Reimbursement Claim Form

Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
Step-by-Step Guide
How to Process and Claim
for a Reimbursement of
Last Updated Aug 2010
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
General Information about
Reimbursement /Payment Claim Forms
(RCF or PCF)
The Reimbursement /Payment Claim form can be used to claim all relevant
University business expenditure. All expenses requiring reimbursement must clearly
relate to the carriage of official duties and responsibilities.
Expenditure claims are to be justified with receipts or invoices and require proof of
payment where the individual has paid in the first instance. Where you are claiming
expenses for which no receipt or invoice has been provided, you are required to
complete a Statutory Declaration for these expenses.
Expenditure claims for personal/private expenses are not an acceptable
reimbursement expenses and are the responsibility of the individual.
Claims for expenditure must be made in the financial year of the expense being
incurred. Claims outside of this period will not be accepted. QUT‟s financial year is
from January to December. Refer to Financial Management Practice and
Procedures Manual, Chapter 3(I).6. – Reimbursements
All Staff expenditure claims are paid in $AUD. Visiting academics, students and
other Visitors expenditure claims can be paid in a foreign currency or in $AUD.
Conversion of foreign currency amounts to $AUD, will require the provision of
supporting currency conversion documentation. (Refer Part 1: Form 2 note (5)
Note NB: Staff submitting claims are not permitted to approve their own
expenditure claims.
All funding components are reimbursed through Accounts Payable by the completion
of specific claim forms. The Type of claim being made is the important criteria. (Type
of Claim is selected at Tab 1, “Instructions” of the Reimbursement Claims for Staff
and Students under FRP forms (Accounts Payable).
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
Glossary of Forms
Part 1 – Reimbursement /Payment claim form
The Reimbursement / Payment Claim form will be used to complete all
expenditure claims that have not been paid by a QUT Corporate Card, Travel
allowance or funds advanced. Refer to Part 1, Forms 1 and 2 below.
Part 2 – Statutory Declaration form for expenses with no receipts/
invoices provided
The Statutory Declaration form will be completed for all travel expenses where
receipts and invoices have not been provided. Refer Part 2, Form 3 below.
Prior to lodging your application for a Reimbursement claim, please read the Policy
details available on the MOPP at: (Expenditure of University Funds)
Checklist of Documents
What documents do I need to supply to warrant my claim?
Reimbursement Claim together with:
All receipts and invoices
Credit card statements (if paid personally)
Phone accounts (if paid personally)
Internet payment confirmations / receipts (if paid personally)
Statutory Declaration (where no receipts are provided)
Currency conversion (OANDA - foreign currency) documents
Please follow the below instructions to claim for a Reimbursement payment
via Accounts Payable.
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
You will need to complete details for Parts 1 and 2 to complete your
Reimbursement claim:
Part 1: Reimbursement Claim Form
1. Go to (form is located under Accounts Payable)
2. Click on Reimbursement Claims for Staff and Students, xls link
3. A screen will pop up asking if you would like to Open, Save or Cancel, click Open
4. On opening the screen, maximise the page using the
Part 1, Form 1: Reimbursement Claim Form
(Instructions Tab)
5. Form 1: Reimbursement Claims for Staff and Students Screen (Instructions
tab) will now appear
6. In the field, „1. Enter Payee’: type in your Employee Number in the blank box
7. Type your Family Name, First Name and Second Name
8. In the field, ‘2. Select your Claim Type here’: click on the arrow and select
Reimbursement Claim
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
9. In the field, ‘3. Go to Reimbursement Claim Form’: click on the green arrow
10. An error message may appear at this point. Click OK.
At the top of the page, click on the Options tab in the Security warning and
select “Enable this content”.
Click OK.
You have now completed Form 1 in the Instructions tab. Next,
complete Form 2: Reimbursement Claim form.
Part 1, Form 2: Reimbursement Claim Form
1. The Reimbursement Claim Form screen will open up in a new window
2. Your Staff Number and Name will automatically appear in Payee ID*: field
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
3. Enter the following details under the Authorisation section
a. Date: enter date
b. Print name: enter your full name
c. Coder details: enter the name & extension of your budget/finance officer
4. Enter the following details under the Claim Details section.
a. Date: enter date of the expenses being claimed
b. Details of Claim: enter the approved expenditure amounts (list each item
as a separate line). Refer to below for some examples of expenditure
o Conference registration fees paid personally – conference registration
receipt required (if done online copy of the online receipt)
o Book purchases– receipts required
o Woolworths dockets – this activity may be considered hospitality and will
require a Hospitality claim form completed. Not to be included in this claim
o Parking fees – receipt required
o Tips and Gratuities – only allowed if a recognised country (otherwise not
allowable expense) – statutory declaration required (Allowable tipping
countries are USA and XX only)
o Flowers – this is considered a personal expense and not allowable
expense. Staff to take up a collection for this expense.
c. Receipts Attached: select Yes or No
d. Claimed amount $ (inc. GST): enter the amount you are
claiming, including GST.
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
5. When claiming any expenses that are in a foreign currency, you will need to
provide a currency conversion to calculate the $AUD amount. To convert
foreign currency amounts, go to the following OANDA website: and select Currency Converter at the top of the page:
6. Exchange Rate conversions can be calculated as indicated below:
at the time of purchase of the transaction
rate indicated on the receipt or personal credit card statement
average of the exchange rate for the period
7. Note: Generally, any expenses paid by a person‟s personal credit card will
require the credit card statement as proof of payment. All expenses paid by
the staff member in the first instance will require proof of payment.
You need to enter the cost centre details in the Distribution section. While this
is not mandatory, it does assist Accounts in knowing who owns the expense
or if the account chosen is not correct.
8. Enter the following cost centre details under the Distribution section:
Responsibility – enter the cost centre details – eg. 680210
Project – enter the project details – eg. 0000
Account – enter XXXX (refer to Chart of Accounts for account details)
Activity – enter the activity of the project
Type – enter 0
Campus – enter 0
Entity – enter 1
Claimed Amount $ (inc. GST) – enter the amount of the claim (this should
equal the receipts attached to the claim
9. The final part of this form is the Remarks Section.
You are required to indicate in the section, any information that is relevant for
the claim that may be required to process the claim.
For example: Funding support from Fac XYX against project ABC.
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Queensland University of Technology
CRICOS No. 00213J
Print and Sign the Reimbursement Claim Form
10. Click on “Print the Reimbursement Claim Form” button at the top of the
11. Sign the reimbursement claim form once printed
12. The following Checklist of documents must be provided before submitting to
Accounts Payable.
Reimbursement Claim Form:
Reimbursement Claim form
All receipts and/or invoices
Other supporting documentation (eg. phone accounts, credit
card statements, internet payment receipts)
Statutory declaration (where no receipt provided) (Refer Part 2
for details)
Foreign currency conversion to $AUD documents
13. Send to Accounts Payable, Synergy Building, Level 2, 88 Musk Avenue,
Kelvin Grove;
Scan all documents to Accounts Payable with the Reimbursement Claim as
the first page to
You have now completed Part 1 of the Reimbursement Claim
Continue to Part 2 (if applicable).
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CRICOS No. 00213J
Part 2: Completing a Statutory
Declaration (no receipts)
Form 3: Statutory Declaration form
Where you are claiming expenses for which no receipt or invoice has been provided,
you are required to complete a Statutory Declaration for these expenses.
1. Go to (form is located under Accounts
2. Go to Statutory Declaration and click on pdf link
3. The Statutory Declaration form will open in a new screen.
4. Print the Statutory Declaration form and complete - filling in all the required
details on the form.
5. The Statutory Declaration form will need to be included with the
Reimbursement Claim form, completed in Part 1.
You have now completed Part 2 of the Reimbursement Claim
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