employee benefits

TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
1. Types of Leave
It is the Company’s policy to grant leave in accordance to the statutory requirements/
regulations and TA Group’s policy. The leave must be taken at such time or times
convenient to the Company and subject to the approval of the Management.
All leave applications must be applied via the e-HR system with supporting documents (if
1.1 Annual Leave
Permanent Employees
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager
General Manager
Contract Employees
Job Level
Assistant Managers & below
Managers & above
< 5 years
> 5 years
Per Contract Year
(a) Application of annual leave must be made three (3) working days in advance;
(b) Employees are allowed to apply for their annual leave up to the maximum of their earned
leave as at the day of application;
(c) Annual leave must be utilised within the financial year i.e. from 1 Feb – 31 Jan period
as per guidelines below:
All Heads of Department and employees are required to submit their leave plans via
application(s) in e-HR system by 31 March of each financial year;
Annual leave must be planned and utilised on a half yearly basis, i.e. 1 Feb – 31 Jul
(Minimum 50% to be utilised during the first half of the financial year), 1 Aug – 31
Jan (Remaining unutilised leave to be cleared in the second half of the financial year).
Otherwise, unutilised leave at the end of the first and second 6-months’ period will be
forfeited automatically;
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Employee Benefits
of companies
The Management will only consider reinstatement of the forfeited annual leave
under special circumstances such as marriage / pilgrimage / overseas vacation /
examination exceeding seven (7) working days etc, to be supported by documentary
The Company encourages employees to plan their leave and have private time for
family and rest. Therefore, encashment of leave is not allowed.
(d) A confirmed employee who has not completed twelve (12) months of continuous
service in a financial year shall be entitled to annual leave in proportion to the number of
months of service with the Company in that financial year;
(e) In calculating the proportion of annual leave entitlement, any fraction of a day which is
less than ½ day shall be disregarded and where fraction of a day is ½ or more, it shall be
regarded as 1 day;
(f) An unconfirmed employee is also allowed to apply annual leave based on earned leave.
In the event the employee does not have earned leave, unpaid leave may be considered
based on a valid reason for the leave and is subject to approval from the Head of
Medical & Hospitalisation Leaves
Job Level
Clerk level to General
< 2 years
Medical (days)
2 - < 5 years
> 5 years
(a) All employees must produce valid medical certificates and/or supporting documents
for hospitalisation from the Company’s panel clinics and/or hospitals for medical/
hospitalisation leave applications. Employees are required to submit their medical/
hospitalisation leave applications via e-HR and submit the original documents to their
Head of Department for approval upon resumption of duty on the following day;
(b) All employees can be granted up to sixty (60) consecutive days paid hospitalisation
leave less the number of medical leave taken upon recommendation of the
Company’s panel clinics/ hospitals and approval from the Management;
(c) Excess medical and/or hospitalisation leave will be deducted from the employee’s
annual leave entitlement. If in the event the employee’s annual leave has also been
fully utilised then the additional medical and/or hospitalisation leave taken will be
treated as unpaid leave.
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TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
Prolonged Illness Leave
Prolonged Illness Leave is granted to confirmed employees who suffer from
sickness/diseases which require them to be on extended Medical Leave.
Terms and Conditions
(a) For employees with less than ten (10) years of service (regardless of job level)
Up to 3 months
Up to additional 3 months
Up to a further 3 months
At Full Pay
At Half Pay
At No Pay
(b) For employees with more than ten (10) years of service (regardless of job level)
Up to 6 months
Up to additional 6 months
Up to a further 6 months
At Full Pay
At Half Pay
At No Pay
This benefit may be granted to all eligible employees upon recommendation from the
Company’s panel clinic/hospital and subject to approval from the Management.
Should the employee be certified as unfit to work upon the cessation of the Prolonged
Illness leave, the employee may be discharged from employment on medical grounds.
Under such circumstances, no compensation will be payable to the employee.
Marriage Leave
(a) Only confirmed employees will be given three (3) working days of marriage
leave with full pay on the employee’s legal marriage;
(b) The marriage leave application must be supported by the marriage certificate.
Maternity Leave
(a) Female employees will be entitled to sixty (60) consecutive days of paid maternity
Conditions / Requirements to fulfil:
(i) This entitlement is limited to the first five (5) surviving children only;
(ii) Maternity leave shall only commence after the completion of 22 weeks
of pregnancy;
(iii) Female employees must be employed by the Company at some time or other
(even for a day) in the four (4) months immediately preceding the
(iv) Female employees must be employed by the same Company for not less than
ninety (90) days during the nine (9) months immediately preceding the
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TA Group
of companies
Employee Benefits
(v) Female employees must notify the Company within a period of sixty (60) days
immediately preceding her impending confinement of the date from which
she intends to commence her maternity leave;
(b) Any absence from work as a result of miscarriage, still-birth, abortion, premature birth or any other illness due to pregnancy shall be deemed as normal
medical leave if the female employee fails to satisfy the above five (5) requirements;
(c) Female employees applying for maternity leave shall submit the application one
(1) month before the commencement date of the leave and her expected date of
delivery (EDD) has to be certified by the attending gynaecologist;
(d) On the expiry of the maternity leave, if the female employee is certified unfit to
work by the Company’s panel clinics / hospitals / registered gynaecologist, her
absence from work will be treated as normal medical leave and thereafter as
unpaid leave;
(e) Upon the expiry of thirty (30) days of unpaid leave due to “unfit for work
after childbirth”; the continuity of employment will be at the sole discretion of
the Company if the female employee is not eligible for the prolonged illness benefit.
Paternity Leave
(a) Confirmed male employees shall be entitled to two (2) working days of paternity
leave on the day of delivery of his legal child;
(b) Male employees are required to apply for paternity leave via e-HR system.
The paternity leave application must be supported by the birth certificate.
Compassionate Leave
(a) All confirmed employees are entitled to three (3) consecutive days of
compassionate leave per occasion on the death of the employee’s immediate family
members, which include grandparents, grandparents-in-law, parents, parents-inlaw, spouse, children, brothers and sisters;
(b) Employees are required to produce the death certificate as supporting document
for the leave application upon returning to work;
(c) The compassionate leave will commence on the following day if the death of
the immediate family member took place in the evening after the employee had
worked full day in the office.
Emergency Leave
(a) Emergency leave is defined as leave taken without prior approval due to
unforeseen circumstances e.g. accident, death of a relative, serious illness of family
(b) Emergency leave application must be submitted with valid supporting documents.
It will be deducted from the employee’s annual leave entitlement upon approval
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of companies
Employee Benefits
as otherwise it will be treated as unpaid leave and will be deducted from the
employee’s salary accordingly;
(c) Employees are required to contact, notify and obtain verbal approval on the
emergency leave from their immediate Head of Department within thirty (30)
minutes upon commencement of the employee’s official working hours;
(d) Employees found responsible for abusing emergency leave may be subject to
disciplinary action which may lead to termination of employment.
Unpaid Leave
(a) Employees are strongly discouraged from taking unpaid leave unless there are
pressing circumstances/ matters to attend to and all earned leave have been
(b) Unpaid leave can be utilised upon approval from Head of Department;
(c) Number of days of unpaid leave taken will be considered during performance
appraisal evaluation and it may impact the performance evaluation as the number
of effective work days had been reduced;
(d) Employees found responsible for abusing unpaid leave may be subject to
disciplinary action which may lead to termination of employment.
Replacement Leave / Time off-In-Lieu
Employees who are not entitled to overtime claims but are required to work on
his/her rest/off/public holiday, he/she will be given replacement leave or time offin-lieu in accordance to the number of hours of work performed;
(b) Such leave shall be utilised within one (1) month from the date of the work
performed. Upon expiry of the deadline, such leave will be forfeited and leave
encashment is not allowed;
It is the responsibility and obligation of the employees to monitor their replacement
leave or time off-in-lieu and ensure timely clearance.
Examination Leave for Professional Course
Examination leave with pay for courses which are directly related to the work of
the employee that is recognised by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia
(approved formal study programmes and approved by the Management) will be
granted to permanent employees with more than one (1) year of service with the
Company prior to the date of examination;
Employees must produce confirmed examination time-table to their Head of
Department for verification and approval on application for such leave;
Examination leave is granted for the time required to attend the examination and
shall be administered on the basis of half day or full day in accordance to the
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of companies
Employee Benefits
duration and timing of the actual examination. The maximum entitlement is two (2)
working days per annum as per the Company’s financial year.
Study and Examination Leave for Mandatory Examination
Leave granted to employees to attend and to study for mandatory examinations
leading to obtaining the relevant license or regulator’s permission to work in the
job role for which they are employed for;
Employees will be granted Study Leave up to a maximum of two (2) days per
annum as per the Company’s financial year;
Employees must produce confirmed examination time-table to their Head of
Department for verification and approval on application for such leave;
Employees will also be granted the Examination Leave which shall be
administered on the basis of half days or full days in accordance to the duration
and timing of the actual examination. The maximum entitlement is two (2)
working days per annum as per the Company’s financial year.
Time-off for Medical Consultation (Hospital/Clinic)
Employees are allowed to apply time-off of not more than two (2) hours for them to
go or to accompany their spouse and children to go for medical treatment;
(b) The time-off application must be supported by the Time-off Chit issued by the
doctor and must be submitted to the Head of Department for approval;
The Company may allow short visits to the clinics/hospitals on rare occasions. If
such time-off becomes too frequent, employee will be advised to take ½ day annual
leave or if it is for medical check-up purposes and not urgent in nature,
employees are to arrange for appointments on Saturdays instead.
2. Medical, Dental, Group Hospital and Surgical, and Group Term Life + Critical
Illness Insurance Benefits
2.1 Outpatient Medical Benefits
(a) All permanent and contractual employees, regardless whether they are on probation
or confirmed in their service will be allowed to enjoy the medical entitlement upon
joining the Company;
(b) The medical entitlement covers the employee, spouse who is not working or not in
business and children below 23 years old on full time study;
(c) The amount of annual coverage will vary depending on the job level and length of
employment in the company:
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TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager
General Manager
Employee + Dependent(s)
(Ringgit Malaysia)
< 5 years
≥ 5 years
(d) The Company shall not be liable for the following expenses:
Spectacles, lens and optician fees.
Expenses incurred as a result of attempted suicide.
Injuries arising from performing unlawful acts, provoked assault or breach of
Expenses incurred for confinement, pregnancy, miscarriage.
Self-inflicted or diseases arising from misconduct or exposure to any
unjustifiable hazards.
Expenses incurred as a result of mental illness.
Cosmetic surgeries.
Venereal Diseases or sexually transmitted / infected diseases.
2.2 Dental Benefits
(a) All permanent and contractual employees, regardless whether they are on probation
or confirmed in their service will be allowed to enjoy the dental entitlement upon
joining the Company;
(b) The dental claims are limited to only tooth extraction, filling and consultation;
(c) The dental entitlement covers the employee, spouse who is not working or not in
business and children below 23 years old on full time study;
(d) The amount of annual coverage will vary depending on the length of employment in
the company:
Job Level
Clerk level to General Manager
Employee + Dependent(s)
(Ringgit Malaysia)
< 5 years
≥ 5 years
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Employee Benefits
of companies
2.3 Inpatient / Group Hospital and Surgical Insurance
(a) All confirmed permanent and contractual employees are covered under the
Company’s group hospital & surgical insurance plan underwritten by Berjaya Sompo
Insurance Berhad;
(b) The amount of coverage will vary depending on the job levels/categories of the
employees in the Company;
(c) Any hospitalisation and surgical expenses not included in the coverage shall be borne
by the employee concerned;
(d) Spouses and children of confirmed Senior Associates and above will also be covered
under the Company’s Group Hospital & Surgical insurance;
(e) Employee must obtain a “referral” letter from a registered medical practitioner for
non-emergency admission as required by the insurance company;
(f) Employee will be required to notify the Human Resource Department of the
admission details within seven (7) days from the date of admission to the hospital;
(g) Employees will be required to pay for the hospital or surgical fees incurred and
submit their claims to the Company’s insurer via Human Resource Department upon
discharge from the hospital;
(h) Any excess above the limits of the Benefits Schedule stipulated in the Insurance Plan
as per the job level shall be borne by the employee concerned;
(i) The whole insurance claims process will take approximately one (1) month;
Details of the coverage:
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager
General Manager
Plan 100
Plan 100
Plan 100
Plan 100
Plan 150
Plan 150
Plan 150
Plan 350
Plan 350
Plan 100
Plan 150
Plan 150
Plan 150
Plan 350
Plan 350
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
Inner Limit
As Charge
As Charge
2.4 Group Term Life + Critical Illness
(a) All confirmed permanent and contractual employees are insured under the
Group Term Life + Critical Illness Insurance;
(b) This is an insurance cover for death and permanent disablement;
(c) The amount of coverage will vary depending on the job level of the employees in
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Employee Benefits
of companies
the Company;
(d) The compensation is payable to the employee’s next-of-kin or beneficiaries based
on the Insurance Beneficiary Nomination Form upon the death of the
employee as a result of accident or illness;
(e) Details of the coverage:
Sum Insured For
Employees Only
(Ringgit Malaysia)
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager
General Manager
3. Company’s Car Scheme
Eligible employees (managerial level and above) who are confirmed in their service will only
be entitled to a Company car where it is stated in their letter of employment / promotion.
4. Car Park Facility
Job Level
Subsidised Parking
Time of Allocation Methods
Rate / Location
Assistant Manager
Upon confirmation Reimbursement
Manager and above
TA1 Car Park
Upon joining
Fully borne by the Company
5. Club Membership and Subscription Fees
(a) Club membership and Subscription Fees entitlement may be accorded to Assistant Vice
Presidents and above on a need basis, subject to Management’s discretion and prior
(b) Other employees may also be accorded the benefit on a case to case basis, as the
Management deems fit;
(c) The Company will reimburse the club membership’s monthly subscription fee of up to
RM100.00 per month.
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TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
6. Out-of-town Entitlement
6.1 Public Transportation
Full reimbursement of taxi / bus / train fare (economy class) claims should be
supported by receipts, where possible.
6.2 Company’s Car & Own Transport
Travel within Klang Valley (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur)
Personal car
All claims made by the employees are subject to
60 sen per
recommendation by the Head of Department and
subsequent approval by the relevant Approving Authority.
All claims made by the employees are subject to
40 sen per
recommendation by the Head of Department and
subsequent approval by the relevant Approving Authority.
Travel beyond Klang Valley (Selangor and Kuala Lumpur)
Company’s car
Claims as per original petrol receipts
Personal car
60 sen per kilometer
6.3 Flights
Job Level
Clerk level to Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager and
8 hours and below
8 hours and above
Economy Class
Economy Class
Economy Class
Business Class
6.4 Hotel
(a) Request for hotel accommodations must be recommended by Head of
Department and subsequently submitted to the relevant Approving Authority for
approval prior to any bookings being made;
(b) Management will approve such requests after taking into consideration, the
corporate ranking of the employee, availability of comparative rates and the duration
of stay.
6.5 Laundry
(a) For overnight stay of s even (7) days and above, employees can claim for laundry
expenses. Claims must be supported by receipts. For extended stay in a foreign
location, actual laundry expenses exceeding the above limit may be claimed;
(b) The details of entitlement:
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TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General Manager
General Manager
Amount for every 7 consecutive days
(Ringgit Malaysia)
6.6 Tele-communication
(a) For every trip, a telephone call back home by employee up to three (3) minutes can be
(b) If the trip extends beyond five (5) days, a telephone call home by employee up to
three (3) minutes for every five (5) consecutive days of stay can be claimed;
(c) All telex and facsimile charges relating to job assignments must be itemized, with
indication of the recipient of the telex/facsimile; and it shall be reimbursed by the
Company after verification of the recipient(s) of the message.
6.7 Daily Allowance
(a) Daily allowance will be given to employees during their business assignment
(b) Entitlement for daily allowance:
Job Level
Junior Officer
Senior Officer
Assistant Manager
Senior Manager
Assistant General
General Manager
/ East M’sia
Category III
Across the
Board – Not
eligible when
the employee
is on Medical
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TA Group
Employee Benefits
of companies
Countries in Category I:
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Australia, South Africa, United Kingdom
and other European countries.
Countries in Category II:
Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and other Asian countries.
Countries in Category III:
7. Insurance, Road Tax and License Renewal
(a) Eligible confirmed External Despatch Clerk or Driver / Driver cum Bodyguard who has
served the Company for more than twelve (12) months of service;
(b) The External Despatch Clerk will be allowed to claim his insurance, road tax and driving
license renewal fee on a preceding year basis;
(c) The Driver / Driver cum Bodyguard will be allowed to claim only their driving license
renewal fee on a year-to-year basis.
(Ringgit Malaysia)
Job Level
External Despatch Clerk
Driver / Driver cum Bodyguard
Up to RM 200.00
Road Tax
Up to RM 55.00
License Fee
Up to RM 30.00
Driving license renewal fee to be paid by the
Company on a year-to-year basis.
8. Reimbursement of annual subscription fees paid to Professional Bodies
(a) All confirmed employees at Managerial level and above are eligible for this benefit;
(b) The Company will reimburse the employee for the 1st time joining / registration fee and
the annual subscription fee for one (1) professional body only.
9. Gym Benefits
All employees of TA Group are allowed to use the gym facilities located at 11th Floor within
the following stipulated times:* Mondays to Fridays:
07.30 am – 10.30 am
12.00 pm – 02.00 pm
05.00 pm – 08.00 pm
Note: * Close on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays
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TA Group
of companies
Employee Benefits
10. Uniform & Shirt
(a) The company will provide uniform to eligible employees to commensurate with their job
and shirt for special events participated on behalf of the Company;
(b) HODs have to ensure all the uniforms given to their employees are to be returned to the
Company upon resignation or transfer of employees.
11. Company’s Functions/Events
Companies in TA Group may organise functions/events for its employees in recognition for
their efforts and contribution to the respective company in TA Group. These functions/events
shall include, but not limited to company’s annual dinner, family day, company trip whereby
awards/gifts/lucky draw may be given to employees as a gesture of appreciation by the
12. Employee Share Options Scheme (ESOS)
(a) This is to provide an opportunity for eligible employees and directors of the
Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) to participate as shareholders in the
Company. This serves as an avenue to motivate employees to work harder and to retain
(b) ESOS will be offered to employees who had served at least one (1) full year in the
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