The new range: Private label apps for

The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
The new range: Private label apps for smartphones
Anyone that buys an iPhone, iPod Touch, BlackBerry or Android device will want to sit down afterwards to
acquaint themselves properly with their new purchase. This is because the real fun is personalising the
smartphone or MP3 player. Personalising is done with apps, the small programmes that appear on the screen as
icons. Games. Utilities. Catalogs. Educational. News. All in front position. Apps consequently represent a new
way of reaching interesting target groups. A2rt has already successfully proven this for organizations such as
MicroSoft, IBM, BBC, Sogeti and the VU University Amsterdam. .
The user welcomes you
On average, iPod Touch owners download about 12 apps per month. People with an iPhone add around 9
applications each month, of which 1.8 are purchased. Also users of cellphones that operate on Google Android
and Windows Mobile seem addicted to downloading apps.* The user is therefore constantly on the lookout for
enhancements to his or her most precious and indispensable lifeline with the rest of the world. And with your
strong private label apps, you will have a front seat.
*AdMob Mobile Metrics Report, januari 2010
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap
The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
Xperience 1: iBrush
Made for a dental specialist: iBrush. In three well-designed screens, everyone can
relearn how best to brush their teeth. Even handier is the built-in two-minute-countdown that ensures optimum brushing.
Practical, easy to understand and healthy
The success of this app: practical, very easy to understand and linking up with the
trend in health. What is required from your part: consult with A2rt about a suitable
private label app. The costs: with each static screen* costing an average of € 1,000,
you are looking at approximately € 3,000.
Production time: after receiving the green light, a demo will be ready in around 10
working days. Obviously this is just an example: we will build your private label app
completely according to your specifications.
Download iBrush here: iTunes Link.
*Definitive price per screen depends on the technical and graphical complexity
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap
The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
Get your own private label app in four steps
A2rt designs, develops and distributes your app. Or we can divide your project up into sections. Everything is possible in consultation.
Translate your marketing objective into an app
1. Together with A2rt, translate a characteristic element of your business operations into a possibly
much-coveted application. Examples: a sports sponsor ‘appt’ with up-to-date ratings, a Publisher
‘appt’ with a changing magazine cover, and a chain store ‘appt’ with weekly specials or a route
description to the nearest branch. Or you might prefer a game or utility that primarily supports your
organization’s image. For free or at a charge.
Make use of the unique features of the
2. Make use of the unique features of the smartphone, such as GPS, the digital compass, voice
control, tilting function or image and sound. This represents one of the most important differences
between an app and a mobile website: no copy of a heavy website, but a light, fast and user-friendly
smartphone application.
Experience the app as a user does
3. Review and assess the first graphic, detailed functional design and then the working demo.
Experience what a user experiences. And don’t allow your enthusiasm to tempt you to try more
complex models: keep your app as simple as possible.
Ready for launch on Apple, Android, Mobile or
BlackBerry platforms
4. Receive the final version of your static or dynamic private label app. Suitable for iPod, iPhone, and if desired, also for Google Android, Windows Mobile
and Blackberry devices. Ready for launch via iTunes, public apps forums, or targeted distribution to your own customers, subscriptions and prospects.
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap
The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
Xperience 2: Rhyme
Popular rhyming application. Originally designed for St. Valentines day, it has developed into an extremely
popular downloadable utility. Ideal for poems, songs and hip-hip tracks. The retrograde dictionary (arranged
back to front) displays all rhyming one, two and three-letter syllables and more.
Easy, wide applicability, fun
The success of this app: easy, wide applicability and a high entertainment value. What is required on your
part: consult with A2rt about an applicable private label app. The costs: at an average of € 1,500 per dynamic
screen*, around € 3.000. Production time**: following the green light, the demo will be ready after
approximately 10 working days. Of course, this is only an indication as we always build our customers'
application completely according to their specifications. .
Download Rhyme here: iTunes Link.
*Definitive price per screen depends on the technical and graphic complexity
**Definitive planning depends on the content of the supporting database
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap
The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
The intelligent users
Chris van Aart is a researcher and teacher at the VU Amsterdam University in Amsterdam.
His specialism: integrating various media, such as television and the Internet. He is a
prominent iPhone architect when it comes to mobile intelligence. As founder and CEO of, Chris is closely involved with virtually every private label app that the team
Dynamic environment of the university
The dynamic environment of the university offers a fantastic network of young,
smart people. Consequently, new apps are always developed and tested by a team of
young professionals who combine their in-depth technologic knowledge with their own
requirements and experiences as mobile users.
Relationship with the smartphonee
Chris on the developments in mobile apps: “Smartphones has grown from a functional
device to an emotion extension of your personality. Here are the results of a user survey
into the relationship users have with their smartphones. The words say enough. However,
as an app publisher, you will always have to choose the smartest strategy. A helpful tool
for determining your level of ambition with regard to your private label app is to segment it
into essential, optional and fun in combination with target group selection.”
Contact us:
via Email:
or iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap
The new range
Xperience1: iBrush
Your private label app
Xperience 2: Rhyme
The A2rt-team
Xperience 3: Mission
Xperience 3: Mission statement generator
The me-too application for your business relations: the mission statement generator.
Thirty questions lead the user to a ready-to-use motto for his or her organization. It
has never been so easy to formulate a vision, mission or strategy!
And of course this question and answer app can be used in countless ways. Building a
dream home, for example that completely meets the user's requirements and family
situation. Or a virtual crystal ball that predicts the future using a person’s distinguishing
Professional, up-to-date and convenient
The success of this app: suitable for professional purposes, always up-to-date and
convenient to use. What is required on your part: consult with A2rt about an applicable
private label app. The costs: at an average of € 1,500 per dynamic screen*, around €
4,500. Production time**: following the green light, the demo will be ready after
approximately 15 working days. Of course, this is only an indication as we always build
our customers' application completely according to their specifications.
Download Mission generator here: iTunes Link.
* Definitive price per screen depends on the technical and graphic complexity
** Definitive planning depends on the content of the supporting database
A2rt works for Microsoft, IBM, Sogeti, BBC, RAI Uno, VU University and many other.
A2rt - E: - iPhone: +31 6 50 86 96 31 - VU Office U350, De Boelelaan 1081, Amsterdam - Chamber of commerce: 17229294 - sitemap