POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE of WEST PALM BEACH 2016 Wrestling Academy Registration $75 Fee Student Name: ________________________________________________ Nickname: _________________________ Last 4 digits of SSN: ________ DOB: ______/______/______ Age: _______ Male or Female T-shirt Size:____ School: _____________________________________ Grade: _________ Teacher:___________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________________ Cell Phone ______/_____/_______ Parent/Guardian Address: __________________________________ City______________________ Zip_____________ Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________________ Cell Phone ______/_____/_______ Parent/Guardian Address: __________________________________ City______________________ Zip_____________ EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION (other than parents) Contact person #1 Contact Person #2 Name: _____________________________________ Name:_________________________________________ Relationship: ________________________ Relationship: __________________________ Home Phone: ________________________ Home Phone: _________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Cell Phone: _________________________ Child Release Authorization In the event that I am unable to pick up my child in person, he/she may be released to the following individuals. I understand that these individuals may be required to present a picture ID in order to pick up my child: Name: ________________________________ Relationship: _______________________ Name: ________________________________ Relationship: _______________________ Amount Paid $______ Official Use Only: T-shirt _______ Application reviewed by: _________________________ POLICE ATHLETIC LEAGUE of WEST PALM BEACH Health History Form Student Name ______________________________________________ Age________ Height___________ Date _____/______/________ Weight____________ Male or Female Pleases List All Allergies: Has student had/or subject to: ______________________________ Epilepsy Yes No ______________________________ Heart trouble Yes No ______________________________ Convulsions Yes No ______________________________ Fainting Yes No ______________________________ Asthma/Wheezing Yes No ______________________________ Frequent stomach aches Yes No Any other limitations/restrictions: Diabetes Yes No ______________________________ Hearing problems Yes No ______________________________ Ear infections Yes No ______________________________ Rheumatic Fever Yes No ______________________________ Does your child know how to swim? Yes No Dose the child wear eyeglasses? Yes No Any serious illness/operations: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date _____/______/________ Police Athletic League of West Palm Beach Policy and Liability Waiver I hereby declare that I am the parent/ guardian of __________________________ and give my consent for his/her participation in the West Palm Beach Police Athletic League (PAL). In consideration of my child being permitted to participate, I hereby release, waive, indemnify and hold harmless the City of West Palm Beach, their agents, employees or volunteers, the State of Florida, the National Police Athletic League, it’s agents or staff or sponsors from any and all liability for all injury, loss, damage and/or claim of damages to the person or property of my child during his/her participation with the Police Athletic League, Inc. I hereby grant permission for the West Palm Beach Police Athletic League and or its agents to photograph and or video tape the above named registrant during his/her/our participation in activities or use of recreational facilities. I further authorize the use of such photos and/or videos for any promotional and/or documentary purposes without compensation. Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date _____/______/________ Authorization for Medical Treatment In the event the Police Athletic League of West Palm Beach, Inc. is unable to reach me when my child has been injured or needs emergency medical treatment. I authorize the Police Athletic League of West Palm Beach to obtain medical or hospital care on an emergency basis. I understand that I will be financially responsible for such care. Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date _____/______/________ Authorization for Insurance In the event of an injury or illness that requires medical treatment, your child’s medical expenses will be covered by your primary insurance carrier. Name of insurance company_________________________________________________ Policy and/or Group Number________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date _____/______/________ Transportation Waiver Form I hereby give permission for my child named above to travel to and from any / all destinations associated with the Police Athletic League program for the current school year. I understand that the driver of West Palm Beach Police Athletic League, Inc. is not responsible for any injury/damages which may be incurred on any trip, and in consideration for providing transportation, I agree to hold the Police Athletic League of West Palm Beach, Inc., the City of West Palm Beach, and the drivers and owners of the vehicles transporting my child, harmless from claims for injury or damages occurring during any trip. Signature ____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Date _____/______/________