RTCC Program Syllabus for Health Careers II with Medical Terminology 2014-2015 Randolph Technical Career Center 17 Forest Street Randolph, Vermont 05060 Last Revision/Review: 3/16/2015, 12:12 PM Program Title: Health Careers II Career Cluster: Service Core Program Length: One-year (Average 120 minutes/year) Credit: Up to 5 (Depending upon hours spent in classroom) Dual Enrollment Optional- 3 College Credits for Medical Terminology-ALHC 102ZZ thru River Valley Community College. A $150.00 fee may apply. Embedded Credit: Science, 1 credit Prerequisite: The Health Careers program of study is intended to be a two year program at RTCC. The program encompasses Health Careers I and Health Careers II. Health Careers I is a prerequisite. Students interested in enrolling in Health Careers II without having met the prerequisite requirements will be considered on a case by case basis. ACADEMIC RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR STUDENTS SEEKING ADMISSION TO HEALTH CAREERS II: In an effort to maximize success for students in the Health Careers II, it is important for students to have as much academic class time and corresponding co-op experience as possible. Students anticipating selection for admission to Health Careers II should make every effort to: • Complete high school Physical Education, Art, and Driver Education requirements during their freshman and sophomore academic years In order to best support the success and competency of Technical Health Career students it is strongly recommended that students considering program admission have successfully completed: • Two math credits • Two science credits, one being biology • Demonstrate grade 8 reading, writing and comprehension ability Students considering college admission, in the field of health care careers, should also successfully complete Algebra, Biology and Chemistry courses. Two years of a foreign language are also advisable. Again, every effort to complete these courses prior to participation in the RTCC Technical Health Careers program is optimal. The RTCC Guidance Coordinator is available to work with students and sending school Guidance Counselors to help organize student schedules in order to ensure students fully participate in the Health Careers Program. Contact Us: The main number to RTCC is 802.728.9595 We believe that parents/guardians are vital to the success of our students. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, concerns, or comments. We look forward to speaking with you and we’ll be happy to assist you or you student any way possible. Missy Carpenter Bill Sugarman Pat Halpin Health Careers Classroom Instructor Director of RTCC Guidance Coordinator 2 Health Careers II with Medical Terminology Course Description: In accordance with the RTCC Mission Statement, the Health Careers II (second course of a 2 year initiative) is a one-year course of study that affords students, “a challenging, engaging and supportive academic and technical learning environment.” The course incorporates the students interest in health care, compliments of their learning style, augments academic strengths, identifies personal strengths, enhances communication skills and “leads the productive citizens who are able to take advantage of educational and career opportunities now and in the future.” The program offers between 250 and 300 hours of education and co-op experience, over the academic school year. Additionally, students entering the field of medicine as allied health professionals need a foundation in the language of medicine. The medical terminology component of the course is designed to introduce students to medical terminology. Analysis and generation of medical terms and use of prefixes, roots and suffixes will be emphasized. Definition, spelling, and pronunciation of medical terms are stressed. Medical knowledge built from basic word elements related to pathology, diagnosis, and treatment will be discussed in class and applied to body systems. An overview of anatomy and physiology will also be provided. Case studies will be used to illustrate the use of medical terminology in medicine. Program Philosophy: The RTCC Health Careers II program philosophy is to assist students interested in entering the field of medicine. Through the practice of healthy living, leaning, teaching and sharing we strive to guide and support students in their attainment and skillful application of the art of allied health: knowledge, relevance, compassion, respect, integrity, dedication, truthfulness, dignity and commitment to others. We believe exemplification of this core philosophy is essential for health career students and represents the therapeutic care-giving relationship espoused by the program. Instructional Philosophy: This course involves academic rigor and requires extensive student research and completion of academic and lab based skills. Students will work both independently and in small groups to complete learning activities and projects that will enable them to work both independently and together to achieve specific academic and 21st Century goals. Teaching methodologies utilized to inform and expose students to the ever increasing skills sets, responsibilities, ethics, education, economics and technology required by entry-level health care providers and technicians includes the use of the following: • lecture/smart board presentations • textbook reviews • workbook reviews • classroom lab skills demonstrations • text CD Rom and Web research • lesson plan reviews • computer inter-active learning opportunities • discussion groups • guest speakers • field and internet research • student prepared presentations • clinical practicum 3 Course Goals and Standards: (As described by the Vermont Department of Education) Students successfully completing RTCC’s Health Careers program will: A. Demonstrate an Understanding of Health Careers Encompassing the Educational Requirements, Job Descriptions, Career Ladder Options, and Employment Opportunities (Vermont Standards: 1.18, 1.19, 3.15, 3.16, 7.5) B. Demonstrate Knowledge of Personal Qualities Necessary for Health Careers and the Importance of Team Relationships in Health Careers (Vermont Standards: 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14) C. Demonstrate the Application of Time Management and Goal Setting Skills (Vermont Standards: 3.1, 3.2, 3.10) D. Demonstrate the Components of Good Health Habits for the Workplace (Vermont Standards: 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7) E. List the Legal and Ethical Standards of Conduct Required in the Health Care Field (Vermont Standards: 3.3, 3.10, 3.11, 3.13, 6.13, 6.23, 6.24) F. Demonstrate the Communication Skills Necessary for Good Interpersonal Relationships, Including Use of Computers (Vermont Standards: 1.13,1.14, 1.15, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20, 2.2, 2.3) G. List, Define, and Use the Medical Terms and Abbreviations Commonly Used in the Health Field(Vermont Standards: 1.17, 5.19, 5.21, 7.14) H. Understand Theory and Demonstrate Medical Asepsis (Vermont Standards: I. Demonstrate Work Place Safety Skills (Vermont Standards: 7.14, 7.18) J. Demonstrate Knowledge of Basic Human Anatomy and Physiology, Body Systems, Organs, and Functions (Vermont Standards: 7.14, 7.18) K. Understand the Normal Nutritional Needs of the Body and the Application of Diet Therapy (Vermont Standards: 3.5, 7.14, 7.18) L. Identify the Basic Needs of Individuals and Ways to Meet Those Needs (Vermont Standards: 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.11, 3.12, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 6.23, 6.24, 7.18) M. Demonstrate the Procedure for and the Recording of Vital Signs and Physical Measurements (Vermont Standards: 1.14, 1.17, 1.20, 7.6, 7.18) N. Demonstrate Knowledge of Basic First Aid (Vermont Standards: 7.14) O. Perform Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division of Whole Numbers, Fractions, and Decimals (Vermont Standards: 7.6) P. Demonstrate and Perform Measurements and Conversions between English and Metric (Vermont Standards: 7.6) Q. Identify Needs and Stages of Development through the Life Cycle (Vermont Standards: 3.4, 4.5, 7.14) Course Competencies outlined by River Valley Community College: Students will demonstrate mastery of the material covered by performing the following activities: 1. Correctly spell dictated medical words. 2. Recall appropriate word elements when given a meaning. 3. Recall appropriate meaning when given a word element. 4. State and correctly spell singular and plural forms of medical words. 5. State and correctly spell noun and adjective forms of medical terms. 6. Construct appropriate medical terms when given lay terminology. 7. Pronounce medical terms accurately when given lay terminology. 8. Utilize a medical dictionary as a reference aid. 9. Define medical terms through analysis of word elements. 10. Gather abbreviations with the appropriate meaning(s) for each. 11. Read reports using medical terminology and demonstrate comprehension. 4 Learning Opportunities/Unit Titles: • Introduction to Medical Terminology • The Human Body in Health and Disease • The Skeletal System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Muscular System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Cardiovascular System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Lymphatic and Immune System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Respiratory System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Digestive System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Urinary System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Nervous System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Special Senses, Eyes and Ears: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Skin-The Integumentary System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Endocrine System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • The Reproductive System: Overview of structures, combining forms and functions • Diagnostic Procedures and Pharmacology • Comprehensive Medical Terminology Review Medical Terminology Course Outline: I. Introduction to medical terminology A. Elements of medical terms 1. Word root/combining form 2. Prefix 3. Suffix B. Analysis of medical terms II. Suffixes A. Surgical B. Diagnostic C. Symptomatic D. Adjective E. Noun F. Singular and Plural III. Prefixes A. Quantity, Size and Order B. Color C. Position D. Negation E. Miscellaneous IV. Terminology related to the body as a whole V. Word roots for generation and analysis of medical terms by body system VI. Pharmacology medical terms by body system Instructional Materials Used: The Dean Vaughn Total Retention System™-Medical Terminology-350 DVD series is used as a precursor to the Medical Terminology for Health Professions text and workbook. The text and workbook: “Medical Terminology for Health Professions 7th Edition © 2013 authored by Ann Ehrlich and Carol L. Schroeder is used for Health Careers II Program. 5 Major Assignments and Assessments: First Semester and Second Semester: Students are provided with class, independent study, and research time to further explore(thru co-op experiences and job shadows) and identify the diversity of occupations associated with the allied health field. Students are afforded the opportunity to further develop their understanding of human anatomy/physiology and medical terminology concepts associated with health care. All students will prepare for college level work and be offered dual enrollment credits for participating in the Medical Terminology component of the program. Students will: • Plan a meal and educate HC I students about nutrition and the human body • Create brochures and pamphlets on body structure/ anatomy and physiology • Become fluent with Medical Terminology • Produce PowerPoint presentations and utilize appropriate communication skills • Complete workbook and written assignments for each chapter of the Med Term text. • Complete case studies related medical terminology concepts • nursing assistant fundamentals and competencies • Understand job/industry related skill competencies • Create resumes, cover letters, and portfolios • Participate in a “mock” interview session • Complete post-secondary applications and research career ladder academic requirements • Partake in tech project research proposal ,development, and completion • Complete assignments in a timely fashion and work on organization/prioritization • Demonstrate appropriate 21st century skills • Demonstrate flexibility with changing/additional assignments that may be necessary to achieve the program goals Assessment and Grading Plan: Student assessment will be awarded points based on group work, individual completion of projects, project presentations, written reports, workbook completion, and multiple choice tests, etc… In carrying out projects, students will explain how they thought through the assignment and considered various alternatives to complete the product. Rubrics will be provided whenever possible. When applicable, the following (but not limited to) are factored into the quarterly, semester and final grades: • • • • • • • • • quizzes/tests weekly projects oral presentations workbook assignments community service class participation Co-op participation- Zero points awarded for missed co-ops-excused or unexcused tech project-Mandatory Requirement For Program Completion 21st Century skills (Weekly Rubric)organizational skills, time management skills, attitude, professional conduct, dress, cooperation, personal effort, responsibility, collaboration, and attendance Grades are determined by dividing the points earned by the total number of points available in the grading period. (For students electing to earn the 3 credits from River Valley Community College, students are also subject to Project Running Start and RVCC’s guidelines and specifications.) A AB+ B = = = = 96-100 93-95 91-92 88-90 BC+ C C- = = = = 86-87 83-85 80-82 78-79 D+ D DF = = = = 76-77 73-75 70-72 0-69 6 Randolph Technical Career Center 17 Forest Street Randolph, VT 05060 (802) 728-9595 FAX: 728-9596 Bill Sugarman, Director Pat Halpin, Guidance Coordinator Mike Abadi, Special Education Ruth Durkee, Adult Education Jason Finley, Cooperative Education Thank you for reading and reviewing the syllabus for the Health Careers II Program at RTCC. Please sign this page and return it to the program instructor for our records. Thank you for joining the Randolph Technical Career Center community! __________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature ___________________ Date __________________________________ Student Signature ___________________ Date 7