Large Molecular-Weight Solute (40 kDa) Entangles the Transport of Medium One (4 kDa) within Intervertebral Disc 1 Wang, R A; 1Hsu, Y C; 2Hsiao, J K;+1Wang, J L Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; 2Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Senior author: INTRODUCTION: Solute transport within the intervertebral disc is critical for the disc functions. Small molecular-weight solutes, such as glucose, lactate and oxygen, are the components of the nutrient supply and the metabolic waste removal. Molecular weight of enzymes and chemical drugs for the disc therapy are usually within the order of thousands of Dalton. Larger solutes such as cytokines (10-40 kDa), morphogens and protease (30-90 kDa) are critical to regulate the cellular process and disc biological functions. The solute transport within the disc is affected by the molecular size, interstitial space of extracellular matrix and the driving pressure. It is understood that the small solute transport within the disc is dominated by the diffusion, and the larger solute transport can be helped by the convection. The disc imbibes and expels the fluid during diurnal loading. The dynamic external loading, which is practically the origin of driving pressure of disc fluid, increases fluid flow rate within the disc; hence increase the solute transport. Many emerging researches used large molecules (such as morphogens and proteases) or drug delivery vehicles (such as microsomes or liposomes) for disc therapy. To warrant the delivery of these particles, the confounding effects between molecular size, interstitial space and driving pressure are needed to be cleared. For example, does the larger molecular-weight solute retard the transport of smaller molecular-weight solute? Does the dynamic repetitive loading increase the solute transport than the static creep loading does? The purpose of this study is to answer these questions by evaluating the solute transport of fluorescent reagent of small (0.4 kDa), medium (4.4 kDa), and large molecule (40 kDa) under no load, 1 hr creep and 0.5 hr fatigue loading. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cost effective fluorescence macroscopic photographic apparatus to detect the dextran molecule within the disc matrix was developed. This apparatus includes one digital camera (Canon 400D) with removal of UR filter, and two paired light sources and filters to detect “red” and “green” fluorescent reagent. All these components are fitted into a box of 31.5cm x 26.5cm x 55.5cm. Three fluorescent reagents, Fluorescein sodium salt (FS, 0.4 kDa, F6377, Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA), Tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate–dextran (TRITC-dextran, 4.4 kDa, T1037, Sigma-Aldrich), Fluorescein isothiocyanate–dextran (FITC-dextran, 40 kDa, FD40S, Sigma-Aldrich) were used for three groups of solution. The light source for excitation and filter for detection are fine tuned for the detection of emission of these three fluorescent reagents (Table 1). Three groups of solutions were formulated. The solution A includes the FS (0.4 kDa, 100μM) only. The solution B includes both FS (0.4 kDa, 100μM) and TRITC-dextran (4.4 kDa, 100μM), and the solution C includes both TRITC-dextran (4.4 kDa, 100μM) and FITC-dextran (40 kDa, 100μM). A 0.25 ml solute was injected into the center of disc before the loading. Three types of loading, which include no load, 1 hr 420 N creep loading, and 0.5 hr, 5 Hz, 190 N to 590 N peak-to-peak fatigue loading were applied for these three groups of solutions (Table 2). After the loading, the discs were cryopreserved. All specimens were defrosted for 2 hrs and then sagittally cut in half using a diamond blade saw. The fluorescent images of specimens were photographed using the developed fluorescent photographic system. For the solution A, green light and filter is used to detect FS. For the solution B and C, the “green” and “red” lights and filters were used to differentiate the FS from TRITC, and FITC from TRICT. After the subtraction of disc and vertebrae images, the fluorophore was identified by the gray scale above 20. The area covered by the fluorophore was calculated to represent the penetration of solutions. Table 1: Wave length of excitation and emission of fluorescent reagent Weight Excitation Emission FS 0.4 kDa 490 nm (Blue) 515 nm (Green) TRITC-Dextran 4.4 kDa 529 nm (Green) 596 nm (Red) FITC-Dextran 40 kDa 492 nm (Blue) 518 nm (Green) Table 2: Loading conditions and specimen numbers of three solutions No load 1 hr creep 0.5 hr fatigue Solution A (FS only) V (n=8) Solution B (FS+TRITC) V (n=8) V (n=8) V (n=8) Solution C (TRITC+FITC) V (n=8) V (n=8) V (n=8) RESULTS: A typical example fluorescent image of Solution B (FS and TRITC) and Solution C (TRITC+FITC) after 0.5 hr fatigue loading shows the fluorophore flow out the disc through the anulus fibrosus and endplate (Figure 1). The diffusion area (no load) and convention area (creep and fatigue) of FS were similar. The convection area of FS is not affected by the existence of medium size solute i.e., the TRITC. However, the convection area of TRITC was entangled by the existence of larger solute, i.e., the FITC. The 1 hr creep and 0.5 hr fatigue loading increased the transport of FITC, hence the TRITC as well. The effect of 1 hr creep and 0.5 hr fatigue on the large solute transport was similar (Figure 2). FS TRITC Solution B TRITC FITC Solution C Figure 1: Example images of Solution B (FS and TRITC) and Solution C (TRITC and FITC) after 0.5 hr fatigue loading. FS (Sol A) FS & TRITC & TRITC (Sol B) FITC (Sol C) *,+: Significant compare to no load, #: Significant compare to TRITC in Sol B 150 Area (mm2) 1 # # * 125 100 + * + # 75 50 25 0 A B C No Load B C Creep 1 h B C Fatigue 0.5 h Figure 2. Diffusion and convention area of three solutes under no load, 1 hr creep and 0.5 hr fatigue loading. DISCUSSION: In this study, we found that the small (0.4 kDa) and medium (4.4 kDa) solute is not affected by the load induced convection. However, the external loading induced convention does affect the transport of large solute (40 kDa). The large molecule induces a steric hindrance within the disc space (including both endplate and anulus fibrosus) hence entangles the medium molecule. However, it is not sure if the large molecule would affect the transport of small one. Few more phenomena should be studied in the near future, for example, the inward flow mechanism of the fluorescent solute and the quantitative effect of longer creep or fatigue loading. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: National Health Research Institute, Taiwan (NHRI-EX99-9733EI) National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 99-2221-E-002-007-MY3) Poster No. 607 • ORS 2011 Annual Meeting