CSS Newsletter MAr 09-v4_no_outline.indd

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome again to CSS Express! In this past year, the
school has developed so rapidly and we are all amazed
by the huge strides taken by
our students.
My deepest thanks to all of you in the school
community who have made CSS such a thriving and exciting place !
Learning Beyond the Classroom
New Zealand & Hangzhou study trips
F1 & 2 Study Trips & Camp in HK
Special Features:
P5 & 6
Co-curricular Activities & Clubs
P7 & 8
Sports & Action
The accreditation followed a highly successful authorization visit by the IB on
the 15-17 December 2008. The Authorization Team consisted of Mr Curtis Beaverford, MYP Regional Manager for Asia Pacific and Ms Luz Maria Gutierrez,
MYP Regional Manager for Africa, Europe and Middle East. The team also interviewed School Directors, senior leadership team, teachers of each subject,
parents and students in addition to observing teaching and learning in lessons.
Mr Beaverford who also conducted the pre-authorization visit in November
2007, was particularly impressed by all the hard work and effort the staff has
put into running the MYP since then. In addition, we were commended for
providing ample professional development opportunities for staff. In terms of
our facilities, the team commended our
extensive array of specialist equipment
for technology course offerings.
Most importantly, the team was commended for the degree to which the beliefs and values that drive the MYP are
shared by all sections of the school community and its commitment to continuous improvement.
CSS wins ’Odyssey of the Mind’ and
represents HK at the World Finals
Cheung Siu Ming
Special News- Visit by Dr. Lily Sun
& formation of PTA
CSS now an
IB World School
Creative Secondary School (CSS) has been accredited in March 2009 as an IB
World School to offer IB Middle Years Programme. CSS now joins a family of
over 2500 IB World Schools across the globe delivering a world class, state-ofthe-art curriculum that prepares young people to be effective, active and compassionate global citizens of the future.
We have so much to celebrate. Firstly, being
the first DSS school to be authorised as an IB
World School to offer the MYP - this is a vital
milestone, and a major validation of our unceasing efforts to strive for quality. Secondly,
our OM team winning the 2009 Hong Kong
championship and representing HK in the
World Finals in the USA. Thirdly, the formation of the PTA and the launch of the Parents
Education Academy, a huge boost to our partnership with parents. Furthermore, the week
of “learning beyond the classroom” just before Easter was highly memorable. Students
have returned more mature, worldly-wise,
and better IB learners. Finally, our students
have taken the initiatives to launch their own
newsletter, ’Invigoration’ and their third issue
is already out!
Message from our Principal
IB authorisation & OM championship
April 2009 Issue 2
P9 & 10
House Activities & Personal Growth
Community Service
Creative Secondary School’s OM team
won the Hong Kong Odyssey of the Mind
(OM) 2009 Championships held at the
Institute of Education on the 28 & 29
March 2009.
CSS came first in both the prepared and
spontaneous problem-solving sections of
the contest. To achieve such good result
against seasoned opposition from other
schools, many with 10 years experience
of competition, is a very encouraging accomplishment for our team.
The team will represent Hong Kong to
compete at the OM World Finals to be
held in Iowa State University in Ames,
Iowa, U.S.A. from 25 May to 1 June. Around 50 to 60 teams from all continents of the world compete at the finals every year.
Special News
School visited by grand-daughter of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
Dr. Lily Sun Sui-Fong , grand-daughter of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen visited Creative Secondary School on the 16 October 2008 to give a
talk on ‘The Father of Modern China - Dr. Sun Yat-sen ’.
Dr. Sun’s visit provided a golden opportunity for our students,
parents and teachers to know more about the history and legacy
of her grandfather, and, in particular his ’Three Principles of the
Dr. Sun also showed her passion and commitment in promoting
the great thinking and values advocated by her grandfather to the
younger generation of Chinese people around the world. At the
end of the talk, students asked questions actively and gained a lot
from their dialogue with Dr. Sun.
Before the lecture, school ambassadors Natalie Drake (De1) and Michael Chiang (Bo2) accompanied Dr. Sun to tour the
school. During the tour, Dr. Sun presented her calligraphy to the school and a signed copy of a book she wrote about Dr. Sun
Yat Sen for our school library.
Parent-Teacher Association
CSS PTA formally established
The Parent-Teacher Association of Creative Secondary School (CSS PTA)
held its First General Meeting on 1 November 2008 at the School Hall.
The meeting marked the official establishment of the Association and the
formation of the 08-09 Executive Committee.
More than 130 members, including parents and teachers, attended the
meeting and endorsed 9 parents and 8 teachers as the Executive Committee Members of CSS PTA for the year 08-09.
The School also invited Dr. Timothy Leung as our Guest Speaker for the
ocassion. Dr. Leung gave a very inspiring speech on the topic of “How to
communicate with our child – a Secondary Student”.
PEA set up to run educational courses for parents
The Parent Education Academy (PEA) is established
this year with the support from our Guidance Team
and the PTA.
08-09 PTA Committee Office Bearers
Exco-members (parent)
Exco-members (teacher)
Ms Leslie Chan
Ms Anthea Lui Lai Ling
Mr Barry Ng Kwong Keung
Ms Virginia Hui
Ms Annie Lam
Mr Cheung Siu Ming
Mr Newman Chan
Ms Callas Kwok
Ms Elaine Leung
Ms Brenda Lee
Ms Macy Wong
Ms Wanita Mou
Ms Cherry So
Ms Belinda Choi
Mr Stanley Chung
• Liaison
• Recreational
• Development
The PEA has set up a four module course that
provides opportunities for parents to learn about
psychological development of their adolescent
children, empowers them with knowledge and
skills to handle current youth issues, and enhance
relationship-building within the family.
Participants include parents and teachers from CSS
and CPS and enrollment for the 1st and 2nd modules were about 60. Feedback from the participants
was very positive.
The last module held on 28 Febuary was on the
topic of Enneagram and the next one to be held
on the 23 May will be on Narrative Approach.
Please contact the school office if you are interested in joining the course.
Learning beyond the classroom - Form 3 Overseas Study Trips
’English Alive’ study tour to New Zealand
Clean, green and nuclear free, Godszone, ‘down under’ are various popular terms used to describe New Zealand. Thirty two Form 3
students experienced all this and so much more on their ‘English Alive’ tour to Aotearoa - the land of the long white cloud. Fish
n’ chips, meat pies, Lemon and Paeroa soft drinks were just a few of the culinary delights that the students were exposed to and
became their favourites.
The size of the houses the students stayed in with their host families were real eye openers and a hot topic of conversation and
comparison. The clear crisp sunny autumn days, devoid of haze or pollution was something the students remarked upon as how
different New Zealand and the culture was to that of Hong Kong.
Students learnt and practised English in a real life situation thus further developing their language expertise. They were involved in
unfamiliar activities which required them to be risk-takers. All the students took up the challenge, expected of an IB learner, and
thus discovered more about themselves, which impacted on their
confidence both in using English and as people.
Activities included kayaking, cave cruising, horse riding, interacting
with farm animals, pottery, bone carving and T-Shirt printing. Students made their own spa bath at one of the few ‘geothermal’ beaches in the world. They also visited Rotorua where they experienced
the indigenous Maori culture at first hand, ate food prepared and
cooked in the ground, viewed geysers erupting and bubbling mud
pools, and hurtling down a fairly steep mountain slope on a luge.
What was unique about this trip? Not one student complained of being homesick! In fact many were sorry to leave New Zealand. However for many the highlight of the trip was being with their friends
in the hotel at Rotorua; talking, laughing, and enjoying each other’s
company. Teenagers - no different the world over!
Putonghua study tour to poetic Hangzhou
Ninety Form 3 students were given a most colourful and cheerful welcome by our
hosts at Greentown Yuhua School. They marveled at the expansive campus and
sports facilities. The school has over 3000 students in two campuses; we were
based at the new Qin Qin campus for primary & junior secondary students.
Most students shared dormitories with Yuhua students; those who opted for homestay really enjoyed wonderful hospitality in large comfortable residences with
their host families. These were both great experiences that enhanced our students’
cultural awareness and Putonghua fluency.
Our students joined in various lessons, including weiqi, dance, music, language
arts and PE. We played a friendly basketball match and our boys’ team played
valiantly against a very strong and organized Yuhua squad. Great sportsmanship
from both teams made it a most memorable match.
Besides school, students enjoyed the wonderful sights of the West Lake, the world
famous Ling Ying Si Buddhist temple as well as local shopping. A great number
of our photography club members took the opportunity to take many wonderful
scenic shots during the trip.
Finally, students in each house composed, rehearsed and performed its own acts
-incorporating singing, drama & dance, with plenty of spontaneous improvisation
and audience participation. Every CSS student contributed towards the performances, speaking mainly Putonghua but some humorous use of Cantonese and English too. There was much laughter and enjoyment amongst the audience of several
hundred Yuhua students. We were complemented by Yuhua Principal Chen for
such creativity and verve in our performances.
A most enjoyable trip to an open progressive school, in a stylish city – probably
the most beautiful city in China.
Learning beyond the classroom
Form 1 Outdoor Educational Camp
During the Activity Week, all Form1 students participated in the outdoor educational camp
held at Tso Kung Tam Recreational Centre in Tsuen Wan, New Territories.
The focus of the 4 days was to help students to further develop as IB learners. Students
participated in many activities including archery, rope course and orienteering, in addition
to various house competitions such as drama presentations on Invitational Education (IE).
One of the highlights was visiting the Hong Kong Organic Country – an organic farm in
Yuen Long. Students and teachers took part in various farm activities including making
soya milk and ploughing farmland.
All students learnt and experienced a lot and staff thoroughly enjoyed the week. 6 students
were awarded as good models of IB learners at the end of the week.
Martin Chan
Janice Tse
Gobby Kwong
Melody Wong
Selena Tong
Gabrielle Tsui
Form 2 - Environmental Study Trips
Form 2 students had four day-trips which focused on the theme of the environment.
At Ocean Park, students attended a seminar and a workshop on marine animals, such as sea
lions, dolphins and sharks. During the trip to Tai Tong Lychee Valley, students observed and
fed animals such as horses, cows, rabbits, fishes and ostriches. In Lantau Island, students
experienced tree planting and organic farming at Ark Eden. The final day was spent at sea.
Students enjoyed a boat trip in Hong Kong harbour to observe the Chinese pink dolphins, an
endangered species living in the southwest waters of Hong Kong.
Through these study trips, students could see for themselves and further understand how human activities affect the natural environment and the prospects of survival for various species
of wildlife.
Our Upper School curriculum
The challenges of the final year of MYP
Integrating the Hong Kong NSSC & the IB MYP requirements
In September, our students will start the Hong Kong New Senior Secondary
Curriculum (NSSC) while also completing the final year of their MYP. The
school’s curriculum plan will ensure that the requirements of the NSSC
and IB MYP are both met in this critical year.
The 8 MYP learning areas are met as follows: Our F.4 students will take
the 4 Core NSSC Subjects - English, Chinese, Mathematics and Liberal
Studies (LS), which meets the MYP humanities requirement. They will also
take Science, Arts and Technology elective courses, and a further optional
science or humanities course. Finally, they will attain ’Other Learning Experiences’ (OLE) which include Physical Education (PE) and Community
Service. (See table adjacent).
Personal Project
Our current F3 students will begin their Personal Projects (PP) in the middle of
the second term this year and are expected to complete this at the end of F.4.
Each student needs to choose a project which can be in many forms and takes
the process through to completion under the supervision of a teacher. The
process involves planning, research, execution and a high degree of personal
reflection. The Personal Projects are assessed by teachers against a set of IB
assessment criteria.
At the end of the MYP, students will be equipped with the necessary
knowledge and skills to make an informed choice between the IBDP or
the HKDSE.
HK New Senior Curriculum & the
HK Diploma of Secondary Education
In September this year, CSS’s first cohort of students will move
up to Form 4 and commence the new Hong Kong Senior Secondary curriculum (NSSC). Students who finally opt for the HK
Diploma will continue with the same curriculum structure in
F.5 & F.6.
Our F.4 students take the 4 core subjects plus 4 electives so
that they cover the requirements of the MYP. This strategy to
take more electives subjects in F.4 is encouraged by the Education Bureau as students can be in a more informed position to
choose their final 2 elective subjects for their HK Diploma of
Secondary Education (HKDSE) exams at F.5 & 6.
The NSSC leading to the final HKDSE consists of 3 main components – 1) Core subjects, 2) Elective subjects and 3) Other
learning experiences (OLE). The diagrams adjacent show details
of core subjects, elective subjects and components making up
In order to help students select their elective subjects and understand the choice between the IB Diploma or the HKDSE,
the school has conducted individual career consultation meetings for each F.3 student from mid-February to March. In the
meetings, teachers discussed in depth with students about their
interests, aspirations and career choices so that they can make
the most appropriate decisions.
Language A
English (Core)
Language B
Chinese (Core)
Mathematics (Core)
Liberal Studies (Core)
Humanity Elective
Science Elective
Technology Elective
Arts Elective
Other Learning Experirnce (OLE)
F.4 HK NSSC - IB MYP Subjects Matching
4 core subjects
Chinese Language; English Language
Mathematics; Liberal Studies
2 to 3 electives
(See CSS electives table Below)
or Applied Learning Courses
Other learning experiences
Moral & Civic Education; Community
Service; Aesthetic & PE; Work-related
HKDSE Curriculum Structure
Learning Areas
Science Education
Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Technology Education
Business, Acct’ing & Financial Studies
ICT, Design & Applied Technology,
Technology for Living
Personal, Social &
Humanities Education
Economics, Geography,
History, Chinese History
Arts Education
Music, Visual Art
Tentative HKDSE Elective Subjects Offered at CSS
& Technology
The IB Diploma Programme
The IB Diploma Programme has been in existence for over forty years
and offers a broad based, demanding curriculum with an external examination at the end. The IB Diploma is widely recognised by universities
around the world.
IB Diploma students choose 6 subjects for their Diploma exam out of the
6 subject groups as shown in the Hexagon diagram adjacent. Students
can take an optional second humanities or second science instead of a
subject from The Arts (Group 6). 3 of the 6 chosen subjects must be taken
at Higher level (HL) and 3 subjects at Standard Level (SL).
At the centre of the Hexagon are the Core components - 1) Creativity,
Action and Service (CAS); 2) Theory of Knowledge (TOK) course; 3) Submission of a 4000 words Extended Essay of their own choice of subject.
The core requirements are compulsory.
Students choose their subject combinations according to their interest,
subject strength, career aspirations and preferred courses at universities.
Some examples of subject combinations could be:
(SL) = standard level ; (HL) = higher level
Preference in Science/Maths related degrees: Chinese Lang. A (SL); English
Lang. B (SL); ; Economics (SL); Physics( HL); Maths (HL); Chemistry (HL).
Preference in Design/Arts related degrees: English Lang. B (SL); Chinese
Lang. A (HL); Geography (SL); Design Tech. (HL); Maths (SL); Art (HL).
Preference in Economics/Business related degree: Chinese Lang. A (HL); English Lang. A (SL); Economics (HL); Maths(HL); Physics (SL); Geography (SL)
Preference in Languages/Law/Humanities related degree: English Lang. A
(HL) Chinese Lang. A (HL), History (HL) , Design Technology (SL), Maths Studies (SL) & Arts (SL)
Subject Group
Language A1
Chinese; English
Second Language
Chinese; English
Individuals & societies
Economics, Geopgraphy
History; Business
Experimental sciences
Biology, Chemistry
Physics, Design Technology
Mathematics &
computer science
Maths Studies
Computer Science
The Arts
Visual Arts, Music
Theatre Arts
Tentative IB Diploma subjects offered at CSS
In nearly all subjects, at least some of the assessements are carried out internally by teachers. External examinations take place
at the end of the 2 year Diploma course. Assessement are ’criterion-based’ and scores given are from 1 to 7. A maximum of 45
points can be scored (6 subjects X 7 points plus 3 points for Core requirements). Each year, universities around the world publicize
minimum score required for entry into their degree courses.
Our MYP Coordinator
Our HKDSE Coordinator
Our IBDP Coordinator
Mr Cassy Yu
Mr Poon Ping-Kwan
Dr Robert Sunderland
MEng PGCE (DT), PGDE (Eng)
Mr Yu is a founding member of
the CSS staff team teaching Design Technology. This year he has taken up the
role of IB MYP Coordinator of the school in
addition to his teaching role.
Mr Poon is a very experienced
teacher who joined CSS in
2007. This year he has taken
up the key role of coordinating the school’s
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education
(HKDSE) programme.
The challenge for Mr Yu of preparing for the
MYP authorization visit last December was
huge, particularly since a number of teachers
were new to the school and the programme,
and had to be integrated into its operation.
The school’s success owes a great deal to his
ability to develop quickly in this challenging
role, his knowledge and understanding of the
students’ learning needs, his determination to
solve problems and his positive working relationships with all colleagues.
This is a major challenge since the HKDSE is
completely new to the whole of Hong Kong
and there is much work involved in leading
existing as well as new colleagues to implement such a programme. Mr Poon is ideally
suited to this position because he is well respected by students, parents and staff as an
effective teacher of maths and ICT, because of
his extensive expertise about Hong Kong curriculum issues and his prowess in curriculum
planning and timetabling.
Dr Sunderland joined the
school in 2008 and brings
with him over 20 years of IB
experience, as a teacher as well as school
principal. He has an excellent knowledge &
understanding not only of both the IB MYP
and Diploma programmes, but also of how
these programmes have evolved over the
past two decades. He is also a seasoned IB
trainer having run many workshops for the
IB in several continents.
He is a truly internationally-minded educator
who considers the challenge of starting the
IB Diploma in a local school in Hong Kong
much more exciting than being the principal of yet another international school.
Co-curricular Activities (CCA)
CCA programme fosters talent and potential
This year, Co-curricular Activities (CCA) at CSS have further developed both in terms
of quantity and quality. We are now offering over 36 programmes for our students to
choose from over the course of the school year.
The development of the programme follows the philosophy and direction of our scholarship scheme, which is designed to recognise and award students’ all-round, broad
and balanced achievements in both academic advancement and personal development. This includes the following domains: 1) Language, Communication & Culture,
2) Inquiry & Problem solving, 3) Creativity & the Arts 4) Sports & Action and 5) Service
& Leadership.
Accordingly, specific CCA courses are evolved, developed and enriched year by year,
bearing in mind the overall broad and balanced framework. As an IB School, our CCA
programme aims to help enhance the development of our students in accordance with
the attributes of IB Learner Profile, which are qualities that all IB World Schools aim to
develop in their students.
The IB Learner Profile
Spanish Club
Putonghua Debating Club
English Speech Festival Team
Student Newsletter- ’Invigoration’
Study Visits beyond Hong Kong to
New Zealand & Hangzhou
LEAD- Learning through
Engineering, Art & Design
OM Team - HK Odyssey of the
Mind Program
Woodcraft Construction Club
Mathematics Improvers
University of Waterloo Maths
Music instrumental tuition
String Group
Folk Guitar
Rock Band
School Choir
Chinese Dance
School Musical Production
Wall Mural Group
Cookery Class
Photography Club
Scouts & Girl Guides
Social Services Group
Christian Fellowship
Library Club
IT/AV Club
Prefects & Ambassador Program
Badminton Club & Team
Basketball Club
Boys Basketball Team
Martial Arts
Football Club
Table Tennis Club & Team
Tag Rugby Club & Team
Chess and Board Games
Wei Qi
Outdoor Education Camp
Environmental Visits
LEAD team won ’Most Favourite Magical
Forest’ award & interviewed by TVB
After a successful LEAD programme (Learning through Engineering, Art & Design)
in 2006-07, CSS became a LEAD School since September 2007. Last year, the LEAD
Team led by Michael Chiang (Bo2) with 12 students designed and created an exhibit
based on the theme ‘Magical Forest’ with the support from Mr Cassy Yu, Mr PK Poon
and Mr Wister Fung.
The team participated in the LEAD Creativity Showcase held in Cyberport on 12 July
2008 to compete with over 30 schools. In the end, the team won the Most Favourite
Magical Forest Award. The teachers would like to thank all students who took part
as it involved a lot of hard work.
The team was interviewed by TVB in August to share their experience and success.
We wish this year’s team good luck for their competition in July! In addition, all F.1
students will participate in a day camp at the LEAD Centre in Cyberport in March
this year as part of the MYP Technology course.
LEAD Team Members 2008-2009
Michael Chiang* Bo2
Billy Fong Bo3
Jonathan Luk Bo3
Gavin Wong Ca3
Horatius Choy Ca3
Adrian Man De3
Vicky Chu Ja3
Cynthie Ho Ja3
Henry Law Ja3
Jason Chong Ju3
Benny Fung Ba2
Donald Wong Bo2
Vivian Lee Ju2
* Team Leader
Co-curricular Activities
Cookery Club ’adds
spice’ to CCA
Students’ own newsletter ’Invigoration’
If you walk past the Food Technology
Centre on Thursday afternoons, you
would notice the lovely aroma of food
made by the 12 students who joined
the Cookery Club this year.
’Invigoration’, a newsletter written, edited
and published by students for students, provides our school community with updated
news and events happening at CSS.
Club members made snacks and desserts including cheese balls, Chinese
sweet dumplings, Chinese laughing
doughnuts and cheesecake. To add to
the festivity, they made gingerbreadmen for Christmas!
Our editorial group has 9 students, with Ms.
Tan Tan Chan and Ms. Amy Cheung helping
as advisors. So far, three issues of the newsletter have already been published.
’Invigoration’ Editorial Group Members
Michael Chiang Bo2
Nerissa Yeung Ja3
Tommy Cheung De2
Kendra Koh Ca2
Toby Yiu Ju2
Sunny Chan Ca2
Tsau Jin Cheng De3
Alexandra Yu Ca2
Benny Fung Ba2
CSS Champions at the
60th HK Speech Festival
Our students actively participated in this
year’s Hong Kong Speech Festival as in
last year. They took part in Cantonese,
Putonghua and English competitions and
attained very good results.
CSS students were awarded the Champion, 2nd and 3rd place for individual
entries (duos) in Cantonese. Joey Ho
(Ba2) and Claudia Chung (Ju2) were the
Champions. Subsequently, both were invited to perform on radio by RTHK.
In the second term, students have continued to develop their Putonghua speaking, firstly through the Putonghua drama
workshops and secondly through the
Putonghua debating club. Debating in
English is also being developed through
one of the units in the English course for
Form 3. We can all look forward to more
exciting events and opportunities for students language development next year.
Learning about
diversity of our
culture through
Chinese dance
Members of CSS’s Chinese Dance Club
were invited to perform during our Creative Chinese Festival. Their graceful
performance was very much appreciated by fellow students.
The participants learnt much about the
diversity of Chinese culture through
their dances. They learnt dances from
many regions of China, with styles
ranging from demure and tender to energetic and strong. Colourful costumes
from China created a blaze of colour
on the stage.
Instrument lessons
continue while
String ensemble &
rock group formed
This year we continued our weekly
strings and flute lessons on both oneon-one and small group basis.
The String Ensemble has grown to six
members, with all year groups represented. Members include Teresa Choi
(Ca3), Eric Chim (Ba3), Michael Chiang (Bo2), Brian Yu (Bo1), Sanna Sy
(De1) and Melody Wong (De1).
‘Simple Feather’, CSS’s Rock band, had
their debut performance in the Christmas Variety Show. Members include
Billy Fung (Bo3), Michelle Tong (Ja2),
Donald Wong (Bo2), Anna Ho (Bo2)
and Valerie Wong (Bo2).
Sports & Action - Sports Day & School Teams
Bigger turnout & participation at
2009 Sports Day
This year’s Sports Day was a huge success with more students competing in more
events than the previous year. The day ran incredibly smoothly thanks to all the
preparatory work put in by teachers and support staff. The weather was fine and
cooler than usual.
The day started with the opening ceremony presided over by the Chairman of the
School Board Mr. P.K. Yeung and Principal Cheung during which the flags of HKSAR, China and CSS were raised by a team of Boy Scouts. All the houses presented
their house colours and posed for a whole school photo.
All individual track and field events winners were presented with their medals by
a team of VIPs including our Guest of Honour, renowned martial arts coach Mr
Ocean Wong, School Director Mr Victor Fong and the Chair Lady of the PTA Ms
Leslie Chan.
Both the Creative Cheers and the Rope Skipping competitions were held during
lunchtime. This provided all the houses with the opportunity to show their house
spirit and compete in non-athletic events. Bombax won both competitions. All the
relay events including the Parent Teacher Relay were held in the afternoon.
The overall champion was Juniper House. This is their first time winning the cup
for Sports Day, and very handsomely won too!
Sports Day Results
Overall House Champion
Overall Individual Champion
Girls B Grade
Christine Chan Bo3
Hayley Au Ju3
Tiffany Tam Bo3
Tweetie Sun Ju3
Boys B Grade
Gavin Wong Ca3
Arren Chan Ba3
Dominic Wong Ja3
Henry Law Ja3
Girls C Grade
Ciara Lo Ju2
Bowie Lam De2
Cherie Wong Ju2
Boys C Grade
Brian Yu Ca2
Felix Wong Bo2
Roy Cheng Ca2
Creative Cheer champion : Bombax
Rope Skipping champion : Bombax
Badminton School Team
Our badminton team participated in this year’s Inter-School Badminton Championship. The Boy’s B
grade made a very good start by winning 3:0, but they narrowly missed getting into the finals.
The Boy’s C grade team won 4 out of their 5 matches to enter the finals alongside with 15 other
teams. They evetually came 3rd in the tournament. These are very positive results for our first year
of competition.
Boys Badminton C-Grade members
Martin Chan
Hayson Fong
Ken Seto
Kelvin Lau
Oscar Chan
Roger Wong
Samuel Tse
Boys Badminton B-Grade members
Jonathan Luk
Billy Fung
James Wu
Horatius Choy Ca3
Kevin Ng
Sam Chan
Jason Chong
Sports & Action - School Teams & Clubs
Swimming Team
This year many more students had put
themselves forward for selection, and
we were able to field strong teams for
the 2008-9 Inter-school Swimming
Championships (Kowloon District Area
1) in November. Whilst individual students have had outstanding results in
the past, this year the girls Grade B and
Grade C teams gained 4th place results
for the first time.
2008-09 Inter-school Swimming
Championship Results
Team Results
Girls B Grade Team
Girls C Grade Team
overall 4th place
overall 4th place
Individual Results
Derek Tsang Wai Tik Bo2
Hillary Fung Hiu Shan De2
Wilky Cheng Wai Kit Bo2
Winnie Tang Yuen Yee Ca3
Natalie Cheung Wing Fai De3
50m Freestyle
50m Freestyle
100m Bre’ststroke
100m Bre’ststroke
50m Butterfly
100m Freestyle 1st
100m Freestyle 3rd
50m Bre’ststroke 3rd
Table Tennis Team
Basketball Team gathers steam
This is the 2nd year our table tennis team has participated in the Inter-School Table Tennis Championship. The Boy’s B grade performed
much better after having regular training sessions with Mr Lee, our
new table tennis coach.
Basketball has gone from strength to strength since the
start of the first term. For most of the boys it was their first
season playing basketball so they had a lot to learn.
Our Boy’s C grade team won 3 out of 4 of their matches and entered
the final stage of the competition along with 15 other teams. They
eventually won 4th place.
Table Tennis Team
Martin Chan
Willis Ng
Calvin Li
Dixon Leung
Justin Wong
Jonathan Wong
Silver Wu
Mak Chin Wa
Nelson Cheung
Calvin Yau
Andrew Li
Ernie Tung
Martial Arts Club
The B grade team entered their first basketball competition this year; they played 4 matches, won one of them.
The team is looking forward to next year’s tournament
and they are sure to do much better. The C grade competition started on 12 February and the team won through
to the final stages.
Football Club
Martial Arts Club members were invited to perform during the Creative
Chinese Festival.
More than 30 students are engaged in
this year’s Archery Club. We believe that
our students will benefit from practising
archery continuously. Mental fitness is
greatly improved and this spills over
into all other aspects of one’s life.
Martial Arts at CSS is taught by Mr.
Ocean Wong, a well known coach in
Hong Kong. Through learning various
skills of martial arts, students become
stronger and understand more about
Chinese culture.
Examination will be arranged when
students’ levels are up to standard.
Archery Club
Many students like football at CSS and
our football club began last term. Team
members meet every Wednesday after
school for the practice session.
Thanks to our coach Mr Upton, the skill
level of our students in football has improved significantly and students will
benefit a lot from having plenty of opportunities to speak English with their native
English speaking coach.
Archery members find their concentration has improved when reading if they
practised archery regularly. The participants also develop mental agility and
nimbleness of mind.
House Activities & Personal Growth
’Temple of Doom’ challenge
ignited house spirit
This year our PE Department ran a new lunchtime house challenge called
’The Temple of Doom’. During the game, participants had to race to retrieve
treasures whilst having to avoid being hit by oponents’ ’missiles’.
Students were very enthusiastic from the start with all houses gaining many
house points with fantastic crowd support. All houses competed but none of
them were able to hold on to the trophy for more than one week. The final
house that won was Bauhinia who is now the reigning House Champion of
this exciting challenge game.
Singing contest at
Creative Chinese
Form 3 students selected and sang a
Chinese New Year song for their repective houses during our Creative Chinese Festival. Their performances were
accompanied by their own choice of
dance. Many congratulations to F3
Delonix for winning the competition.
Form 2 dance
The F2 Dance Competition took place
during the Christmas Variety Show in
December last year.
It was a great opportunity for our F2 students to show off their dancing skills and
composing techniques, which they learnt
during their PE lessons. Delonix was the
overall champion, followed by Cassia in
the 2nd place and Bauhinia in 3rd.
Lion Dance
added festivity to
Chinese New Year
Form 1 students participated in a lion
dance competition before this year’s
Chinese New Year holiday.
Students created their performance
with reference to Human Ingenuity, an
Area of Interaction (AOI) of the MYP
Each house designed and created their
own dance, associated with a storyline.
They came up with their own props and
background music.
Many congratulations to F1 Bauhinia
for winning the overall champion.
School watched
the film ’Bella’
as part of PGP
On 13 Nov, 2008, CSS’s Personal Growth
Programme (PGP) team arranged a film
appreciation event for the entire school.
’Bella’ is an international award-winning
film with a heart-warming story about
friendship, family and our capacity for
life in facing the unexpected.
Through watching the film, our students
critically reflected on important matters
regarding human relationships.
In addition, group discussions and inquiry-based activities were organised
prior to and after the event.
Community Service
Students visited
home for the elderly
CSS organised a community service
day at Haven of Hope Woo Ping Care
& Attention Home on 17 January 2009.
Twenty F.1 to F.3 students participated in
this event, which was led by Ms Callas
Kwok and Ms Flora Wong. It was a great
opportunity for our students to demonstrate their compassion and respect for
elderly members of our community.
To better equip our students with the
necessary skills involved in their duties, volunteer service training sessions
took place before the day. Students were
asked to design and implement the service programme which included drama
and singing performances and playing
games with the elderly.
Girl Guides
Group Formed
Girl Guides group 158EKCOY-24 was
formed this year at CSS. The mission of
the Girl Guides is to enable girls and
young women to develop their fullest
potential as responsible citizens of the
The variety of activities and educational programmes will enable girls to
attain new knowledge and enhance
their personal development as well as
interpersonal relationships.
This year, 23 girls joined the group
who are led by Ms. Callas Kwok, Ms.
Vicky Wong and Ms. Jennifer Chan.
CSS won ’Dress Special
Day’ Award
CSS achieved the 3rd highest per-capita
contribution (Educational Institution) to
the Community Chest during its annual
’Dress Special Day’ charity event. Head
student Horatius Choy and Principal
Cheung attended the award ceremony
held at the headquarter of Hang Seng
bank on behalf of the School.
’Lucky Bags’ for the needy
Every Chinese New Year, CSS students participate in various meaningful activities to
serve the community.
This year the school organised a charity
event in collaboration with the CanadaChina Culture and Education Association,
where students packed and distributed
“Lucky Bags” to the needy in the Chai Wan
Siu Sai Wan Shopping Arcade on 23 Jan
2009. Over 30 students participated and it
was a great experience for our students as
they take real action in caring and helping
the underprivileged in our community.
Scout Troop
CSS formally established its Scout
Troop-1677th East Kowloon group in
October 2008.
Scout Leaders are Mr. Poon PingKwan and Ms. Elaine Leung and currently there are 18 members in the
troop. Regular meetings are held on
So far, troop members have learnt the
history of scouting, rope work, hiking, marching and Backwood cooking skills. Real practice of Backwood
cooking took place in Sai Kung Pak
Tam Chung country park on the 29th
November 2008.
Student Ambassadors
Audrey Chan Lok-Chi
Fatima Qureshi
Amber Lau Hiu-Ching
Tiffany Yu
Jonathan Yip Chun-Ho
Rowena Li Shun-Yan
Katherine Or Hiu-Ting
Michael Chiang Chi-Hang
Kristie Tang Wing-Yu
Jonathan Luk Ching-Yan
Cherie Lau Cheuk-Ying
Winnie Lau Hei-Lam
Sharon Wu
Alexandra Yu Wai-Kwan
Kevin Ng Ki-Wang
David Chiu
Natalie Tyrwhitt Drake
Andrian Chu Kwan -Chun
Cheng Tsau-Jin
Nicole Wu Kin-Yan
Selena Tong Pui-Yi
Chennel Tong Wei-Yuk
Alison Ng Yan-Ting
Jacqueline Wong
Jane Wu Jia-Jia
Michael Tam Man-Kit
Claudia Chung Ching-Yan
Matthew Timothy Chiu
Katy Liang Kai-Ting
Tweetie Sun Cheuk-Che
Maggie Tong Lim-Yan
Stephanie Fung Ka-Yan
Anna Ho Ting-Yan
Ivan Yau Man-Lai
Matthew Wan Tsz-Fung
Sunny Chan Yu-Yeung
Roy Cheng Yiu-Lon
Tibbie Law Yui-Hei
Kelly Wong Tak-Yi
Teresa Choi Pak-Ho
Horatius Choy Huy
Winnie Tang Yuen-Yee
Tommy Cheung Ming-Hong
Janet Fu Ka-Yan
Hillary Fung Hiu-Shan
Cecilia Kwok Chong-Ching
Bowie Lam Po-Yan
Andrew Leung Chun-Hei
Judy Lui Kit-Yu
Carol Lui Ka-Wai
Faith Yeung Sin-Man
Karen Choi Ga-Lun
Ronald Choi Yau-Wing
Ernest Cheon
Cynthie Virginia Ho Sin-Wing
Jess Lam
Carman Lau Yan-Kei
Nerissa, Yeung York Tsing
Jenny Lam Yun-Jun
Cherie Wong Cheuk-Yin
Laureen Isabel Chiu