Temple Emanu-El-Beth

Vol. 90 N°5
February - March 2012
Shvat - Adar - Nisan 5772
PM4 0 0 3 5 7 0 9
No matter what
hat you wear...
There’s something
for everyone at
Adult Programming
Children’s and
Family Programming
Just between us...
congratulate Dr. Victor Goldbloom, his
rabbinic search committee and the Board
of Trustees of Temple Emanu-El-Beth
Sholom upon their selection of Rabbi Lisa
Grushcow as Temple’s new Senior Rabbi.
Among a series of excellent candidates,
they searched for the best rabbi for Temple and found her. She is friendly, personable, bright, a proven leader seasoned by
the strong demands of a rabbinate in the
heart of Manhattan. And she’s Canadian.
I was ordained at Hebrew Union College in 1972, and among my classmates
was Rabbi Sally Priesand, who broke
new ground in North America as the first
woman ordained a rabbi on this side of the
Atlantic. (The first woman ever ordained
was Regina Jonas, Berlin, 1935. She died
in Auschwitz.) How far we have come in
40 years, because now about 50% of our
Reform rabbis are women!
Years ago, we struck a committee
headed by Brahms Silver to examine our
bylaws in respect to egalitarianism and
sexism. Their recommendations came to
the Board of Trustees and then to the congregational annual meeting, at which the
Temple approved bylaws that do not discriminate against individuals or couples by
reason of their sexuality. In Reform Judaism, we are all equal human beings before
God. As a result, a number of same-sex
couples affiliated with the congregation
have been married here.
Reform Judaism and Temple Emanu-ElBeth Sholom have, in my opinion, taken
the high road in creating a congregation
that welcomes all Jews and their partners.
The stand we have taken is the norm for
Reform Judaism throughout the world.
It is not the norm in many other streams
of Jewish living, and because a majority
of Montreal Jews are members of those
streams of Judaism, they may be opposed
to the equality which we practise. That
is sad, for the very equality they reject is
also the norm in Canadian society, and
any breach of it would never stand up in a
court of law. It is also sad because they do
T h e V o i c e ~ H a ko l
T e m p l e E m a n u -E l -B e t h S h o lo m ’ s
N e w s l e tt e r
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send advertising and editorial e-mails to
Rabbi Leigh Lerner
not seem able to bridge the practices of
their own society to their religious life, for
they maintain certain ancient and medieval
injustices as kosher. Sad indeed.
In our conversations with those who
may be critical of Temple, let us take the
opportunity to point out that we have taken the high road by following what Reform
Judaism has taught since its inception, the
equality of women and men, and what we
have learned over time, that a Jew’s sexuality is a private matter that has nothing to
do with the ability to serve God, to do a
mitzvah, or to build the life of the Jewish
people. Kol HaKavod, all honour to Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom for walking the
just path, the path of human equality. Take
pride in what the congregation is accomplishing here.
I’ll be spending sabbatical time learning
and living in Jerusalem, and I hope to send
you a few notes about the experience that
Loren and I are living in Israel. Join us for
Shabbat Shira, a Sabbath of Song, on Feb.
3-4; Tu B’Shvat Seder on Feb. 10 (4 glasses
of red and white wine and lots of fruits and
nuts to nosh); and our wild and crazy Purim Spiel on March 7. It’s a festive season.
Rabbi Leigh Lerner
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rabbi Leigh Lerner
Sarah Polsky, Secretary TO RABBI LERNER
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rabbi Julia Appel, Outreach Rabbi
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rachelle Shubert, Director of Music
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Shellie Ettinger, Executive Director
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Emma Cohen, Accounting
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Melanie Alter, Director of Education
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heidi Reinblatt, Director of marketing
and communications
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard Glazer, Administrative Assistant
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rosie Zizek , Administrative Assistant
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mark Lehberg, VOICE GRAPHIC DESIGNER
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Temple is now on Facebook;
become a fan! Follow us on Twitter!
yo u r o u t - o f - t ow n f r i e n d s
a n d fa m i ly ,
The Voice
i s ava i l a b l e
o u r w e bs i t e at
Leadership News....................................5
Holiday Celebrations ....................9, 13
Adult Programming............................ 10
Get Involved ..........................................11
Aron Museum News.............................11
Child & Family Programming...........14
Milestones ..............................................15
Donations ..............................................16
Yahrzeit . .................................................18
Yiskor ......................................................19
Calendars .............................................. 22
Complete Shabbat Dinner for just $5.00!
Family Kabbalat Shabbat Features Shabbat Shira
Friday, February 3, 2012, 5:45 PM
This service will focus on Shabbat Shira, the Sabbath of Song. Immediately following the service, you are invited to enjoy a delectable Shabbat dinner sponsored by Stéphane Bouchard and Jill Tobenstein, at a cost of only $5 per person. Reservations are an
absolute must because space is limited. Please call Temple at 514-937-3575, ext. 213, with your credit card in hand to make your
The congregation thanks the Bouchard family for their generosity and hospitality, which is offered as a thank-you to the membership of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom for their warmth and welcome over the years.
“First Fridays” Early Kabbalat Shabbat Services
Friday, March 2, 2012
The first Shabbat of every month is dedicated to our families. On these dates, Friday evening services will be held at 5:45 PM (no
8:15 PM services). After services, enjoy a delicious Shabbat dinner by reservation only. Dinner cost: Adult: $18; children 12 and
under: $10. A minimum of 20 people is required, so call to reserve TODAY! 514-937-3575, ext. 213.
Marriage Information Meeting
Monday, February 6, 2012, 5:30 PM
Couples considering intermarriage or conversion by one partner before marriage are invited to attend in order to learn about
Temple’s policies and practices and to tour facilities. Appointments may be made with the Rabbi following this meeting.
Introduction to Judaism
10 Tuesday evenings at 5:45 PM, beginning Tuesday, February 14, 2012
(February 14, 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 2012)
Our popular 12-week Introduction to Judaism class, offered by Rabbi Leigh Lerner and Rabbi Julia Appel, teaches Hebrew reading
and explains Jewish holidays, life cycle and traditional history. This course is required for those converting to Judaism or for those
entering an interfaith marriage under Temple’s auspices. Barbara Morningstar leads a discussion group for those converting to
Judaism and another for those entering an interfaith marriage. Classes are offered frequently throughout the year. Missed classes
must be made up at a later date. Those who simply wish to learn to read Hebrew may attend the first 15 minutes of each Tuesday’s session for 10 weeks. Cost for up to two people per family: $50 Hebrew only; $200 complete course; $250 non-members,
includes course fee, books and a Shabbat dinner. Open to the entire community.
April - May - June 2012
Please send all submissions to heidi@templemontreal.ca by February 27, 2012 at noon.
Senior Rabbi............................... Leigh Lerner, D.D.
Immediate Past President.....................Alan Knopp
President..............................................Stephen Yaffe
First Vice-President.......................... Nancy Maklan
Vice-President........................................... Matt Jette
Vice-President..............................Jewel Lowenstein
Vice-President..................................... Nancy Strohl
Honourary Treasurer..................... Susan Szalpeter
Financial Secretary...................... Mark Oppenheim
Honourary Secretary................Stephen Schneider
Executive Director.......................... Shellie Ettinger
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
4100 Sherbrooke Street West
Westmount, QC H3Z 1A5
Telephone: 514-937-3575 Fax: 514-937-7058
E-mail: info@templemontreal.ca
Founded in 1882 / 5642
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism
B’nai Mitzvah Family Breakfasts
Saturday, February 25, 2012, 9:00 AM
These breakfasts are for parents and their B’nai Mitzvah whose service will take place in 2012. Families learn more
about their special day, its significance, and how to celebrate it in uniquely meaningful ways. After the breakfast, families are expected to attend Shabbat morning services as part of their acclimatization to Shabbat worship and practice.
Jewish Ethics, Shabbat Morning Study
Saturday mornings, 9:15 – 10:15 AM
With an insightful and provocative source text by Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, each week brings new ethical issues to the
table for inspiring discussion led by Rabbi Appel. All are welcome and there is no charge. Coffee and sweets are
provided. Come join the lively give-and-take of our Shabbat morning Torah study.
Seniors’ Residence Erev Shabbat Services
February 17, March 16, 2012
Chateau Westmount 2:30 PM
Place Kensington 4:45 PM
Once a month, the Rabbi leads Erev Shabbat services at Westmount seniors’ residences. Family members are welcome to join residents at these services.
Message from Rabbi Lisa J. Grushcow, D. PHIL.
s I write this, it is almost the fourth
night of Chanukah. This year, as I light
the candles with my family each night, I am
thinking about one of the themes of the
holiday: the rededication of the Temple in
Jerusalem, over two thousand years ago.
It was a time of new beginnings for our
people, a time of courage and hope.
It will be my great privilege to experience a different kind of new beginning this
summer, when I come to serve as Senior
Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom.
To serve in the pulpit shaped by Rabbi Lerner, and before him Rabbi Stern, is a profound honour.
I loved Montreal when I lived there as
a student, and always dreamt of coming
back. I have sung the praises of Montreal
bagels on both sides of the Atlantic, and
am excited to return to the vibrant cultural
and intellectual life of the city. But what is
most compelling to me is everything I have
learned about Temple: how dynamic this
congregation is, and what an important
role it occupies in the Jewish community
of Montreal. It is my hope that as we come
to this new beginning, we will rededicate
ourselves together to this sacred congregation, its traditions, and its values. Together, may we go from strength to strength.
My family and I are looking forward
to making our home in Montreal, and to
finding our spiritual home at Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom. We look forward to
meeting many of you in February.
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow
Come Meet
our New
Senior Rabbi,
Rabbi Lisa
The entire Temple family
is invited to come meet
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow
when she visits Temple
this month!
Friday, February 17, 8:15 PM
Rabbi Grushcow will give the guest sermon at Friday night services. Following services,
everyone is invited to a special Oneg in honour of Rabbi Grushcow’s visit.
Saturday, February 18, 11:30 AM
Rabbi Grushcow will lead the Family Service at Temple.
Saturday, February 18, 5:30 PM
Rabbi Grushcow will be on the West Island for a “meet and greet”, followed by a special
Havdalah service.
Sunday, February 19, 10:00 AM
The entire Temple family is invited to enjoy a congregational brunch with Rabbi Grushcow, who will speak on the topic of “L’Dor Va-Dor: Gifts the Generations Give Each
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet Rabbi Grushcow who will become
our Senior Rabbi on July 1st, 2012 as Rabbi Lerner assumes the role of
Temple’s Rabbi Emeritus.
Message from the President...
his is my first message to you as President of Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom.
I have been actively involved in Temple life
for thirty-five years and I am honoured to
have the opportunity to serve as your President. I believe strongly that the synagogue
is the center of Jewish life. While there are
many organizations that serve the Jewish
people, the synagogue is the one Jewish institution that truly serves the Jewish person.
It is there when we celebrate the birth of a
child or grandchild, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, the
a wedding of a friend or family member, as
well as when we mourn the loss of a loved
one. It is there for us when we are in need of
advice or inspiration. It is there for us each
and every week when we celebrate Shabbat.
It is there for us for all of the holidays and
festivals that we celebrate as Jews.
The challenge we now face is to ensure
that Temple will continue to be there in the
future, for us and for future generations, in a
way that will best accommodate the changing
needs of our members. I would like to hear
your ideas about how we can, together, help
you build a stronger personal relationship
with Temple. Please feel free to email me
at president@templemontreal.ca with your
At the end of January, the Chinese will be
celebrating the Year of the Dragon. We, at
Temple, will be celebrating the Year of the
Rabbi. For the first time in a generation, we
will be saying goodbye to our Senior Rabbi
and welcoming a new one. It is my priority
to ensure that all of the Temple family has
the opportunity to celebrate the career of
Rabbi Lerner and honour him for his dedication, devotion and inspiration. The Tribute
Committee is already hard at work planning
several events.
Furthermore, Rabbi Lerner has expressed
his desire to leave to the next generation of
Temple a legacy of financial strength together
with an updated and structurally sound building. To this end, as Rabbi Emeritus, he has offered to lead a large scale Legacy Fundraising
Campaign. More information about this will
be available as planning progresses.
On July 1st, we will welcome Rabbi Lisa
Grushcow as our new Senior Rabbi. We
look forward to welcoming her to Temple
and helping her build on the traditions and
principles established by Rabbi Stern and
Rabbi Lerner.
Rabbi Gruschcow has impressive academic credentials – most notably, she is a
McGill graduate, a Rhodes Scholar and has
earned a Master’s degree and Ph.D from
Oxford University in England. After she was
ordained Rabbi at the Hebrew Union College Jewish Institute of Religion in 2003, she
began her rabbinical career at Congregation
Rodeph Shalom in New York City, where she
is currently Senior Associate Rabbi.
I recently attended the URJ Biennial in
Washington, DC, where Rabbi Grushcow
was a panelist. Afterwards, my wife and I
Dues Committee Report
Now that the High Holidays and the year
end are behind us, the Temple Dues Committee will concentrate on the following tasks:
1. Contacting those members who have not
paid their annual contributions and did not
attend High Holiday services. Wherever possible, we will propose arrangements to enable those individuals to maintain their Temple
2. Reviewing the dues structure and rates in
order to propose changes, if necessary, for the
were invited to a private reception held by
Rodeph Shalom that was attended by almost
fifty members of their synagogue. Universally, those in attendance told me how sad they
were that Rabbi Grushcow will be leaving
them, but how happy they were for her to
have the opportunity to be the Senior Rabbi
at our Temple. They all told me, “Our loss is
your gain,” and their outpouring of affection
moved me deeply. You should know that
Rodeph Shalom is a mainstream 1800-member congregation on the Upper West Side
of Manhattan with similar demographics to
The Search Committee, consisting of
then current, future and past Presidents, current and past Temple Trustees and representatives of various constituent groups, set out
to find the best candidate for Senior Rabbi.
I am confident that once you get to know
Rabbi Grushcow, you will agree that they
succeeded in their task.
Stephen Yaffe
January 2012
coming year. This could include expanded categories, extended terms, special incentives for
new members, and possible rate increases.
3. Promoting the Rabbi and Torah Circles,
as well as the Member to Member campaign.
These initiatives are vital to Temple’s financial
health, as they provide us with much needed
funds to ensure Temple membership for all, regardless of financial circumstances.
4. Proposing special events to recognize the
generosity of our Circle members.
As you can see, the eight Dues Commit-
Stephen Yaffe
tee members, ably assisted by Howard Glazer
of the Temple office, have a very challenging
agenda for the coming months. If any Temple
members have questions about the committee’s work or wish to provide input for some
of the above issues, please do not hesitate to
contact me through the Temple office.
Mark Oppenheim
Dues Committee Chairman
Message from the Executive Director...
While many of our snowbirds have escaped the snow, a flurry
of activity is underway at Temple!
hile the weather makes many of us feel like hibernating,
there is no time for sleeping here at Temple. In addition
to launching several new initiatives this fall and winter, preparations are underway for a very busy spring!
Over the past several months, Temple has initiated three
exciting new programs: JIFF ( Jewish Interfaith Family Forum)
provides programs of interest to couples who have extended
families of different faiths. At the Forum’s first program, “Chanukah and Christmas: Fond Memories, New Traditions”, Dr.
Marion Usher addressed what is commonly referred to as “the
December Dilemma” and provided participants with fun and
meaningful ways to share holiday celebrations and the opportunity to discuss shared challenges.
Our “Next Dor” initiative, aimed at building connections
with young Jewish professionals, hosted several events, including several potluck dinners and a Chanukah party, and “Temple
West,” Temple’s West Island initiative, hosted a Havdalah service and dinner and a community Chanukah party.
While Rabbi Lerner is on sabbatical in Israel until April,
preparations are underway for several special events to be held
in his honour as he assumes the role of Rabbi Emeritus this
summer. Events will include an elegant Tribute Evening including
several renowned guests, as well as
a special Family Shabbat dinner.
As we plan to pay tribute to
Rabbi Lerner, we are also preparing
to welcome our new Senior Rabbi,
Rabbi Lisa Grushcow, for a visit to
Shellie Ettinger
Temple later this month. Once you
meet Rabbi Grushcow, we are confident that her warmth and
wisdom will convince you that our Search Committee made an
excellent choice for the next leader of our congregation.
In addition to all of the exciting changes coming to Temple,
plans are also underway for a full calendar of spring holiday
celebrations, including fun and meaningful holiday programs for
Tu B’Shvat, Purim, Passover and Yom Ha’Aztmaut. Watch our
website, weekly e-newsletter and Facebook page for details!
We wish all of our snowbirds a wonderful winter and look
forward to welcoming you back to Temple in the spring. For
those of you spending the cold months here at home, come
warm up at Temple where there’s always something for everyone!
Shellie Ettinger shellie@templemontreal.ca
Message from the Director of Education...
he job of a parent is rarely recognized or appreciated yet
we all know that we do so much for our children. The
same can be said for the job of a volunteer. Sometimes volunteers do not get the recognition or appreciation they deserve, yet they contribute so much. I would like to dedicate
my column this month to thanking the wonderful group of
women who make up the Kids First/Tweens First committee.
Temple’s Kids First Committee began when a group of mothers got together because they felt there was a need for holiday
programs for young families at Temple. All these years later,
Kids First has evolved into Kids First/Tweens First so that our
holiday programs meet the needs of a broader age range of
children. The committee’s founding members, Stacey Brennan, Marla Greenspoon and Vivian Akerib, are busy, working
and stay-at-home moms, who dedicate their limited free time
and energy to planning Temple’s holiday programs and helping to make them the successes that they are. On behalf of
Temple, I thank you for everything
you have done and continue to do
for our families.
If you are interested in becoming
part of this wonderful and dynamic
Melanie Alter
team, please contact me.
It’s never too late to register
for Torah School!
We have just begun our winter term at Torah School and
our classrooms are bustling with activity. A lot of classroom
discussion and learning are happening and students are making
excellent progress in our self-paced Hebrew program. Torah
School students are creating beautiful art, reflective of what
they are learning in class with Kelly Shackman, our art specialist, as well as learning beautiful songs with Yaakov Sassi, our
music specialist. We often have the pleasure of hearing these
wonderful songs at our family services which take place every
Saturday morning at 11:30 AM. If you are interested in Torah
School for your child(ren), it is never too late to register or if
you would simply like to attend a Shabbat family service with
your children, you are always welcome.
For more information, please contact me.
Melanie Alter melanie@templemontreal.ca
Message from the Director of Music...
CCUPY Shushan!, Temple’s
all new singing and dancing
Purim spiel, will be performed on
Wednesday, March 7, at 6:45 PM
in the Sanctuary as part of our
Purim evening celebration! (Arrive at 6 for a family-friendly supper.) The hilarious script and songs
were written by Harry Rajchgot
with additional songs by Rabbi
Lerner. Let your Temple friends
rocket you back to the folk music
Rachelle Shubert
revival of the 60s. Be part of the
99% who love Purim at Temple!!
As I write this column, I’ve just returned from the Union
for Reform Judaism Biennial, which took place in Washington,
D.C. between December 14 and 18. I feel prouder than ever
to be one of 1.4 million Reform Jews on this continent and
among the five thousand enthused delegates. Singing and worshiping together was truly an inspiring experience and I encourage all of you to consider attending the 2013 Biennial in San
President Barack Obama seemed to know that this was the
place to be. It was a thrill to be in the audience as he shared
the respect and admiration he has for the Reform Movement
and our accomplishments. And you can watch the speech by
visiting YouTube and typing “URJ Biennial Obama” in the search
box or by pasting the following URL into your browser: http://
As a matter of fact, type in URJ Biennial 2012 in the YouTube
search box and you will find many compelling videos that will
make you feel that you were there.
Check out and bookmark www.urj.org. There are recipes
and holiday ideas, stimulating blogs and information on the 950
or so Reform congregations in North America.
Here are a few of the musical highlights at Temple for the
months of February and March:
• Friday, February 3, 5:45 PM. First Friday Shabbat features the
grades 7, 8 and 9 Shabbatones. I’ll teach some new songs
for Shabbat Shira and a beautiful Shabbat dinner (by reservation) will follow.
• Friday, February 10, 8:15 PM is a shortened service followed
by a musical and delicious Tu B’Shvat seder.
February 17, 8:15 PM. Harpist Olga Gross and flautist
Lucie Bouchard accompany the prayers.
• Friday, February 24, 8:15 PM. Mark Simons returns with his
freilach Klez-clarinet, accompanied by Rona Nadler on piano.
March 30, 8:15 PM. Harpist Olga Gross and flautist
Lucie Bouchard accompany this special service honouring
Jewish Women’s History Week.
Shabbat mornings in the chapel offer a participatory atmosphere with informal and lively discussions on the Torah portion and the kind of music that invites you to sing. Please join
us. All are welcome!
As always, feel free to email me at the address below.
Rachelle Shubert
New or Gently Used Teddy Bears
to Donate?
Please donate new or gently used stuffed animals to Temple. These
toys will be added to the “Teddy Bear Minyan,” a collection that will be
available for children to cuddle during our early services.
For more information, please contact Rachelle Shubert at
514-937-3575, ext. 235 or rachelle@templemontreal.ca
Congregational Tu B’Shvat Seder
Friday, February 10, 2012, immediately following 8:15 PM services
Four cups of wine, glorious fruits and varieties of nuts are just the beginning of this delightful mystical custom, a unique Seder.
Spring arrives mystically early whenever we celebrate Tu B’Shvat, this year on Friday evening, February 10. The New Year of the
Trees is celebrated with wine that ranges from white to red and vast plates of healthy foods, all produce of trees. The mystics
of Safed, Israel, who lived 500 years ago, added the practice of a unique Seder for the Trees’ New Year, a Seder where fruits of
many kinds and 4 cups of different colored wine are consumed, each commemorating vital Jewish ideals. If you haven’t tasted of
this event, bring a friend and come to enjoy and grow in appreciation not only of Jewish mysticism, but of tasty fruits and nuts and
wine, produce of tree and vine. If you’ve attended before, you know how truly enjoyable and haimish this relaxing Shabbat can
be, and we hope you’ll attend again. The entire community is welcome, and there’s no charge. Torah reading will be on Saturday
morning for this Shabbat only.
Torah School Tu B’Shvat Seder
Saturday, February 11, 2012, 10:00 AM
Children of all ages are invited to celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the New Year of the Trees, at Temple with a special children’s Tu B’Shvat
Seder, organized by Torah School. Children not attending Torah School must register by calling our Director of Education, Melanie
Alter, at 514-937-3575, ext. 210 or melanie@templemontreal.ca
Purim Celebrations
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The festivities will begin with a festive Purim Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by the Purim service, Megillah reading and costume parade at 6:45 PM. Best adult costume will win a $50 gift certificate to a local restaurant. Our hilarious annual Purim Spiel
will begin at 7:30 PM. This year’s Purim Spiel will be “OCCUPY Shushan!” The script is by Harry Rajchgot, with songs by Harry
Rajchgot and Rabbi Lerner.
Kids First/Tweens First and Torah School Purim Party
Saturday, March 3, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Children aged 0-11 are invited to celebrate Purim at Temple. Come in costume to enjoy Purim fun, games, songs and treats!
Temple would like to thank Luca Cianfaglia, who attends Shabbat morning services every week, acts as Parnas, and is one of our
very active docents who offer guided tours to our visitors, for this beautiful new Torah “yad” (pointer) presented to Temple in
honour of Rabbi Lerner’s service to the congregation.
Jewish Women’s History Week
Jewish Women’s History Transmitted in Ritual Objects and Artifacts
Friday, March 30 and Saturday, March 31, 2012
Every year, Temple celebrates women’s contributions to Jewish religious and community life through our annual Jewish
Women’s History Week Shabbaton, organized by the Jewish Women’s History Committee. The Museum Committee,
another active committee at Temple, maintains one of the foremost collections of Judaica in Canada. This March, the two
committees unite to highlight the extraordinary contributions of women, immortalized in ritual objects and artifacts. Join us
for a unique women-led Friday night service on March 30 to be followed on Saturday by services, a luncheon, a tour of the
museum, and an afternoon seminar. Reservations are required for the luncheon only (Cost: $18). Please call 514-937-3575,
ext. 213.
Special women-led Erev Shabbat service, Friday, March 30, 8:15 PM
Shabbat morning service, Saturday, March 31, 10:30 AM
Weekly Business Networking Group
Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30 AM
Westmount Networkers’ Breakfast is growing fast!
Personal referrals are the fastest way to grow your business. That’s why networking has become such an important aspect
of marketing for businesses large and small. Join us at Temple every Tuesday morning from 7:00 - 8:30 AM. Remember:
you’re not just reaching the people you meet over breakfast, but also their network of contacts! Don’t forget to bring a large
stack of business cards and be ready to deliver a 60-second “elevator speech” about your business and the type of referrals
you are looking for. Please use the 395 Elm entrance. Admission: $15 p.p. (receipt provided) includes a delicious hot buffet
breakfast. Free parking is available on the street until 9:00 AM. RSVP heidi@templemontreal.ca
Weekly Bridge at Temple
Fridays, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Cost: $10 per person includes lunch. Join us for a fun and challenging game every week in the Community Hall, 395 Elm
Avenue. For more information, please call Rosie at 514-937-3575, ext. 213.
Calling all Writers
Do you have a story to share? Harvest-HaAsif, Temple’s literary anthology, calls all writers, whether Temple members or
members of the greater Jewish community, to participate in our next edition. Publication is planned for Succoth 5773, on
or around September 30, 2012. Original material may include fiction, memoir, poetry, essay, travel writing, tall tales, fish
tales, humour, and outright nonsense – even bald-faced lies. If the muse moves you, send your inspired words by e-mail to
theharvest@sympatico.ca or, for words on paper (preferably typed), to the Temple office to the attention of The Editors,
Westmount Mini Center Courses:
“The Brotherhood” with John Felvinci
Four Thursday sessions: February 16 and 23 and March 1 and 8, from 1:00-3:00 PM at Temple
The Muslim Brotherhood has been in the news lately as the party that may become the new ruling party in Egypt. This
course will explore the Brotherhood from its founding in 1928 to the present and will its founding principles, the biographies
of its leadership and what this augurs for the future. Cost: $55.
“The Ongoing Crisis in the Middle East” with Professor Henry Habib
Tuesday March 20, 7:00-9:00 PM at Temple.
Cost: $15 members; $20 non-members.
“In the City” Visit to Galerie DHC
Wednesday March 28, 3:00 PM at the gallery
Space for this program is limited. Register early to avoid disappointment. Cost: $15 members; $20 non-members.
Please note: Advance registration is required for all programs. For more information or to register, please contact Stefani
Novick at 514- 342-1234, ext. 7201
NEW! Montreal Jewish interfaith
Family Forum (JIFF)
One of Temple’s newest initiatives is aimed at offering programs of interest to couples who have extended families of different faiths. Programs focus on finding fun and
meaningful ways to share holidays and celebrations and create opportunities to discuss
shared issues and challenges. In late November, JIFF launched its first program: “Chanukah and Christmas: Fond Memories, New Traditions.” The evening’s discussion was
led by Marion Usher, Ph.D., of Washington, D.C. Dr. Usher is a Clinical Professor of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. For the past 16 years, Dr. Usher has been leading workshops
for interfaith couples, where she has seen over 600 couples and families. The evening’s participants included interfaith couples preparing
for marriage, parents of interfaith couples, as well as grandparents. The discussion centred on respecting each other’s backgrounds, creating new holiday traditions as a couple, and sharing in celebration with extended families. Programs scheduled for the early spring will focus
on other issues of interest to couples and extended interfaith families. If you would like to join our committee or simply have suggestions
to offer, please contact Rabbi Julia Appel at 514-937-3575, ext. 212 or rabbiappel@templemontreal.ca. Please watch our website, weekly
e-bulletin and Facebook page for information about our upcoming JIFF events.
Tall on ideas but short on time?
Temple offers countless opportunities for members young and old to share their
thoughts and talents and as much or as little time as they choose with one of our
many groups and committees. To find out more about how you can get involved,
please contact Heidi at 514-937-3575, ext. 217 or heidi@templemontreal.ca
Friendly Home Visits
The “Friendly Visiting Committee” is mandated to visit the sick and shut-ins of our
community and provide in-home stimulation for these individuals. Our volunteers
offer companionship, support and a friendly ear to those in need. If you know of
anyone who would benefit from a friendly visitor or if you would like to volunteer
your time to make these friendly visits, please contact Mona Kaufmann at 514842-3939.
Kids First and Tweens First Need Volunteers!
If you love children and making Judaism fun and meaningful for our younger family members, join us to share
your ideas, make some phone calls and help out on the days of our events. For more information, please
contact Melanie Alter at 514-937-3575, ext. 210 or melanie@templemontreal.ca
Aron Museum News
The Aron Museum has received two new treasures, generously donated to our collection by
the family of the late Florence Pollack Pedvis:
Firstly, a pair of three branch candlesticks, approximately 18” high, made in England circa 1900
and which can be converted into Sabbath candleholders, originally presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Pollack (the parents of Florence Pollack Pedvis) by the synagogue in Quebec City on the
occasion of their 25th anniversary in 1934. Secondly, a second century perfume bottle, which was
presented to the late Florence Pollack Pedvis at the dedication of the Maurice Pollack Foundation
Psychology building at Hebrew University on March 27, 1977.
SAVE THE DATE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 23rd, 2012, at 7:30 PM
Reunion of
Congregation Rodeph Shalom,
Saturday, April 21, 2012, 10:30 AM
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
4100 Sherbrooke Street West, Westmount
Special Kiddush following services
All former members of Rodeph Shalom are invited to attend.
Please extend this invitation to any former members you may know
and forward their contact information to the Temple office.
For more information, please contact Roberta Calderone at robcar42@hotmail.com or
Nancy Weiss at nweiss101@gmail.com
Consider URJ summer camps for your children
Registration is now on!
Camp Eisner
Camp George
The Berkshires, Massachussets
Since 1958, URJ Joseph Eisner Camp for Living Judaism has
come to embody the transformative power of Jewish camping. The camp’s caring and committed staff members (many
of whom were campers themselves) strive to enrich the
campers’ experiences by helping them build lasting friendships. These relationships lay the foundation for our summer
community, providing encouragement and support. Campers embrace the challenge of learning new skills in athletics,
aquatics, the arts, and adventure and nature programs. They
immerse themselves in a wide range of innovative Jewish
educational pursuits and creative spiritual experiences. Every
child who spends a summer at Eisner Camp returns home a
little wiser, a little more self-confident, and a little more connected to the Jewish community. A summer at Eisner Camp
is more than a summer of fun; a summer experience at Eisner
Camp will last a lifetime. For more information, please visit
Parry Sound, Ontario
The URJ Camp George is the Reform Jewish Movement’s
only Canadian camp. Since its inaugural season in 1999,
Camp George has offered the best in Reform Jewish Camping blended with the rich history and tradition of the Ontario
Residential Camp experience. Through informal Jewish education, creative arts, a state-of-the-art Waterfront program,
an intense Ropes Challenge Course and outstanding athletic
facilities, Camp George offers campers an experience of a
lifetime. Campers gain independence, make lasting friendships
and develop identification with their Judaism and the Jewish
values that are woven throughout the entire camp program.
For more information, please visit george.urjcamps.org
Please note: Come meet representatives from Camp
George at Temple on Saturday, February 25, at noon!
Best of all, if this would be your child’s first experience at a Jewish non-profit summer camp, you may be eligible
for up to $1,000 off their camp fees! To find out more, visit jewishcamp.org//one-happy-campertoday
Children aged 0-11 celebrated Chanukah at Temple’s
Kids First / Teens First and Torah School Family Chanukah Party.
Sing Along with the Tweedle Dees!
(6 months-3 years, accompanied by an adult)
Thursdays, 10:30-11:00 AM, 6 weeks, from January 26 to March 1, 2012
Join the popular duo for a fun-filled session of interactive songs and games! Temple members:
$100 + tax; non-members: $118 + tax. For more information or to register, please contact
Melanie Alter at 514-937-3575, ext. 210 or melanie@templemontreal.ca
Weekly Family Services on Shabbat Morning
Saturdays at 11:30 AM
Whenever Torah School is in session, there will be a family service with guitar accompaniment by Yaakov Sassi from 11:30 AM to Noon. All
are welcome to attend, whether enrolled in Torah School or not.
Special Musical Shabbat Shira Family Services
Saturday, February 4, 2012, 11:15 AM
Special Musical Family Services will include a sing-along with Rachelle Shubert and a musical tribute to Debbie Friedman and her influence
on contemporary Jewish Music.
Junior Torah School (4-5 years old)
Junior Torah School offers a fun-filled introduction to Jewish learning and Temple life through
Hebrew language, songs, arts and crafts, and stories.
Torah School (6-12 year olds)
The Torah School offers a cutting-edge Jewish studies and Hebrew curriculum specifically
developed for Reform congregational schools and based on the key concepts and values of
Jewish life. Our innovative Hebrew program is child-centered, allowing each child to progress at his/her own pace.
It’s never too late to register.
Our new session has just begun!
Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
begnning January 14
Mondays from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
beginning January 9
Two-Year Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program (Grades 6 and 7)
Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Temple, or
West Island: Mondays from 4:00 - 6:00 PM
Grade 6 students attend Saturday morning classes in Judaic studies and enjoy art and music
activities, as well as holiday programming and weekly 11:30 AM services. The program’s goal
is to develop a sense of Jewish life, synagogue life and mitzvah in our students.
Temple also provides 9 half-hour one-on-one sessions for Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation.
Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Temple, or
West Island: Mondays from 4:00 - 6:00 PM
The grade 7 program consists of Judaic studies in English, including mitzvah and core Jewish knowledge, as well as occasional special
services. Six Family Education Saturdays acquaint parents and children with the meaning of Bar/Bat Mitzvah from a spiritual, musical and
artistic perspective. Temple also provides 18 half-hour one-on-one sessions for Bar and Bat Mitzvah preparation.
Kabbalat Torah Confirmation Program (Grades 8 and 9)
Saturday mornings from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM at Temple
Kabbalat Torah is a Confirmation program for students in grades 8 and 9. Confirmands meet with their teacher and the rabbi each Saturday to glean insights into Jewish living from the weekly Torah portion, as well as study Jewish law and discuss contemporary issues.
To learn more about Temple’s Torah School, please contact our Director of Education, Melanie Alter, at 514-937-3575, ext. 210 or
March 5
March 6
March 8
March 9
March 10
March 13
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
March 19
March 20
March 21
March 22
March 24
March 25
March 26
March 28
March 29
March 31
February 3
February 4
February 7
February 8
February 9
February 10
February 12
February 13
February 16
February 17
February 18
February 20
February 22
February 23
February 24
February 26
February 28
Suzanne Trojman
Sylvia Camlot
Inge Ross-Abony
Anne Feigin
Isidore Socaransky
Heather Greenwald
Rhoda Kott
Ruth S. Stattner
Ian Kott
Morty Lober
Pearl Rubenstein
Anita Kogan
Odette Lachance
Jonathan Abracen
Glen Grossman
Isabel Shuster
Carole Dyens
Gregory Fine
Stephen Libman
John Varadi
Peggy Sakow
Valeria Rosenbloom
March 1
March 2 March 4
Frank Engelsmann
Joseph Carlton
Mario Sinai
Adina Superstein
Joseph El Rayes
Ian Barnett
Sarah Kruger
Jeannette Levine
Barbara Gollob
Sophia Davis
Lisette Marshall
James Klein
Felice Markow
David Gertsman
Hershel Pesner
Rudolph Vinet
Carman Calderone
Lynda Bell
Ryan Bostic
Ricky Liverman
Joel Goldberg
Matthew Lapointe
Georges Dyens
Jared Gurman
Doreen Rennert
Anita Wolkoff
Louis Engelberg
Arlene Bavitch
David Shapiro
Evelyn Jerassy
Steven Rosenfield
Daniel Ghazal
Bram Gordon
Robert Littner
Alana Geller
February 21
February 22
Michael and Hilda Laughrea
25 years
Manuel and Mary Cohen
65 years
March 1
March 11
March 17
March 21
March 23
March 25
Daniel Lundenberg and Laura Robert
20 years
Claude and Ida Rouben
50 years
Martin and Harriet Lepler
50 years
Stephen and Eva Ross
55 years
Louis Charbonneau and Bonnie Kaplan
30 years
Bernard and Pearl
25 years
Michael Gardner and Franca Tarantino
10 years
Shura and Martha Haichin
65 years
Brian Corber and
Arlene Bavitch
25 years
2011 Rosh Hashanah Food Drive
Many thanks to all Temple members who donated non-perishable food items during the Rosh Hashanah Food Drive in October, benefiting
MADA Community Centre. This past year has once again been a challenging one for many families, amongst them the many Jewish families who
rely on community support. The cost of food has escalated, the economy is uncertain and social service agencies are experiencing budget cuts.
MADA needs our support to continue to respond to the requests for help, not just from those living at or below the poverty line, but also from
middle class families struggling with their new economic realities. Temple members once again displayed great generosity and we were able to
fill MADA’s truck with food. Thanks also to our dedicated volunteers who made phone calls, picked up the bags of food and delivered them to
Temple. The Food Drive would not have been possible without the help of all those mentioned below. I would like to extend a special thank
you to Anita Slopack Gualtieri, Howard Teller and Terri Allister, who took on the added responsibility of coordinating the Food Drive within
their neighbourhoods.
Donna Grostern
Minna Shulman
Sheila Garfield
Carol De Koven
Jane Rothstein
Sally Yaffe
Marilyn Green
Roberta Calderone
Judy and Norman Kronick
Karen Bloom
Jackie O’Donnell
Paula Brock
Helen Braunstein
Betty Goldwarg
Terri Allister
Eli and Elaine Shapiro
Lorna Gittleson
Jewel Lowenstein
Anita Slopack
Robert Katz
Liz Rawas
Cynthia Telio
Annie De Angelis Schwartz
Suanne Ray
Julia Reitman
Mark Oppenheim
Anita David
Rachel Segonds
Michael Chandler
Michael Fogel
Veronica Brownstein
Susan Berger
Cheryl Coltin
Taylor Coltin
Sondra Wener
Howard Teller
Thank you!
Liliane Kohl, Coordinator,
Rosh Hashanah Food Drive
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom
graciously acknowledges the very generous donation made by the
Gruenwald family
in memory of Eva Gruenwald
The family’s contribution will enable Temple to
purchase a large number of new prayer books
and help support the countless programs and
services provided by our dedicated, diverse and
dynamic synagogue.
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom would
like to express its sincere gratitude to our
members and friends for the generous
donations that enable us to meet the many
maintenance and renovation needs of our
building. To those whose gifts allow us to
preserve the beauty and integrity of our
synagogue, please know that your gifts
are very much appreciated by the entire
Temple family.
• Estate of Francis Hoffman,
In memory of Juliana and
Francis Hoffman
• The Maurice Pollack Foundation
• Estate of Barbara Shavick
Richard Moss and Leslie Brigham Moss
Joyce and Saul Abracen
Growth Fund
The Abracen Family,
in memory of Saul Abracen
Anita David Growth Fund
Anita David, in memory of Michael David
Anita David, in memory of Leon Hacker
Anita David, in honour of Natasha Gordon’s
special birthday
Aron Museum
Evy and Richard Uditsky, to Nancy Strohl,
in honour of her daughter Debra Strohl’s
forthcoming marriage
Kurt and Ellen Samuel, to Nancy Strohl,
in honour of her daughter Debra Strohl’s
forthcoming marriage
Elaine Paperman Woolner, in honour of
Ellen Samuel’s special birthday
Evy and Richard Uditsky, in honour of
Ellen Samuel’s special birthday
Evy and Richard Uditsky, in memory of
Nathan Bing
Sabine Pinkus, in honour of the birth of her
great-granddaughter Maya Kidron
Asher Brennan-Touaty
Memorial Fund:
In memory of Asher Brennan-Touaty:
Bob and Jeannette Tabah
Lac Marois Union Church
Della Pergola Music Fund
Howard and Felicity Blatt,
in memory of Betty Blatt, Jack Blatt
Raymond and Rita Felson
Growth Fund
Raymond and Rita Felson,
sincere sympathies on the loss of
David Kobernick’s sister
General DonationS
Stacey Brennan, for Kids First and
Tweens First
Peggy Greenberg, to Paul Shinoff and
Rhoda Golick, in honour of the Bnai
Mitzvot of their grandchildren
Mildred and Issie Spivack, in honour
of Sybil and Marty Carsley’s special
wedding anniversary
Bert Greenford and Helen Malmo,
in sympathy to the family of
Manuel Gotlieb
in honour of Maurice and
Gisele Rouben’s special anniversary
Diane Guay
Michael Prupas and Betty Palik
Henry Samel,
in honour of Remembrance Day
Susan Szalpeter and Joseph Carlton,
to Harold Borts and family, in memory of
Lily Borts
Arthur Levitt, in honour of
Richard Samuelson’s special birthday
Shirley and Morris Seidman, in honour
of Sybil and Marty Carsley’s special
wedding anniversary
Stephen and Veronica Brownstein,
in honour of Stephen and
Veronica Brownstein’s special birthdays
Irmgard Stepanian, in appreciation
Heather Solomon-Bowden and
Robert Bowden, in honour of the birth of
Irving and Brenda Epstein’s grandson
Jonathan Fakour-Novin
Sheila and Bobby Garfield, in memory of
Barbara Bornstein
David and Bonnie Schatia
Dr. Sheila and Dr. Victor
Goldbloom Growth Fund
In honour of Sheila Goldbloom’s
Marilyn Schiff
Merle Stern
Syd Pevis and family
Stephen Yaffe and France Ellyson
Cynthia Telio
Frances Groen
Helen R. Kahn
Ilanah Milgram
Temple extends heartfelt congratulations to
Sheila Goldbloom, M.S.W., retired
Associate Professor of Social Work, who
was awarded an honorary degree by McGill
University at its fall convocation. She had
the added distinction of giving the convocation address. The hood was placed over
her shoulders by her elder son Michael,
Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Bishop’s
University. Her husband Victor, a past honorary degree recipient from McGill, was
also on the platform. She had previously
received an honorary degree from Mount
Holyoke College in Massachusetts, the university from which she graduated in 1947.
Harry Grobstein Memorial
Steve Birnam and Linda Richmond,
in honour of the wedding of
John Grobstein and Jill Rudnick
Eva and Hermann
Gruenwald Holocaust Fund
Jeffrey and Julia Royer,
in honour of your excellent work
Harvest Ha’asif
David Abramson and Lee-Anne Torrens
Zav Levinson and Wendy Thomas
Barbara Morningstar and David Mizrahi
Vivianne Silver and Brahms E. Silver
Martha and Shura Haichin
Growth Fund
Hanny Varsaneux, in honour of
Shura Haichin’s special birthday
High Holiday Donations
Brian and Joy Burko
J.G. Figueredo
Joseph Joncas
Estate of Irving Maklan
Jewel and Paul Lowenstein,
in appreciation for the candle-lighting
honour at Yom Kippur services
Ruth and David Steinberg,
in honour of their aliyah
Karen Gropper and Robert Bloom
Ron Touaty and Stacey Brennan,
in honour of their aliyah
High Holiday Food Drive
Ron and Lynn Waxman, New Year wishes
to Elizabeth, Randy,
Joy and Ray Waxman,
Shirley Waxman
Gilda and Benton Lewis and family
Susan Cohen and family
Michael and Regina Waxman and family
Dina Kneller Gold and family
Jay, Tracy, Avery and Maia Waxman
Lori, Michael, Renee Rakowitz
Barry and Alissa Katsof and family
Stanley Lipsey Estelle KaTZ
Growth Fund
Estelle Katz, in memory of Sam Selinsky
High Kiddush
Miu and Howard Stuart, in honour of their
son Daniel Stuart’s Bar Mitzvah
Norman Beckow Music Fund
Wayne Riddell
Patrick Chamberland and Rachel Leider
Alessandro DiGiacobbe and Julia Garzon
Douglas and Donna Finn
Lisa Hollinger
Mira Khazzam
Jean Lacoste and Holly Fagan
Lauren Mandelker and Sabrina Miller
Nicolas Peters and Mandy Steiman
Mark Segall and Christina Esteban
Arthur Szneps
Diego Sztainberg and Barbara Peisajovich
John and AnnaLaura Varadi
Mitchell Weiss and Michelle Burstein
Music Fund
Nancy Strohl, in appreciation
Irving and Brenda Epstein,
in memory of Steven Birnam
Oneg Shabbat
Lillian and Samuel
Paperman Growth Fund
Elaine Paperman Woolner, special wishes
to Tema and Jerry Ostrega
Mazel Tov
Susan and Jonathan Wener, on the birth of
their grandson Cole David Wener
Laura Butler and Jesse Prupas, on the
birth of their daughter Taliah Prupas, and
grandparents Michael Prupas and
Betty Palik
Charlotte Haim and Abie Haim, in honour
of their daughter Olivia’s Bat Mitzvah
Sarah Halton and Steven Kunitzky,
in honour of the baby naming of their
daughter Lia
Barbara Diehl,
in honour of her special birthday
Prayer Book Fund
William and Bill Letovsky, in honour of
Natasha’s special birthday
William and Bill Letovsky, in memory of
Arlene Wise’s brother
Pulpit Honours
Luca Cianfaglia
Anita David
Michelle Duhaney
Penny and Gordon Echenberg
Barry and Alissa Katsof
Tamara Korin and Alexander Skamene
Lawrence and Barbara Libman
Evelyn and Charles Lusthaus
Joseph and Lee Sklar
Tina and Max Smart
Ruth and David Steinberg
Susan Szalpeter and Joseph Carlton
Gilbert and Judy Zimmerman
Susan Kahn and Michael Libman
Robert and Sheila Garfield
Neal Grover
Joan and Bernie King
Mortimer and Pearl Levy
Lillian and William Mauer
Jane and Ralph Rothstein
Ruth and David Steinberg
Cynthia Telio
Mark and Martha Oppenheim
Nancy Strohl
Ruth and David Steinberg, in honour of
Anita David’s special birthday
Sophia and Harry Wolkowicz, in honour
of Sophia and Harry Wolkowicz’s
Steve Birnam and Linda Richmond,
in honour of Linda Richmond’s special
Eva Kuper and Harvey Rayman,
in memory of Steve Birnam
Perla Muyal and Mark Penny,
for Jonathan Penny’s road to recovery
Joyce Silver, in honour of Gerri and
David Kuile’s 70th wedding anniversary
In Appreciation
Bettina Bayreuther
Maurice and Lise Shriqui
Florence Solomon
Zav Levinson and Wendy Thomas
Sondra and Fred Wener
Charlotte Libman and Abie Haim
Jeremy Wiseman
Barbara Brock
Margie Golick
Paul Shinoff and Rhoda Golick
Maurice and Gisele Rouben
Sybil and Martin Carsley
Nancy Strohl
Ellen and Kurt Samuel
Ruth and Maurice Miller
Gerald Harvey Lupu
Aaron and Rachel Gropper
In honour of Adolf Ullman’s birthday:
Debbie and Elliot Rappaport and Family
Vivian and Howard Cohen and Family
Lionella Ullman
Robert Weiner,
in appreciation for his pulpit honour
Robert Weiner, Mazel Tov to Carol and Neil
Tryansky, on the birth of their grandson
Karyn Simon, in memory of Ella Wiener
Betty Jakubovic Abugov and Barry
Abugov, in memory of Leib Jakubovic,
Esther Abugov
Terri Allister, in memory of Ida Allister
Bettina Bayreuther,
in memory of Erna Lewy
Larry and Claire Behar, in memory of
Joseph Behar
Myriam Berthoz, in memory of Ben Weider,
Bernard Zifkin
Elaine and Harry Blank, in memory of
Melvin Izen, Molly Blank, Irene Gainsboro
Rhoda and Jack Blumer, in memory of
Arthur Diamond
Irving Bookbinder, in memory of
Harry Engelberg
Candi Boroff, in memory of William Boroff
Norman and Helene Braunstein, in
memory of Martin Braunstein
Barbara Brock, in memory of Hyman Brock
Rosalie and Samuel Burstein, in memory
of Adela Nisen, Michael Burstein
Debra and Barry Campbell, in memory of
Harry Grobstein, Mildred Grobstein
Richard Cherney and Ronda Diamond, in
memory of Mel Diamond,
Arthur Diamond
Phyllis Cohos, in memory of
Abraham Cohos
Maureen and Edward Daniels, in memory
of Louis Tucker
Sophia Davis, in memory of Jean Lipson,
Ethel Seidman Romanow, Anne Seidman
Solomon, Mayer Seidman,
Raisa Seidman, Harry Davis, Julia Davis,
Lloyd Davis, Eileen Goldberg,
Max Goldberg, Evelyn Davis,
Toba Seidman Greenberg
Jeffrey Derevensky and Lynette Gibeau, in
memory of Anita Derevensky
Jack Douek and Louise Bourke, in
memory of Henry Douek
Louise Druckman, in memory of
Hy Druckman
Rozlyn Druckman, in memory of
Hy Druckman
Victor and Leslie Eiser, in memory of
Herman Eiser
Mendy Ellen, in memory of Melvin Ellen,
Israel Ellen, Getrude Ellen
Naomi Ellingsen,
in memory of Saul Abracen
Jeannette Feltin,
in memory of Marie Master
Harriet Fleisher, in memory of Sam Kantor
Dorothy Flomen,
in memory of Eddy Flomen
Judith and Michael Florian,
in memory of George Frank
Gordon Frank and Claire Bourget,
in memory of Leonard Frank
Beno Eskenazi,
in memory of Albert Eskenazi
Carrie and Garry Garbarino,
in memory of Fanny Kastner
Robert and Sheila Garfield, in memory of
Sara Israel, Sam Garfield
Saul Gerson, in memory of Gerald Gerson
Clare and Toby Gilsig,
in memory of Solomon Gilsig
Freda Ginsberg and Ada Sinacore,
in memory of Harry Block
Lorna Gittleson, in memory of Harry Ralph
Nina Glick, in memory of Sam Glick
Marcia Goldberg,
in memory of Valeska Rajnus
Lynn Gordon, in memory of
Goldie Grace Gordon, Philip S. Gordon
Myrna and Phil Gotfrit,
in memory of Dorothy Goodman
Una Graham, in memory of Douglas Lion
Carol Greenberg, in memory of
Faga Gardner, Eugene Gardner
Irwin Haberman, in memory of
Saul and Ettie Haberman
Cindy Hass, in memory of Sara Segal
Gerald and Ronnie Hirsch,
in memory of Felix Hirsch
Bernard Isaacs,
in memory of Philip Sang, Ruth Isaacs
Celine Izenberg, in memory of
Ben Izenberg, Abe Izenberg
Josephine Izenberg,
in memory of Abe Izenberg
Elizabeth and Isaac Jesion,
in memory of Wolf Zalshtein
David and Jackie Klein, in memory of
Lucy Boyte, Emile Boyte
Djordje Konforti,
in memory of Samuel Konforti
Rhoda Kott, in memory of Cecil Kott
Gordon Lax, in memory of Sarah Lax
Harriet and Martin Lepler,
in memory of Roslyn Melnicoff
Sheri Joseph and Gary Levitt,
in memory of Irving Weinstein
Susan Kahn and Michael Libman,
in memory of Amnon Kahn
Janis Kerman and Simon Wahed,
in memory of Hyman Pascal,
Clement Abdel-Ouahed, Esther Pascal
Jacqueline and David Klein,
in memory of Bess Klein
David Kobernick,
in memory of Lauren Polowin
Michael and Joy Korenberg,
in memory of Harry Korenberg
Rhoda Kott, in memory of Isidore Davis
Judith and Norman Kronick,
in memory of Henry Pass
Leslie and Jeannie Laing,
in memory of Leslie Guttmann
Mirlla Fuks Lambert and Brian Lambert,
in memory of Ita Fuks
Gordon Lax,
in memory of Jimmy Miller, Jack Lax
William and Hinda Letovsky, in memory of
Sam Letovsky
Carol Libman,
in memory of Sadie Mauer, Elie Mauer
Leonard Lighter and Stephanie Watson,
in memory of Beatrice Lighter
Julius and Henrietta Lis, in memory of
David Lis, Sam Szabo, Ian Shuster,
Gertrude Lis, Judith Shuster
Sydney Lithwick,
in memory of Geraldine Lithwick
Lynda and William Luber,
in memory of Mary Marian
Charles and Evelyn Lusthaus, in memory
of Sanford Lusthaus, Joseph Weinrub,
Sheila Lusthaus
Sheila Maklan,
in memory of Reuben Sapera
Felice Markow, in memory of
William M. Miller, Jack Markow
Lori Medoff and Kenneth Webber,
in memory of Mary Medoff
Steven Milstein and Anna Maria Masciotra
David Mizrahi and Barbara Morningstar,
in memory of Yona Mizrahi
Harry Morris,
in memory of Jeannette Morris
Miriam Morris, in memory of Myer Insky
Perla Muyal and Mark Penny,
in memory of Benjamin Muyal
Hannah Myers,
in memory of Gordon Josefo
Marvin and Paula Nathens,
in memory of Hyman Nathens
Francelle Neftin,
in memory of Nettie Morantz
Howard and Joanne Nemeroff,
in memory of Thelma Nemeroff,
David (Duddy) Nemeroff, John Dupuis
Ana Pascal, in memory of Marco Sinai
Norman and Claire Pearl, in memory of
Esther Schwisberg, Harry Schwisberg,
Lorna Rosenfeld
Joyce and Berel Pedvis, in memory of
Bertha Rosenthal, Norman Pedvis
Sydney Pedvis,
in memory of Maurice Pollack
Michael Prupas and Betty Palik,
in memory of Mel Prupas, Felix Palik
Harry Rajchgot and Cheryl Everett,
in memory of Ester Rajchgot
Michael and Doreen Rennert, in memory
of Anne Diamond, Pauline Rennert
Helene and Anthony Robinson,
in memory of Denise Robinson
Harry Roitman, in memory of Pearl Roitman
Mike and Valeria Rosenbloom,
in memory of Sol Rosenbloom
Ethel Roskies,
in memory of John Stonehewer
Jane and Ralph Rothstein, in memory of
Dora Rothstein, Joseph Rothstein
Sam Rubinstein,
in memory of Ida Rubinstein
Sam and Mildred Rubinstein,
in memory of Mandel Coddon
Peggy and Lawrence Sakow, in memory of
Edward Francis, May Sakow Kleiman
Kenneth Salomon, in memory of
Beverly Salomon, James Salomon
Roy Salomon, in memory of Hilda Salomon
Julia and Michael Sax, in memory of
Stanley Davis, Evelyn Davis, Harry Davis
Norbert Schachter,
in memory of Rifka Schachter
David and Bonnie Schatia,
in memory of Gloria MacDonald
Paula Segal Brock and Jeffrey Brock,
in memory of Carol Ann Segal
Eve and Ben Sevack,
in memory of Louis Cheroff
Elie and Elaine Shapiro,
in memory of Frank Zakam
Dr. David Shapiro, in memory of
Jo-Anne Shapiro
Rhoda and Paul Shinoff, in memory of
Samuel Shinoff, Bertha Brigger,
Isadore Brigger
Thomas and Ruth Shustack,
in memory of Alice Shustack
Karyn Simon, in memory of Saul Simon
Alexander Skamene and Tamara Korin,
in memory of Richard Skamene
Claire Smith, in memory of Ada Harris
Aubrey Smofsky,
in memory of Nathan Smofsky
Heather Solomon-Bowden and
Robert Bowden,
in memory of Sari Solomon
Susan Szalpeter and Joseph Carlton,
in memory of Eric Szalpeter Carlton,
Louis Salpeter
Sari and Harvey Toll and Family,
in memory of Carol Litwin, Lise Segal,
Michael Segal, Hyman Hass
Judith Tratenberg, in memory of
Frederick Goldstein, Ida Goldstein
Neil and Carol Tryansky,
in memory of Ruth Boxer
Ruth Blauer Tunis,
in memory of Haskell Blauer
Hanny Varsaneux,
in memory of Jean Varsaneux
Carol Vengroff,
in memory of Michel Bolduc
Stephen and Lillian Vineberg, in memory
of Stanley Vineberg, Etta Caplan,
Gordon Caplan
Lynn and Ron Waxman and Family,
in memory of Shirlee Goldberg Solomon,
Jules Waxman
Marvin Werbitt, in memory of Fay Werbitt
Sophia and Harry Wolkowicz, in memory
of Israel Wolkowicz , Rachel Wolkowicz,
Marian Reichental
Sylvia Ofshitzer, died on October 10th,
2011, mother of Susan Stivaletti
and mother-in-law of Nick Stivaletti,
grandmother of Stacey Stivaletti and
Benny Sarno
Gregory Daniels, died on October 17th,
2011, son of Maureen and
Edward Daniels
Mabel Kott, died on October 18th, 2011,
sister-in-law of Rhoda Kott
Jack Beraznik, died on October 22nd,
2011, father and father-in-law of
Hy and Rosanne Beraznik
Lily Borts, died on October 26, 2011,
mother and mother-in-law of Judi and
Harold Borts
Sybil Kramer, died on October 26, 2011,
mother of Carole and Alex Davis,
grandmother of Cynthia Davis and
Joel Yanofsky
Harry Slutsken, died on October 26, 2011,
father and father-in-law of
Sandra and Dave Fagen
Steven Birnam, died on October 27, 2011,
husband of Linda Richmond
Sarah Benedik-Lubitsch, died on
November 6, 2011, sister of
David Kobernick
Hilda Foreman, died on
November 24, 2011
Maurice Levy, died on November 26, 2011,
husband of Marie Levy
Barbara Trottenberg, died on December 3,
2011, mother and mother-in-law of Brian
and Leonora Trottenberg
Sarah Gropper, died on December 3, 2011,
sister and sister-in-law of Aaron and
Rachel Gropper, aunt of Karen Gropper
and Robert Bloom
Kathryn Asch, died on December 3, 2011,
daughter of Robert and Rosemarie Asch
Julia (Asch) Haiblen, died on December 9,
2011, sister and sister-in-law of Robert
and Rosemarie Asch
David Wiener, died on December 20, 2011,
brother of Dr. Robert Wiener
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Summer Camp
Special Events
Damage Insurance
10:30 am Tweedle Dees for
10:00 am - Bridge
5:45 pm Special Family
Shabbat Shira
Service & Dinner
7:00 am Networking
10:30 am Tweedle Dees for
4:00 pm - Torah
School West Island
10:00 am Congregational
Brunch with
Rabbi Grushcow
7:00 am Networking
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
7:00 am Networking
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
4:00 pm- Torah
School West Island
7:00 am Networking
10:30 am Tweedle Dees for
10:00 am - Bridge
1:00 pm - The
Brotherhood with
John Felvinci
8:15 pm - Shabbat
Service with guest
sermon by Rabbi
10:30 am Tweedle Dees for
1:00 pm - The
Brotherhood with
John Felvinci
4:00 pm - Torah
School West Island
10:00 am - Bridge
8:15 pm - Shabbat
Service followed by
Tu B’Shvat Seder
(Yitro; Exod. 18:120:23
4:00 pm - Torah
School West Island
10:00 am - Bridge
8:15 pm Shabbat Service
9:00 am- Torah
School Westmount
9:00 am Jewish Ethics Class
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:15 am Special musical
Shabbat Shira
Family Service
9:00 am - Torah
School Westmount
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:00 am Torah School
Tu B’Shvat Celebration
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
9:00 am - Torah School
9:00 am - Jewish Ethics
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service led by
Rabbi Grushcow
5:30 pm - West Island
Meet and Greet and
Havdalah with Rabbi
9:00 am - Torah
School Westmount
and Bar/Bat
Mitzvah Breakfast
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
6:00 pm Purim Dinner
6:45 pm Megillah Reading
and Costume Parade
7:30 pm Purim Spiel
8:15 pm - Dessert
7:00 am Networking
10:30 am Tweedle Dees for
10:00 am - Bridge
1:00 pm - The
Brotherhood with
John Felvinci
5:45 pm - First
Friday Family
Kabbalat Shabbat
Service & Dinner
10:00 am - Bridge
1:00 pm - The
Brotherhood with
John Felvinci
10:00 am - Bridge
7:00 pm - “Temple
West” Passover
Seder Idea Swap
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
8:15 pm Shabbat Service
4:00 pm - Torah
School West Island
7:00 am Networking
7:00 am Networking
8:15 pm Shabbat Service
3:00 pm - Visit to
Galerie DHC
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
10:00 am - Bridge
5:30 pm Intro to Judaism
7:00 pm - The
Ongoing Crisis in
the Middle East with
Prof. Henry Habib
9:00 am - Torah
School Westmount
9:00 am Jewish Ethics Class
10:00 am - Kids First/
Tweens First/Torah
School Purim Party
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
8:15 pm Shabbat Service
7:00 am Networking
4:00 pm- Torah
School West Island
10:00 am - Bridge
8:15 pm Jewish Women’s
History Week
Shabbat Service
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
9am - Torah School
Mock Seder
9:00 am - Torah
School Westmount
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:30 am Shabbat Service
11:30 am Family Service
9:00 am - Torah
School Westmount
plus Family Passover
9:00 am - Jewish
Ethics Class
10:30 am - Jewish
Women’s History
Week Shabbat
11:30 am - Family
Whether you’re planning a small, intimate gathering
or a large, lavish affair,
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will make your special day unforgettable!
Temple welcomes: • Jewish, Interfaith and same-sex couples
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Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1A5
For all your gift giving
needs, visit Temple’s new
gift shop.
We carry a full line of
Judaica, hostess gifts,
baby gifts, cookbooks,
fine chocolates and more!
Opening hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from
10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Fridays from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm.
Outside of these hours, purchases may be made
through the main office.