Latino +LVWRU\ Essay Competition Essay Checklist

 University Interscholastic League Latino +LVWRU\Essay Competition
Essay Checklist
As you write your essay, refer to the following checklist to guide your progress. The rubric is
built around this checklist. There is room for creativity; however, please consider these
guidelines as suggestions for submitting an effective essay for this competition.
1. Pre-Writing:
☐Create a thesis statement about a far-reaching topic
☐Gather sources (mainly primary sources)
Is my essay topic far‐reaching? Watch “My Grandmother is a Warrior” for an example of a far‐reaching topic. ☐Read and analyze sources
 * Take notes while you read sources
o Record a variety of notes: quotes, paraphrases, and summaries
o The notes must support the thesis statement
* 2. Writing:
☐Create an outline
☐Write rough draft (based on outline)
☐Proofread the rough draft
3. Final Copy:
☐Write a final copy with developed paragraphs (introduction, body paragraphs, and
☐Create a MLA or APA style bibliography
☐Use the rubric on the next page to ensure essay includes necessary requirements
* Notes, outline, and a rough draft are not requirements of the essay competition; however, they are strongly encouraged. Essay Competition Rubric
High Range Essays 9-­‐8 _____ Effectively proves thesis statement about a far-­‐reaching topic _____ Purposefully utilizes a variety of research with a focus on primary sources _____ Is clear, well organized, and coherent _____ Includes ample commentary that bolsters key ideas presented in researched material _____ Contains very few errors or flaws, if any _____ Parenthetical citations are effectively utilized that refer to an accurate Works Cited page •
A 8 and 9 paper have a mature, sophisticated writing style rarely seen in a 7 paper •
A 7 paper demonstrates a more consistent command of writing conventions than does the 5 or 6 paper. A 5 paper does the minimum required by the assignment. It often loses focus and includes unnecessary details. •
A 3 or 4 have a major error preventing this essay from being adequate. A 1 or 2 indicates major lack of understanding and control. It may also indicate severe writing problems. Middle Range Essays 7-­‐6-­‐5 _____ Adequately proves thesis about a far-­‐reaching topic _____A variety of research is incorporated and/or attempted including primary sources _____ The argument is generally convincing but less cogent or developed; 5 essays may be somewhat weak _____ Includes sufficient commentary that supports ideas in researched material _____ Contains only minor errors or flaws _____ Citations are mostly accurate that refer to an attempted Works Cited page Low Range Essays 4-­‐3-­‐2-­‐1 _____ Inadequately attempts to prove thesis; topic might not be far-­‐reaching _____Researched material is lacking in variety and/or primary source material _____ Writing demonstrates consistent weaknesses such as a lack of organization, awkward sentences, and word choice _____ Commentary about research material is lacking. _____ Contains multiple errors that might hinder understanding of essay _____ Multiple problems exist surrounding parenthetical citations and Works Cited page (example: a majority of the citations and/or Works Cited page is missing) University Interscholastic League Latino +LVWRU\Essay Competition
1. Thesis Statement Examples………………………………………….page 4
2. Sample Body Paragraphs with Annotations…………………………page 5
* This sample uses MLA formatting; however, APA is also acceptable.
3. Works Cited Page Example………………………………………… 6
* This sample uses MLA formatting; however, APA is also acceptable.
University Interscholastic League Latino History Essay Thesis Statement Examples
 De La Garza’s courageous political actions empowered both United States and
Mexican Citizens while he served as a Texas congressman and United States
 Because of Esperanza “Hope” Andrade’s actions as a resilient and powerful political
leader, she has encouraged young Hispanic women to pursue their dreams.
 Selena Quintanilla’s dedication to pursue her dreams continues to inspire Latinas to
persevere and to achieve great triumphs in life regardless of how difficult life can
 Ruben Hinojosa, Texas’s 15th District Democratic House Representative, is an
exemplary citizen who has worked diligently for the district he represents making
lasting positive contributions to Texans’ education, housing, and healthcare.
* Students who write about a family member or community leader should make sure this person has impacted society beyond the
community level- watch “My Grandmother is a Warrior” for an example of an effective topic about a family member.
University Interscholastic League Introduction Paragraph & Beginning of 1st Body Paragraph
Formatting: Margins are 1”‐ top, bottom, left, and right. Formatting: The font used is Times New Roman, Size 12. El Doctorcito
Lewis Mumford once said “Every generation revolts against its fathers and makes friends
with its grandfathers.” Grandpas are the epitome of a perfect best friend. They have been
1” characterized as the most amazing advice givers, a definite inspiration and most importantly,
1” the ideal go-to man. My grandpa, Dr. Abraham Cano, was just that and more, because not only
did he change my life, he changed many other people’s lives as well.
Dr. Abraham Cano was born and raised in Harlingen, Texas. He grew up on the lowerincome part of town, but he did not let that get in between him and his dream of starting up a
medical practice. According to his daughter Yvette, “His discipline and strong will to succeed
was what pushed him through medical school and led him to opening his practice” (Cano,
Yvette). Dr. Cano never wanted to go in to a specialty such as neurosurgery or cardiovascular
surgery, but rather, he aspired to become a general practitioner so he would be able to care for
those in need on a daily basis. He cared not to perform precarious surgeries such as heart
transplants, but rather, he aspired to treat those with common colds and broken bones. Mr. Cano
started his 36-year long career as an OB-GYN. He delivered babies at Valley Baptist Medical
Center and absolutely loved it. His wife, Mary Helen Cano, says, “Abe loved the idea of helping
bring life into the world and he did so for about 15 years.” (Cano, Helen).
Documentation: The writer includes parenthetical citations when using researched material. First names are included because the daughter and mom have the same last name. Content: There is a clear thesis statement in the introduction paragraph. * Thesis does not have to be in
introduction paragraph.
* Not all sentences with research have a parenthetical citation in this paragraph because there are consecutive sentences (sentences with summaries about Dr. Cano) that refer to a parenthetical citation listed after the quote. University Interscholastic League Formatting: Margins are 1”‐ top, bottom, left, and right. Works Cited
The font used is Times New Roman,
Size 12.
Cruz, Diego. "The Daily Texan | Serving the University of Texas at Austin Community since
1” 1900." Filemon Vela. The Daily Texan, 4 Aug. 2011. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
"Filemon Bartolome Vela Papers, 1952-2004." Filemon Bartolome Vela Papers, 1952-2004.
Texas Archival Resources Online, 2 Aug. 2011. Web. 9 Jan. 2013.
Gerstein, Josh. "Judge Attacks Feds for Stalling." ABC News. ABC News Network, 07 Jan.
2006. Web. 8 Jan. 2013.
Gonzalez, Michael. Personal interview. 9 Jan. 2013.
"Longtime Federal Judge Dies of Cancer at 68." Amarillo Globe-News. Amarillo Globe News,
2004. Web. 28 Feb. 2013.
Pinkerton, James. "Federal Judge Filemon Vela." Houston Chronicle Rio Grande Valley Bureau,
13 Apr. 2004. Web. 8 Jan. 2013.
Salas, Teodolfo. Personal interview, 9 Jan. 2013.
Willmann, Travis. "Federal Judge Filemon Vela." University of Texas at Austin. University of
Texas at Austin, 2 Aug. 2011. Web. 8 Jan. 2013.
* This Works Cited page does not refer to the previous introduction and body paragraph. 1” 