Chapter 8 Object-Oriented Software Engineering Knowledge Goals • Understand the concepts of encapsulation and abstraction • Know how control and data abstraction facilitate modifiability and reuse • Understand the basic principles of object-oriented design • Know how packages support encapsulation 2 Knowledge Goals • Appreciate the abstraction provided by the enum type • Understand how objects collaborate • Know how to interpret a UML class diagram 3 Skill Goals • Declare and use an enum type • Develop a transformer (mutator) method • Create a package with multiple compilation unites • Write a CRC card for an object • Conduct scenarios using CRC cards • Identify collaborations between objects • Convert a CRC card into a Java class • Draw a UML class diagram 4 Class Design Principles Encapsulation Designing a class so that its attributes are isolated from the actions of external code except through the formal interface Formal interface The components of a class that are externally accessible, which consist of its nonprivate fields and methods 5 Class Design Principles Failure to encapsulate can lead to chaos 6 Class Design Principles Reliability A property of a unit of software such that it always operates consistently, according to the specification of its interface Specification The written description of the behavior of a class with respect to its interface 7 Class Design Principles An encapsulated class is like a gated community The iron fence surrounds (encapsulates) the houses The gate is the formal interface The written instructions for opening the gate are the specification 8 Class Design Principles private int month; private int day; private int year; 9 public int month; public int day; public int year; Access through Direct access pulic void setDate (int aMonth, int aDay, int aYear) Client code can directly access month, day, year Class Design Principles Abstraction is the key to handling complexity Encapsulation is the basis for abstraction Abstraction The separation of the logical properties (interface and specification) of an object from its implementation 10 Class Design Principles Data abstraction The separation of the logical representation of an object's attributes from its implementation 11 Class Design Principles Control abstraction The separation of the object's behavioral specification from the implementation of the specification public int getDay()behaves the same regardless of which implementation is used 12 Class Design Principles Modifiability The property of an encapsulated class that allows the implementation to be changed without having an effect on code that uses it Implementation changed User doesn't even know! 13 Class Design Principles Reuse The ability to import and use a class in different contexts without requiring modifications to either class or using code Used in 3 contexts 14 Class Design Principles Mutate Changing the value(s) of an object's attributes(s) after it is created Transformer (mutator) A method that changes the value of an object's attribute Immutable object An object for which no transformer methods are defined 15 Class Design Principles Constructor-observer classes are always encapsulated (Why?) Mutable classes are encapsulated if the changes are done by methods specified in the formal interface, not through the use of public fields 16 Birth Record − Date of Birth − Time of Birth − Mother’s Name − Father’s Name − Baby’s Name − Baby’s Weight − Baby’s Length − Baby’s Gender 17 Two ways to change record 1. To call method that changes the value public void setBabyName (Name newName) { babysName = newName; } … newBaby.setBabyName(new Name(first, last, middle)); 2. Immutable BirthRecord 18 Public BirthRecord (BirthRecord oldRecord, Name newName) { dateOfBirth = oldRecord.dateOfBirth; timeOfBirth = oldRecord.timeOfBirth; … babysName = newName; // Change name to new name … } … newBaby = new BirthRecord (newBaby, new Name(first, last, middle)); Class Design Principles private int month; private int day; private int year; Access through pulic void setDate (int aMonth, int aDay, int aYear) 19 public int month; public int day; public int year; Passing Primitive and Reference Types Remember the difference ? 20 Assigning a New Value to a Reference Type Parameter Effect of assigning a new value to a reference parameter 21 Class Design Principles Class String is immutable Oh? What about the concatenation? String myName = "Susy" + " " + "Sunshine"; Three strings are created and two are discarded Class StringBuffer is a mutable string class 22 StringBuffer public String titleName(String title) { StringBuffer outName = new StringBuffer(title); outName.append(“ “); outName.append(firstName); outName.append(“ “); outName.append(lastName); return outName.toString(); } 23 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Compilation unit A file, named after the one public class it contains Package A named collection of compilation units Package Class A 24 Class B Class C Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Create package mine; public class Name {…} package mine; public class Phone {…} package mine; public class Address {…} 25 Access import mine.Name; import mine.Address; import mine.Phone; or import mine.*; Which is better? package utility; Public class Name { … } Public class Phone { … } Then… Import utility.Name; 26 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java directory: mine file: file: file: Classes in a package can access one another’s non-private fields Don't forget to create the directory and put the classes into it 27 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Up 'til now, we had to read and write objects one field at a time Wouldn't it be nice if we could read and write an object by just giving its name? Of course, we wouldn't bring it up if there weren't a way… 28 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Output and Input of Objects Serializing Translating an object into a stream of bytes Deserializing Translating a serialized stream of bytes back into an object Output and Input, shouldn't that be Input and Output? NO! 29 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java We can read an object from a file as a whole only if it has first been written as a whole from within a program public class Name implements Serializable says that instances of class Name can be written and read as a whole (i.e. stream of bytes) How? Don't ask! Just enjoy 30 import*; public class Name implements Serializable { public Name() public Name(String firstName, String lastName, String middleName) public String getFirstName() public String getMiddleName() public String getLastName() public String toString() public int compreTo(Name other) } 31 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java import*; public class ObjectFileWrite { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream outObject; outObject = new ObjectOutputStream( new FileOutputStream("outObject.dat")); Name person = new Name("Susy", "Su", "Sunshine"); outObject.writeObject(person); outObject.close(); } } 32 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java import*; public class ObjectFileRead { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream inObject; inObject = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream("outObject.dat")); //Read Name object and display it Name person = (Name)inObject.readObject(); System.out.println(person); inObject.close(); } } 33 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java import*; public class ObjectFileRead { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ObjectInputStream inObject; inObject = new ObjectInputStream( new FileInputStream("outObject.dat")); //Read Name object and display it Name person = (Name)inObject.readObject(); System.out.println(person); inObject.close(); } } 34 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { … Name person = (Name)inObject.readObject(); System.out.println(person); … } − The object (stream of bytes) must be typecast back into a Name instance − class Name must be known to the application 35 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Properties of data types -- an aside Atomic Its values have no component parts Scalar The values are ordered and each value is atomic Ordinal Each value (except the first) has a unique predecessor and each value (except the last) has a unique successor Which of these apply to Boolean, integral, and real values? 36 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java One more Java feature supporting abstraction Enumeration A data type in which the elements are a set of identifiers that are atomic, scalar, and ordinal package colorManagement; enum Spectrum { RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET } 37 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Examples of use enum Spectrum {RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET} Spectrum color; // declares a variable color = Spectrum.GREEN; // sets color to Green System.out.print(color); // prints "GREEN" color = Spectrum.valueOf("RED"); // sets color to // RED if (color.compareTo(Spectrum.BLUE)) // tests color for (Spectrum color : Spectrum.values()) System.out.println(color); // prints all values 38 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java public static void main(String[] args) { Spectrum color; Scanner in = new Scanner(; System.out.print("Enter RED, YELLOW, or GREEN: "); color = Spectrum.valueOf(in.nextLine()); switch (color) { case RED: System.out.println("Stop"); break; case GREEN: System.out.println("Go"); break; case YELLOW: System.out.println("Changing"); break; default: System.out.println("Light broken"); } } 39 Encapsulation and Abstraction in Java Remember, abstraction is the most powerful tool people have for managing complexity! 40 Notation for Object-Oriented Design Object-Oriented design A technique for developing software in which the solution is expressed in terms of objects that interact with one another Responsibility An action that an implementation of an object must be capable of performing Collaboration An interaction between objects in which one object request that another object carry out one if it responsibilities Yes, these should sound familiar 41 Notation for Object-Oriented Design CRC cards (Class Responsibility Collaborations) CRC cards are a notational device that allows us to organize our thoughts during the object-oriented design process 42 Notation for Object-Oriented Design Stages in the OOD process (from Chapter 1) − Brainstorm List all objects that might contribute to solution − Filter Review the classes to find duplicates or remove unnecessary objects (create CRC cards) − Responsibilities Determine the operations associated with a class of objects − Collaborations Determine the interactions between classes Determining responsibilities and collaborations needs more refinement 43 Notation for Object-Oriented Design Responsibilities − knowledge responsibilities return information about the state of the object (get + field name) − action responsibilities are operations that require the object to perform an action Use scenario walk-throughs, a role playing technique, − to explore the actions of a class − to explore the interactions of classes 44 Notation for Object-Oriented Design Roleplaying to determine class interactions 45 Example Problem: Create an application that allows a user to edit entries on a file representing an address book Identify possible classes Address Book Name Input file Field User Address Output file Entry Phone Format How would you filter this list? 46 Example Filtered list Address book User Interface Entry Name Address Phone Output File Field 47 What about an input file ? Example CRC cards for Name initial responsibilities 48 Example Scenario Walkthrough What happens when the user wants to change the phone number? − − − − Get an entry (responsibility of UserInterface) Select field to change Input new field value Write updated entry to file Driver 49 Example Subsequent Scenarios What happens when the user − Wants to change the phone number? (done) − − − − − − 50 Wants to change the name? Wants to change the address? Decides not to make any changes? Wants to change more than one field? Wants to change only part of a field? …… Attributes and their Representation Algorithms for responsibilities work with attributes, so the next step is to determine a classes attributes and their internal representations (Remember, attributes are fields in an object not data from our external view) 51 Attributes and their Representation Class Name: Date Superclass: Responsibilities Subclasses: Collaborations Initialize(month, day, year) Get month returns String Get day returns int Get year returns int What are the attributes? 52 Attributes and their Representation Two different sets of attributes and their internal representations for class Date Can you think of other representations? 53 UML Diagrams UML diagrams A collection of symbols used to represent classes and their interactions Class diagram for class Phone Class name Attributes & types Method headings 54 UML Diagrams Collaborates with Contains 55 UML Diagrams Can you see all the relationships ? 56 Extras I have a computer architecture named after me; I also worked on the atomic bomb Who am I? 57 Extras - GUI Track Output from fileChoser.showOpenDialog(null) 58 Extras - GUI Track JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFilechooser(); int action = fileCooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (action == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) Scanner infile = new Scanner(fileChooser.getSelectedFile()); else System.out.println("No file selected"); 59