16 26 COM 15 25 16 18 COM COM ON 15 25 18 A1 A2 26 28 Control Contact Y1 15 25 16 18 28 NO NC 26 28 Control Contact Y1 ON - A1 A2 R 15 25 600SD NO NC COM 16 18 28 NO NC 15 25 16 26 COM Y 15 25 COM 16 18 COM 800XU / 800XC / 800POD 800SQ-A 800S 800SD-2 A1 25 A1 25 15 26 15 26 COM NO S U P P L Y NC 16 28 COM NO NC NC Y relay S U P P L Y NO relay A1 A2 NC 600U - relay - + Y relay 600ST COM 16 28 18 A2 18 A2 Dimensions (in mm) 44mm 67.5mm 76.85mm Symmetrical 35mm Din Rail (EN50022) Mouting 61mm 60mm m 11.5mm 8m 4. 100.5mm 35mm 35.3mm 17.5 mm Symmetrical 35mm Din Rail (EN50022) Mouting 22.5 mm Diagram B (800 Series) 90mm 45mm Diagram A (600 Series) 105.5mm 2 Plug / Panel Mounting Timer Series 55 : COMMON FEATURES : ACCURACY: For 55XU, M(V1.1), ES, XC: Setting : ± 5% of full scale Repeat : ± 0.5% or 50 ms (whichever is greater) Mounting ; Plug / Planel Mounting RESET ; On interruption of power (Reset time : Less than 100ms) LED INDICATION : 1) Power, 2) Relay RELAY RATING: For 55XU, M(V1.1), ES, XC: 5 A @ 230V AC / 24V DC, resistive load For CE Certified & UL approved products, Please refer datasheet of respective product available @ Description Model Base Type Output Contacts Modes Time Range Supply voltage Certification Order Code* 2 functions, 12 ranges, Universal voltage 55XU P8 - 8 pin plug T - Screw terminal 2 C/O (DPDT) ON Delay / Interval 1 / 3 / 10 / 30 sec / min / hr 20 to 240V AC, 12 to 240V DC. (AC : 50/60HZ) C 55XU-P8 55XU-T 2 functions, 12 ranges 55M (V1.1) P8 - 8 pin plug T - Screw terminal 2 C/O (DPDT) ON Delay / Interval 1 / 3 / 10 / 30 sec / min / hr 230 - 230V AC --- Low cost, 8 range dual voltage 55ES P8 - 8 pin plug T - Screw terminal 1 C/O (SPDT) ON Delay / Interval 3 / 10 / 30 / 60 sec / min 230 : 230V AC & 24V AC / DC 110 : 110V AC & 24V AC / DC (AC:50/60Hz) C Cyclic with unequal on time & off time 55XC P8 - 8 pin plug T - Screw terminal 2 C/O (DPDT) Asymmetrical Cyclic ON first or OFF first 1 / 10 sec / min / hr for 20 to 240V AC, 12 to 240V DC. (AC:50/60HZ) both on & off time C E253771 US 55M (V1.1)-P8-230 55M (V1.1)-T-230 E253771 E253771 US 55ES-P8-230 55ES-T-230 55ES-P8-110 55ES-T-110 US 55XC-P8 55XC-T Time Measuring Instruments TI103 Cutout Size : 46 x 92 TI103 (48 X 96) Model (Bezel Size) Discription LT920 Cutout Size : 22.5 x 45.5 LT945 Cutout Size : 46 x 46 LT920 (24 X 48) LT945 (48 X 48) Time Totaliser Time Interval Meter Display 4 digits Range a) Autoranging: .0001 to 9999 sec b) Fixed ranges: .9999, 9.999, 99.99, 999.9,9999 sec a) 9999.59.59 hr:min:sec b) 999999.99 hr 8 digits Input Potential free & 3-30V DC from solid state devices a) 24 to 260V AC b) Contact input Reset Front, Remote, Auto Front, Remote 999999.99 hr 0.05% Accuracy No reset --- 5 years 85 to 270V AC/DC (AC : 50/60 Hz) Battery Powered Memory Supply voltage a) 24 to 260V AC b) Contact input Certification --- Order Code TI103C LT920-C, LT920-C-CE LT920-V, LT920-V-CE LT945-C-CE LT945-V-CE Terminal Connections TI103 LT920 1 2 3 4 5 6 55ES 7 8 9 10 1 23 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 N RST COM RNG EN INP 24 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 55XU / 55XC / 55M (V1.1) Panel Mount Type Voltage Input NC/ NO/ COM +12V RST COM C1 C2 3 2 NC1 7 8 4 Panel Mount Type 5 NO1 COM1 1 3 2 NC1 COM1 11 12 5 4 NO1 NO2 NC2 COM2 12 11 L - + 24 - 260V AC N - 9 8 7 6 L - 10 9 8 7 6 L 24V 10 N LT945 Contact Input Contact Input Voltage Input INP INP NC 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 NC1 6 2 COM 7 1 L 24 - 260V AC 5 3 NO 2 Contact Input Contact Input 4 RST COM RNG EN INP 8 Pin Socket 8 Pin Socket 24V NO1 4 6 2 7 8 - N NC2 5 3 1 COM1 L 8 COM2 N NO2 Digital Timers XT242 Cutout Size : 69 x 69 XT5042 Cutout Size : 46 x 46 XT242 (72 X 72) Model (Bezel Size) XT5042 (48 X 48) Display 4 + 4 digit Setpoint Dual set point Delay Modes ON delay / Interval / Cyclic (on first) / Cyclic (off first) ON delay / Interval / Cyclic (on first) / Cyclic (off first) / Forward-Pause-Reverse / Instantaneous + Delayed / Timer / Batch Time Range 99.99/999.9/9999sec, 99.59min:sec, 999.9min, 9999min, 999.9hr, 9999hr 99.99/999.9 / 9999sec, 99.59min:sec, 999.9 / 9999min, 99.59hr:min 999.9/9999hr Memory Retention 10 Year Start: Gate / Pulse start (Programmable) Reset / Start Input Reset : Front panel, Remote reset, Power interruption (Programmable) Accuracy ±0.05% of F.S. or 50 ms Output Contacts 1 C/O for each set point 2, each 1 NO Supply Voltage 85 to 270V AC / DC (AC : @ 50 or 60Hz) 85 to 270V AC (AC : @ 50 or 60Hz), 24V AC/DC (optional) Order Code XT242 XT5042-CE XT5042-CU Certification --- C XT56 (48 X 48) XT546 (48 X 48) XT246 (72 X 72) 3 digit Display US XT546 ; 246 ; 346 Panel Cutout : 46 x 46 ; 69 x 69 ; 92 x 92 XT56 Panel Cutout : 46 x 46 Model (Bezel Size) E253771 XT346 (96 X 96) 3 digit 7 Segment LED, Dual display Single set point Setpoint Delay Modes ON delay / Interval ON delay / Interval / Cyclic (on first) / Cyclic (off first) Time Range 9.99 / 99.9 / 999sec, 99.9 / 999min, 99.9hr 9.99 / 99.9 / 999sec, 9.59min : sec, 99.9 / 999min, 9.59hr : min, 99.9 / 999hr Time Setting Reset/Start Input Accuracy Pushwheel Front keypad Start : Pulse start. Reset : Front, Remote, Power interruption Start: Gate / Pulse start (Programmable) ; Reset : Front, Remote, Power interruption ±0.05% of set time or 50 ms (whichever is greater) ±0.05% of F.S. or 50 ms 2 C / O (DPDT) Output Contacts 85 to 270V AC / DC (AC : @ 50 or 60Hz) Supply Voltage 85 to 270V AC, 24V AC/DC (optional) XT546-CE XT546-24 XT56-N Order Code Certification XT246-CE XT246-24 (Not applicable for 24V model) XT346-CE (Not applicable for 24V model) Terminal Connections XT242 XT5042 XT56 XT546 XT246 XT346 L Reset Start L + L 1 3 2 4 5 6 KEY LOCK RST +12V STRT 13 L 15 14 N 16 RELAY1 RELAY2 NO COM NC NO COM NC 7 8 9 10 + N NO1 1 11 6 COM - N START 2 7 3 8 COM1 RST NO2 NO1 COM2 4 9 COM1 1 8 START + 1 10 START - N 2 11 COM 3 12 4 13 5 14 2 9 COM 3 10 RST 4 11 5 12 6 13 NO2 5 12 10 NC1 NC2 7 14 15 7 16 COM1 8 17 NC1 9 18 COM2 11 12 NC1 6 NO1 NC2 RST NO2 COM2 NC2 4 Digital Timers Timing Diagrams for Digital Timers Applicable for XT56 Function: Interval Function: ON Delay Function: CyclicON First Supply Voltage Supply Voltage t t Supply Voltage NO Contact NC Contact N/O Contact NC Contact N/O Contact NC Contact Function: Cyclic OFF First Supply Voltage t1 t2 NO Contact NC Contact t1 t2 t1 t2 t1 = ON time ; t2 = OFF time t = set time delay t = set time delay t1 t2 t1 t2 t1 t2 t1 = OFF time ; t2 = ON time Applicable for XT546 / XT246 / XT346 Function: Cyclic ON first, Cyclic OFF first modes Function: On delay, Interval modes Supply Supply Start t ON Delay Output Interval t t Output Cyclic ON t Output Cyclic OFF t = Set time delay Gate Start Reset Output Supply Supply Start Reset Reset Reset t1 t2 t2 t1 t1 t2 t2 Typical application of Gate start in On delay mode Typical application of Continuous start and reset in On delay mode Output On delay Output On delay t1 t t1 = ON time, t 2 = OFF time t = Set time delay t t t1 t2 th t1 + t2 = t t = set time delay, th = hold time. Applicable for XT5042 Function: Interval Function: ON Delay Function: Cyclic ON First Function: Cyclic OFF First Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Start Start Start Start Reset Reset Reset Reset Output NO ON Delay NC Output NO ON Delay NC Output NO Cyclic ON NC tStrt t tStrt t tStrt tStrt = start time ; t = set time delay Function: Motor Reverse Mode Reset Relay 2 NO NC t tStrt t2 t1 t2 tStrt t1 tStrt t2 tStrt = start time ; t1 = ON time ; t2 = OFF time Supply Voltage Supply Voltage Start Start Reset Instant Contact Delayed Contact t1 t2 t3 t2 t1 = ON time of Relay1 ; t2 = Pause time ; t3 = ON time of Relay2 NO NC Reset Instant Contact NO NC Delayed Contact tStrt t tStrt t1 t2 t1 tStrt t2 t1 t2 tStrt = start time ; t1 = OFF time ; t2 = ON time Function: Batch Function: Instantaneous + Delayed At Start Pulse Function: Instantaneous + Delayed At Power ON Start NO NC tStrt tStrt = start time ; t = set time delay Supply Voltage Relay 1 t Output NO Cyclic OFF NC t1 Batch Preset 0 NO NC Output NO NC t tStrt tStrt = start time ; t = set time delay t tStrt t tStrt = start time ; t = set time delay Dimensions (in mm) XT246 94mm 4.5mm 90.5mm 72mm 46mm 52mm 45mm 4mm 92mm 96mm 46mm 96mm 69mm 67mm 69mm 52mm XT346 72mm 83.7mm 48mm 73mm 5mm XT264 XT5042 / XT56 TI103-C 45mm 46mm 68 72 50mm 69 97.5mm 100mm 72 115 LT945 22.5mm 4mm 48mm 46mm 45.5mm 44.80mm 5 8 Pin Socket Panel Cutout 46mm 44.80mm 48mm Panel Mount Type 46mm 45mm 4mm 92mm 88mm 55XU / 55XC / 55ES / 55M (V1.1) 38.5mm 60mm 50mm 21.9mm 24mm LT920 10mm 69 10 7mm 70.5mm 7mm 79mm 46mm 48mm 45mm 46mm 46mm 10mm 48mm 92mm XT546 Counters LXC900 XC410 Description LCD Counter 6 digit totaliser Display Liquid crystal display, Height: 8 mm Seven segment LED; Height: 0.3” Digits 8 digits Sensor Type --- Input Type XTC5400 XC1200 XC22B Multi-function, Multi-range Multi function, Quadrature input 2 setpoints timer counter 4 Digits Preset Counter Upper: Seven segment red LED Lower: Seven segment green LED Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” 6 digits Upper: 4 digits, Lower: 4 digits Total: 6 digits, Rate: 5 digits 4 digits NPN / PNP NPN / PNP NPN PNP / NPN a) 24 to 260V AC b) Contact input Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Solid state devices, Potential free contact encoder Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Solid state devices, Potential free contact encoder Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices, Potential free contact Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices, Potential free contact Input Speed a) 14Hz b) 100Hz a) 0 to 20Hz b) 0 to 1kHz a) 3Hz, b) 30Hz c) 5kHz a) 0 to 30Hz b) 0 to 2.5kHz, c) 0 to 5kHz (for up & down mode only) a) 0 to 30Hz b) 0 to 5kHz Operating Modes --- --- Timer: ON delay, Interval, Cyclic ON first, Cyclic OFF first, Batch Counter: ON delay, Interval, Auto reset, Time pulse Repeat, Batch ON delay / Interval delay / Auto reset / Time pulse repeat ON delay / Interval delay / Auto reset Setpoints --- --- 2 1 Range 99999999 counts 999999 counts Count: Selectable least count 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 & 1 Rate: Auto ranging 4.00 to 99999 RPM or RPH mode 9999 Counting Direction Up Up Scale Factor --- --- Accuracy --- --- Reset Front, Remote Front, Remote 2 Timer: 0-99.99 / 0-999.9 / 0-9999 sec 0-99.59 min:sec, 0-999.9 / 0-9999 min, 0-99.59 hr:min, 0-999.9 / 0-9999 h Counter: -999 to 9999 counts Timer: Down Counter: Up / down n 0.001 to 9.999 x 10 n= -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 Time: ± 0.05% of setting Counter: ± 0 counts Front, Remote, Power interruption Memory Retention Yes Yes Sensor Supply --- Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA LED Indications --- --- Output --- --- Relay Rating --- Supply voltage AC: 50 or 60 Hz Temperature / Humidity (non-condensing) Up, Down, Bidirectional, Quadrature 0.00001 to 9.99999 x 10n n= -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 Up Rate: 0.05% ± 2 counts --- Front (user selectable), Remote Front (user selectable), Remote, Auto Yes Yes Yes Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA (short circuit protected) Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA (short circuit protected) Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA Relay1, Relay2, sec, min, hr Relay 1, Relay 2 Relay ON 2 SPST (2 NO) DPDT (2 C/O) 2 C/O (DPDT) --- 5A @ 230V AC 5A @ 230V AC/ 24V DC 5A @ 230V AC Battery powered 90 to 270V AC/DC (50 / 60Hz) 85 to 270V AC/DC (50 / 60Hz) 24V AC/DC (50 / 60Hz) 85 to 270V AC/DC (AC : 50 / 60Hz) Operating: 0 to 500C Storage: -20 to 750C, 95% RH Operating: 0 to 50oC Storage: -20 to 750C, 95% RH Operating: 0 to 500C Storage: -20 to 750C, 95% RH Operating: 0 to 50oC Storage: -20 to 750C, 95% RH 230: 230 VAC (AC : 50 or 60 Hz) 110: 110 VAC (AC : 50 or 60 Hz) Certifications C E253771 US C E253771 C US E253771 --- Operating: 0 to 50oC Storage: -5 to 50oC, 95% RH --- US Ordering Code LXC900-C-CE: Contact input LXC900-V-CE: Voltage input XC410-CE, XC410-CU XTC5400, XTC5400-CU, XTC5400-24 XC1200, XC1200-CU XC22B-4-230 XC22B-4-AR-M1-230 Size 24 x 48 36 x 72 48 x 48 48 x 96 72 x 72 Voltage Input COM RST INP 1 2 3 4 5 EN 6 7 8 24 - 260V AC Terminal Connections 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Contact Input INP 1 2 RST COM SPD EN 3 4 5 6 7 8 74.5mm 45.5mm 10mm 100mm 71mm 10mm 72mm 88mm 46mm 46mm 3.5 mm 29mm 22.5mm 48mm 46mm 72mm 68mm 45mm 4mm 45mm 28mm 21.9mm Dimensions 97.5mm 48mm 75mm 10mm 115mm 69mm 48mm 50mm 48mm 33mm 24mm Contact Input 92mm 69mm 6 Rate Indicators RC100 RC102C RC2108 RC5100 Description Rate Indicator Rate Indicator & Totaliser Rate Indicator Rate Indicator Display Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” Seven segment LED; Height: 0.5” Digits 4 digits Count: 6 digits, Rate: 4 digits 4 digits 4 digits Sensor Type PNP Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices, Potential free contact PNP / NPN Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices, Potential free contact a) 0 to 30Hz b) 0 to 2.5kHz PNP Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices PNP Voltage pulse (3 to 30V DC) from Proximity switches, Encoders, Solid state devices, Potential free contact Upto 3.5 kHz 4 to 9999 pulses/min Input Type 4 to 9999 pulses/min Input Speed RPS, RPM, RPH (Programmable) Operating Modes --- --- Setpoints --- --- 2 (Low alarm & high alarm) Range 4.00 to 9999 RPM 4.00 to 9999 RPM Counting Direction Unidirectional (Up) Count: 9999.99, 99999.9, 999999 (user selectable) Rate: 4.00 to 9999 RPM Unidirectional (Up) Unidirectional (Up) Scale Factor --- 0.00001 to 9.99999 x 10n n= -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 0.001 to 9.999 x 10 n= -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 --- Accuracy Rate: 0.05% Rate: 0.05% ± 2 counts Rate: 0.05% ± 1 counts Rate: 0.05% Reset --- Front, Remote --- --- Current count value: 1 year Parameter setting: 10 years 10 years Memory Retention 4.00 to 9999 RPM Unidirectional (Up) n Sensor Supply Inbuilt, 12 VDC, ±10%, 30 mA Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA Inbuilt, 12V DC, 30mA (short circuit protected) Relay Rating --- --- 5A @ 230V AC --- Supply voltage AC: 50 or 60 Hz 85 to 270 VAC/DC (AC : 50 or 60 Hz) 85 to 270V AC/DC (AC : 50 / 60Hz) 85 to 270V AC/DC (AC : 50 or 60 Hz) 85 to 270V AC/DC (AC : 50 / 60Hz) Temperature / Humidity (non-condensing) Operating: 0 to 50oC Storage: -5 to 50oC, 95% RH Operating: 0 to 50oC Storage: -20 to 75oC, 95% RH Storage: -20 to 750C, 95% RH Operating: 0 to 500C Operating: 0 to 50 C Storage: -5 to 500C, 95% RH Ordering Code RC100C RC102C-CE, RC102C-CU RC2108 RC5100A Size 48 x 96 48 x 96 72 x 72 48 x 48 7 8 9 10 Terminal Connections 21 23 N L - + 45mm 10mm 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 22 CNT 24 23 N L - + 88mm 10mm 88mm 97.5mm 46mm 92mm 92mm 3 4 5 + 10 21 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 46mm 97.5mm 2 11 12 - 6 L 45mm 50mm 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dimensions 1 24 CNT 72mm 10mm 7 9 8 10 -N 45mm 6 + 5 2 115mm 7mm 100mm 48mm 46mm 4 1 48mm 3 +12V GND COM FILTER CONFIG +12V RST 68mm 2 22 US 50mm 1 SENSOR SELECTION NPN PNP GND +12V CNT E253771 69mm C 0 72mm Certifications Inbuilt, 12 VDC, ±10%, 30 mA 69mm 46mm 7 For more information visit us at Creating Best Value Selec Controls Pvt. Ltd. (An ISO 9001:2008 Company) EL-27/1, Electronic Zone, TTC Industrial Area, MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400710, INDIA Tel.: +91-22-4141 8419/8430 Fax: +91-22-2847 1733 Tollfree: 1800 227353 (BSNL/MTNL only) Email: Selec Controls USA., Inc.: 203 main Street # 205 Flemington, NJ 08822, U.S.A. Phone: +908-627-2149, Fax: +908-968-0940, Email:, Web: Selec GmbH : Mollwitzstrasse 2, D-14059, Berlin, Tel: +49 3030111870, Fax.: +49 303011187-77, Email: Web: SELEC/TIMER/151213 Regd. Address: Authorised Agent: