UNIT CODE EDLE640 UNIT TITLE PERSPECTIVES ON LEADERSHIP CREDIT POINTS 10 DISCIPLINE CLUSTER AND WEIGHTING RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER UNITS PREREQUISITES This is one of two core units in the Master of Educational Leadership and the Postgraduate Certificate in Educational Leadership. Nil UNIT DESCRIPTION This unit extends and deepens students’ understandings of the “nature” of leadership in general and specifically in educational organisations. It provides students with engaging experiences to appreciate the history and origins of modern leadership as well as its approaches in organisations, particularly those with a faith-based orientation and a learning focus. This invites a critical scrutiny of leadership and organisation theory in its various manifestations. It supports students as they strive to transform organisational cultures while nurturing personal and social growth. Students will be expected to apply their learning to their own contexts. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this unit students will be expected to be able to: 1. articulate and critique key ideas in the field of leadership in organisations and its supporting theories (Graduate attributes I4 and P1); 2. recognize the importance leadership has for individuals, organisations, communities and societies (Graduate attributes I2 and V3); 3. understand and distinguish between the historical views of leadership and evolving perspectives on leadership (Graduate attributes I4 and P1); 4. relate and apply concepts of vision and mission to organisational and personal leadership goals, and its implications for faith based organisations (Graduate attributes V1 and P2); 5. apply understandings of leadership and organisational structure to learning organisations (Graduate attributes I2 and P3); 6. identify different leadership approaches to complex contexts and challenges (Graduate attributes I3 and V3); 7. apply evolving perspectives on leadership and organisation in the theological and ecclesial context of Catholic schooling (Graduate attributes I2 and V1); 8. examine issues and dilemmas that are faced by contemporary leaders in faith based organisations (Graduate attributes I1, P2 and V3); and 9. develop a personal integration of the range of perspectives on organisations and leadership (Graduate attributes I2, P3 and V4). On successful completion of this unit, students will have progressed in the development of the following ACU graduate attributes: Intellectual I1. critical and analytical abilities I2 enthusiasm to search for further knowledge and understanding I3 open-mindedness and receptiveness to new ideas I4 expertise in chosen academic field. Professional P1 knowledge and skills to meet relevant professional requirements P2 understanding of and commitment to professional ethical standards P3 information literacy, communication and interpersonal skills. V1 commitment to values consistent with the University’s Mission V3 commitment to good citizenship, including respect for individuals, empathy with persons of differing cultural and religious backgrounds, community responsibility and concern for the environment V4 a high regard for equity and human rights in the context of a broad understanding of globalization. Values CONTENT Each of the content elements of the unit will be explored both in terms of organisations in general and in a particular way in the context of the Catholic or other faith-based schools. Topics will include: 1. Historical perspectives on leadership Trait theories Behavioural theories Situational or contingency theories Transformational theories Servant leadership Capabilities Sustainability 2. Organisational perspectives Bureaucratic Political Cultural Community Ecclesial Human service For-profit/Not-for-profit 3. Evolving perspectives on leadership and organisations Values, ethics and moral perspectives Vision Chaos and complexity theory Networking Transformational leadership Participative/Shared leadership practices Emotional Intelligence and leadership. TEACHING ORGANISATION In addition to lectures on the key concepts found in the literature, there will be opportunities for group discussion, private reflection and practical activities. Face-to-face teaching, conventional distance education materials and electronic modes of delivery may also be used. These methods will allow students to participate in an intense dialogue, using a variety of investigative methodologies, sorting through various sources and types of evidence to identify underlying patterns, structure or significance. These methods are also intended to engage students as active participants in the learning process and encourage them to become independent learners. There will be respect for students’ views and responses, an understanding of an individual's knowledge, capabilities and backgrounds and a concern for the welfare and progress of individual students. ASSESSMENT There will be two or three assignments totalling 5,500 words. Length would depend on weighting. At least one would require a focus on real life situations. Sample assignment topics are: Overview of Assessment Brief Description of Assessment Tasks Weighting % Learning Graduate Outcome/s Attributes/ Assessed Generic Skills (ie I3, V1 etc) Assignment one 33 or 50% 1,7,8,9 I2, P3, V4 Personal response to a significant leadership book, integrating writer’s thoughts with student’s professional life. Assignment two 33 or 50% 2,3,5,6 I1,I4,P1,V1,V Logical and evidence based analysis of an 4 organisational situation, based on current understandings of the literature, including suggestions or improvement. Assignment three A personal, scholarly project with a focus on leadership. Present a one page outline for negotiation to demonstrate how you will show evidence of learning. or Appropriate negotiated topic. 33 or 50% 1,5,8,9 I1-4, p1-3, V1-4 In order to satisfy requirements for this unit, students are expected to submit all assessment tasks and to participate in classes and/or prescribed online activities. REPRESENTATIVE REFERENCES Bates, R., & Eacott, S. (2008). Teaching educational leadership and administration in Australia, Journal of Educational Administration and History, 40(2), 149–160. Caldwell, B.J. (2006). Re-imagining educational leadership. London: Sage. Cranston, N., Ehrich, L., & Morton, L. (2007). Current issues in educational leadership, What is the literature saying? The Australian Educational Leader, 29. 10-13. Donaldson, G. (2006). Cultivating leadership in schools: Connecting people, purpose, and practice. New York: Teachers College Press. Duignan, P. (2007). Educational leadership: key challenges and ethical tensions. London: Cambridge University Press. English, F., & Anderson, G. (2005). The Sage handbook of educational leadership: advances in theory, research, and practice. Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage. English, F. (Ed.). (2006). Encyclopedia of educational leadership and administration. Thousand Oakes CA: Sage. Grace, G., & O’Keefe, J. (2007). International handbook of Catholic education. London & New York: Springer. Goethals, G., Sorenson, G., & MacGregor Burns, J. (2006). Encyclopedia of leadership. Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage Fullan, M. (Ed.). (2007). The Jossey-Bass reader on educational leadership. (2nd ed.). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. Harris, A. (2009). Distributed leadership: Different perspectives. New York: Springer. Hayden, G. (2007). Values for educational leadership. Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage. Shapiro, J., & Gross, S. (2008). Ethical educational leadership in turbulent times : (Re)solving moral dilemmas. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Stader, D (2007). Law and ethics in educational leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Tomlinson, H. (2004). Educational leadership: Personal growth for professional development, Thousand Oakes CA: Sage. Wren, J.T. (2007). Inventing leadership: The challenge of democracy (New Horizons in Leadership Studies), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. Young, M., Crow, G., Ogawa, R., & Murphy, J. (Eds.). (2009). The handbook on research in educational leadership. Austin, TX: University Council of Educational Administration. LIBRARY For extensive electronic resources on educational leadership hotlink the following: http://www.acu.edu.au/library/find/subject/educational_leadership/