Marketing 3001 - Principles of Marketing

Section 201, 202, 204
Spring 2014
Office Hours:
Lai Jiang
6048224971 (Office)
4-5pm, Wednesday or by appointment
This course is an introduction to the interesting and challenging world of marketing. The main
objectives of the course are:
1. Introduce the key elements of marketing strategy.
2. Teach you how to analyze complex marketing situations and come out with a specific
marketing question.
3. Provide you with the knowledge necessary to develop a comprehensive marketing plan.
Required Textbook: Grewal, D., & Levy, M. (2013). M: Marketing (3rd Ed). McGraw-Hill
NOTE: You may choose either the print version or the e-book version (called “CONNECT”)
of the textbook. You do not require both. (Bonus: If the print version is purchased through the
UBC Bookstore, it comes bundled with the online CONNECT resources.) To access
CONNECT (the e-book and online resources), go to the following web address and click the
“register now” button:
Technology Requirements: iClicker.
Course Website and Information Updates: The course will be supported in Vista, and
students should check there frequently to receive instructions for upcoming classes. Any
changes will be noted in announcements on the home page, and students have the option to
subscribe to updated announcements by RSS feed. See the course Vista site for details on how
to do this.
The course will generally follow a lecture-discussion format. We will cover short in-class
cases/exercises to reinforce marketing concepts. Students are expected to read the assigned
material before coming to class.
Contents: Not all topics in the textbook will be covered in class. Instead, class time will be
spent on topics that are especially important, interesting or difficult. And you will also find
topics taught in class but not covered extensively in textbook. Exams will only cover topics
taught in class.
In-class discussion: I encourage class discussion. In order to provide an incentive for people to
participate and express their opinions, I have assigned 10% of final grading for class
1. iClicker questions: 5%
2. Individual participation (e.g. asking and answering questions in class): 5%
Group Assignment: Students will be divided into groups to do a marketing plan. The group
should be formed by the end of second week.
Slides: The slides will be uploaded to Vista at least one day before the class.
Grades will be based on three exams, marketing plan, and class participation according to
following weights.
Evaluation Event
Contribution to
Final Exam
Marketing Plan Written Report
Marketing Plan Presentation
Marketing Plan Peer Evaluation
Class Attendance & Participation
Graded as:
Unofficial grades: In keeping with UBC and Faculty of Commerce policies, all grades are
unofficial until they appear on a student’s academic records. The following is taken from the
UBC 2003/2004 Calendar, page 33 and is also online:
“Faculties, departments and schools reserve the right to scale grades in order to
maintain equity among sections and conformity to university, faculty,
department or school norms. Students should therefore note that an unofficial
grade given by an instructor might be changed by the faculty, department or
school. Grades are not official until they appear on a student’s academic
The expected mean of the class is 72. You final grade will be adjusted based on the difference
between average in the class and this expectation.
Extra Credits: A student can earn up to 3 extra points through research participation. It will be
1 point for each session. If you choose not to participate at all, you will still receive the bonus.
In this case, you still need to sign up, show up and stay for the duration of the study. You
simply do your own work until the time is up rather than participating in the survey if you do
not want to.
Exams: Exams will only cover the content taught in class. All exams will have multiple
choices as well as short essay questions.
Make-up policy for exams: There will be no make-up exam without prior approval from
me. Students must contact me at least one week prior to the exam date with appropriate
documentation. If you are sick on the day of the exam, you must let me know on that day
and provide doctor proof before make-up exam. For other reasons such as under pressure or
distress, please contact the undergraduate office.
Marketing Plan: Please see details in the attached marketing plan section.
Class Attendance: Class attendance is required for this class. I expect every student to be
present, punctual, prepared and participative in all class sessions. Late arrivals and early
departures from a class session are distracting and disrespectful, so please arrive on time and
stay for the duration of the class.
For students with special needs, please contact me ASAP so that all your needs can be
Class Schedule:
Mon, Jan 6
Welcome and Course Overview
The Big Picture
Wed, Jan 8
Marketing Strategy
Mon, Jan 13
Marketing Plan
Wed, Jan 15
Consumer Behavior
Mon, Jan 20
Consumer Behavior
Wed, Jan 22
Mon, Jan 27
Marketing Research
Wed, Jan 29
Marketing Research
Mon, Feb 3
Product Strategy
Tue, Feb 5
Product Strategy
Advice and Discussion on the team
marketing project
Mon, Feb 10
Pricing Strategy
Wed, Feb 12
Mid-Term Review
Answer Questions on Practice Mid-Term
Teams assigned
Team Charter
Team Progress
Report Due
Midterm Exam
Mon, Feb 17
Reading Week, No Class
Wed, Feb 19
Reading Week, No Class
Mon, Feb 24
Pricing Strategy
Wed, Feb 26
Distribution Strategy
Mon, Mar 3
Distribution Strategy
Wed, Mar 5
Work on Marketing Plan
Mon, Mar 10
Promotion Strategy
Wed, Mar 12
Promotion Strategy
Mon, Mar 17
Team Presentations
Wed, Mar 19
Team Presentations
Mon, Mar 24
Team Presentations
Wed, Mar 26
Course Wrap-up
Final Exam
Marketing Plan
Written Report Due
Peer Evaluation Due
Note: All schedules are tentative and subject to change.
Marketing Plan
The product/service that you choose can be a real one or it could be something entirely new.
You need to work in groups of 6 people. Since the marketing plan is a huge chunk of your
grade, it is important that you begin working on the plan ASAP. Form your groups and meet
regularly to work on the plan. This is not an assignment that you can do last minute. So start
working on it early. The marketing plan will also help you to understand the concepts better, so
by working on it diligently you can enhance your understanding of marketing and its
Marketing Plan Group
Students will form groups of 6 people by the end of the second week. For students couldn’t
form group by their own, I will randomly assign them into groups. For each group, there will
be a team leader elected by the group members. The team leader will be the one to organize the
group meeting and communicate with me.
Marketing Plan Structure
What is the problem?
1. Executive Summary
2. Company description
3. Strategic Focus and Plan
• Marketing questions and Goals
So, where are we now?
4. Situation Analysis (3 C’s)
• Company & Competitor Analysis
• SWOT analysis
• Competitive analysis: Porter’s five force
Consumer analysis
• Market product focus
Ok, here is the solution:
5. Marketing Program (4P’s)
• Product Strategy
• Pricing Strategy
• Place
• Promotion
And this is our expectation:
6. Financial Data and Projections
Sounds good, this is how we are going to implement the plan:
7. Organization
8. Implementation Plan
Finally, what to do if things go wrong?
9. Control
Team Progress Report
By the middle of the term, you will submit a team progress report. In the report, please provide
following information:
• What is the marketing question you are trying to tackle in your marketing plan?
• Why it is interesting and important?
• The progress of your marketing plan.
The team progress report is NOT for grading purpose.
Marketing Plan Presentation:
There will be 20 minutes for each group and the presentation should be finished within 15
minutes. This leaves 5 minutes for question and answer.
Groups should send me the electronic version of their presentation slides one day before the
presentation for me to install before the class. Please arrive 10 minutes earlier before the class
to make sure the installation is correct.
The presentation will be rated by students (Please see attached sample of Presentation
Evaluation Form).
Written Report Format:
Single-spaced, one inch margins, no length limit. Whenever you cite any data/information,
please list the source as citation.
Extra Help
You can setup group meetings with me if necessary. Note that many groups tend to meet with
instructor in the last 2 weeks before presentation, it maybe hard to arrange a meeting around
that time. Therefore, I strongly urge you to meet me as earlier as possible.
Sample 1: Presentation Evaluation Form
Presentation Evaluation Form
Section 204, March 24th
Student ID______________
Please rate the performance of following groups.
Group 1
Group 2
Zunru Fan
Vivian Pan
A (10 pts)
Group 3
Chen Shen
Group 4
Taylor Carkner
B (10 pts)
C (20 pts)
D (10 pts)
Total (50 pts)
A: Interestingness & creativity of the marketing Plan
B: Depth and thoroughness of analysis (Please take into account of the difficulty level of the
marketing plan)
C: Presentation style and quality
D: Responding to Questions
Marketing Plan Peer Evaluation Form
Section: ___________
Group No.:____________
Name: ____________
Student ID: _______________
Rate the contribution that each group member, other than yourself, made to your marketing
plan project. Your rating should be based on each individual’s overall contribution to the
marketing plan discussion and completion of the project. Specifically,
• Willingness of the individual to carry out jobs assigned.
• Cooperation with other group members.
• Ability of the individual to meet deadlines.
• Quality of the individual’s work.
Personally, I will put more weight on the effort (willingness and cooperation) of a team
member, and rate the quality of the work while taking into account of her/his ability.
People may differ in ability but should not differ in effort. A good team is one where all
members try their best to contribute.
This form should be turned in on ... The form will be kept in strict confidential. In the space
provided below, please fill in the names of your group members and record your peer rating for
each. Please rate each member on a scale of 0-10 points.
• If you give a particular member a low rating, please justify.
• If you think a team member contributes extraordinarily more than others and deserves
extra points, please justify and rate her/him as 11.
(0-10 scale)
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
Additional Comments:
Student Information
Please return this page at the beginning of the 2nd class!
1. Name:
2. Student ID#:
3. Telephone number (optional):
4. E-mail address:
5. Hometown:
6. Major/intended major and year in school (i.e., where are you in your program?):
7. Place of employment or other work experience of note?
8. What are your career plans/aspirations?
9. List 3 products that you feel you have some degree of expertise in purchasing:
10. List 3 products that you would like to learn more about from a marketing perspective:
11. List 3 companies which you pay more attention than others: