E-FILED 1 2 Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM David H. Yamasaki 5 Michael Millen Attorney at Law (#151731) 119 Calle Marguerita Ste. 100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 Telephone: (408) 871-0777 Fax: (408) 866-7480 email: MikeMillen@aol.com 6 Attorney for Plaintiff 3 4 Chief Executive Officer/Clerk Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 By R. Walker, Deputy 7 8 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 FORREST HUFF, Plaintiff, v. SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA, INC., and DOES 1 TO 50, Defendants. NO.: 110CV172614 SUPPLEMENTAL DECLARATION OF MICHAEL MILLEN, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT’S MOTION FOR PROTECTIVE ORDER Date: August 1, 2014 Time: 9:00 a.m. Judge: Kirwan Dept.: 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Michael Millen, Esq. 119 Calle Marguerita #100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 871-0777 SUPP. DECL. OF MICHAEL MILLEN, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF P’S OPPO. TO D’S MOT. FOR PROT. ORDER 110CV172614 E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 I, Michael Millen, Esq., hereby declare: 2 1. I am licensed attorney and represent plaintiff in this proceeding. 3 2. On July 15, 2014, I attended and asked questions at the deposition of Beth Hansen, Vice 4 5 President of Information Technology for defendant Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. 3. A court reporter transcribed the deposition and I purchased a copy of the transcript from 6 her. True and correct copies of excerpts of the certified transcript she transmitted to me are 7 attached hereto as Exhibit A. 8 9 4. In regard to the Worked Hours reports, Ms. Hansen stated the following: a. An employee can generate a Worked Hours report by entering a query into SUSA’s 10 SAFES computer system. This is done by going to the proper screen, entering a date range, 11 selecting the employee of interest from a drop-down menu, and then hitting a button to run the 12 report. (Depo 59:21-60:21; 64:19-65:4.) 13 b. One person could print 57 Worked Hours reports in less than an hour if they used any 14 one of several techniques, such as (1) having multiple terminals next to each other, (2) opening 15 multiple instances of the Citrix communication protocol (Depo 13:13-19), or (3) getting help from 16 someone else who logged in as them. (Depo 84:2-24.) 17 c. A person who wanted to rapidly print out 10 Worked Hours reports in succession 18 could do so by logging in to the system on multiple PC’s stationed next to each other (65:19-25.) 19 In theory, ten laptops could be set up on a long table and the employee could go from machine to 20 machine to enter queries but the infrastructure group would need to confirm whether there are any 21 system limitations. (Depo. 66:13-67:19.) 22 d. Ms. Hansen’s declaration ¶6, in which she says that printing out 42,000 worked hours 23 reports would take 21,000 hours (30 min. each), did not take into account that one person could run 24 multiple reports at once (Depo. 119:10-121:19) 25 26 e. After a Worked Hours report is run, the results can be delivered in a computer PDF file instead of being printed. (Depo. 136:9-137:6.) 27 28 Michael Millen, Esq. 119 Calle Marguerita #100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 871-0777 SUPP. DECL. OF MICHAEL MILLEN, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF P’S OPPO. TO D’S MOT. FOR PROT. ORDER 110CV172614 Page 1 E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 f. The “Run” information in the upper-left corner of each Worked Hours report shows 2 either the time the report was “kicked out” by the computer system or the time that it was printed. 3 (Depo. 79:16-80:1.) 4 5 6 7 g. The “Printed By” notation at the bottom of the Worked Hours report is the name of the person who printed the report. (Depo. 80:16-81:17.) 5. In regard to Friday / Saturday work history information, Ms. Hansen stated the following: 8 a. Reports currently exist which will show the hours an employee worked each calendar 9 day. By paging through the reports one could then determine the Fridays and Saturdays worked. 10 (Depo. 121:20-122:15) 11 b. The “specific question” Ms. Hansen was answering in her declaration relating to this 12 Friday/Saturday issue was “is there a report that has Fridays and Saturdays?”, and not “whether you 13 could run another reports [sic] and look through it for Fridays and Saturdays” such as a with a 14 schedule. (Depo 122:20-123:9.) 15 c. Ms. Hansen recalls that SAFES has a scheduling report which lists the calendar days 16 an employee worked (Depo. 123:4-20) but she admitted that she “do[es]n’t have enough 17 recollection or knowledge about reports which show particular days that were worked to really 18 comment upon what would be feasible or not feasible to print out at this point in time.” (Depo. 19 124:1-7) 20 d. Ms. Hansen’s estimate of 480 hours to design, produce, and implement a brand new 21 Friday/Saturday-only report was a premature estimate because she was not provided with “clear 22 specs” and a chance to go over this with her team. (Depo. 124:8-125:4; 128:15-129:7.) 23 6. Ms. Hansen readily described the process she would use to generate two comprehensive 24 employee lists for each branch (one with employees who worked between May 21, 2009 and July 25 15, 2010, and one with those worked from July 16, 2010, to the present). (Depo. 87:4-89:15.) 26 27 28 Michael Millen, Esq. 119 Calle Marguerita #100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 871-0777 SUPP. DECL. OF MICHAEL MILLEN, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF P’S OPPO. TO D’S MOT. FOR PROT. ORDER 110CV172614 Page 2 E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 2 3 VERIFICATION I know the contents of the above declaration and declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 4 5 Dated: July 17, 2014 6 MICHAEL MILLEN 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Michael Millen, Esq. 119 Calle Marguerita #100 Los Gatos, CA 95032 (408) 871-0777 SUPP. DECL. OF MICHAEL MILLEN, ESQ. IN SUPPORT OF P’S OPPO. TO D’S MOT. FOR PROT. ORDER 110CV172614 Page 3 E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA FORREST HUFF, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES ) USA, INC., AND DOES 1 TO 50, ) ) Defendants. ) _______________________________) Case No. 110CV172614 DEPOSITION OF BETH HANSEN Sherman Oaks, California Tuesday, July 15, 2014 10:55 A.M. - 2:45 P.M. BY: JANNEA MCCLURE CSR NO. 13718 Ex. A IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 SHERMAN OAKS, CALIFORNIA; TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2014 2 10:55 A.M. - 2:45 P.M. 3 4 BETH HANSEN, 5 having solemnly stated to tell the truth, 6 was examined and testified as follows: 7 8 EXAMINATION 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BY MR. MILLEN: Q. Could you please state your name and spell your last name. A. Beth Hansen. I'll actually spell Beth too. B-E-T-H, H-A-N-S-E-N. Q. Thank you. Ms. Hansen, my name is Michael 16 Millen. 17 former employee of Securitas named Forrest Huff. 18 here today to ask you some questions about computer 19 systems, reports, the SAFES system, and other various 20 IT matters related to Securitas Security -- 21 Securitas -- well, whatever the name is of this "SUSA" 22 organization that we call Securitas. 23 24 25 I am an attorney, and I am representing a I'm Have you ever had your deposition taken before? A. Yes. 5 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 A. So they're in our computer room, and Citrix 2 controls the access into -- particularly SAFES -- but 3 into SAFES. 4 computer room, but SAFES is accessed by the field 5 offices to run their offices. 6 So SAFES is actually sitting in the same And PeopleSoft -- SAFES used to be a 7 different type of system, and it was actually in 8 offices, and it had to -- back in the old days -- dial 9 up. Now it's just sitting in the same room, and then 10 when it's ready to send information, it uses -- I 11 think it's using FTP. 12 transmits the data across the room into PeopleSoft. 13 Q. Okay. It just kind of, like, So let me see if I understand this. 14 user who wants to access data which is inside of the 15 SAFES system uses their PC to log in to your data 16 center's Citrix system? 17 A. Well, Citrix is really more -- we look at it 18 they log into SAFES, but they're using Citrix as the 19 communication protocol. 20 Q. A But I mean -- let me see here. Citrix -- if 21 I understand, Citrix is kind of like a virtual desktop 22 that it sets up for a user? 23 what Citrix is? 24 25 A. Is that a fair way to put I'm not sure if that's the right terminology, and I'm not super technical on the hardware end of it, 13 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 2 answering requests for information. Q. Is this something that happens with some 3 regularity -- that field offices ask your group to 4 come up -- to create a new report that they can access 5 on the SAFES system? 6 A. The field offices don't really ask for a lot 7 of new reports, and we're working on a set of 8 projects. 9 not do it unless it was something deemed to be needed So if one office wanted something, we might 10 by many because there's a cost benefit to every 11 request or every change we make on our systems. 12 13 Q. Understood. To your knowledge, has anyone in your organization -- excuse me. 14 Has anyone who works for Securitas ever 15 directed a request to your organization inside 16 Securitas that some sort of automated report system be 17 made that could do multiple reports at once from a 18 SAFES report instead of having to run each report and 19 then run the next report? 20 A. No. 21 Q. So as an example, let's take the one report 22 that I'm familiar with, which is called the "worked 23 hours report." 24 25 You know this report? A. Yes, I know this report. 59 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 Q. Okay. I figured. My understanding is this 2 report is run by a person, logs into the SAFES system 3 and some sort of a query screen comes up where the 4 employee information is entered and a date range; is 5 that true? 6 A. I think so. 7 Q. And do you know is it an employee name or 8 9 employee number? A. I believe that there's a drop-down. I don't 10 know that they can actually enter the name or number 11 directly. 12 to select it. 13 Q. I think there's a drop-down, and you have That's how I've seen it run. So when you've seen worked hours run, what 14 you've seen is there's a drop-down menu that has every 15 single employee? 16 one or the other? 17 A. Or do you mean you choose between Maybe I didn't -- That would depend on your access. So if you 18 only have access to a certain department, it would 19 just show the employees in that department. 20 have access to the whole system, it would potentially 21 show every employee. 22 Q. If you But if you have access to the whole system 23 and you click on a drop-down and there's 15,000 names 24 on there, how would you ever select one? 25 A. There's only a few people that have access to 60 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 the PC would actually automatically be able to 2 manipulate things on the screen with Citrix never even 3 knowing? 4 5 6 7 A. I've never heard of anything like that; so I wouldn't know. Q. Okay. Fair enough. Now, after the report is made -- well, first, let me go over this. 8 Would it be fair to say that choosing which 9 report to run just takes a matter of seconds because 10 it's simply a matter of drop-down menu, time period 11 selection, and you're done with all the data entry to 12 get the report? 13 14 Is that fair to say? MS. SHAVIT: Objection. Overbroad. Incomplete hypothetical. 15 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure how many menus 16 they have to go through to get to that report. 17 they might have to make a few menu selections. 18 BY MR. MILLEN: 19 Q. Okay. So But after making a few menu 20 selections, when the report itself comes up, the only 21 thing that our worker needs to put in in order to 22 generate a worked hours report is selection from the 23 drop-down plus the time periods? 24 A. I believe that's all he has to put in. 25 Q. Okay. Then at that point what button is on 64 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 the screen that basically commits that query to cause 2 the computer to start generating a file -- a report? 3 4 A. I'm not sure what the button says, but they basically hit something to run the report. 5 Q. Okay. Now, when that happens, does the user 6 have to stay in front of the machine, or can the 7 report run without the user doing anything else? 8 9 A. The report runs, and then it comes back to them, and I think they then have a choice of printing 10 it to a printer or to a PDF. 11 can run them to the screen; so I'm not sure if that's 12 one. Some of the reports you They might have a choice. 13 Q. To do that as well? 14 A. Right. 15 Q. Okay. So tell me -- so after this okay or 16 commit button is hit and the query is sent, what -- 17 can the employee now type in the next query? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Okay. They have to wait. So if an employee had -- so if 20 somebody wanted to run ten reports in rapid 21 succession, how would they do it -- ten worked hour 22 reports in rapid succession? 23 A. They would run one at a time. They could log 24 on multiple -- if they that had more than one PC, they 25 could log onto more than one PC. 65 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 Q. Can one PC allow another Citrix login? 2 A. I don't know. 3 Q. So as I understand it, your testimony is 4 you're unsure whether one desktop PC can have multiple 5 instances of the Citrix system running at the same 6 time? 7 A. Yeah, I'm not sure. 8 Q. To your knowledge, is there anything in the 9 10 11 12 13 Citrix system which prevents someone from logging in from two different computer systems at the same time? A. I'm not sure, but I don't think it prevents that. Q. Okay. So if I understand it correctly, it 14 would be, in theory, possible to set up ten laptops on 15 our long -- this is probably a 20-foot table in this 16 room. 17 logged into a Citrix system, and then one could go to 18 the first laptop, enter the query, commit it, then go 19 to the next laptop, enter the query, hit commit all 20 the way down the line. 21 One could set up ten laptops. Each one is And in each instance the machine would 22 eventually, after time passed, generate the report, 23 and a box would come up saying "Where would you like 24 the report delivered?" 25 A. Correct. I don't know if there's a limit on 66 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 2 3 how many you can set up, but yes. Q. Who would know if there's a limit in your organization? 4 A. Our Infrastructure group. 5 Q. I don't think that was a group we talked 6 about, but maybe that's because there's no programmers 7 in it? 8 A. Right. 9 Q. Okay. 10 So there's a group called the Infrastructure group. 11 And would it be safe to say that, if there 12 was some limit, the Infrastructure group knows how to 13 grant an exception if it was specially requested to 14 that? 15 A. The limit might -- there may be a hard limit 16 depending on number of licenses, or there also -- you 17 could also exceed if you have two many queries going 18 against the database at the same time. 19 down the system. 20 Q. You said too many queries? 21 A. Queries. 22 23 24 25 You could slow Because each one of those executes a query. Q. Are there certain times -- that is what I wanted to ask. Is there a certain time when the system is 67 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 Huff 0820." 2 I'll just point for you. 3 that a Bates number; so the first page is 820. 4 look to the right, that's 821. 5 the page, you'll see -- so 820, 821 -- if you flip the 6 page -- can I have you flip it for me -- 822, 823, and 7 on and on it goes until, if you turn to the very last 8 page, it goes to 970. 9 10 And do you see at the bottom -- yeah, Yeah, there you go. We call If you If you kind of flip So this is every page your attorneys gave me that were Bates-stamped 820 to 970. 11 A. Okay. 12 Q. Now, do these appear to be the worked hour 13 reports which your SAFES system is capable of 14 producing? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. All right. Now, let me ask you several 17 questions about this. 18 corner on this very first page, do you see where it 19 says "Run 11 slash 01 slash 2011 space 2:32 p.m."? First, in the upper left-hand 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. What does that mean when a worked hours 22 report says that in the upper left corner next to 23 "run"? 24 A. 25 I believe that's either when the report kicked out off or when it was printed. I'm not sure 79 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 which. 2 Q. Okay. Now, at the very bottom of this first 3 report on the left side of the first page of 4 Exhibit 6, which is Bates 820, do you see almost near 5 the very bottom it says "Printed by Burden, comma, 6 Matthew A?" 7 A. Uh-huh, yes. 8 Q. Okay. 9 10 And if you look on the right-hand side, does this appear to be the second page of the same report on the same employee? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. And in fact, if you flip the page over and There's one of four and two of four. 13 look on the back side, again, do you see pages 3 and 4 14 of the same report? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. Okay. Now, I note on the bottom of each page 17 in the same area it says "Printed by Burden, comma, 18 Matthew A." 19 20 21 22 23 What does it signify that there was a name next to the phrase "printed by"? A. I would think that that's the person that printed it. Q. Okay. Is it normal that reports have the 24 name on them of a person who logged in to run the 25 query? 80 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 MS. SHAVIT: 2 THE WITNESS: Objection. 3 it on all reports so -- 4 BY MR. MILLEN: Overbroad. I don't know. I haven't seen 5 Q. But you've seen it on some reports? 6 A. No. 7 Q. Say that again? 8 A. I haven't really noted it before. 9 Q. It could have been, you just didn't see it? 10 A. Yeah. 11 Q. Okay. I haven't really noted it before. But would you say that, under the 12 normal course of things -- and like I said, I will 13 represent that this is an undoctored work hours report 14 from your attorneys -- that more likely than not, the 15 name next to "printed by" is the name of the person 16 who logged in to print it? 17 A. I would think so. 18 Q. Okay. Now, I will represent to you -- and 19 during the break, you and your attorney are free to 20 look -- that everything single page of Exhibit 6 at 21 the very bottom says "Printed by Burden, Matthew A." 22 Every -- the left side of every page, the right side 23 of every page, and the back side of every page. 24 all is printed by the this person named apparently 25 Matthew Burden. It 81 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 2 BY MR. MILLEN: Q. Okay. So you see how it starts at 2:32 p.m. 3 on the first page and the last page is 3:22 p.m. on 4 the very back of the last page? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. Okay. Now, can you tell me how one person, 7 Matthew Burden, was able to print out 57 of these 8 reports that we've just seen here in less than one 9 hour? 10 11 MS. SHAVIT: speculation. 12 Objection. Calls for Assumes facts not in evidence. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I'm not sure. I don't 13 know if he ran them off of multiple terminals or if -- 14 BY MR. MILLEN: 15 Q. So one way he could do reports with this 16 speed would be to have multiple terminals next to each 17 other like we talked about? 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. Okay. 20 21 And another way would be to have multiple instances of Citrix open, if that's possible? A. Right. And although it's highly discouraged, 22 someone could have -- he could have had somebody 23 logging in as him and kicking off some as well. 24 don't know. 25 Q. I I wasn't there. Okay. I understand. All right. Now, if 84 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 Incomplete hypothetical. 2 3 4 THE WITNESS: I don't know, to be honest. BY MR. MILLEN: Q. Okay. All right. Now, I'd like to kind of 5 shift our discussion now to the present period of 6 time. 7 and you've already saw one order from a judge -- but 8 assumes there's a new order that comes out in a few 9 weeks from now, say, on August 1st of 2014. Let's assume that the judge enters an order -- 10 And the order asks you to generate two lists 11 of employees as to each branch. 12 employees who at least worked one day between May 21, 13 2009 and July 15th, 2010; and the other list is an 14 employee who worked at least one day between 15 July 16th, 2010 to the present. 16 two lists -- pre-July 15, post-July 15. 17 18 19 One list should be So for every branch, How would you generate such a list for each branch? A. I would talk the -- well, I would go and talk 20 to the SAFES programmers, and I would ask them if they 21 could generate -- and I would ask them for a time 22 estimate. 23 that worked on a certain branch that worked a day, I 24 would ask my PeopleSoft programmers the same thing. 25 And since you're just looking for everybody Because if you're just asking for a week time 87 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 period, then you don't really care about a particular 2 day; so I would just see if they worked within any of 3 the pay periods. 4 pay detail. 5 Q. I would go off of the check -- the Would it be safe to say that that query -- 6 what level of complexity is that query that you just 7 talked about? 8 9 A. I'm not sure about the SAFES because I have never programmed in SAFES; so I have to rely on what 10 they tell me. 11 much complex as it is time consuming because they have 12 to go through the check detail files, and those are 13 the files that we save off quarterly. 14 On the PeopleSoft side, it's not as So they basically have to write a program 15 that goes through the file, and then they usually 16 create a staging table, and then they start putting a 17 person's name. 18 in a check date, you know, when the person was paid. 19 If you only want to know that the person was paid, as 20 soon as they get a hit, they would probably stop 21 looking for that person, or they would just create a 22 file of all the check dates. 23 And usually what I have them do is put But it would be time consuming because they'd 24 have to go through each quarterly file. 25 on the time period you're asking for, there would be a So depending 88 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 quarterly file for, you know -- so if it's a year, 2 they'd have to search through four files. 3 Q. And if we want to go back to May of 2009, 4 that would be about 20, 22, something like that? 5 Maybe 22 files you would have to look at? 6 A. Right. So they would put the date into a 7 staging table, and then they would either produce a 8 file or a report off of it. 9 Q. Could that particular list we just talked 10 about be generated as some sort of a text delimited 11 file? 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. Because when the programmers are doing it, 14 you have some flexibility versus on the SAFES screen 15 where it's set to be what it is? 16 A. 17 way it is. 18 and it wasn't set up to produce like so. 19 Q. Right. The SAFES is just set. This is the And it wasn't set -- it's an older system, Understood. Understood. Okay. Now, let's 20 assume that, from that, we wind up with these lists of 21 employees who worked at least a day, and now you are 22 given a new list. 23 Oh, by the way, that list -- when you say 24 employee name, you can also easily put an employee 25 number? 89 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 take a look at that. 2 to look at. That is the next thing I wanted 3 MR. MILLEN: 4 (Exhibit 7 marked) 5 6 BY MR. MILLEN: Q. 7 8 So 7 is the next one. All right. So this is Exhibit 7. Do you recognize this as the declaration you signed a few weeks ago for this case? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Okay. Now, couple questions. Let's go ahead 11 and start -- let me ask you about paragraph 6. 12 paragraph 6 you said that, to do 42,000 worked hours 13 reports for current and former employees, you 14 estimated a project would take about 21,000 man hours. 15 In Now, would you say that, since one person 16 could run multiple queries in a half hour using some 17 of the techniques we've discussed, that probably 18 that's -- it could be done faster than that? 19 20 MS. SHAVIT: Objection. Calls for speculation. 21 THE WITNESS: I don't really know because I 22 wasn't thinking of that at the time I gave this 23 estimate and -- so I'm not really sure. 24 BY MR. MILLEN: 25 Q. So would it be safe to say, Ms. Hansen, that 119 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 at the time you gave this estimate, you were simply 2 thinking of idea of one person enters a query, they're 3 no longer able to use their machine because the system 4 is going through all the records, and that they will 5 not have access again to their machine until about a 6 half hour when it's gone through all the records and 7 made the report? 8 A. Correct. 9 Q. Okay. But you'd agree, during the time that 10 a report is running, an employee is free to do other 11 tasks if they so choose? 12 13 MS. SHAVIT: Objection. Overbroad. Calls for speculation. 14 THE WITNESS: It would depend on if they're 15 good at multitasking. I mean, some employees may be 16 able to do other things, but a lot of times if I'm 17 doing something important, and I try to do more than 18 one thing at a time, you know, then I forget where I 19 am. 20 BY MR. MILLEN: 21 Q. Well, let me ask you this -- 22 A. I didn't put that kind of thought into this. 23 I just was asked, if you had to produce this many 24 reports, how long would it take. 25 Q. But you'd agree that an employee -- that a 120 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 typical employee could do more than simply stare at 2 the screen for a half hour while the computer is out 3 gathering all these records? 4 A. I'd agree that they could probably do 5 something else during that timeframe unless they were 6 dedicating that time period to -- you know, they came 7 in overtime or something to run the reports. 8 that's probably what they would be doing. 9 Q. I understand. Then What I mean is is that -- how 10 can I put this? 11 walking a dog, if your job is to walk the dog, it 12 doesn't really matter what the dog is doing. 13 pretty much -- about all you can do is walk the dog as 14 you're walking the dog. 15 walk yourself, dog, and I'll be" -- you walk the dog. 16 But when an employee is running one of these What I'm saying is this. When you're You You can't just, you know, "Go 17 reports, they are not at tethered to the computer -- 18 is that fair to say? 19 A. That's fair to say. 20 Q. Okay. All right. Now, let me ask you about 21 paragraph 7 on page 3. 22 mention in Exhibit 7, page 3, paragraph 7 is "SUSA 23 does not currently have a report that shows all 24 Fridays and Saturdays when each employee worked." 25 Now, the first sentence you And if I recall -- let me stop on that 121 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 sentence -- but if I recall the rest of your testimony 2 you've given today, there may be reports which 3 generate some aspect of Friday, Saturday information, 4 but you can't remember exactly which reports and what 5 they show? 6 A. Correct. I think there's reports that will 7 print, you know, so it would have your name on it and 8 the hours you worked across days. 9 confirmed time report displays that, but it doesn't I think the 10 just -- you can't -- I don't think you can run it and 11 say "Just show me the weeks that they worked Friday 12 and Saturday." 13 know, page through the reports. 14 asked is if there's a report that shows Fridays and 15 Saturdays -- 16 It would take a human to then, you MS. SHAVIT: The question I was Well, hold on, hold on, hold on. 17 Don't talk about any discussions that you've had with 18 an attorney, please. 19 BY MR. MILLEN: 20 Q. Okay. 21 A. Well, I was asked to give an estimate. So -- 22 that's how I read it. 23 has Fridays and Saturdays? So Like, is there a report that 24 Q. I understand. 25 A. That was the specific question I was 122 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 answering. 2 and look through it for Fridays and Saturdays, that 3 would be a different topic. 4 Q. So whether you could run another reports So do you think it would be feasible -- let's 5 say -- so we run Employee Smith, and it has all the 6 days -- all the calendar days that Employee Smith 7 worked. 8 That's a report you believe can be made? 9 A. I think it prints it like a schedule. 10 Q. For multiple months? 11 A. I wouldn't know if you could run that for a 12 longer time period or if you have to run it pay period 13 by pay period. 14 reports you can put a beginning and end date in it. 15 Some reports you can only run them for certain pay end 16 date. 17 I'm not sure of that. A lot of the Some reports you can -- we've limited them or 18 you can only run them for, like, a quarter or a year 19 so that we don't have what they call runaway queries, 20 where, you know -- 21 Q. I see. 22 A. Yes. 23 24 25 Goes back to the dawn of time. So I don't run that report; so I don't remember what the parameters are for that report. Q. Okay. So let's assume that -- let me put it this way. 123 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 So would it be safe to say that, as you sit 2 here today, you don't have enough recollection or 3 knowledge about reports which show particular days 4 that were worked to really comment upon what would be 5 feasible or not feasible to print out at this point in 6 time? 7 A. Correct. 8 Q. Okay. 9 That's understood. Now, but let's go on with what you indicated you were kind of tasked to 10 do, which was to come up with a Friday, Saturday 11 report, which I understand you've indicated kind of 12 what your basis was as you answered this. 13 The second sentence of paragraph 7 on page 3 14 of Exhibit 7 says "To create such a report, SUSA would 15 have would have to design and program a new report 16 which, without specific specifications, is estimated 17 to require six to eight weeks of analysis design, 18 programming, testing to complete, plus the time to run 19 on multiple databases and store the reports on CDs 20 would take an additional two to three weeks." 21 So we've talked a little bit about -- you've 22 done a helpful job of explaining kind of processes you 23 go through as you come up with this new report 24 situation. 25 But would it be safe to say that the six to 124 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 eight week estimate, in terms of how many hours it 2 would take each week, you're not in a possession to 3 really talk about today? 4 A. Correct. 5 Q. Okay. And if the report did what I 6 suggested, which is it simply receives a list of -- 7 excuse me. 8 9 If a report did what I suggested in which the input was a list of employee numbers, such that the 10 report would automatically do one after the other 11 after the other, that probably wouldn't take two to 12 three weeks to run on 1,600 employees? 13 14 15 16 A. two to three weeks to run. Q. 19 Okay. Maybe I didn't quite understand what the two to three weeks took. 17 18 Well, I wasn't -- I never said it would take I apologize. Could you explain to me what was the additional two to three weeks. A. That was to -- I wasn't sure how large, how 20 many reports or people or whatever, right? 21 would take us six to eight weeks to run it, and I 22 figured -- okay. 23 sometimes people think a lot of reports can fit on a 24 CD, and they don't all fit on a CD. 25 CD, I have to have somebody sit there and put a -- so So it Depending on how much data it is, And you know, a 125 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 do it, that would be my preference. 2 If I had to find an outside resource, problem 3 with that is there's not a lot of Delphi resources, 4 you know, single server resources. 5 a combination. 6 the data into, like -- there's all kinds of stuff -- 7 into Oracle file and then find Oracle resource to help 8 us. 9 So sometimes I use I might be able to get them to dump But I would have to have the clear definition 10 of what was needed in what timeframe so I could make 11 a -- you know, and I was asked to give a time and 12 dollar estimate. 13 $100 to $200 an hour for an outside resource to give 14 an idea of what a cost would be. 15 Q. So I generally use a standard of But would it be safe to say that, at this 16 point, as far as the 480 man hours, in light of what 17 we said, would it be safer to say that it might take 18 that long but it's really too early to tell because we 19 haven't done enough research on the project yet? 20 mean, is that fair to say? 21 22 23 A. I That's fair to say that I don't know what the exact hours would be and this is an estimate. Q. My question isn't just do you not know what 24 the exact hours are. 25 who can predict anything with precision like that. I understand that. I don't know 128 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 My question is, to even come up with 50 hours 2 versus 480 hours, given what you mentioned earlier 3 which is you haven't had the opportunity to spend some 4 time with your team to go over it in detail, wouldn't 5 you say that it's probably premature to even come up 6 with that level estimate right now but you could after 7 you'd had a chance to meet? 8 9 10 11 A. Correct. Normally I wouldn't want to give an estimate until I had clear specs, but I was asked to give an estimate. Q. Okay. Let's say that the judge entered an 12 order that your team was to meet and confer with a 13 computer expert from my side to work out how to do 14 this thing that we've been talking about -- this 15 Friday, Saturday report. 16 Judge says, you know, "Meet and confer, and everybody 17 try to get along. 18 Just try to get along." 19 Just assume that happens. Don't throw things at each other. What kind of expertise would make it easiest 20 for you to be able to talk your techie talk, to not 21 have to spend a lot of time explaining things so that 22 you could meet with a knowledgeable person from my 23 team to talk about "Here's what we can do. 24 too much. 25 doable"? That's not reasonable. This is Yeah, that's 129 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 just so then I can have -- I have a whole team of 2 other programmers that can format a pretty report. 3 But you're not talking about a formatted pretty report 4 so -- 5 Q. Okay. 6 A. So I would still have the SAFES people go I understand. I understand. 7 through and do the algorithm to find the Fridays and 8 Saturdays. 9 Q. Okay. I understand. All right. Let me 10 double check and see if there's anything else. 11 have a question. 12 report delivery. 13 I did I was a little curious about this So we have our employee who is this Citrix. 14 They call up -- let's use the worked hours report. 15 They call up the worked hours report. 16 query. 17 passes. 18 19 20 They enter the They hit this okay commit button. Time And what comes on the screen to tell them your report's ready? A. Apparently a prompt comes back on the screen, 21 and I believe it asks them if they want to save it to 22 a PDF file or print it. 23 actually more of the time, depending on the size of 24 the database, if you're running it at a time when the 25 computer is on a heavy load, the first part will take Then they answer that, and 136 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 considerable time. 2 If you're running it at a time when the 3 computer's not at a considerable load, then the 4 majority of the time is -- it goes off and spins and 5 either prints the report, sends it to a spool queue 6 and prints it, or it creates the PDF. 7 Q. Okay. When you say -- you say yes, please 8 create the PDF, does this get saved in -- on a local 9 device or in a Citrix virtual desktop folder? 10 A. I believe it gets saved on a network drive 11 that's part of the SAFES system. 12 a file -- Citrix is just the communication software 13 that allows a PC to log onto SAFES. 14 Q. Okay. Citrix doesn't have Then if somebody wants to copy from 15 the network drive to, let's say, a portable two-and-a- 16 half-inch hard drive that they've put into the USB 17 port of their local computer, it's possible to copy 18 from the network drive onto a USB device? 19 A. Our Infrastructure group would have to do 20 that because we have a lot of encryption and safety 21 controls in place. 22 employee to run our customer file and then save it 23 onto a disk and then leave the company with it. 24 also wouldn't want them to save confidential employee 25 information onto any local devices. For instance, we wouldn't want an We So we have a lot 137 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC. E-FILED: Jul 17, 2014 11:23 AM, Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Case #1-10-CV-172614 Filing #G-64528 1 REPORTER'S CERTIFICATE 2 3 I, Jannea McClure, CSR No. 13718, a Certified 4 Shorthand Reporter within and for the State of 5 California, do hereby certify: 6 That prior to being examined, the witness 7 named in the foregoing deposition solemnly stated that 8 the testimony given in this deposition would be the 9 truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; 10 That said deposition was taken before me at 11 the time and place set forth and was taken down by me 12 in shorthand and thereafter reduced to computerized 13 transcription under my direction and supervision, and 14 I hereby certify the foregoing deposition is a full, 15 true, and correct transcript of my shorthand notes so 16 taken; 17 I further certify that I am neither counsel 18 for, nor related to, any party to said action, nor in 19 any way interested in the outcome thereof. 20 21 Dated this 16th day of July, 22 2014, at Los Angeles, California. 23 24 25 _________________________________ Jannea McClure, CSR No. 13718 143 IMBER COURT REPORTERS, INC.