Sociology-Ch 2

9/24/15 • 
Sign up for Discussion dates Do Now: What is Culture? Chapter 2 Vocabulary Chapter 2, SecDon 1 reading notes Discussion sign up •  Available Dates: –  10/7 (Turn in 10/5) –  10/15 (Turn in 10/13) –  10/21 (Turn in 10/19) –  10/29 (Turn in 10/27) –  11/4 (Turn in 11/2) –  11/12 (11/9) –  11/18 (11/16) 9/24/15 Do Now: What is Culture? •  What is the meaning of the term culture? –  Material culture? Nonmaterial culture? •  What are the basic components of culture? •  Culture consists of all the shared products of human groups which include physical objects, beliefs, values and behaviors shared by a group. –  Material Culture –  Nonmaterial culture Read SecDon 1 •  Vocabulary –  Transfer definiDons from the book to your notes •  Read pgs 24-­‐29 –  Fill in 2-­‐column notes as you read •  Complete SecDon review q’s 4&5 9/28/15 • 
Check HW-­‐ Ch 2 SecDon 1 U.S. V. the San People Review Culture Notes Work Time –  Missing work –  Chapter notes –  Discussions •  HW-­‐ Read/Notes: Ch 1 SecDon 2. SecDon Review q’s 2-­‐4 •  Culture consists of all the shared products of human groups which include physical objects, beliefs, values and behaviors shared by a group. –  Material Culture –  Nonmaterial culture Culture The shared products of human groups Material Culture Physical objects that people create and use Nonmaterial culture Abstract human creaDons Examples Cars, books, buildings, clothes, computers Examples Beliefs, family pa_erns, ideas, language, poliDcal and economic systems, rules Culture of the U.S. v. the San people •  Read pg 23 •  How is the culture of the United States similar or different from the San people? •  Answer based on the category on your card Basic Components of Culture •  Technology-­‐physical objects and rules for using them •  Symbols-­‐anything that represents something else and has a shared meaning •  Language-­‐the organizaDon of wri_en or spoken symbols into a standardized system •  Values-­‐shared beliefs about what is good or bad, right or wrong •  Norms-­‐shared rules of conduct Levels of Culture •  Cultural trait-­‐individual tool, act, or belief that is related to a parDcular situaDon or need •  Culture complex-­‐cluster of interrelated traits •  Culture pa_ern-­‐combinaDon of a number of culture complexes into an interrelated whole AcDvity: Our School Culture •  In small groups •  List examples of each component of our school culture –  Technology –  Symbols –  Language –  Values –  norms Work Time •  Missing Work •  Discussions •  HW-­‐ Chapter 2 SecDon 2 –  Read pages 30-­‐39 –  Complete notes –  Review Q’s 2-­‐4 10/1/15 •  Check HW-­‐ Chapter 2 SecDon 2 notes •  Do Now: My Credo •  Review Notes –  Cultural values, norms, mores, folkways •  Video: American Values •  HW-­‐ American Values Mini Essay due next class –  Typed or NEATLY handwri_en 10/1/15 Do Now: My Credo •  “I believe…” •  Create a list of 7-­‐10 things •  Each one of the ideas and items you listed in part of your value system and an expression of your culture. •  If you lived somewhere else, your list would be different. Culture •  The values, beliefs, behaviors, and material objects that, together, form a people’s way of life •  Includes: –  What we think –  How we act –  What we own Norms •  Guidline or expectaDon for behavior •  Each society makes up its own rules for behavior •  Norms change constantly Types of Norms Folkways •  Norm for every day behavior •  Follow for the sake of convenience or tradiDon •  ViolaDng a folkway does not usually have serious consequence Mores •  Norm based on morality-­‐ definiDons of right and wrong •  People feel strongly about them •  ViolaDng usually results in disapproval American Values •  Video •  Consider the essay quesDons as you watch •  HW-­‐ ReflecDon on American Values due next class –  Typed or neatly handwri_en –  Be prepared to discuss next class 10/5/15 •  American Values Discussion *turn in essay following discussion •  Cultural VariaDon –  Ethnocentrism –  Cultural relaDvism •  Subculture •  Counterculture •  HW-­‐ Subculture Show and Tell •  Coming up…Chapter Review –  First Student Run Discussions 10/8 even, 10/9* odd –  Pd 3-­‐ Youth Sports (Gendron, Marks) –  Pd 2-­‐ AborDon-­‐Parental Consent (GiConte, Lamy) Paper Feedback •  Follow the assignment •  Don’t need headings or extra spaces •  If you don’t understand…don’t put it in…or ask! •  Take yourself out of formal wriDng •  Expand ideas with details •  Read through/edit your work •  Don’t copy! What are American values? •  What are values? Are they important? •  Who affects your values? Does your family impact your values? •  What are American values? •  Examples of different values for different people? •  What does it mean to do things the right way? Examples of America doing or not doing things the right way? Cultural Universals •  General features common to all cultures, such as cooking, dancing and medicine •  Exist because some needs are so basic that all socieDes must develop certain features to ensure their fulfillment •  Dominant Culture-­‐ most powerful group in society. •  Subculture-­‐group within a society which shares values, norms, and behaviors that are not shared by the enDre populaDon •  Counterculture-­‐subculture which rejects the major values, norms, and pracDces of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural values Cultures Worksheet •  Individually or with a partner •  Answer the quesDons following each secDon. •  Why is each component of culture important to society? What role do they play? •  Examples of subcultures or countercultures •  Dominant Culture-­‐ most powerful group in society. •  Subculture-­‐group within a society which shares values, norms, and behaviors that are not shared by the enDre populaDon •  Counterculture-­‐subculture which rejects the major values, norms, and pracDces of the larger society and replaces them with a new set of cultural values Cultural VariaDon •  Ethnocentrism –  tendency to view one’s own culture and group as superior to other different cultures Cultural VariaDon •  Cultural relaDvism –  belief that a culture should be judged by its own standards rather than by those of another culture HW-­‐ Subculture Show and Tell •  Everyone belongs to at least one subculture •  Bring in arDfacts of your subculture •  Be prepared to explain the purpose of the subculture –  Examples of what you own, how you act, what you think in relaDon to your subculture 10/6/15 •  Subculture Show and Tell •  Work Time: –  Chapter Review –  Work on your Discussion •  HW-­‐ Read handout/prep for quiz & discussion next class •  Chapter 2 test coming up Paper Feedback •  Follow the assignment •  Don’t need headings or extra spaces •  If you don’t understand…don’t put it in…or ask! •  Take yourself out of formal wriDng •  Expand ideas with details •  Read through/edit your work •  Don’t copy! Subculture Show and Tell •  What subculture(s) are you a part of •  What arDfacts did you bring in? What significance do they have for your subculture •  Examples of –  What you think? –  How you act? –  What you own? Work Time •  Chapter Review •  Work on your own discussion •  Read/prep for next class’ discussion Chapter Review 1.  List five examples of material culture and five examples of
nonmaterial culture.
2.  What is language, and why is it such an important part of culture?
3.  How do folkways, mores, and laws differ? List three examples of
each type of norm.
4.  How do cultural traits, cultural complexes, and cultural patterns
5.  How did Margaret Mead contribute to the study of cultures?
6.  What is ethnocentrism? How does it differ from cultural relativism?
7.  How are subcultures and countercultures related?
10/8/15 •  Discussion Quiz •  Student Run Discussion •  Review Worksheet HW-­‐ Chapter 2 Review. Chapter 2 test next class 