Automation of Super Market Sonali Das Computer Science and Applications, College of Agricultural Engineering and technology OUAT, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India E-mail: Abstract – This paper presents procedures for automating the Super Market. Super Market maintains all the details related to the various customers and vendors involved in the transaction of the super market. It keeps all the details of the products required in the transaction of the market. It maintains the flow of products. It records all the day to day transactions invoices which record the details of sales made by the market .It handles all the proceedings of payments made by the different customers of the super market. It makes the regular entry of the issues and receipts of the products indulged in the transaction of the super market. Super Market also generates various types of reports in order to keep all the activities under proper control. The software package “Automation of Super Market” can be said to be a benchmark for betterment of the service in Super Market as it takes care of the system administration. The system has been developed in such a way that the user will find them absolutely essential in generating details of the market. Programming languageJava Development Kit 1.4.0(JDK1.4.0), RDBMS backendSQL server 7.0, Internet Technology- HTML, Java Server Pages (JSP), Web server- Java Web Server 2.0 (JWS 2.0) and TOMCAT 4.1.0 are used to develop the software package “Automation of Super Market (ii) The recording of the data on manual system is very costly because the writing and reading process is very low. (iii) There are always good chances of errors. (iv) A manual system does not help to provide quick view of stock available, invoices, payments etc. After knowing the various limitations of manual system, the super market realized that the computerization methods, as it provided them the following advantages: The storage and preservation of large volume of data becomes very simple and easy. The recording process on a computerized system is very cheap. The reading process of data is very fast and easily readable on machine. There negligible chances of errors in a computerized system. The computerized system helps to provide a quick view of all the details of a super market. II. SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONs Keywords: DFD, ER-Diagram, Database, JSP, HTML, Reports I. Hardware Requirements: INTRODUCTION Super Market is a shopping center engaged in purchasing consumer goods from solo vendor and manufactures and selling to customers and retailers. Before the proceeding of Super Market was handled manually, but this method has to face a lot of difficulties of problems when the super market started to deal with a large volume of transaction and data. Some of the common problems are illustrated as under: (i) The storage and preservation of large volume of data becomes difficult. Intel chipset motherboard 1GB RAM 120 GB Seagate hard disk Pentium-III 1 giga hertz processor LG studioworks563 N 15 inch monitor mercury scroll mouse Maple keyboard Software Requirements: Operating system- windows Millennium on wards. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 52 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Programming languageDevelopment Kit 1.4.0 (JDK1.4.0) RDBMS backend- SQL server 7.0 Internet Technology- HTML, Java Server Pages (JSP), level and the logical operations involved at the lower levels. Java Software design is a process through which requirement are translated into a representation of the software. The system design is carried out in two phases. Web server- Java Web Server 2.0 (JWS 2.0),TOMCAT 4.1.0 SQL Server 7.0 Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is one of the powerful, high performances, preferred Relational Database Management System. It is capable of supporting hundreds of simultaneous users, depending on application and the hardware environment. It is designed as a central repository for all the data of the organization and to meet the demanding requirements of distributed client/server computing. Preliminary Design Detailed design A. Preliminary Design This design aims to identify the modules that should be in the system, the specification of these modules and how they interact with each other to produce the desire results. At the end of preliminary design all major data structures, files formats, output formats, and major modules in the system and their specifications are decided. JAVA The tools that assist in Preliminary design process are Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs) and EntityRelationship Diagram (ER-Diagram). Since there are problems in C & C++ compilers that the compilers are expensive and time consuming to create, so an easier and more cost-efficient solution was needed. JAVA is a portable, platform-independent language that could be used to produce code that would run on a variety of CPU’s under differing environments. Data Flow Diagram (DFD): Data Flow Diagram (DFD) depicts information flow, the transformation flow and the transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. . DFD of Automation of super market is given on Figure-1. JSP (Java Server Pages) Anything you can do with PHP, you can do with JSP; the reverse is not true. JSP is much more powerful, since it has access to all the Java libraries. PHP only has access to PHP libraries. JSP technology is created to support authoring of HTML and XML pages. It makes it easier to combine fixed or static template data with dynamic content. Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram: ER-Diagram is a primary tool, which helps in Database Design. The overall logical structure of a database can be expressed graphically by ER-Diagrams. ER diagram of Automation of super market is given on Figure-2. Apache Tomcat Web Server Tomcat is an open –source product maintained by the Jakarta Project of the Apache Software Foundation. Tomcat replaces the old Java Servlet Development Kit (JSDK) that was previously provided by sun. It contains the class libraries, documentation, and run-time support that need to create and test jsp. B. Detailed Design Input Design: Input design is the process of converting useroriented inputs to a computer-based format. The goal of designing input data is to make data entry easy, logical and free from errors. III. SYSTEM DESIGN System Design is the first step in the development phase for any engineered product of system. System design is an activity concerned with making major decisions, often of a structural nature. It shares with programming a concern for abstraction information representation and processing sequences, but the level of details is quite different at the extremes. Design builds coherent, well-planned representation of programs that concentrate on the interrelationship of parts at the higher The data is fed into the system using simple interactive forms. The forms have been supplied with message so that the user can enter data without facing any difficulty. The data is validated during data entry and if any errors are found then appropriate error message and displayed. This ensures that only correct data is stored in the database. Sample Screen inputs are shown in Figure-3 ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 53 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Based on the proposed system, the database design was finalized. The main part of the database design is creation of tables and defining their relations. Figure 1. DFD of automation of Super Market Output Design: The objective of the output design is to convey the information of all that past activities, current status and to emphasize important events. The output generally refers to the results and information that is generated from the system. The output design of the system was accomplished keeping in mind the following objectives. Determine what information to display. Arrange the presentation of information in an acceptable format. Decide how to distribute the output to the intended recipients. Figure 2. ER-Diagram of Super Market The tables for the SUPER database are in the normalization form. The data structure as follows. Sample Screen outputs are shown in Figure-4. Data Structures Database Design: Table: CUSTMAST Database Design is a process of organizing data pertaining to concerned organization in an orderly manner to provide easy access to the required information. ER-Diagrams and Normalization procedure are used in Database design. Description: Details about the Customer Primary Key: Custcode ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 54 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Sl.No. Description Table: VENDMAST Description: Details about the vendor Primary Key: Vcode 1. Field Nmae Custcode 2. Custname Customer code,Not NULL Customer name 3. Custadd Customer address Varchar 25 2. Vname Vendor name Varchar 25 4. Custcity Customer city Varchar 15 3. Vadd Vendor address Varchar 25 5. Pin Customer pin Varchar 6 4. Vcity Vendor city Varchar 15 6. Custtype Customer category Varchar 1 5. Pin Vendor pin Varchar 6 7. Custcred Varchar 1 8. Custcheq Varchar 1 9. Custcrlmt Customer credit eligibility Customer can pay by cheque Customer credit limit Decimal (10,2) 10. Custcrprd Customer credit peroid Int 11. Custdue Customer Amount due Decimal 12. Custlttxn Customer transaction Datetime Last Data Type Varchar Size Sl.No. Field Nmae Description Data Type Size Varchar 25 1. Vcode Vendor code,Not NULL Varchar 5 5 Table: PRODMAST Description: Details about the Product Primary Key: Prcode Sl.No. Field Description Data Nmae (10,2) Size Type 1. Prcode Product code,Not Varchar 5 2. Prdesc Product description Varchar 25 3. 4. Prdcat Product category Varchar 15 Prdqtyoh Product Quantity on Int 5. Prdunit Unit of measure Varchar 3 6. Prdcost Current cost price Decimal (10,2) 7. Prdsell Current selling price Decimal (10,2) 8. Prdmax Product Int 9. Prdrol Product reorder level Int 10. Prdlstrxn Product last transaction Datetime NULL hand maximum quantity date 11. Prodolsta Product reorder status Varchar 1 Table: INVHEAD Description: Details about the Cash bill/Invoice Primary Key: Invno Sl.No. 1. Field Nmae Invno Description Invoice no,Not NULL Data Type Int Size 2. Invdate Invoice date Datetime 3. Custcode Varchar 5 4. Invvalue Customer code;foreign key, Not null Invoice value Decimal (10,2) 5. Amtdue Amount due against invoice Decimal (10,2) Figure-3. Sample Screen inputs ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 55 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Table: INVDETL Description: Details about the transaction details Primary Key: Invno Sl.No. 1. Field Nmae Invno 2. Prcode 3. Invqty Description Invoice number,Not NULL Product code;Foreign key; Not NULL Invoice quantity Data Type Int Size Varchar 5 Int Table: RECPHEAD Description: Details about the Receipt Primary Key: Recpno Sl.No. 1. Field Nmae Recpno 2. 3. Recpdt Vcode 4. Recpval Description Receipt number,Not NULL Receipt date Vendor code;Foreign key; Not NULL Receipt value Data Type Int Datetime Varchar Size 5 (10,2) Table: RECPDETL Description: Details about the receipt transaction Primary Key: Recpno Sl.No. Figure-4. Sample Screen outputs Table: PAYMENTS Description: Details about the Payments Primary Key: Payno Sl.No. 1. Field Nmae Payno 2. 3. 4. Paydt Paymode Chqccno 5. 6. 7. Bankcode Paystat Custcode 8. Payamt Description Payment number,Not NULL Payment date Payment mode Cheque/Credit card number Bank code Payment status Customer code;Foreign key;Not NULL Payment amount Data Type Int Datetime Varchar Varchar Size 4 1 Decimal (10,2) 2. Prcode 3. Pqty Description Receipt number,Not NULL Product code;Foreign key; Not NULL Product quantity Data Type Int Size Varchar 5 Int Table: BANK Description: Details about the Bank Primary Key: Recpno Sl.No. 2 8 Varchar Varchar Int 1. Field Nmae Recpno 1. Field Nmae Bankcode 2. Bankname Description Bank code,Not NULL Bank name Data Type Varchar Size Varchar 20 4 ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 56 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) Table: PAYDETL Description: Preliminary details regarding the payments made by customer Primary Key: Payno Sl.No. Field Description Nmae 1. Payno Payment number,Not NULL 2. Invno Invoice number;Foreign key; Not NULL 3. Invamt Invoice amount deducted Data Type Int (8) Product-Deletion module: In this module a details of a particular product whose code is specified by the user is deleted. (9) Vendor-Addition module: Size In this module a record of a new vendor is added along with various details required to be maintained. (10) Vendor-View module: Int Decimal In this module necessary details of a particular vendor is displayed whose code is specified by the user from the vendor master file. (10,2) (11) Vendor-Modify module: In this module a particular record of the vendor master file is modified or changed. IV. MODULES AND THEIR DESCRIPTION There are 18 modules are in the Automation of Super Market in which all the functional requirements are covers. (12) Vendor-Deletion module: In this module, a detail of a particular vendor whose code is specified by the user is deleted. (1) Addition of customer record module: (13) Vendor-Transaction module: In this module a new custom record is added along with various details required to be maintained. In this module transaction held up with vendor is recorded. The details of the receipts transactions are then updated in the receipt book. (2) View of customer record module: In this module, detail of a particular customer whose code is specified by the user is displayed from the customer master file. (14) Customer Transaction module: In this module the payment made by the customer is recorded. The details of the payment transaction are then updated into the payment database and payment details database. (3) Modify the customer records: In this module a particular record of customer master file is modified or changed in the customer master file. (15) Invoice-view module: In this module the invoice of the cash bills entries made in the invoice books is viewed. (4) Deletion the customer records: In this module the details of a particular customer whose code is specified by the use is deleted and then the master file is updated. (16) Payment-view module: In this module, details of the payments made to different vendors are viewed. (5) Product-Addition module: (17) Receipt-View module: In this module a record of a new product is added along with various details required to be maintained. In this module all the details of the receipts receive from the different customer is displayed. (6) Product-View module: (18) Report Generation module: In this module necessary details of a particular product is displayed whose code is specified by the user from the product master file. In this module all the reports are generated like Daily Sales reports, Credit-Card Transaction reports, Non-moving Items reports, Over-Stock items reports, Re-order level reports, Over-due reports (7) Product-Modify module: In this module a particular record of the product master file is modified or changed. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 57 Special Issue of International Journal on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (IJACTE) V. VALIDATION CHECK, IMPLEMENTATION AND VI. CONCLUSION MAINTENANCE, TESTING, SYSTEM SECURITY MEASURES At the end of this project, we hope that, the system will provide a full proof Automation of a Super Market. I expect that, the system will fulfill all the requirements, inquiries of any Super Market even if they are very small or large number of transaction occurs. So as per my knowledge the procedure and methodology will satisfy all the needs/requirements. So it can be properly implemented to the best of expectation and strategies. In future we can use it in Internet also. We can make another nice project without creating a new project. Validation check Validation succeeds when software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer. This system use a process called alpha and beta testing to uncover errors that only the end-user seems able to find. Implementation and maintenance There are three aspects of Implementation, they are: VII. REFERENCES Users Training: The users are given training about, computer hard wares, software and languages. [1] Segre, L.M.; Bastos, R.M., "Electronic commerce: creating competitive opportunities in Brazilian supermarkets," Management of Engineering and Technology, 1999. Technology and Innovation Management. PICMET '99. Portland International Conference on , vol.1, no., pp.194 vol.1,, 1999. [2] Irene Yousept , Feng Li ,(2004):Online Supermarkets: Emerging Strategies And Business Models In The UK." Proceedings of the 17th Bled eCommerce Conference Herbert Schild, The Complete Reference Java 2 , 5 th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2002. [3] Roberts, M., Xu, X. M. and Mettos, N., (2003): Internet Shopping: Supermarket Model and Customer Perceptions. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organisations Vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 3243. Phillip Hanna, JSP 2.0 Complete Reference, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. [4] Black box testing focuses functional requirements of the software. It derives sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all requirements of a program. CT-the-Project%E2%80%9Csupermarket%E2%80%9D-DealsWith-The [5] System Security Measures [6] ee000272c96/$file/03yousept.pdf Conversion: Conversion is the process of converting the old system into a new one as we are changing the present manual system into the newly computerized system. Post Implementation: The post implementation review will be conducted later after the complete implementation of the system at the client side. Software Maintenance traditionally denotes the process of modifying a software product after it has been delivered to the customer. Testing The Testing techniques applied to this software are White box Testing White box testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. Black box Testing Security of data is of paramount importance. It is an irreplaceable asset and it is vital in enterprise application. During online processing of data various security functions should be enforced at different levels. The online system uses to client-server database in which discretionary security mechanism and mandatory security mechanism is effectively implemented. The discretionary access control is based on the granting and revolving of privileges. The mandatory access control is especially used to maintain multilevel security. ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 2526, Volume-2, Issue-1, 2013 58