2008-2009 University Catalog Online 2009 Spring Academic Calendar 2008-2009 Tuition Rates and Fees ODU Distance Learning Resources Distance Learning Book Store http://www.collegesource.org/displayinfo/catalink.asp http://www.odu.edu/ao/registrar/calendars/academic/spring.shtml http://www.odu.edu/af/finance/students/tuition_rates/2008-2009_tuition.shtml http://dl.odu.edu/ http://www.bkstr.com/CategoryDisplay/10001-10001-15753-1?demoKey=d&top=Y LEO Online Office of Financial Aid Office of the Registrar Office of Admissions Writing Center https://www.leoonline.odu.edu http://www.odu.edu/af/finaid/teletechnet/ http://www.odu.edu/ao/registrar/ http://admissions.odu.edu/home.php http://uc.odu.edu/writingcenter/ Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video Televised Online Stream FACULTY DAY(S) TIME ACCOUNTING http://bpa.odu.edu/accounting/ ACCT 422 Federal Income Tax of Individuals/Business Entities Berry Fri 1000-1240 Yes ACCT 460 Accounting Information Systems Spurrier Fri 1300-1540 Yes COMMUNITY COLLEGE LEADERSHIP http://education.odu.edu/elc/academics/commcollege/ CCL 820 Community College Leadership Raspiller Tue 1620-1900 Yes CCL 868 Internship in the Community College Williams CCL 881 Dissertation Seminar Duggan CCL 899 Dissertation Raspiller CCL 999 Continuous Enrollment for Candidacy Exam Raspiller CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY http://www.eng.odu.edu/et/academics/cet/cet.shtml CET 305 Principles of Surveying Fri 0800-0945 Yes CET 320 Adjustment Computations Zhou Fri 1000-1240 Yes CET 340 Soils and Foundations Keplar Wed 1910-2150 Yes CET 341 Soil Testing & Inspection CET 360 Plans and Specifications Lewis Mon/Wed 1430-1545 Yes CET 400 Computer Applications in Structural Design Lewis Tue 1430-1545 Yes CET 410 Reinforced Concrete Design Lewis Thur 1620-1900 Yes CET 422 Remote Sensing Zhou Sat 0800-1100 Yes CET 425 Land Design & Development Fri 1300-1540 Yes CET 434 Intro to Senior Project Zhou Mon/Wed 1200-1250 Yes CET 445 Construction Planning & Scheduling Considine Mon/Wed 1300-1415 Yes CET 475W Senior Design Considine COMMUNITY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS http://hs.odu.edu/hs/academics/distance-learning.shtml CHP 360 Intro to Global Health CHP 415 Critical Issues CHP 430 Community Resources & Health Promotion Sharpe CHP 450 Public & Community Health Administration Wed 1620-1900 Yes CHP 480 Legal Issues in HS Admin Hoppe CHP 495 TOPICS: Politics, Policy & Market Johnson CHP 515 Critical Issues CHP 530 Community Res & Health Promo Sharpe CHP 550 Public & Community Health Administration Wed 1620-1900 Yes CHP 580 Legal Issues in HS Admin Hoppe CHP 600 Principles of Community Health Neff CHP 601 Research Design & Evaluation - Health Promo Neff CHP 635 Managed Care Flannery Fri 1910-2150 Yes COMMUNICATION http://www.odu.edu/al/comm/procomm.htm COMM 323 Leadership & Events Management Warren Tue 1910-2150 Yes COMM 412W Interpersonal Communication Theory and Research Lefever Sat 0800-1100 Yes CRIMINAL JUSTICE http://al.odu.edu/sociology/ CRJS 317 Correctional Institutions McCabe CRJS 320 Law & Social Control Smith CRJS 350 Victimology Smith CRJS 403W Violence in the World of Children Lombardo Mon 1620-1900 Yes CRJS 426W Criminological Theory Gray Mon 1910-2150 Yes CRJS 426W Criminological Theory Smith CRJS 427 Violence Against Women Carmody no no Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER CRJS 448 CRJS 462 COURSE TITLE Women, Sex Discrimination & the Law Substantive Criminal Law FACULTY Bolling Bolling COMPUTER SCIENCE Zeil Gupta Boyle Morris CS 252 CS 300 CS 312 CS 333 CS 334 CS 361 CS 390 Unix for Programmers Computers in Society Internet Concepts Programming & Problem Solving in C++ Computer Organization/Architecture Advanced Data Structures/Algorithms Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science CS 410 Prof Workforce Development I—Lecture/Recitation CS 451 CS 551 DSCI 306 DNTH 412 DNTH 512 ECI 301 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 430 ECI 432 ECI 433 ECI 435 ECI 436 ECI 468 ECI 530 ECI 530 ECI 530 ECI 530 ECI 530 ECI 532 ECI 533 ECI 535 ECI 536 ECI 568 ECI 586 ECI 619 ECI 668 ECI 669 ECI 680 Zeil Toida DAY(S) TIME Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video Televised Online Stream Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Tue/Thurs 0830-0945 Yes Fri 0800-0945 Yes Yes Yes Yes Tue/ 1000-1115 Yes Thurs 1000-1230 Software Engineering Survey Price Wed 0800-1040 Yes Software Engineering Survey Price Wed 0800-1040 Yes DECISION SCIENCES http://bpa.odu.edu/bpa/departments/deci-sci.shtml Statistical Data Analysis & Mgmt Science Wilson Thur 1000-1240 Yes DENTAL HYGIENE http://hs.odu.edu/dental/ Perspectives in Dental Hygiene Practice Stull Yes Perspectives in Dental Hygiene Practice Stull Yes EDUCATION CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION http://education.odu.edu/education/academics/gdegrees.shtml Social & Cultural Foundations of Education Kidd Fri 1910-2150 Yes Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Ritchie Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Perry Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Sommerfeldt Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Sommerfeldt Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Warham Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Warham Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Latham Yes Dev Instr Strategies Prek-6: Language Arts Fri 1910-2150 Yes Dev Instr Strategies PreK-6: Mathematics McKinney Sat 1430-1730 Yes Dev Instr Strategies PreK-6: Social Studies Startlin Wed 1910-2150 Yes Classroom Management & Practice: PreK-6 Flax Mon 1000-1240 Yes Language Acquisition/Reading Fri 1300-1540 Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Sommerfeldt Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Sommerfeldt Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Warham Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Warham Yes Instructional Technology & Classroom Latham Yes Dev Instr Strategies PreK-6: Language Arts Fri 1910-2150 Yes Dev Instr Strategies PreK-6: Mathematics McKinney Sat 1430-1730 Yes Dev Instr Strategies PreK-6: Social Studies Startlin Wed 1910-2150 Yes Classroom Management & Practice: PreK-6 Flax Mon 1000-1240 Yes Language Acquisition/Reading Fri 1300-1540 Yes Student Teaching-Special Endorsement Lee Yes Research & Assessment Yes Internship/Student Teaching & Seminar Lee Yes Internship/Student Teaching Lee Yes Reading to Learn Across the Curriculum Thomas Yes Brunnell No No Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER COURSE TITLE Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video Televised Online Stream FACULTY DAY(S) TIME ECONOMICS ECON 301 Managerial Economics Colburn Wed 1620-1900 Yes ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY http://www.eng.odu.edu/et/academics/eet/eet.shtml EET 300 Advanced Circuit Analysis Lawrence Tue 1910-2150 Yes Digital Electronics Lab [course will meet online EET 315W Jones Thur 1900-2100 Yes Thursdays 7-9 pm] EET 434 Introduction to Senior Project Hackworth Mon/Wed 1200-1250 yes EET 480W Senior Project Hackworth Yes EET 485 Electrical Power Systems Flory Tue 1620-1900 Yes EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ELS 600 Principles of Orientation/Instructional Leadership Myran Mon Thur 1620-1900 Yes ELS 610 School Community Relations and Politics Broderick Thur 1620-1900 Yes ELS 668 Internship in Educational Leadership I Jackson Yes ELS 669 Internship in Ed Leadership II Jackson Yes ELS 732 Stats Applied to Research in Edu & HMSV I Yen Wed 1620-1900 Yes ELS 753 Public School Finance Owings Wed 1620-1900 Yes ELS 832 Stats Applied to Research in Education & HMSV Il Yen Thur 1620-1900 Yes ELS 833 Advanced Research Design & Analysis Duggan Fri 1620-1900 Yes ELS 853 Public School Finance Owings Wed 1620-1900 Yes ELS 883 Advanced Research Design/Analysis Crum Yes ENGLISH http://al.odu.edu/english/ ENGL 325 Introduction to Rhetorical Studies Oliver Mon/Wed 0800-0915 Yes ENGL 327W Advanced Composition McNelly Tue/Thur 0800-0915 Yes ENGL 327W Advanced Composition Sloggie Tue/Thur 1300-1415 Yes ENGL 334W Manthey Yes Technical Writing ENGL 336 The Short Story Appleton Tue/Thur 1430-1545 Yes ENGL 350 Aspects of English Language Schoew Mon 1910-2150 Yes ENGL 481 Advanced Public Relations Jackson Wed 1910-2150 Yes ENGL 897 Independent Study Richards Yes ENGL 899 Dissertation Richards Yes ENGL 999 Dissertation Richards Yes ENGL 495 Electronic Portfolios Tucker Yes ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT http://www.eng.odu.edu/enma/ ENMA 401 Project Management Parsons Sat 0800-1100 Yes ENMA 401 Project Management Cohen Sat 0800-1100 Yes ENMA 600 Cost Estimation & Financial Analysis Daniels Mon 1910-2150 Yes ENMA 601 Organizational Analysis Pazos Wed 1910-2150 Yes ENMA 604 Project Management Landaeta Thur 1910-2150 Yes ENMA 724 Risk Analysis Pinto Sat 1115-1415 Yes ENMA 763 Robust Engineering Design Unal Tue 1910-2150 Yes ENMA 824 Risk Analysis Pinto Sat 1115-1415 Yes ENMA 863 Robust Engineering Design Unal Tue 1910-2150 Yes ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH http://hs.odu.edu/commhealth/academics/ms_commhealth/Envi.shtml ENVH 507 Occupational Safety Standards - Laws - Regulations Brassington Yes EDUCATION, SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND SPECIAL EDUCATION http://education.odu.edu/esse/academics/sped/speddeg.shtml ESSE 313 Human Growth and Dev Hughes Yes ESSE 400 Found of Special Ed: Legal Asp & Char Maydosz Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER ESSE 406 ESSE 415 ESSE 500 ESSE 506 ESSE 515 ESSE 586 ESSE 621 ESSE 623 ESSE 624 ESSE 679 ESSE 714 ESSE 814 FIN 319 FIN 432 FIN 434 FIN 435 GEOG 412 HPE 327 HIED 766 HIED 866 HIST 348 HMSV 341 HMSV 343 HMSV 344 HMSV 346 HMSV 368 HMSV 440W HMSV 441 HMSV 444 HMSV 468 HMSV 491 IDS 300W IDS 368 IDS 497 IT 415 IT 473 MATH 302 COURSE TITLE FACULTY DAY(S) TIME Stu w/Diverse Learning Needs Floyd Inst Design II: Curriculum, Procedures, IEP M-Dunleavy Fri 1620-1900 Foundations of Special Ed: Legal Aspects/Char Maydosz Stu w/Diverse Learning Needs Floyd Inst Design II: Curriculum, Procedures, IEP M-Dunleavy Fri 1620-1900 Teacher Candidate Internship Baker Effective Interventions/Stu w/EBD Gable Tue 1620-1900 Char/Strategies for Students with MR M-Dunleavy Thur 1620-1900 Char/Assessment of Learning Disabilities L Butler Sat 1115-1415 Advanced Classroom Management Kersey Wed 1620-1900 Alternative Strategies Secondary Students Sat 0800-1100 Alternative Strategies Secondary Students Sat 0800-1100 FINANCE http://bpa.odu.edu/bpa/departments/finance.shtml Principals of Real Estate Seiler Thur 1910-2150 Intermediate Financial MGMT Griffith Tue 1300-1540 Management of Financial Institutions Hudgins Mon/Wed 0800-0915 International Financial MGMT Seifert Tue 1000-1240 GEOGRAPHY Cities of the World Kidd Wed 1000-1240 HEALTH Teaching Health, PE, PK-6 McCoy/Knott HIGHER EDUCATION Modern Community College Williams Tue 1620-1900 Modern Community College Williams Tue 1620-1900 HISTORY The Early Republic, 1787-1850 Lawes HUMAN SERVICES http://education.odu.edu/elc/academics/human_services/ Introduction To Human Services Smith Tue/Thur 0800-0915 Human Service Methods Smith Tue/Thur 0800-0915 Career Development Jurgens Mon 1000-1240 Diversity Issues Spearman Fri 1620-1900 Field Observation Smith Sat 1115-1415 Program Dev, Implementation & Funding Glover Mon 1300-1540 Grant Writing & Fund-raising Glover Mon 1300-1540 Psychoeducational Groups Thur 1910-2150 Internship Latko Wed 1130-1230 Family Guidance Baldwin Sat 1430-1730 INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES http://al.odu.edu/ids/ Introduction to I/D Theory Lakin Internship Lombardo Senior Project Lombardo INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY http://bpa.odu.edu/it/ Business Telecommunications/Networks Haines Wed 1000-1240 Systems Design & Implementation Cao Wed 1300-1540 MATH Geometry Strozak Wed 1620-1900 Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video Televised Online Stream Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER MATH 316 MATH 335 MET 300 MET 350 MET 434 MET 435W MET 485 MGMT 325 MGMT 325 MGMT 350 MGMT 360 MGMT 485W MKTG 311 MKTG 411 MKTG 490 NURS 358 NURS 363 NURS 363 NURS 402 NURS 402 NURS 490W NURS 490W OTED 401 OTED 501 OTED 750 OTED 787 OTED 788 OTED 790 OTED 795 OTED 797 OTED 850 OTED 868 OTED 887 OTED 888 OTED 890 OTED 895 OTED 897 OTED 899 OTED 999 Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video COURSE TITLE FACULTY DAY(S) TIME Televised Online Stream Introduction to Linear Algebra Bogacki Mon 1000-1240 Yes No Discrete Math Davis Tue/Thur 0930-1045 Yes No MECHANICAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY http://www.eng.odu.edu/et/academics/met/met.shtml Thermodynamics Luetke Thur 1910-2150 Yes Yes Thermal Applications Mohieldin Tue/Thur 1100-1215 Yes Yes Introduction to Senior Design Moustafa Mon/Wed 1200-1250 Yes Yes Senior Deign Project Moustafa Yes No Principles of Maintenance Engineering Dean Tue/Thur 1300-1415 Yes Yes MANAGEMENT http://bpa.odu.edu/bpa/departments/management.shtml Contemporary Organizations & Management Krishnaswami Wed 1300-1540 Yes Yes Contemporary Organizations & Management Yackus Yes No (RN-BSN ONLINE STUDENTS ONLY) Employee Relations Problems and Practices Johnson Thur 1000-1240 Yes Yes Labor Management Relations Yacus Tue 1910-2150 Yes Yes Business Strategy and Policy Key Wed 0800-1040 Yes Yes MARKETING http://bpa.odu.edu/marketing/ Marketing Principles and Problems Crocker Tue 1000-1240 Yes No *Yes Multi-National Marketing Carter Sat 1115-1415 Yes No Marketing Policy and Strategy Tam Thur 1300-1540 Yes No NURSING http://hs.odu.edu/hs/academics/ TOPICS: Genetics in Nursing Van Orden Yes No Nursing Science Palmer Mon 1620-1900 Yes Yes Nursing Science (RN-BSN ON-LINE STUDENTS ONLY) Palmer Yes No Career Pathways: Development Lee Mon 1620-1900 Yes Yes Career Pathways: Development Lee Yes No (RN-BSN ON-LINE STUDENTS ONLY) Nursing Leadership (RN-BSN ON-LINE STUDENTS ONLY) TBA Mon 1910-2150 Nursing Leadership Palmer OCCUPATIONAL AND TECHNICAL http://education.odu.edu/ots/academics/grad/phd.shtml Foundations of Career & Technical Education Kosoloski Foundations of Career & Technical Education Kosoloski Trends & Issues in Training/ Modeling/Simulation Watson Mon 1300-1420 Yes Career and Technical Education Curriculum Reed Mon 1430-1540 Yes Inst Strats & Innovations in Training & Occ Ed Haber Mon 1620-1900 Yes Practicum in Occupational Education Ritz TOPICS: Trends in International Globalization Tomovic Fri 1300-1540 Yes Independent Study in Occupational Education Ritz Trends & Issues in Training/ Modeling/Simulation Watson Mon 1300-1420 Yes Internship Ritz Career and Technical Education Curriculum Reed Mon 1430-1540 Yes Inst Strats & Innovations in Training & Occ Ed Haber Mon 1620-1900 Yes Practicum in Occupational Education Ritz TOPICS: Trends in International Globalization Tomovic Fri 1300-1540 Yes Independent Study in Occupational Education Ritz Dissertation in Occupational Education Ritz Occupational and Technical Education 999 Ritz Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No Old Dominion University Distance Learning Spring 2009 Schedule of Classes COURSE NUMBER OTS 351 OTS 367 OTS 389 OTS 389 OTS 402 OTS 450 OTS 450 OTS 497 OTS 502 OTS 531 OTS 550 OTS 550 PSYC 303 PSYC 304 PSYC 311 PSYC 323 PSYC 408 PSYC 410 SOC 320 SOC 337 SOC 403W SOC 426W SOC 427 Revised 10-08-08 DELIVERY METHOD Video COURSE TITLE FACULTY DAY(S) TIME Televised Online Stream OCCUPATIONAL AND TECHNICAL STUDIES http://education.odu.edu/ots/academics/grad/ Communication Technology Lee Fri 1620-1900 Yes Yes Cooperative Education Kosloski Yes No Education and Training of Adults Haber Yes No Education and Training of Adults McDaniel Yes No Instructional Methods in Occupational Studies ArNold Sat 1430-1730 Yes Yes Assessment, Evaluation and Improvement Netherton Yes No Assessment, Evaluation and Improvement Bentley Yes No Independent Study in Occupational Education Ritz Yes No Instructional Methods in Occupational Studies ArNold Sat 1430-1730 Yes Yes Independent Study in Occupational Education Ritz Yes No Assessment, Evaluation and Improvement Netherton Yes No Assessment, Evaluation and Improvement Bentley Yes No PSYCHOLOGY I/O Psychology Carpenter Mon 1300-1540 Yes No Social Psychology Gillen Yes No Psychology & the Law Younkin Wed 1300-1540 Yes No Psychology of Women Clarke Yes No Theories of Personality Clarke Yes No Human Cognition Clarke Yes No SOCIOLOGY http://al.odu.edu/sociology/ Social Inequality Lopez Fri 1000-1240 Yes No Introduction to Research Methods Smith Yes No Violence in the World of Children Lombardo Mon 1620-1900 Yes No Criminological Theory Smith Yes No Violence Against Women Carmody Yes No