Química Orgânica I Ciências Farmacêuticas Bioquímica Química AFB QO I 2007/08 1 IR spectroscopy AFB QO I 2007/08 2 1 Adaptado de: Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition; L. G. Wade, Jr. Organic Chemistry, William H. Brown AFB QO I 2007/08 3 Infrared Spectroscopy IR spectrum of 3-methyl-2-butanone AFB QO I 2007/08 4 2 Infrared Spectroscopy scale The vibrational IR extends from 2.5 x 10-6 m (2.5 µm) to 2.5 x 10-5 m (25 µm) the frequency of IR radiation is commonly expressed in wavenumbers wavenumber(ν) : the number of waves per centimeter, with units cm-1 (read reciprocal centimeters) expressed in wavenumbers, the vibrational IR extends from 4000 cm-1 to 400 cm -1 -2 -1 ν = 10 m•cm = 4000 cm-1 -6 2.5 x 10 m AFB ν = 10-2 m•cm -1 -5 = 400 cm-1 2.5 x 10 m QO I 2007/08 5 Molecular vibrations Covalent bonds vibrate at only certain allowable frequencies. http://www.askthenerd.com/ocol/SPEC/IR/IRF.HTM AFB QO I 2007/08 => 6 3 Stretching Frequencies Frequency decreases with increasing atomic mass. Frequency increases with increasing bond energy. AFB => QO I 2007/08 7 Vibrational Modes Nonlinear molecule with n atoms usually has 3n - 6 fundamental vibrational modes. AFB QO I 2007/08 8 4 Fingerprint of Molecule Whole-molecule vibrations and bending vibrations are also quantized. No two molecules will give exactly the same IR spectrum (except enantiomers). Simple stretching: 1600-3500 cm-1. Complex vibrations: 600-1400 cm-1, called the “fingerprint region.” => AFB QO I 2007/08 9 IR-Active and Inactive A polar bond is usually IR-active. A nonpolar bond in a symmetrical molecule will absorb weakly or not at all. => AFB QO I 2007/08 10 5 An Infrared Spectrometer => AFB QO I 2007/08 11 FT-IR Spectrometer Has better sensitivity. Less energy is needed from source. Completes a scan in 1-2 seconds. Takes several scans and averages them. Has a laser beam that keeps the instrument accurately calibrated. => AFB QO I 2007/08 12 6 IR spectra interpretation AFB QO I 2007/08 13 Molecular vibrations Fundamental stretching and bending vibrations for a methylene group AFB QO I 2007/08 14 7 Some metylene vibrations http://www.chemistry.ccsu.edu/glagovich/teaching/316/index.html AFB QO I 2007/08 15 Molecular Vibrations Consider two covalently bonded atoms as two vibrating masses connected by a spring the total energy is proportional to the frequency of vibration the frequency of a stretching vibration is given by an equation derived from Hooke’s law for a vibrating spring ν = 4.12 K µ K = a force constant, which is a measure of the bonds’ strength; force constants for single, double, and triple bonds are approximately 5, 10, and 15 x 105 dynes/cm µ = reduced mass of the two atoms, (m1m2)/(m1 + m2), where m is the mass of the atoms in grams AFB QO I 2007/08 16 8 Molecular Vibrations ν = 4.12 K µ From this equation, we see that the position of a stretching vibration is proportional to the strength of the vibrating bond is inversely proportional the masses of the atoms connected by the bond The intensity of absorption depends primarily on the polarity of the vibrating bond AFB QO I 2007/08 17 Carbon-Carbon Bond Stretching Stronger bonds absorb at higher frequencies: C-C 1200 cm-1 C=C 1660 cm-1 C≡C <2200 cm-1 (weak or absent if internal) Conjugation lowers the frequency: isolated C=C 1640-1680 cm-1 conjugated C=C 1620-1640 cm-1 aromatic C=C approx. 1600 cm-1 AFB => QO I 2007/08 18 9 Carbon-Hydrogen Stretching Bonds with more s character absorb at a higher frequency. sp3 C-H, just below 3000 cm-1 (to the right) sp2 C-H, just above 3000 cm-1 (to the left) sp C-H, at 3300 cm-1 => AFB QO I 2007/08 19 Correlation Tables Characteristic IR absorptions for the types of bonds and functional groups we deal with most often Bon d O-H N-H C-H C=C C=O C-O AFB Stretching Frequ ency (cm -1) Intens ity 3200-3650 w eak to s trong mediu m 3100-3550 2700-3300 w eak to medium 1600-1680 w eak to medium 1630-1820 strong 1000-1250 strong QO I 2007/08 20 10 Hydrocarbon Alk ane C-H CH3 C-C Alk ene C-H C=C Alk yn e C-H C C Arene C-H C=C C-H AFB Vib ration Stretchin g Bend ing Bend ing (N ot useful Frequen cy -1 (cm ) Intens ity 2850 - 3000 Mediu m 1450-1475 Mediu m 1375 and 1450 Weak to medium for interpretation - too man y b ands Stretchin g Stretchin g 3000 - 3100 1600 - 1680 Weak to medium Weak to medium Stretchin g Stretchin g 3300 2100-2250 Mediu m to stron g Weak Stretchin g Stretchin g Bend ing 3030 1450-1600 690-900 Weak to medium Mediu m QO I 2007/08 Strong 21 Alkanes IR spectrum of decane AFB QO I 2007/08 22 11 Alkenes IR spectrum of cyclohexene AFB QO I 2007/08 23 Alkynes IR spectrum of 1-octyne AFB QO I 2007/08 24 12 Alkynes IR Spectra AFB QO I 2007/08 25 => Aromatics IR spectrum of toluene AFB QO I 2007/08 26 13 Alcohols Bond Frequency, cm -1 Inten sity O-H (free) 3600-3650 Weak O-H (H b ond ed) C-O 3200 - 3500 1000 - 1250 Medium, broad Medium AFB QO I 2007/08 27 Alcohols IR spectrum of 1-hexanol AFB QO I 2007/08 28 14 Ethers IR spectrum of dibutyl ether AFB QO I 2007/08 29 Ethers IR spectrum of anisole AFB QO I 2007/08 30 15 Amines IR spectrum of 1-butanamine (Fig 12.11) AFB QO I 2007/08 31 CHO, CO, COOH Carbonyl Group Vibration Frequen cy (cm-1 ) Inten sity O RCR' Ketones C=O Stretchin g 1630-1820 Strong O RCH Aldeh yd es C=O C-H Stretching Stretching 1630-1820 2720 Strong Weak Carboxylic acids C=O Stretching O H Stretching 1700-1725 2500-3300 Strong Strong (broad) O RCOH AFB QO I 2007/08 32 16 Aldehydes and Ketones IR spectrum of menthone AFB QO I 2007/08 33 Carbonyl groups The position of C=O stretching vibration is sensitive to its molecular environment as ring size decreases and angle strain increases, absorption shifts to a higher frequency O O O O 1715 cm-1 1745 cm-1 1780 cm-1 1850 cm-1 conjugation shifts the C=O absorption to lower frequency O O O H AFB -1 1717 cm QO I 2007/08 -1 1690 cm -1 1700 cm 34 17 acid derivatives O RCNH2 Amides C=O Stretching 1630-1680 N H Stretching 3200, 3400 (1°amides have two N -H stretches) (2°amides have one N -H stretch) O RCOR' Carboxylic esters C=O Stretching 2 sp C O Stretching 3 sp C O Stretching O O RCOCR Acid anhydrides C=O Stretching RC N AFB C O Stretching Nitriles ≡N C≡ Stretching Strong M edium 1735-1800 1200-1250 1000-1100 Strong Strong Strong 1740-1760 and 1800-1850 900-1300 Strong 2200-2250 M edium QO I 2007/08 Strong 35 Carboxylic acids IR spectrum of pentanoic acid AFB QO I 2007/08 36 18 O-H Stretch of a Carboxylic Acid This O-H absorbs broadly, 2500-3500 cm-1, due to strong hydrogen bonding. => AFB QO I 2007/08 37 Esters IR of ethyl butanoate AFB QO I 2007/08 38 19 Carbon - Nitrogen Stretching C - N absorbs around 1200 cm-1. C = N absorbs around 1660 cm-1 and is much stronger than the C = C absorption in the same region. C ≡ N absorbs strongly just above 2200 cm-1. The alkyne C ≡ C signal is much weaker and is just below 2200 cm-1 . AFB => QO I 2007/08 39 A Nitrile IR Spectrum => AFB QO I 2007/08 40 20 Summary of IR Absorptions => AFB QO I 2007/08 41 Strengths and Limitations IR alone cannot determine a structure. Some signals may be ambiguous. The functional group is usually indicated. The absence of a signal is definite proof that the functional group is absent. Correspondence with a known sample’s IR spectrum confirms the identity of the compound. => AFB QO I 2007/08 42 21 Raman spectroscopy http://www.chemsoc.org/ExemplarChem/e ntries/2004/birmingham_jones/raman.html #Raman http://www.kosi.com/raman/resources/tec hnotes/1101.pdf IR bands arise from a change in the dipole moment of a molecule, Raman bands arise from a change in the polarizability AFB QO I 2007/08 43 Theoretical Background Molecule Absorption (i.e. IR spectroscopy) Electromagnetic wave Scattering (i.e. Raman Spectroscopy) Diffraction (i.e. x-ray diffraction) AFB QO I 2007/08 44 22 Normal Raman Instrumentation AFB QO I 2007/08 45 QO I 2007/08 46 IR and Raman Comparison of IR and Raman for a CO2 AFB A. Fadini and F.M. Schnepel, Vibrational Spectroscopy 23