2965kb - Gedling Borough Council

Getting Older doesn’t mean you have to slow down…
The benefits of being mentally and physically active are enormous; it can
improve your health by helping lower your blood pressure and cholesterol
levels, helping you manage your weight, improving your balance and coordination and keeping your bones strong. It can also benefit your
general well being and confidence, reduce depression and anxiety,
help you meet more people and increase the amounts of energy you
have to do your daily tasks with ease.
Recent UK physical activity guidelines suggest all adults should aim to be
active for 2.5hrs a week, which can be broken down into 5 sessions of
30minutes. For some people this may mean a trip to the gym or an
exercise class, but for others it may be more appropriate to go for a brisk
walk, do a spot of gardening, go dancing or do some chair based
exercises. It is also important where possible, to work on improving muscle
strength a couple of times a week, which can be anything from lifting weights
to carrying shopping home.
People with an illness or disability can still take part in exercise. For advice on what is available for your particular
situation please contact a member of the fitness team at the leisure centres
who will be able to offer advice.
This leaflet provides you with a number of
opportunities that currently exist within the
borough that you can take advantage of to
help get physically and mentally active.
To help take that first step why not
encourage a friend or family
member to join in? Exercising with
other like minded people is a
good way to get going and more
importantly stay motivated.
Think about making small changes
in your every day routine to
incorporate a bit more activity. Find
something you enjoy and go for it.
DNA membership is the brand name for our inclusive health & fitness membership scheme.
The membership gives you unlimited access to –
• 3 fully equipped fitness suites at Calverton, Carlton Forum and Redhill Leisure Centres.
• 3 swimming pools at Arnold, Calverton and Carlton Forum Leisure Centres.
• Over 100 instructor led exercise classes at Arnold, Calverton, Carlton Forum, Redhill Leisure Centres and also the
Richard Herrod Centre.
• 50+ clubs at Richard Herrod Centre, Arnold, Calverton, Carlton Forum and Redhill Leisure Centre.
Inclusive membership is available from only £23.20 per month which works out to be only £5.80 per week
You can sign up to our DNA membership scheme at any of our leisure
centres or by contacting our membership office on (0115) 987 2333.
If you have not used our facilities before then take advantage of a free
session pass by contacting the Fitness Promotions Officer on (0115) 901 3700.
The Gedling Leisure Card is a small swipe
card that entitles the cardholder access to
leisure facilities at a discounted rate of 15%.
The card is available at a nominal fee to both
residents and non-residents and is renewable
In some circumstances it may be possible to qualify for a
free concessionary Gedling Leisure Card, which gives a
further discount of up to 50% off leisure activities.
The concessionary
Gedling Leisure Card
is available to:
• People over the age of 60
• People in receipt of certain benefits
• People living with a disability
What are the benefits?
Discounted rates on all activities
• The ability to book activities up to
7 days in advance
• Online booking and cancellation
of activities
Note: DNA members receive the benefits of the Gedling Leisure Card automatically.
The Heartbeats Scheme offers people with heart conditions the chance to
exercise in a fun and safe environment. Our classes cater for people who’ve
suffered from cardiac problems such as a recent heart attack, valvereplacement surgery or angina.
To take part in the scheme you must first visit your General Practitioner or Practice Nurse to make sure it is
safe for you to exercise. They will then refer you to the Exercise Promotion Team who will then aim to
contact you within two to three weeks. There are a number of exercise classes you can access all
of which are led by a specially trained instructor. The costs for this scheme are subsidised for
the first 12 weeks.
For further information, please contact the Healthy Communities Officer on (0115) 9013705
Positive Moves
Positive Moves is an Exercise Referral Scheme for adults (aged 16 years old or
above) who are physically inactive and have a medical condition or health
problem (other than a heart problem). Physical activity can have a positive
effect on many conditions, including high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity,
depression and more.
To take part you must first visit your General Practitioner, Practice Nurse or another
healthcare professional who will refer you to the Exercise Promotion team. Once you
have been referred, the team will aim to contact within 2-3 weeks and devise a unique
exercise programme to suit you, as well as providing continuous support to help you to
reach your goals and to help make physical activity part of your everyday life. The costs
for this scheme are subsidized for the first 12 weeks.
For further information, please contact the Assistant Exercise Promotion Officer on (0115) 9013697.
Strokeabilitly is an exercise initiative that provides an opportunity for stroke
patients to work towards a healthier lifestyle. The programme lasts 12
weeks and runs on a regular basis in the Gedling area, dependant on
the demand. To take part in Strokeability you must live in Gedling and
be 6 months post stroke. You must also have completed, or be near to
the end of, your rehabilitation programme. The programme consists of
an hour of low intensity chair-based activity followed by refreshments,
socialising and a short talk by a different guest speaker each week, who will
advise on different matters e.g. falls prevention, nutrition.
For further information, please contact the Strokeability Coordinator on
(01636) 815338.
Arnold Leisure Centre
A 50+ ticket (bought at Redhill or Arnold) allows the
customer to attend all these activities across the 2 sites.
Our leisure centres run morning and afternoon sessions specifically aimed at people over the age of 50, who want to
take part in physical activity whilst meeting new friends. There’s no need to book any of our 50+ sessions, so just
come along in the appropriate clothing and pay at reception.
Carlton Forum Leisure Centre
Fitness Suite (Members only)
Table Tennis/ Volleyball
1pm to 4pm
1pm to 4pm
1.30pm to 2.30pm
2pm to 3pm
2.35pm to 3.35pm
3pm to 4pm
12pm to 4pm
1pm to 4pm
1.30pm to 2.30pm
2pm to 3pm
3.35pm to 4.45pm
3pm to 4pm
The programme does alter slightly during school holidays, so please check at reception.
Calverton Leisure Centre
Fitness Suite
Wet Workout
Table Tennis
10.30am to 1pm
10.30am to 2.15pm
12.15pm to 1.15pm
10.30am to 2.15pm
1.15pm to 2.15pm
Line Dancing (beg.)
Line Dancing (inter.)
Line Dancing (Adv.)
Water Aerobics
Public Swim
10am to 11am
11am to 12pm
12pm to 1pm
11am to 12pm
12pm to 1.30pm
Redhill Leisure Centre
Table Tennis/ Volleyball
Leisurely Spin
Belly Dancing
Low Impact Aerobics
12pm to 3pm
1.30pm to 3pm
12.10pm to 13.10pm
1pm to 1.45pm
1pm to 2pm
2pm to 3pm
Gedling Leisure Centres have an extensive range of exercise classes on offer with over 100 classes available throughout the
week across the 5 sites.
Group exercise provides a social and healthy environment for you to get fit and meet friends.
You can be sure that there is something for you whether you’re focusing on mind and body or if you need to burn off those
unwanted calories, improve your strength and flexibility or just simply want to meet new friends. We have everything from
Aerobics to Zumba.
Our trained instructors are able to adapt the intensity of all our sessions to people of all abilities and levels of fitness.
The instructor will take you on a journey as you cycle to music. How hard you work is entirely
up to you, as you control the resistance of the pedals. The harder you cycle the more
calories you will lose.
Re-energise, relax and understand how your body works with our mind and body
programme of Tai chi and Pilates classes.
High-energy, fat burning sessions, such as aerobics that will increase your heart rate and help you maintain a healthy weight.
A series of sessions such as stability ball and
yoga that is focused on toning and
strengthening the muscles to help make it
more efficient at burning fat.
We have a varied range of dance classes
giving you the chance to have fun while you
work out, including the very popular Zumba,
Belly Dancing classes and Line Dancing
We also provide wet workouts and swim fit sessions for a
chance to work out in our swimming pools.
Redhill, Calverton and Carlton Forum leisure centres have excellent fitness suites with a wide variety of fitness machines.
One on one instruction
For those needing extra help or assistance in the fitness suite you can book a one on one session with one of our qualified instructors. This
can be arranged on a regular basis or as and when needed. There is no extra charge for this service.
Our friendly staff are always on hand to help you, offering advice on technique or setting you a personalised training programme to work to.
Where do I start?
For new users, our induction sessions offer a great way of getting to grips with the equipment to help you get the most from your training. All
those wanting to use the fitness suites must undergo an induction.
We believe that swimming is an essential life skill that everyone should be able do for the sake of personal safety, general health and
because it’s fun. It tones up the whole body, strengthens the heart and is perfect for burning calories.
There are a number of different swim sessions at Arnold, Calverton and Carlton Forum leisure centres, each offering a slightly different experience:
Open for anyone to enjoy the pool.
Sedate swim Ideal for anyone recovering from injury, or people
suffering from rheumatic, arthritic or similar pains.
50+ swim Ideal for our mature patrons to enjoy a swim at their own
pace (this session is included in the 50+ ticket).
There are a huge range of opportunities to get involved in the arts in Gedling, all of which provide an excellent
way to maintain positive mental health, meet people, learn new skills and spend time being creative.
Whether at a professional venue or at an activity run by the local community some of the things you can get involved in include:
• Craft courses and workshops at Patchings Art Centre
• Village Ventures shows in your local village hall
• Festivals and community arts events in rural areas and parks
• The chance to take part in all kinds of dance, music, drama and visual arts sessions as part of a local community group
• Shows, concerts and films at the Bonington Theatre
Public swim
Wet workout Water based aerobics class suitable for anyone
Timid Time Perfect for adults who can swim a little but lack water
confidence. A qualified instructor is on hand to offer help and
Whatever your interests, there are all manner of creative activities on offer to meet your needs.
If you’re interested in helping to run an activity there are also volunteering opportunities at
The Bonington Theatre and in supporting community arts groups or arts events in the Borough.
For further information about the Bonington Theatre and its programme contact
Arnold Leisure Centre on (0115) 967 0114.
To find out more about the range of arts activities that take place in the Borough, or for help and advice on
setting up an activity please contact our Arts Development Officer on (0115) 901 3605.
Gedling has 7 community centres situated across the borough
in Arnold, Mapperley and Carlton. Each centre has a wide
selection of activities in a relaxed and friendly environment.
You can also hire any of the community centres if you need
somewhere to celebrate a wedding anniversary or just to ‘mark the
occasion’. The facilities include spacious halls, fully equipped
kitchens, ample free parking and are accessible by most major
bus routes.
Do you enjoy the arts, photography, the theatre or just
want to make friends and socialise?
Pond Hills Lane Community Centre is the well established home of
Gedling Borough Arts Association. There is a great selection of
things to get involved in during the day and evening, ranging from
the Arnold Arts Society Art classes, Arnold Photographic Society,
Magdala Opera and Prospect Players Amateur Dramatics to name
but a few. You could also try your hand at a bit of magic with The
Guild of Magicians.
For more information on what is available please contact John
Williams, Chairman of Gedling Borough Arts Association on
(0115) 958 2999
The community centres offer lots of opportunities to get active,
meet friends or both! Whether its swing in to shape, tea dances or
indoor bowls, there is something for everyone.
Westdale Lane Community Centre
Sequence Dancing – Mondays 12.45 – 15.45 pm
Pond Hills Lane Community Centre
Swing into Shape – Mondays 7.00 – 8.30 pm
Arnold WI - First Tuesday of month 7.00 – 10.00pm
Age UK – Monday 9.00am – 2.00
Killisick Community Centre
Autumn Club - Tuesday 8.30 – 11am
Yoga - Wednesday 6.30 - 7.30 pm
Arnold Hill Community Centre
Indoor Bowls – Monday 10am – 5pm Wednesday 10am – 2.45pm
Social Dance - Friday 8 - 10 pm
The Brickyard Community Centre
African Caribbean Elders – Friday
Contact Lawrence Quirk (Gedling CVS) on (0115) 926 6750
Yoga – Tuesday 7.15 – 8.30 pm
Haywood Road Community Centre
For more information on activities and booking
Contact John Tanner on (0115) 960 2614
For more information about activities at your local
community centre call (0115) 901 3701
The Richard Herrod Centre in Carlton is home to Gedling Indoor Bowls Club, who are
always on the look out for new members. If you fancy having a go then pop down to the
centre, where someone can show you how to play.
The centre now has a 50+ games afternoon on Thursdays from 1pm to 4pm. It’s a really friendly
atmosphere, and a great way to meet new people. All the activities are free including:
Card games
Jenga, Connect4, jigsaw puzzles, etc
Fun quiz & sticky 13’s
Bingo (dependant on numbers)
Bowls (to be arranged in advance)
On Saturday nights in the Main Bar there is live entertainment every week from 7pm. With solo
singers, full bands and weekly bingo, there is something for everyone. It's a lively and welcoming
evening open to all over the age of 18. Saturdays are the only night we charge an entrance fee of
£2.50 for non members, Saturday night membership is available.
On Monday nights there is a fun quiz which starts at 9pm . It is always a fun and friendly occasion,
with a real family atmosphere. The quiz includes the number card, general knowledge quiz, sticky
13’s (usually 3 or 4 games) and a free buffet!
Our Memory Lane afternoons are run throughout summer and include a two course lunch with live
entertainment & bingo. Please contact Carlton Caterers at the Richard Herrod Centre for details.
Explore the great outdoors
Allotments are a great way of providing low cost, home grown food for you and your family as well
as a great way to keep fit. There are 12 allotment sites across the borough. For more details
please ring (0115) 901 3621
Whether it’s a walk in your local park or a longer trip to explore the countryside
using the network of footpaths and bridleways, exercise in the great outdoors is
good for both your physical and mental health. If you want ideas for walks or
cycle rides you can start with the booklet ‘Heels, Wheels and Hooves’, available
from the Council Offices or by telephoning (0115) 901 3601. You can even try one of
the ‘green’ outdoor gyms, such as the one at Killisick.
Get Going in Gedling is our free healthy walking
scheme that helps people to increase their levels of physical
activity. With the help of trained volunteers, we run a series of walks
through local parks, countryside and residential areas.
If you prefer your exercise to have more of a purpose why not
consider joining a ‘Friends of Group’? The Council is working in a
number of areas to create these groups; their aim is to give
people some influence over how their local open
space is developed and to encourage
practical help in maintaining the parks,
green spaces and nature reserves. Like
gardening at home, practical work in a
park or green space is good exercise but
doing it in a group means you also get the
chance to meet new people as well. For
more details about Friends of Groups please
contact 0115 901 3621.
Simply turn up on the day (please arrive 10 minutes early for your first walk as you will be expected to complete a short health
questionnaire). Our free, volunteer-led walks are suitable for people of all ages, although anyone wishing to attend should be prepared to
walk approximately two miles in about 40 minutes. Refreshments are available to purchase after each walk and we recommend you
wear comfortable clothing and sturdy footwear suitable for walking and bring a drink of water. We currently lead the following walks:
Every Monday at 11.00am
Meet outside the library, St Wilfrid’s Square
Every Wednesday at 11.00am
Meet at The Richard Herrod Centre, Foxhill Road
Every Thursday at 12.15pm
Meet at the kiosk next to the pond, Arnot Hill Park
Every Friday at 11.00am
Meet at the Bus Terminal, Killisick Road
For further information, please contact the Healthy Communities Officer on 0115 9013705
Nottinghamshire Community Health
• FREE nicotine replacement products
such as patches, gum, lozenges etc
• FREE local support at a
time and venue that's
convenient to you
• With New Leaf you are 4 times more likely
to Stop Smoking than if you go it alone
For more details
Call FREE 0800 389 7712
or Text free the word
‘LEAF’ to 80800
*Products are free if you don’t pay for prescriptions.
If you do pay for prescriptions a 12 week
course will cost £7.20
Gedling 1Stop is based at the Civic Centre in Arnold, and is your first port of
call for help and advice for all Gedling Borough Council services.
Our friendly and helpful staff will endeavour to answer your queries quickly and
accurately, and if for any reason we are unable to help you we will try to point
you towards someone who can. Our reception staff can answer basic enquiries,
but for more detailed questions you will be referred to one our advisors who are
trained to deal with enquiries across the full range of council services such as
Council Tax, Housing Benefits, Planning, Housing, Waste and Recycling.
If you are unable to visit our offices our staff wil be very happy to
speak with you on the telephone instead:
Council Tax
Waste and Recycling
Housing Benefits
Planning & Licensing
Food, Health & Safety
(0115) 9013950
(0115) 9013621
(0115) 9013970
(0115) 9013971
(0115) 9013949
(0115) 9013972
(0115) 9013601
(0115) 9013974
(0115) 9013917
We work in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council and have an advisor on site
between 9am and 4pm who deals with County Council services such as free school
meals, blue badge applications, education, highways and social services.
Our offices are open from 8am Monday to Friday and the phone lines are open from
8.45am (until 5.15pm Monday to Thursday and 4.45pm on Friday). Further information
about the services we provide and how to get in touch can be found by visiting our
website at www.gedling.gov.uk.
NHS Community Nutrition Team
The Community Outreach Service is a free and confidential service for people over
50 to help them to remain safe and independent in their own homes.
We offer free sessions to the community:
1) Target sessions on healthy eating topics such as Sugar, Fat, Salt etc.
2) 4 x week cooking course called Cook4life
The advisor will usually visit the person at home to assess their situation and
needs. They can then offer advice and information on a range of topics
such as home safety and security, home adaptations, mobility aids,
transport, social activities and benefits.
Referrals to the service can come from individuals, their family or
carers, or professionals such as GPs.
3) Training for staff:
- Eatwell Plate
- Obesity management
There are seven Community Outreach Advisors across the county,
contact details are given below:
Contact: Luke Daley Gedling's NHS Public Health Nutritionist to book:
Area covered: County of Nottinghamshire
Gedling: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Adele Walker
Tel: 07872 839624 or (0115) 844 0011
Email: adele.walker@ageuknotts.org.uk
Nutrition and Dietetics
If you’re 60 or over First Contact gets you help from lots of
organisations when you complete one simple checklist.
First Contact gets you advice on:
Claiming benefits
Preventing falls
Home safety and security
Repairs adaptations and specialist equipment
Energy saving improvements to keep you warm and reduce bills
Housing advice
Local activities and groups
Community transport schemes.
Smoke detectors and fire prevention
Complete the checklist and you’ll be contacted by people who can
help. They may offer a home visit, but will always contact you first
(always ask for their ID).
Call Nottinghamshire County Council on 08449 808080 or visit
First Contact in Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe managed by
Rushcliffe Community and Voluntary Service and run by
Nottinghamshire County Council.
HPAS will provide “that little bit of help” to older and vulnerable people in Nottinghamshire. The type of jobs range from fitting
hand rails and half steps, to changing light bulbs, fitting door locks and putting up shelves. Often very small jobs such as
fixing loose carpets or installing a handrail can prevent a fall and avoid unnecessary distress to an individual.
Community Occupational Therapists and
Physiotherapists provide expertise in home-based
rehabilitation of older people, including those with
complex needs, falls prevention and
management. The team has a person-centred
and goal directed approach to enable people to
remain as independent as possible in their own
home and prevent avoidable hospital admissions
or unnecessary admission to long term care.
To be eligible you must be registered with a GP within
this area.
Exclusions to adaptations, they cannot currently be fitted into houses that are rented from the council or a housing association.
If you are worried about your balance and feel
unsteady on your feet or you are finding it more
difficult to remain independent at home for other
reasons, you can discuss this with your doctor or
contact the team on (0115) 993 5601 to talk to a
member of staff.
All traders are registered with the Buy with Confidence scheme.
Adaptations to your home may help you to remain living independently and safely in your own home, if you are over 60 or have a
disability and live in the county of Nottinghamshire you are eligible to have any of the following pieces of equipment.
Grab rails
Stair rails
Half steps
Exterior hand rails
There is a limit of £250 worth of equipment per household. This service will cost you £10.
Handyperson services are available to you if you are 60 or over, or have a disability and live in the county of Nottinghamshire,they are
available regardless of home ownership.
This service will cost you £10.
Please note this service does not include gardening, decorating or any job that requires a specialist skill.
Area covered: County of Nottinghamshire
Contact: Nottinghamshire County Council Customer Service Centre
Tel: 08449 80 80 80 Email: practicalservices@nottscc.gov.uk
Tai Chi
Health Walks
Age UK
Indoor Bowling
Theatre / Entertainment
Arts Activites
Carlton Forum 0115 987 2333 Redhill 0115 956 9996
Arnold 0115 967 0114 Calverton 0115 901 3800
Richard Herrod 0115 961 2949 Community Centre 0115 901 3701
Community Centres
Richard Herrod
Carlton Forum
Community Centres
Richard Herrod
50+ Club
Dance Classes
Water Aerobics
Low Impact aerobics
Chair based Exercise
Leisurely Spin
Positive Moves
Carlton Forum