Prepare For Battle “Street Dance Secrets”

Prepare For Battle Preview
Prepare For Battle
“Street Dance Secrets”
Super Power Practice Series
Book 4 of 4
By Barry “BBoy GRIZ” Rabkin
Founder of
Foreword by BBoy JoJo
Legendary Street Dance Pioneer
Co-Founder Of The RockSteady Crew
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Copyright © 2012, Inc. All Rights
No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, without
the publisher's written consent.
You dance at your own risk. Please consult your
doctor before starting any dance, exercise or
nutrition program. We are not liable for any injuries
or damages.
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This book is dedicated to the
entire CypherStyles family. That's
all of you with street dance
beating in your hearts and
pumping through your veins!
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Table of Contents
Super Power Practice Book Series
Foreword – BBoy JoJo
Rocksteady Crew Co-Founder
Chapter #1 – Introduction
To help you at every checkpoint, the chapters are
structured so you can jump directly to the
information you need, whether your battle is 5
months, 5 weeks, 5 days, or 5 minutes away!
Chapter #2 – Battle In 5 Months
Zen and the Art of Street Dance
10,000 Hours
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Better Everyday
Can't Dance (Yet)
The 3 Phases of Training
Trust Your Training
Break Smarter
Name Game
The Myth of the Natural
Chapter #3 - Battle In 5 Weeks
Cut to the Cool
Flip the Script
Wrecked Results
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Chapter #4 - Battle In 5 Days
Lab vs. Battle
Win Every Battle
Know Your Judges
Show What You Can Do
Chapter #5 - Battle In 5 Minutes
Psych Up
The 3 Big Questions
Break a Sweat
Fight or Flight?
Chapter #6 – Breakin' Rules: Street Dance
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Super Power Practice
This is book four of the four part Super Power
Practice series, custom designed to give you better,
faster results from your training!
It doesn't matter who you are, what style of street
dance you're learning, or what your current level of
experience is. No matter who you are, you need
four essentials in your practice sessions to make the
most progress in the least time:
#1 To make the fastest progress possible, you need a
great place to train and cook up your next batch of
funk! "Street Dance Studio Upgrade - The Lab"
breaks down, step by step, exactly how to affordably
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and effortlessly transform your practice spot into the
ultimate street dance studio.
No matter who you are, the better your dance studio,
the more progress you'll make and the faster you'll
With a foreword by Street Dance Pioneer Powerful
Pexster of the NYC Breakers, "Street Dance
Studio Upgrade - The Lab" dives deep into
everything you need to know to create your own
supreme street dance studio!
#2 Every dancer needs a clear understanding of
their street dance goals and how to achieve them.
"Street Dance Goals - The Next Level" teaches
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you, step by step, how to select the right street dance
goals for you and reach them in record time!
Whether you want to tighten up your footwork and
get props at a local jam, or master your airtrack to
flare combo and win an international battle, this
book will help you conquer every challenge in your
With a foreword by Street Dance Pioneer and
Strength Trainer BBoy Prizm of the Ground Zero
Crew, "Street Dance Goals - The Next Level"
gives you everything you need to take your street
dancing to the next level!
#3 You need the most effective practice skills and
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drills to get the fastest results. "Street Dance Skills
& Drills – BBoy Bootcamp" includes over 140
pages of the most powerful training techniques used
by your favorite street dancers all over the world!
Whoever you are, the better your practice sessions,
the more progress you'll make and the faster your
power and style will improve!
With a foreword by BBoy Pioneer Kujo of the Soul
Control and Ill-Abilities Crew, these proven
techniques break down everything you need to
accelerate your street dance results!
#4 The true energy of street dance comes out when
two dancers are giving their moves everything they
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have, fighting fiercely to come out on top. Showcase
performances and solo practice sessions are great,
but street dance feeds off of raw competition!
With a foreword by Street Dance Pioneer BBoy JoJo,
Co-Founder of the Rocksteady Crew, "Prepare For
Battle - Street Dance Secrets" goes deep into
everything you need to know to dominate your
battles! Learn step by step exactly what it takes to
"As someone who was there back in the day, this book spoke
to me. We all approach battles differently, and this book will
help you no matter what your style is." - JoJo
Improving any of these aspects of your street dance
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training will have a huge impact on your
development. Put them all together and you'll make
the fastest training progress of your life!
Check out the rest of the Super Power Practice
book series on to learn the most
effective steps to level up your game in each one of
these key areas: Upgrade your lab, choose and reach
your goals, and upgrade your skills and drills so you
can prepare for battle!
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Peace to all the bboys and bgirls, and I'd like to give
a special shout out to bboy Jimmy Dee, original
RSC, and BBoy Shorty Rock of the CC crew,
welcome back!
As someone who was there back in the day, this
book spoke to me. We all approach battles
differently, and this book will help you no matter
what your style is.
Back in the day I was an all around bboy, which
meant I did it all, from bboying to djing to
beatboxing to art on the train. Hip hop was still
growing, and I was right where I wanted to be, right
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in the middle of it all.
Every morning I would work out in my Mother's
living room on Grand Ave in the Bronx when she
was at work, then meet up with friends to see what
was going down for the night.
Damn I miss those days, when I would go to a jam
some kids would see me coming and say "Here we
I never was the one to just go off, I'd wait to see
who was the best and I'd go after him. I was never a
show off, because that'll come back and bite you in
the ass.
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I'm a bboy for life and I'll live the lifestyle till the day
I die. Peace out!
BBoy JoJo
Co-Founder of the Original Rocksteady Crew
CEO of Original Skills Crew Worldwide
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#4 Battle in 5
“Do not pray for easy lives. Pray
to be stronger men.” - John F.
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Lab vs. Battle
"Battles are like my kids, I don't lose them." - Alien Ness
In performances and battles, you want to look good,
so you'll stick to doing moves you know well. If all
your dancing is done in performances and battles,
your moves will improve but you won't get to do
new material.
If you notice yourself getting bored in your battles
and performances, put more time in the lab working
on moves that you don't know. Your moves will
stagnate if you don't put time in the lab.
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Win Every Battle
"Do you dance because of the music or because you want to
win? It's fun! That's why you dance! Not because you need
to beat this guy, but because it brings you joy." - Buddha
When I dance, I focus on having fun. I know that if
I enjoy myself it will come through in my dancing,
and the people watching will see it and feel it. I
know that if I have fun I'll want to keep doing it,
and I'll keep improving. No technique, secret, or
training is more important for your long- term
progress than loving dancing.
If someone beats me in a battle, but I had more fun
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that night, I wouldn't trade places with him. If you
focus purely on winning battles, no matter how good
you are, sometimes you'll accomplish your goal and
sometimes you won't.
If you focus purely on having fun, you will
accomplish your goal every time. Make your goal to
have fun and your energy and enthusiasm will show
in your dancing. This will lead to more frequent,
higher quality sessions, which will lead to faster
results. Focus on fun and improvement will follow.
"I never trust anyone who's more excited about success than
about doing the thing they want to be successful at." Randall Munroe
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Know Your Judges
"BBoying is an art. We're artists and we're putting ourselves
up to be judged. That's our choice so you have to be willing to
accept the loss or the win or whichever way it goes." Paranoid Android
Dance is an art, not a science, and personal
preference will always come into play. That means
that two different judges can watch the same battle
but disagree on who was better. I've never seen a
battle where the losers didn't complain about an
unfair outcome and bad judging.
But the truth is, even if the battle or audition was
close and could have gone either way, the losers
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deserved to lose for one simple reason. They didn't
make the decision easy on the judges. If you come
out and shine, hit every move perfectly, and outdo
your opponent on every level, you're going home the
winner. But, if you left any doubt as to who the
better dancer was on any level, then you left the
door open for a loss.
For most of us, it's unrealistic to beat our
competition on every single level, but we don't need
to do that to win. As dancers, we all have a wide
range of moves and strengths that we can cover.
With a little effort, you can find out exactly what the
judges want and emphasize those areas in your
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Judges have their own personal preferences, just like
all dancers do. All dancers have chosen their own
moves and styles because they are their favorites. So,
if you pay attention and watch carefully, you can find
out what the judges like and try your hardest to be
You should always dance like yourself, but you are
more likely to win battles when you emphasize the
areas of your style that the judges are looking for.
There are 3 easy ways to find out what the judges
want to see:
1) Ask: Before or between battles, just go up to the
judges and ask them what criteria they will be
judging on and what they want to see. Virtually all
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will be glad you asked and will be happy to tell you.
2) Watch how the judges judge. After a few
rounds, you will see patterns develop between all the
winning dancers. That pattern is what the judges are
looking for.
3) Watch how the judges dance. Battle judges are
usually advertised long before the date of the actual
event. Watch the judges dancing in DVDs, online, in
cyphers, and in showcases. Whatever defines their
dancing tells you what their ideal of what a dancer is.
Emphasize the common ground between what
defines your style and what defines the judges. If
they see some of themselves in your dancing style,
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they are going to like what they see and you are likely
to go home the winner.
Show What You
Can Do
"It is not necessary to try to beat or be better than your
opponent, but rather to show what you can do. Instead of
thinking 'Ok, I can beat this person,' one should be thinking
'Ok, that's what you can do, now let me show you what I can
do." - Alien Ness
When you battle, cypher, practice, or perform, you
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are not what you know. You are not what you've
learned. You are not what you've practiced. You are
only what you use. It won't help to have incredible
moves that you can't consistently pull off. You
want to be able to walk into a cypher, trust your
training, and nail any move that you do.
If your competitor is more advanced than you, that
doesn't take away from what you can do. But you
don't want to lose because you beat yourself, trying
moves you didn't know and falling out of them.
The confidence of knowing that any move you do
you will do well gives you an edge in battle. Stick to
the moves you can do as easily as walking and save
moves you're still learning for practices, not for
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"The posture becomes perfect, when the effort of achieving it
vanishes." - Yogabhashya
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#5 Battle in 5
"By failing to prepare, you are
preparing to fail." - Benjamin
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The dancers that win battles and stand out in
performances are not necessarily the ones who
practiced the most or know their moves the best.
They are often the ones that followed the right
strategies to prepare themselves mentally and
physically right before their performances.
Virtually no dancers can just flip a switch and
instantly go from a dead stop to all out intensity. All
dancers need to pysch themselves up and gradually
build up their energy. Typically, the dancers you see
that go from motionless to warp speed warmed up
earlier, away from watching eyes.
Some training strategies take weeks, months, or even
years to significantly improve your dancing. But, the
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5 to 10 minutes before your battle can determine
whether or not you win. The following are strategies
that the best of the best swear by and use for every
performance and battle.
Psych Up
"Everyone has the desire to win, but only champions have the
desire to prepare." - Wayne Short
Remind yourself of the personal milestones that
you've reached. Think about all of the time you
spent training, or how you felt the first time you
nailed your favorite freeze or move. Think about the
battles and performances you've done in the past, or
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the cyphers you've ripped up. Think of the props
you've received from crew members, teachers,
friends, family, or strangers. Think of the
instruction you've received in videos or in person.
Reminding yourself of your major accomplishments
and experiences as a dancer so far. Put your current
performance in perspective. Get in the right
mindset to add one more wins to your record.
But remember, if you don't shine in battle, this
performance does not define you as a dancer. You
have a long record to look back on and a long future
ahead of you. This long-range view takes your
attention away from stressing and helps you to relax
and enjoy the experience.
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As my mom always told me, ‘You are already successful, the
rest of the world just doesn’t know it yet." - Victor Wooten
Break a Sweat
Your heart and body can't go all out instantly. It
takes your heart, veins, and muscles time to prepare
to give their all. Don't walk into a performance cold;
you'll lack enthusiasm and run out of energy. Warm
up with light dance moves on the side for 5 to 15
minutes so that your body is fully prepared when it's
time to give your all.
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Fight or Flight?
Adrenaline is a powerful stimulant similar to
caffeine, and it can make you feel edgy and nervous.
When your mind tells your body that it has a
demanding physical task coming up, your body
releases adrenaline, which increases blood flow and
gets your heart pounding.
Your body switches to it's primitive caveman survival
instincts and assumes that it is getting ready for a
fight, or to run away from a predator. You know
that you're getting ready to dance, but it's easy to
interpret your light-headedness and thumping
heartbeat as signs of nervousness or fear. When you
think you are stressed or nervous, you will feel even
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more nervous, which is a vicious cycle that gets
worse and worse.
Break the cycle by being aware that what you're
feeling is natural, and it's just your body getting
ready to perform. Remind yourself that what you're
feeling is simply pent-up excitement and energy that
you're going to release on the dance floor. Focusing
on taking slow, deep breaths will help slow your
heart rate down and calm your nerves.
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#6 Breakin'
Rules: Street
Dance Manifesto
"Absorb what is useful, discard
what is not, add what is uniquely
your own." - Bruce Lee
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The techniques that I've covered will dramatically
speed up your results. That said, it's still valuable to
just freestyle on the floor and do what comes
The methods that I've discussed are not meant to
replace your freestyling but to speed up your results
so that you can enjoy street dance even more.
"I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun." Thomas A. Edison
If the added structure takes away from your love of
dancing, please shift the emphasis of your training
back to doing what you love.
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Even for professionals, dance should never feel like
Dance is play with purpose. Keep fun front and
center, gradually incorporating the secrets that I've
shared. I promise that you will make the fastest
progress of your life.
This book contains many of the most effective
secrets and strategies of the world's best street
dancers. Through CypherStyles, I've been fortunate
enough to learn tips and tricks from world
champions that will make a fast and powerful impact
on your progress.
If you have found this helpful, please keep it going
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and teach what you've learned to others.
Our community has a rich supply of culture and
knowledge that evolves every day. When we stop
changing, we die as an art form.
Evolution is what keeps street dance alive and that
evolution lies in you!
There is only one way to keep hip hop alive. You
have to go to war with it. You have to kill what hip
hop was, so it can become what it will be.
Hip hop was born as the voice of the
disenfranchised, unheard, and unseen. Refusing to
conform, and expressing what you truly feel is as hip
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hop as it gets.
Every revolutionary artist is attacked by the
established authorities, who have built their
reputations and careers saying that their own styles
are best.
Don't fall in line and let the haters stop you from
leaving your unique mark on the culture. There is
no evolution without revolution.
“Hip hop was created by kids. It's about time that the kids
of this culture take it back, because the creativity is with the
kids.” - Poe One
Hip hop isn't just what the pioneers created
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yesterday, it's what you make it tomorrow.
"The aim is not for my students to dance like me, but to
dance like themselves, to find their own style." - Roxrite
You're a link in a chain. Hip hop is yours. Take it.
Make your contribution to it. Give it to the next
generation better than you found it. Help street
dance live forever.
Hip hop means a lot of different things to a lot of
different people. Every hip hop artist can tell you
what hip hop means to him or her, but no one can
tell you what it should mean to you.
As long as you are representing what you believe,
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and what you feel, that's hip hip.
"If people are allowed total artistic freedom, and are able to
develop their own "foundations," some blessed individual may
stumble upon a whole new dance, as opposed to a mere
interpretation of an established dance form.
Where would we be if somebody, God forbid, had told Don
Campbell he was doing the Funky Chicken wrong, and
taught him the "correct" way? He broke the rules... but he's
revered, and rightfully so, as one of the pioneers of street
There will be another Don Campbell... there will be another
Bruce Lee... there will be another Charlie Parker." - Kujo
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You do you, that's my definition of hip hop. If you
disagree with this and hip hop means something else
to you, then that's your hip hop.
We are not a culture of followers; we are a culture of
artistic revolutionaries. We are lions, not sheep.
This is book four of the four part “Super Power
Practice” series, custom designed to give you better,
faster results from your training!
Check out the rest of the “Super Power Practice”
series on to learn about the most
effective steps to level up your game in each one of
these key areas:
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Book #1 Street Dance Studio Upgrade – The Lab
Book #2 Street Dance Goals – The Next Level
Book #3 Street Dance Skills and Drills – BBoy
Book #4 Ready to Battle – Street Dance Secrets
I believe every one of us deserves the opportunity to
lead our own personal revolution and redefine the
art of street dance in our own image.
If after reading my books, some are swayed to my
perspective, then there is no greater contribution
that I could have made to our community.
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Thank you for reading and for creating the street
dance culture of tomorrow.
"Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The
The round heads in the square holes. The ones who see things
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the
status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or
vilify them.
But the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they
change things. They push the human race forward. And while
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some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can
change the world, are the ones who do." - Jack Kerouac
I hope you've enjoyed this brief sample
preview. Please go to to
get the complete 97 page book and the rest
of the Super Power Practice series!
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