GOD MADE THE WORLD PART 4 : God made the animals Memory Verse : God made the world God ( Point up with both hands) made (bring hands to mouth like pretending to shout) the world ( make a big round circle with hands) Bible verse: Gen 1 v 20-24: The God said,” Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures , and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens”.So God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves , with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds , and every winged bird according to it’s kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying,”Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.” And there was evening and there was morning, the 5th day. And God said,” Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to their kinds-livestock and creeping things and beasts of the earth according to their kinds”. And it was so. And God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds and the livestock according to their kinds , and everything that creeps on the ground according to it’s kind. And God saw that it was good. Before the lesson: 1. Collect items for the activities you plan to use 2. Pray for the children in your class and for God’s direction in teaching the lesson-ASK God to open the eyes of the kids to the wonder of creation LESSON QUICK VIEW Arrival Activities: 10min Direct kids to an optional activity until everyone has arrived and settled. Write names onto stickers and place onto child’s clothes KIDS INVOLVEMENT Welcome time-from the leader and assistants Option 1: Play-dough Clean up song Welcome song Circle time- introduce each team member SUPPLIES NEEDED Play cd music Prayer time:1min Sing prayer song – pick a tot to pray Praise time:5min Get the kids to repeat the memo verse: God made the world with actions Sing 3 SONGS: 1)JUMP FOR JOY 2)HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS 3) Song of love (hillsong) sound system Bible story time: 5min Intro –who has been to the zoo? Treasure box – farm animals Gather the children to name animals and make the sounds of each animal. Introduce QUACK -he asks about what do the farm animals eat? Wave Quack goodbye Narrator tells story Teach memo verse-GOD MADE THE WORLD Treasure box with farm animals Puppet Quack Bible Activity: Animal mask Glue ,crayons, cutouts Roundup: Memo verse Stamp time Blow Bubbles Sound system Bubble gun Stamp and stamp pad Play time: Whilst roundup happens prepare coloured mats for play time : Option 1: animals Option 2: aninmals Option 3: books Animals Books Books about animals BIBLE STORY – Treasure box Open the treasure box by counting to 3-reveal the farm animals Talk about the farm animals – what are there names ? What sounds do they make? Tell them that today we are learning about how God made the animals! Introduce Quack to the children –allow the puppet to meet all the kids –give hugs and cuddles until everyone has had an encounter. Quack asks a question: What do the farm animals like to eat? Narrator: Not all the animals like to eat the same food. Horse like hay and some apples or carrots Cows like to eat grass Quack: Ducks like to eat little insects in the water! Sometimes I like eating seeds too and bread from the children who feed us at the pond. Narrator: YES –God made so many animals ! They all eat different things.. Quack says goodbye! Get the kids to wave goodbye . Assistant takes the treasure box and Quack away . Bring the tots back to story time. Settle the kids by playing the following game: Who can touch their noses! Who can touch their toes? Who can touch their elbows ? Who can touch their knees? Who can touch their heads? Who can touch their ears? Who can sit on the mat? Who can place their hands in their lap? STORY TIME - Bring out some books to show some animals – the variety of animals –maybe use some andsome feel books – or findvariety some pictures of – - Bring out some bookstouch to show animals – the of animals animals whichtouch you can maybe use some anddisplay feel books – or find some pictures of animals - Pretend to be a farm animals – ask the kids to guess what you are! which you can display - Now Itowant tell animals you how–God made the – God was so - Pretend be ato farm ask the kids toanimals guess what you are! happy with His you world butGod he had another good idea! if happy He - Now I want to tell how made the animals – GodWhat was so made somebut animals – big ones, good small idea! ones ,What fat ones , thin ones, tall with His world he had another if He made some ones,–funny ones, stripy ones , spotty – this tall wasones, goingfunny to be ones, so animals big ones, small ones , fat ones ,ones thin ones, much FUN! So god spoke and there were fishsoinmuch the sea, birds in the stripy ones , spotty ones – this was going to be FUN! So god skyand , animals land . . in . . the sea, birds in the sky , animals on land . . . spoke there on were fish - Sing MacDonald a farm - Sing oldold MacDonald hadhad a farm – – - OR children to act a few animals eg hop bunnies , - OR getget thethe children to act outout a few animals eg hop likelike bunnies , moo likeflya like cow,a fly likegallop a bird,like gallop like awalk horse, like an likemoo a cow, bird, a horse, likewalk an elephant Repeatelephant the memo verse – - Repeat the memo verse – GOD MADE THE WORLD Bible Activity FARM ANIMAL COLOURING BOOK Requirements: Copies of the farm animal pages Stapler Crayons Method: 1) Prepare the pages with the front cover of the animal colouring book. 2) Staple together 3) Children colour in the pages – with many to do at home! Bible Activity Lion Mask Requirements Copies of lion mask( cut out) Glue Paper plate Orange, yellow paper squares( 10 cm) Ice-cream sticks METHOD: 1) Glue the lion onto a paper plate. Cut out the eyes 2) Kids glue on the orange wool / orange /yellow cardboard scraps around the edge of the mask. 3) Attach ice-cream stick with cello-tape or attach elastic/string for securing around faces. (REMEMBER to avoid choking hazards) FARM ANIMALS COLOURING BOOK PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH YOUR TOT Memo verse : God made the world Part 4 God made the animals Have more fun – try to find some of the smaller things God made at home or in the park. It could include digging to find worms or discovering some other insects like flies, beetles, ants etc. Talk about the different birds you can see. Listen to the sounds of frogs croaking , crickets chirping , birds chirping etc. Or maybe get your toddler to help with some pet chores at home – take a moment to marvel at how unique each animal is and just how many are around us. Or maybe go to visit a zoo or animal park for a memorable outing you will all remember! PRECIOUS MOMENTS WITH YOUR TOT Memo verse : God made the world Part 4 God made the animals Have more fun – try to find some of the smaller things God made at home or in the park. It could include digging to find worms or discovering some other insects like flies, beetles, ants etc. Talk about the different birds you can see. Listen to the sounds of frogs croaking , crickets chirping , birds chirping etc. Or maybe get your toddler to help with some pet chores at home – take a moment to marvel at how unique each animal is and just how many are around us. Or maybe go to visit a zoo or animal park for a memorable outing you will all remember!