1 CURRICULA VITAE PERSONAL DETAILS Name: Birth date: Nationality: Age: Weight: Height: Birthplace: Civil Status: Name of spouse: Number of children: Mr. Eric Katovai MSc (UQ), BSc, BEd, 12 June 1977 Solomon Islander 34 86 Kg 1.76 m Abemama, Kiribati Married Dawnie Daphne Katovai (PNG citizen) Two (2) Sarleenah Judith Katovai (6) Mezanderic Kombongava Katovai (2) EDUCATION BACKGROUND Primary Education: Secondary Education: Tertiary Education: Burns Creek Primary School, Solomon Islands – Gr 1 – 6 (1985 -1990) Betikama Adventist High School, Solomon Islands – Form 1 (1991) Yat Sen Secondary School, Fiji – Forms 2 to 4 (1992 – 1993) (Note: I did Form 2 and 3 in a year) Fulton College, Fiji – Form 5 (1994) Betikama Adventist College, Solomon Islands - Form 6 (1995) University of the South Pacific (Laucala Campus), Fiji Foundation Science (1996) Undergraduate Studies (1997 -2001) Degree(s) earned: Bachelor of Science & Bachelor of Secondary Education University graduated from: Pacific Adventist University, Papua New Guinea. Years graduated: 2000 & 2001 Field: Double major: Biology & Physics Post Graduate Studies: University: Year Graduated: Field: Master of Science University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 2009 Ecology/Conservation Biology (Special interest in plant and community ecology) 2 WORK EXPERIENCES 2010 - Lecturer in Biological Sciences Pacific Adventist University (PAU), Papua New Guinea Broad areas of lecturing & research: Ecological studies & Environmental sciences Specific Responsibilities/Job Descriptions 1. Conduct tutorials, practical/laboratory sessions, demonstrations, workshops and field excursions. 2. Prepare and deliver lectures and seminars up to and including 300 level subjects. 3. Initiate and develop appropriate subject materials. 4. Assist in the revision and upgrading of subjects and courses under the guidance of senior colleagues. 5. Work co-operatively in association and under the supervision of senior colleagues and with increasing level of autonomy as the lecturer gains skills and experience. 6. Attend departmental and school meetings on a punctual and regular basis. 7. Actively engaged in professional and community activities under the supervision of more senior colleagues. 8. Assume responsibility for minor administrative and coordinating functions associated principally but not exclusively with the Lecturer‟s department. 9. Accept and carry out teaching responsibilities passed in by the Dean of School acting in consultation to the Deputy Vice Chancellor. 10. Maintaining a classroom atmosphere that is conductive to positive learning outcomes. 11. Prepare and distribute subject outlines as requested by the Academic Office and in accordance with the procedures. 12. Prepare and forward Examination papers as requested by the Academic office and in accordance with the procedures as outlined in the Hand book of Academic policies and procedures. 13. Maintain accurate at teaching attendance record, counsel with students or advice the Dean of School to unusual or extended absences from scheduled lectures, tutorial and laboratory sessions. 14. Assess students with accordance with assessment stated in subject descriptions, marking assignments and examination promptly, and submitting final assessment scores to the School Dean in accordance to the procedures as outlined in the Handbook of Academic Policies and Procedures. 15. In consultation with the Dean of the School, monitor students‟ progress and be available adequate time beyond assigned teaching duties for dialogue and counseling with students and for communication with colleagues and the Administration. 16. Cooperate with the Dean of School in exercising effective financial responsibilities in keeping the expenditure within the allowed budget. 17. Attend all scheduled general staff and faculty meetings departmental and school meetings and worships on a punctual and regular basis, and contribute positively to departmental planning under the leadership of the Dean of School. 18. Serve on the University committees as directed by the Administration committee. 19. Carry out special University assignments, including duties allocated for mid-year and endof-year University vacation. 20. Carry out individual/collaborative research which may contribute to current knowledge in field(s) of specialty/interests. 21. Participate in graduation ceremonies as directed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor. 3 2006 - 2007 Tutor/Associate Lecturer in Biological Sciences - Pacific Adventist University Courses taught/tutored: SB231.1 Invertebrate Zoology, SB236.2 Marine Biology, SB333.2 Ornithology and SB334.2 Ecology 2004 – 2005 Head of Department (Science) Kabiufa Adventist Secondary School Mid 2003 High School Teacher Kabiufa Adventist Secondary School, PNG. Taught Grade 11 & 12 Physics, Grade 11 & 12 Biology, Grade 10 Science & Grade 9 Intro to Computing 2002 – Mid 2003 High School Teacher/Acting HOD Science Department/ Subject Head – Physics Department Betikama Adventist College, Solomon Islands. Taught/tutored Form 7 (Foundation) Physics, Form 6 Physics, Form 3 Science & Form 1 Mathematics. RESEARCH AND OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCES: 2011 Conference presentation (UPNG Science Conference) Paper title: “Forest Gap; A Blessing in disguise? A review on gap dynamics, human interpolations and interventions.” 2011 Conference presentation (Fiji Conservation Science Forum) Paper title: “Non-tree plant species and functional diversity in the degraded wet tropical forests of Kolombangara Island, Solomon Islands.” 2011 Conference presentation (PNG Research, Science and Technology Conference) Paper title: “Species and Structural diversity of key flora communities within the Naoro-Brown catchment area, West Koiari region, New Guinea.” 2011 Research field work (Leaf traits) – Savannah woodland, Central province, Papua New Guinea 2011 Research field work (Leaf traits) –Mount Longu Oreke, Rendova, Solomon Islands 2010 Research field work (Ecological studies) - West Koiari Hill Forests, Papua New Guinea 2010 Consultancy work for Hydro Tasmania Consultancy 2010 Consultancy work for Pacific Adventist University 2009 Research field work (Ecological studies) Kolombangara Solomon Islands 2008 Research field work (Ecological studies) Semi-arid vegetation of Victoria 2008 Research field work (Ecological studies) Lamington National Park, Queensland 2007 Rapid assessment of active bowers of the fawn breasted bowerbird at PAU 2007 freshwater survey of the PAU creek 2001, I was attached with the Calibration department of the Papua New Guinea National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (NISIT) as part of my work experience requirement. 2001 As part of my training at NISIT, I participated in three workshops. 1. ISO 9000-2000: Quality Assurance and Quality Management System for Public Sector. 2. Quality Control techniques. 3. Documentation and Implementation of Quality System Manual. 2000-2001 I worked as Lab Assistance and student-tutor with the Biology Department at Pacific Adventist University for two years. 1998-2001 (PAU), I worked alongside ornithologist and senior lecturer Professor Mike Tarburton on two-research project as field assistant. - The Breeding Behaviour of the Glossy Swiftlet - The factors affecting the bower construction of the fawn breasted bower bird. 4 RELEVANT SKILLS Small Mammal and amphibian trapping Insect Trapping Conduct PCR and other molecular diagnostics in plant diseases Prepare specimens of plant diseases Simple protocols for plant specimen preservation Vital research skills in plant ecology Environmental monitoring using standard protocols Environmental monitoring using bio and ecological indicators Conduct general biodiversity surveys (Both Flora and Fauna) RECENT & FUTURE PUBLICATIONS Understory plant species and functional diversity in the degraded wet tropical forests of Kolombangara Island, Solomon Islands (Biological Conservation Journal - In press) Species and structural diversity of key flora communities within the Naoro-Brown catchment area, West Koiari region, Papua New Guinea (PNG Research, Science & Technology Journal – In press) Review on Forest Gap Regeneration (UPNG Science Conference proceedings) Conservation Action Plan for the Large-Eared Sheath Tailed Bat Embollonura dianae. (Soon to be submitted for publication) Quantifying Leaf Functional Responses to disturbances in wet tropical forest (Working paper) Possible species indicators for forest ecosystem health and function in wet tropical forest (Working paper) Specific Leaf Area (SLA) and between stands of the Ghost Gum Eucalyptus papuana ( Working paper) RECENT TECHNICAL REPORTS AUTHORED Baseline Ecological study for the Naoro-Brown River Hydropower Project – For Hydro Tasmania Consultancy (Completed). Environmental Impact Assessment for the new School of Business complex (Completed). Environmental Impact Assessment of the Koiari Park Demonstration School (Completed). AFFILIATIONS: Society of Conservation Biology (SCB) Ecological Society of Australia (ESA) HOBBIES/INTERESTS: - Music – Playing the Piano and sequencing/audio production Bush Walking and enjoying the natural environment Bird Watching Traveling Playing Sports i.e. Soccer, touch footy „etc‟ Swimming Collaborating with people with the same interests Community Service – Community-based awareness on resource management and conservation 5 REFEREES: Professor William F. Laurance, FAAAS Distinguished Research Professor & Australian Laureate Prince Bernhard Chair in International Nature Conservation Centre for Tropical Environmental and Sustainability Science (TESS) & School of Marine and Tropical Biology James Cook University Cairns, Queensland 4878, Australia Phones: +61-7-4038-1518 and +61-7-4042-1819 Email: bill.laurance@jcu.edu.au Associate Professor Margie Mayfield Senior Lecturer in Plant Ecology School of Biological Sciences University of Queensland QLD 4072, Australia Email: m.mayfield@uq.edu.au Associate Professor Fifaia Matainaho Dean of School of Science & Technology Pacific Adventist University Private Mail bag Boroko NCD Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Phone: (675) 3280352 Email: fifaia.matainaho@pau.ac.pg Associate Prof Tracie Mafileo Deputy Vice Chancellor Pacific Adventist University Private Mail Bag Boroko, NCD Papua New Guinea Phone: (675) 3280288 Email: Tracie.Mafileo@pau.ac.pg