Advanced Software Engineering Seminar Presentation

Advanced Software Engineering
Seminar Presentation - Theme 3
Document change log (most recent on top):
2013­03­11 00:50 Kenn
Added to #3 presentation, questions, and comparison
2013­03­10 12:30 Kenn
Initial presentation and questions on article #3
Article #1:
Article #2:
Article #3 presentation:
Situated Assessment of Problems in Software Development (1999)
Case: Brüel & Kjær software process, one medium sized Danish company
● Problem diagnosis aims to identify process problems as perceived by powerful
organizational actors and to plan and implement an improvement strategy in close
collaboration with these actors
Problem Diagnosis research method based on Action Research
○ Achieve practical value to the client organization
○ Contribute to theoretical knowledge
As opposed to normative models:
Normative (from Wikipedia) has specialized contextual meanings in several academic
disciplines. Generically, it means relating to an ideal standard or model.In practice, it has strong
connotations of relating to a typical standard or model
● Require only modest resources
● Have low organizational impact
● Be straightforward to carry out
● Identify the problems as perceived by the project managers
● Build an understanding of the cause of the problems
● Support the development of a specific improvement strategy
● Involve the project managers actively in the assessment as well as in the subsequent
selection and implementation of improvement activities
The research process is documented
● Minutes from group meetings made and shared with group and management
● Meetings recorded on audiotapes (for later reproduction of statements)
● Interviews (guide based) conducted and recorded (audiotapes and elaborate minutes)
● Researchers wrote field notes and diaries
Goals for SPI effort
1. Better control the growth of software development expenses
2. Standardize the development of software
3. Increase predictability in software development (time, ressources, functionality, quality)
Organization of SPI project
Diagnosis activities
Effect of diagnosis ­ one year after
● Improvement projects have been initiated and integrated into software development
projects: development models, requirements specification
● No success due to limited interest from project managers: software reuse
Tech. Director of largest department assumed responsibility: improving project tracking
and control
● Waiting for committed project managers: remaining improvement projects including
descriptive process model, risk management, prototyping, project conclusion
Participatory Improvement ­ Problem diagnosis
● Starts with organizational actors, change based on organizational culture
● Leads to gradual rather than radical change
● Is more democratic than assessing against a maturity model
● Areas for improvement have a fair chance of success
Article #3 Questions
Do studies [such as problem diagnosis] based on action research provide sufficient scientific
value compared to research based on well established [industrial/academic] normative models?
Given that:
● Problem diagnosis aims to identify process problems as perceived by powerful
organizational actors, and to plan and implement an improvement strategy in close
collaboration with these.
● Organizational learning and change (Schön, 1983) talks about the reflective practitioner.
● Resistance to change is a significant factor in organizational change theory (Kotter’s 8
steps Change Model, Maurer’s Cycle of Change)
How well do you think that the improvement strategy devised by the SPI project will be received
and implemented by Brüel & Kjær development employees/teams, and why?
Discuss this dilemma in statements from the article:
● Problem diagnosis takes the notion of participation a step further by involving those who
are to change their practices in the problem definition stage of the process.
● Problem diagnosis aims to identify process problems as perceived by powerful
organizational actors.
Five questions from the article:
● Does problem diagnosis create sufficient commitment for software process
● Does problem diagnosis uncover an organization’s significant software problems?
● Can problem diagnosis cope with conflicts and organizational politics?
● To what extent is problem diagnosis applicable in other settings?
● Is a situated approach to software process improvement an alternative or
complementary to model­based maturity approaches?
Articles Comparison
Ignoring “Best Practice”
Why Irish reject...
­ 21 SMEs
Do SPI lead to ISO arch. Academic
quality improvements
­ 25 articles
Situated Assessment...
Denmark 1999
­ 1 medium sized
Which article has the best foundation? Are all articles equally credible?
Which result do you trust the most/least? Which result do you agree with the most/least?
Which article has the most relevance for SPI efforts today? Why?
Any links in references?
Any cross­article questions?