
GEOG 3800-01W: Biogeography
Spring 2016
Instructor: Dr. Georgina DeWeese
Classroom: Callaway 146
Class Time: 930-1045 MW
Office: 250 Callaway Annex, 1100-1200pm MTh office hours, or by appointment
Course Description: Biogeography is the subdiscipline of Geography that deals with the distribution, ranges,
and limits of plants and animals over space and time. This class will focus on the processes and patterns of plant
distribution in the contemporary landscape, stressing the development of North American vegetation. The
course will covers topics in evolution as it relates to Quaternary migration and distribution, North American
biomes, disturbance ecology, invasive species, environmental stewardship, and climate change.
Course Outcomes: Students completing this course will have a broad understanding of North American
vegetation through space and time. Students will be able to identify important local plant species and invasive
species. Anthropogenic influences over North American vegetation will also be understood through human
manipulation of vegetation distribution, disturbance ecology, and climate change. This course will produce
students better equipped to be functional land owners, land managers, planners, politicians, teachers, business
leaders, and citizens.
Attendance: Attendance is required. You are allowed 4 absences. For each absence after that, you will lose 1
letter grade off your final grade. If you are more than 10 minutes late for class, that counts as ½ absence.
Email Etiquette: I will not answer emails that (1) don’t make sense or (2) don’t identify your full name and
which class you are in.
Grading Scale: A: 90-100% B:80-89% C:70-79% D:60-69% F:<60%
Exam 1: 100 pts
Exam 2: 100 pts
Exam 3: 100 pts
Writing Assignments: 100 pts
Final Paper: 100 pts
Total: 500 pts
OTHER STUFF: (1) No extra-credit: Students will not be permitted to do extra work or resubmit work to
improve their course grade either during or after completion of the course.
(2) Disability Statement: If you require course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented
disability, or if you have emergency information to share, please contact the Office of Disability Services. It is
the student’s responsibility to alert the instructor and teaching assistants of documented special needs.
(3) Cheating: If you are caught cheating on an exam, you will receive a 0 for that exam.
(4) Do not ask me to calculate your grade.
There will be no make up exams given in this course. If you miss an exam you MUST contact the instructor the
day of the missed exam. Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of 0 on the
Writing Center: 839-6513
Final Paper: The final paper is required to be 4-6 pages of text (additional pages of figures and tables are
allowed), 12 pt font, 1 in margins, and on a pre-approved, biogeographic topic. The paper should include an
Introduction, Justification of why this paper was worth writing, Methodology used to study the problem/topic
addressed by your paper, Literature Review, and References.
It is EXTREMELY important that the following terms NEVER be used in any of your writing assignments,
paper, or tests!
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In order to
Mon, Jan 11
Wed, Jan 12
Biogeography Course Outline:
Course Mechanics and Introduction
Science and History of Biogeography
Mon, Jan 18
Wed, Jan 20
No class
Physical Setting: The Geographic Template
Mon, Jan 25
Wed, Jan 27
Distribution of Species
Distribution of Species
Mon, Feb 1
Wed, Feb 3
Geography of Communities
Geography of Communities
Mon, Feb 8
Wed, Feb 10
Dispersal and Immigration
Dispersal and Immigration
Mon, Feb 15
Wed, Feb 17
Exam 1
Speciation and Extinction
Mon, Feb 22
Wed, Feb 24
Speciation and Extinction
The Changing Earth
Mon, Feb 29
Wed, Mar 2
Geography of Diversification
Mon, Mar 7
Wed, Mar 9
Geography of Diversification
Exam 2
Mon, Mar 14
Wed, Mar 16
Spring Break
Spring Break
Mon, Mar 21
Wed, Mar 23
History of Lineages
History of Biotas
Mon, Mar 28
Wed, March 30
Island Biogeography
No class – Papers Due by 5pm
Mon, Apr 4
Wed, Apr 6
Guns, Germs, & Steel
Guns, Germs, & Steel
Mon, Apr 11
Wed, Apr 13
Ecogeographic Rules
Biodiversity and Extinction
Mon, Apr 18
Wed, Apr 20
Biodiversity and Extinction
Conservation Biogeography
Wednesday, Apr 27, 8:00-10:30 am
Exam 3