The Creative Warrior News from the Maine West Fine Arts Department December, 2013 Maine West Fine Arts Department Patrick S. Barnett, Department Chair Joy Klarkowski, Administrative Assistant Instructors Benan Avci, Music Christine Baldwin, Assistant Speech Team Sponsor Joseph Baumgartner, Head Speech Team Sponsor Bobby Bonslater, Drumline Richard Cammarata, Art Amy Claus, Orchesis Assistant Director Emily Dykema, Assistant Marching Band Director Britnee Fierro, Art Bernie Gerstmayr, Music Lisa Jacob, Orchesis Director Christopher Jensen, Drama, Auditorium Manager Melissa Lloyd, Art Mary Miller, Art Michael Poehler, Art Gregory Regalado, Art Barbara Rieger, Speech/Drama/Broadcasting Britnee Ruscitti, Winter Play Director Brent Shaphren, Speech/Drama/ Broadcasting, WMTH, Fall Play Director Carla Skiba, Speech/Drama, Musical Director, V-Show Director Lauren Specchio, Flag Corp Sponsor Daniella Valdez, Music Andrew Waters, Musical Choreographer Erin Wilen, Art Administration Dr. Audrey Haugan, Principal Mr. Dave Matkovic, AP, Instruction Dr. Rose Garlasco, AP, Students Dr. Claudia Rueda-Alvarez, SPS Director The Creative Warrior is a bi-monthly publication of the Maine Township High School West Fine Arts Department. Questions or comments should be directed to Patrick Barnett, Fine Arts Department Chair, 1755 S. Wolf Road, Des Plaines, IL, 60018 or by Email at Prism Concert Comes to Maine West The 14th annual Maine West Prism Concert will be performed on Sunday, December 15, at 2:00pm and 4:45pm in the Maine West Auditorium. Tickets cost 6 dollars and are available at the door or by purchasing them in the bookstore. The concert features the Maine West Bands, Choirs, and Orchestras under the direction of Ben Avci, Choir; Bernie Gerstmayr, Band; and Daniella Valdez, Orchestra. A light reception will ocurr in between the two concerts in the Maine West Student Cafeteria. The Prism Concert is a 90-minute interactive event in which different participating ensembles rotate songs throughout the concert, allowing the audience to encounter each group on several different occasions. The music is continuous and there is no clapping until the entire concert has ended. In addition, the stage is beautifully adorned with poinsettia plants which are sold by the Maine West Fine Arts Boosters. Information on purchasing them can be found on the Maine West Fine Arts Booster Page on the school’s website. We hope that you will consider joining us for this impressive and inspirational concert during the holidays. Meet Benan Avci 1. Where did you go to high school? I am an alumnus of Hinsdale South High School in Darien, Illinois. I was very active in the music department, playing trombone in band, piano in the Jazz Combo, singing in the choirs, and participating in the musicals and variety shows. 2. Where did you go to college? I attended the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. I sang in the Concert Choir and University Black Chorus, accompanied the Woman’s Glee Club on piano, sang in a jazz acapella group called No Strings Attached, and played keyboards in a number of rock bands and cover bands. 3. What did you study? I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. I spent my four years of study focused on being a choral director. 4. Where have you taught before Maine West? I have only taught in Maine Township. Before Maine West, I taught for two years at Maine East. 5. What is your personal favorite style of music? This is a tough one. I honestly enjoy every style of music. My favorite style changes and often depends on my mood. Lately I have been listening to a lot of folk and bluegrass music. 6. Why do we want students to become creative life-long consumers of the arts? The arts are such a huge part of our society. Having a deeper understanding and respect for the arts makes our students more prepared for a number of jobs and careers that are both directly and indirectly related to the arts, such as marketing or entertainment. The arts also give these students a sense of identity. They take pride in the music they listen to, or the movies and paintings they own, or the style of dance they enjoy. Having these interests and the understanding of these art forms gives them a community. The arts allow for self-expression. We try to give these students a healthy way to express their feelings. We want our students to leave our programs with the ability to create and enjoy our areas of the arts. And we hope that the experiences we provide for our students here at Maine West, give them a sense of pride and accomplishment. 7. Your hobbies? I have always been a performer. I spent a year performing for Howl at the Moon, which is a franchise of dueling piano clubs, and I have worked with a number for local bands. I no longer have any regular (weekly or monthly) gigs, but I am still performing a lot with bands and with dueling piano companies. 8. Your family? I am very fortunate to have my parents and girlfriend in the Chicago area. My dad is from Turkey and my mom is from Wisconsin. My mother is a piano teacher, so I have been playing piano since I was toddler. My younger brother and sister are students at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and my older sister is an opera singer and just received her Doctoral Degree from Indiana University in Vocal Performance. We Are The Fine Arts Boosters! The Boosters were off and running this year with several important projects. We purchased a tower of portable speakers that allow Orchesis, Band, Orchestra and Choir to hold rehearsals or performances anywhere in Maine West. We helped fund the drumline instruction for Marching Band and the construction of a new brick-design stage backdrop for dance and drama. Each year we contribute bringing in a Raku Firing Instructor for our Design & Material students, as well as other guest artists and instructors. Your membership helps sponsor these and other projects that impact ALL of OUR Fine Arts students at Maine West. If you want to become a part of what we do, please join today! Meet Mike Poehler Where did you go to high school? Libertyville High School (Class of 1981) Where did you go to college? Northern Illinois University (Class of 1985) Graduate School - Governors State University What did you study? Art Education (Bachelor of Science in Education) Where have you taught before Maine West? Frankfort Junior High, 1 year and Hawthorne Junior High/Libertyville High School (part-time) 1 year. What is your personal favorite medium in art? Watercolor Why do we want students to become creative life-long consumers of the arts? It's the arts that enrich and enliven our lives. Look at the amount of time each of us spends listening to music, viewing others creative endeavors on TV or in galleries or even hanging in our own homes and places of work. Your hobbies? Field Trials with my Brittanys. Field Trials are competitive hunting off horseback and foot, where the dog is judged upon the manner in which it hunts the cover in front of it, speed and manner of running, and it's style and intensity on point. One of my dogs, Maisy, won the 2012 American Brittany Club National Amateur Gun Dog Championship. Your family? My wife of 13 years, Stacy, 8 year old daughter Madison, 21 year old son Jacob, and 23 year old daughter Alexa, along with 3 Brittanys. Anything else you'd like to mention? I’ve been teaching at Maine West since 1987, and it's a GREAT high school where we do wonderful things for kids and offer them opportunities to learn and grow in a safe and challenging environment. This is a wonderful building to work in with a faculty and staff who genuinely care about each other and the students we work with. This is a great community to work for! Students working in the WMTH Studios. Congratulations to Annie M., Kayt W., Sebastian H., and David S. for making the Illinois Music Educator Association’s District 7 Senior Division Honor Choir. Bravo to the Maine West Marching Warriors and Color Guard for an amazing fall season of marching band! 150 students continued to represent Maine West with pride and excellence both at home football games and competitions. Thank you to all of these students who put in roughly 150 hours of work outside of school in three months. Congrats to Nichole G., Keith K., and Emily N. for being accepted into the lllinois Music Educator Association Senior Band and Orchestra Honors Festival. They were accepted after auditioning against students from high schools across Lake and Cook County. Congratulations to Anna H. and Vincent W. for their participation in the Illinois Music Edcuator Association, District 7 Senior Division Honor Orchestra. During the second quarter all orchestra students have been wokring on their chamber music unit. Students will also be coached by a professional string quartet as they prepare for the performances at the Maine West Solo and Ensemble Festival on January 28, 2014. Guitar I and Guitar II students will perform on the Classical Guitar Concert on Thursday, December 7 at 7:00 pm in the Auditorium. Admission is free and a light reception will follow the concert. Thursday, November 21, students in Design Materials 1 attended a field trip in downtown Chicago at the Museum of Contemporary Art. This was our first visit to the MCA and the students saw new and inspiring works of art. Congratulations to all the students that have artwork in the Des Plaines Library collaborative Middle School and High School Art show! The show’s opening reception was on November 21st and will be on display during normal library hours till December 6th. Congratulations to Colleen O., a Photography 4 student, for having her artwork selected to be part of the permanent art collection in the Principal's Conference Room. The SOFA Show was field trip was a great success! The students had a wonderful time and got a lot of good ideas for their future independent projects. A special thank you to Mrs. Brennan and Mrs. Langlois for being our chaperones on the trip! The Drama Club will have a holiday cookie fundraiser from December 11-20. Look for delicious, iced, sugar cookies from Central Continental Bakery. The students can apply the funds from this sale to field trips, Drama Club activities, or the upcoming Illinois High School Theatrefest weekend at Illinois State University. The Advanced Drama students in Drama 2, 3, and 4 are preparing a production for performance at the District 62 middle schools. Ten student directors are working hard, rehearsing their peers in selected scenes from Jonathan Rand’s How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying and Check Please! WMTH 90.5 FM Radio is on the air! West broadcasts every Monday and alternate Wednesdays and Fridays. Click the “streaming Radio’ link on the left side of the MWHS homepage and tune in. WMTH is the oldest continuously bradcasting educational radio station in the Country. A brand new tower was just installed at the Maine East transmitter location, providing for live radio broadcasting experience for generations of Maine students to come. See you on the air! The Tech Crew did a great job behind the scenes for the V-Show, the Life of Games. Thanks to Katy S., Nikko P., Nikodemus B., and Sam C. for leading the way for all the new members of tech crew. This year, Speech Team has been exciting as we have a brand new set of teammates and we are picking up speed as we go along. A special congratulations to Kevin M. and Dana M. for winning awards in Radio Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, and Oratorical Declamation. Congrats to the following 12 students who were cast in this year’s winter play, Rumors, by Neil Simon: David S., Kayt W., Kevin M., Serena V., Kyle R., Catherine G., Nick S., Summer K., Dana M., Mary S., Kevin G., and Isabelle G. We are off and running on our rehearsals and tech preparation as of December 2nd and we cannot wait to bring lots of laughs to the Maine West stage on January 30-31, and February 1! Ms. Rieger’s Oral Communication students have given several wonderful “Gripe” and “Personal Experience” speeches. Next, we will be performing our Demonstration Speeches. “I’m really looking forward to seeing the students demonstrate their many talents, as they explain each step to the class. This speech gives each student in the class a chance to show their expertise in art, music, sports and culinary arts,” says Ms. Rieger. Upcoming Events Thursday, December 5 7:00 pm Friday, December 6 6:30 pm Tuesday, December 10 6:00 pm Sunday, December 15 2:00 pm 4:45 pm Tuesday, December 17 12:30 pm Wednesday, December 18 2:00-6:00 Thursday December 19 In Classes Thursday, December 19 12:00 Friday, December 20 12:58 December 21-January 5 Tuesday, January 7 6:00 pm Wednesday January 8 3:30 pm Wednesday, January 8 6:00 pm Thursday, January 9-11 All Day Monday, January 13 3:30 pm Tuesday, January 14 3:30 pm Wednesday, January 15 6:00 pm Wednesday, January 15 6:30 Thursday, January 16 3:30 Friday, January 17 3:30 Monday, January 20 Tuesday, January 21 Wednesday, January 22 Wednesday Jan 22-25 Thursday, January 23 Friday, January 24 Tuesday, January 28 3:30 pm Classical Guitar Concert Des Plaines Tree Lighting Ceremony Featuring the Choraliers and Band-Metropolitan Square Fine Arts Booster Meeting Prism Concert Warrior Strings Community Performance Music Department Cheeskcake Distribution Illinois State Constitution Test in Government Classes Choraliers Community Performance All-School Assembly Winter Break Fine Arts Booster Meeting Musical “Aida” Vocal Audition Clinics Musical “Aida” Dance Audition Clinics Illinois Theatre Fest at Illinois State University Musical “Aida” Auditions Musical “Aida” Auditions Elmhust College Art Show at Elmhusrt College Des Plaines Area Music Festival Concert Musical “Aida” Call Back Auditions Clinic Musical ‘Aida” Call Back Auditions No School-Martin Luther King Day Final Exams (Periods 3-2-6) Final Exams (Periods 1-9-5) ILMEA Conference in Peoria Final Exams (Periods 7-4-8) No School-Teacher Institute Day Maine West Solo and Ensemble Festival