OB10 Web Form Invoice Registration Guide Spanish

OB10 Web Form Invoice Submission Guide
¬ Submitting an Invoice/ Credit note
………………………………Page 2
¬ Creating Drafts
……………………………...Page 11
¬ Purchasing more invoices
………………………………Page 15
¬ Changing other information
……………………………… Page 16
HP Restricted
Submitting an Invoice/Credit note
Log in to your OB10 Account using your E- mail address as the user name at
www.ob10.com .Click LOGIN
Enter your Password and confirm
your current memorable word
Click on Submit
HP Restricted
Use the icon “Invoicing" for creating an Invoice
Select the option “Create Invoice” in the OB10 Main menu under Invoicing
HP Restricted
Select the correct HP Buyer No.\Sponsor number from the list. For the complete HP
Buyer No.\Sponsor number of HP please refer the URL.
After selecting the Buyer OB10 No., key in the Invoice No., and Click on Submit
You are in the Invoice template page. Please fill up all the details.
HP Restricted
In the “Ship To” address, enter where the goods/services are being shipped to
(this should match the purchase order, if applicable).
HP Restricted
Please mention your “HP Contact” name in “Invoice to Contact” field
(absence of this information in case of non purchase order
invoices will lead to rejection of the invoice). Mention your contact
details in “Invoice from Contact” field.
Select “Invoice” or “Credit Note” (Please see Credit Note
submission for additional information on submitting Credit
Notes in Page 9) and enter the invoice date and Purchase Order
number. Please enter the purchase order number without any suffixes or
prefixes, example: SB12345.
Enter the invoice number and select the currency.
Enter the line item details.
HP Restricted
Enter your Product
Description\Qty\Unit Price\
details here
Enter your Invoice line item
details here
Select the tax code and
mention the tax
amount, if applicable
Any additional description of
goods/services can be entered here
If you have any other additional information to be mentioned, click on the
“Additional Information” field to provide the information.
Once you are done filling the invoice please, click on “Save”. If you have more
than one line item, click on Save & Add
HP Restricted
If you have any other additional
information to be mentioned,
enter here
If you have any attachments to be
submitted along the invoice choose the
option “Attachment with be provided”
Once you are done filling the invoice please, click on “Submit Invoice”.
HP Restricted
Credit Note submission:
While submitting credit note, all other details remaining the same, please select
“Credit note” option and provide Original invoice number to which the credit
pertains to in “Original Invoice Number” field.
Enter your Invoice
line item details here
HP Restricted
Enter here to add any
additional description of
Click here to add
more line items
Once you are done filling the invoice please, click on “Submit Invoice”.
HP Restricted
Creating Drafts
If you are invoicing HP for the identical goods/services periodically, you
can create drafts or Templates of the invoices and use them for submitting the
Step—1: In order to create the drafts, Click on Template Management.
Step—2: Select the Buyer OB10 number and enter the template name and click on
“Create Template”
HP Restricted
STEP 3: Please fill in all the information which is common to all invoices like
PO number, ship to address, line item details etc in the Invoice template
HP Restricted
Click on “Save As Template” option. The draft will be saved with the
characters entered in “Template Name” field
HP Restricted
To access the draft, log into our OB10 account, click on “Template
Management option in the main menu.
Click on “Edit” option for your draft invoice, make necessary changes like invoice number,
invoice date, gross amount, tax rates etc and submit the invoice.
You can create and save any number of drafts/Templates for future use.
HP Restricted
Purchasing more invoices
To purchase more invoices, please click on “Purchase more invoices” option
in the Main menu. You can pay for the invoices using the credit card.
If you would like to pay by cheque, please call the OB10 support and ask
them to send an invoice to you. You will find Service and Support contacts for
both OB10 and HP by scrolling down the web page www.ob10.com/hp .
HP Restricted
Changing other information
If you need to change other information on your OB10 account like e-mail ID
of the person managing the OB10 account, static information, tax codes etc, you
can do so by accessing various options available under “Administration”
section in the OB10 main menu.
HP Restricted
Please refer the document “Best Practices for submitting invoices Different HP
Entities” to know the information to be provided while submitting invoices to
various HP entities.
HP Restricted