Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Last Updated November 2008 LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction Federal Additional Information CANADA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS SOR/86-304 FIRST AID ORGANIZATIONS Source: Govt. of Canada, Department of Justice Source: Human Resources and Social Development Part 1 (Interpretation 1.2) PART 6: LIGHTING (Schedule 3) PART 10: HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES (Division 3, Laboratories 10.39) PART 11: CONFINED SPACES (Emergency Procedures & Equipment 11.5) PART 16: FIRST AID PART 18: DIVING OPERATIONS (Instruction and Training 18.6) PART 19: HAZARD PREVENTION PROGRAM (Hazard Identification & Assessment Methodology 19.3, Program Evaluation 19.7) CANADA SHIPPING ACT, 2001 Canada Source: Transport Canada Special-purpose Vessels Regulations (Vessels and Equipment 8.1, Operational Requirements 10.1), Cargo, Fumigation and Tackle Regulations (Division 3, 218) NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ACT SOR/79-15 Source: Transport Canada Railway Act (PART 2, 8.1 f) TRANSPORTATION OF DANGEROUS GOODS ACT Source: Transport Canada PART 4: DOCUMENTATION (Additional Documents 4.21 (3) g) AB OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2006 Source: Govt. of Alberta, Human Resources and Employment PART 1: DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL APPLICATIONS (“advanced first aider”, “confined space”, “emergency first aider”, “first aid”, “first aider”, “joint first aid training standards board”, “nurse”, “standard first aider”) SOCIAL CARE FACILITIES LICENSING ACT: CHILD CARE REGULATION 180/2000 Source: Govt. of Alberta Part 2: Facilities and Their Operation (Health Page 1 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction PART 5: CONFINED SPACES (Training 46.3) PART 7: EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE (Contents of Plan 116) PART 11: FIRST AID PART 36: MINING (Fire Prevention and Emergency Response 546.2) SCHEDULE 2: FIRST AID Additional Information Care 18) Part 3: Staffing (First Aid Staffing 36) LIST OF APPROVED COURSES Source: Govt. of Alberta, Human Resources and Employment QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRST AID TRAINING IN ALBERTA WORKPLACES Source: Govt. of Alberta, Human Resources and Employment BC OHS REGULATION Source: WorkSafeBC Workers Compensation Act RSBC 1998 PART 1: COMPENSATION TO WORKERS AND DEPENDANTS (Division 5, 53) PART 3: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (Division 7 Information and Confidentiality 156 (6), 157 (b), Division 8 Miscellaneous Authority 159, 160, Division 12 Enforcement 187) PART 3: RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITIES Occupational First Aid Young or New Workers (Young or new worker orientation and training 3.23) PART 5: CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (Laboratory Label 1.13) Emergency Washing Facilities (Table 5-3) Emergency Procedures (Procedures for evacuation 5.100) PART 6: SUBSTANCE SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Pesticides (Application 6.71, Procedures 6.78) PART 7: NOISE, VIBRATION, RADIATION AND TEMPERATURE Heat Exposure (Removal from and treatment for heat exposure 7.32, Removal and treatment 7.38) PART 17: TRANSPORTATION OF WORKERS Crew Cars, Buses, and Crummies (Vehicle Design 17.10) PART 20: CONSTRUCTION, EXCAVATION AND DEMOLITION General Requirements (Coordination of multiple employer workplaces 20.3) CHILD CARE LICENSING REGULATION B.C. REG. 332/2007, O.C. 728/2007 Source: Govt. of British Columbia PART 3: MANAGER AND EMPLOYEE REQUIREMENTS (First Aid 23) PART 6: TRANSITION (Transition of certificates 74) SCHEDULE C FIRST AID CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED IN BC WORKPLACES Source: WorkSafeBC LIST OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROVIDERS Source: WorkSafeBC Page 2 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Jurisdiction Sections of Acts & Regulations Additional Information PART 22: UNDERGROUND WORKINGS General Requirements (Additional First Aid 22.9) Working Requirements (Communications 22.35) PART 23: OIL AND GAS General Requirements (Coordination of multiple employer workplaces 23.4) PART 24: DIVING, FISHING AND OTHER MARINE OPERATIONS Fishing Operations: General Requirements (Dive site equipment 24.15, General Equipment Requirements 24.53 and 24.59, Contaminated Environments 24.66, First Aid 24.79) PART 32: EVACUATION AND RESCUE First Aid 32.7 MB WORKPLACE SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT 217/2006 Source: Govt. of Manitoba, Labour and Immigration PART 1: DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL MATTERS (“first aid services”, “first aid training provider”, “first aider”, “health care facilities”) PART 2: GENERAL DUTIES (Sign at construction project site 2.18) PART 5: FIRST AID PART 15: CONFINED SPACES (Standby Worker 15.8(2)) PART 38: ELECTRICAL SAFETY (Emergency procedures re contact with energized electrical equipment 33.3(1)) NB OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT O.C. 91-1035 Source: New Brunswick Attorney General CHILD CARE FACILITIES LICENSING REGULATION 17/99 Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute, The Law Society of Manitoba Staffing (18.d) Equipment and Supplies (49.1(b)) DAY CARE REGULATIONS – FAMILY SERVICES ACT 83-85 PART 7: CONFINED SPACES (266(1)) PART 20: UNDERWATER DIVING OPRATIONS (Diver Training 304(2), Equipment for a Diving Base on the Surface 330(c), Open Diving Bells 332(f)) PART 21: LOGGING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS (Chain Saws, Brush Saws and Clearing Saws 351(2)) Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute, The Law NEW BRUNSWICK REGULATION 2004-130 APPROVED FIRST AID TRAINING PROVIDERS Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WHSCC) Society of New Brunswick Day Care Centres (18) Community Day Care Homes and Family Day Care Homes (27) Source: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (WHSCC) Page 3 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction NFL&L OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT RNSL1990 CHAPTER O-3 Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador (Reporting Accidents 54) Regulations 65(q) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS 1165/96 Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador Thermal Environment (10.a) Supplementary Regulations (23) Chemical Substances (25.10 j) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS 1148/96 Additional Information CHILD CARE SERVICES REGULATIONS 2005, 89/05 Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador Application for Agency Licence (3c) Application for centre based child care service licence (4) Child Care Service Requirements (9b) Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador MINES SAFETY OF WORKERS REGULATIONS 1145/96 Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador 110. First Aid Equipment 327. Damaging Equipment WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (WHMIS) REGULATIONS 1149/96 Source: House of Assembly Newfoundland and Labrador 12. Laboratory Labels NS OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY FIRST AID REGULATIONS AMENDED BY O.I.C. 2001401 N.S. REG. 104/2001 Made under Section 15 of the Day Care Act. Source: Made under Section 82 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Source: Govt. of Nova Scotia Govt. of Nova Scotia DAY CARE REGULATIONS 202/2004 Medical (19.7, 19.8) NWT/ NU SAFETY ACT R.S.N.W.T. 1988, C.S-1, LAST AMENDED SI-011-2003 Source: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission CHILD DAY CARE REGULATIONS R.R.N.W.T. 1990, C.C-3, AMENDED BY R005-94 HEALTH AND SAFETY (Duty of Employer 4) REGULATIONS (Regulations 25 j) Source: Govt. of Nunavut, Department of Education CONSOLIDATION OF GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS, SAFETY ACT R.R.N.W.T. 1990,C.S1, LAST AMENDMENT R-079-2000 Hazards and Emergencies (Emergency Equipment 44.2) Staff (Qualifications and training 53) Source: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission Page 4 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction Additional Information INTERPRETATION (1(1) “first aid attendant”, “first aider”, “first aid kit” ) PART 1: APPLICATION (Accident Prevention, Illumination 19(1)(i), Confined Spaces 36(6)(h)) PART 3: FIRST AID SERVICE REQUIREMENTS MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS S.N.W.T. 1994,C.25, LAST AMENDMENT FEBRUARY 28, 2003 Source: Workers’ Safety and Compensation Commission PART 7: CERTIFICATION (Issue of Certificates 7.06 c, 7.07 c, Supervisor’s Certificate, Level One 7.21) PART 8: PERSONNEL SAFETY (Division 4: First Aid) PART 9: WORKING ENVIRONMENT AND INDUSTRIAL HYGENE (Non-inhalation Exposure: Injury by Skin Contact 9.28(1), Illumination: Underground Lighting Standards 9.44(1)) PART 15: EXPLORATION (15.02, 15.97(3)) SCHEDULE 1 SCHEDULE 2 SCHEDULE 3.1 ON OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, R.S.O. 1997, last amendment 2007, c. 8, s. 221 APPROVED FIRST AID TRAINERS Source: Ministry of Labour Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) PART 5: RIGHT TO REFUSE OR TO STOP WORK WHERE HEALTH OR SAFETY IN DANGER (43.2) ONTARIO REGULATION 632/05 – CONFINED SPACES ONTARIO REGULATION 213/91 – CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS MINES & MINING PLANTS R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 854 INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 851 ONTARIO REGULATION 67/93 - HEALTH CARE & RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE ACT, 1997 Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) PART 2: INJURY AND DISEASE PREVENTION (Functions of the Board 4.10, First Aid Requirements 10) Page 5 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction Additional Information PART 7: EMPLOYERS AND THEIR OBLIGATIONS (Adjustments in Premiums for Particular Employers 82) FIRST AID REQUIREMENTS, REGULATION 1101 Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) PEI OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT R.S.O. 1990, LAST AMENDMENT 2007, C. 8, S. 221 Source: Workers Compensation Board REGULATIONS (Regulations 46.1 p) GENERAL REGULATIONS, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, R.S.P.E.I. 1988 Source: Workers Compensation Board PART 9: FIRST AID PART 41: FOREST OPERATIONS (41.2 d) QC AN ACT RESPECTING OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (AOHS) R.S.Q., C. S-2.1 Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail. Source: Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail CHAPTER 3: RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS (Division 2: The Employer, Mandatory Disclosure 62.20) CHAPTER 8: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH (Specific Health Program for an Establishment 113) Source: Govt. of PEI PART 4: FIRE, EMERGENCY AND SAFETY (21) REGULATION RESPECTING CHILDCARE CENTRES R.Q. C. C-8.2, R.2 Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute CHAPTER 1: PERMITS (Division 2: Staff Member, Childcare Staff , 20) CHAPTER 3: RECOGNITION OF A PERSON AS A HOME CHILDCARE PROVIDER (Division 2: Conditions for Obtaining Recognition, 44, 47) CHAPTER 8: TRANSITORY (109.5, 109.6, 109.7, 109.8) OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT, 1993. AS AMENDED BY THE STATUTES OF SASKATCHEWAN, 1996, C.19; 2001, C.25; AND 2007, C.34. CHILD CARE REGULATIONS, 2001, R.R.S. C. C-7.3 REG. 2 Source: Govt. of Saskatchewan Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute PART 7: REGULATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE (Regulations 44(p)) PART 3: STANDARDS FOR FACILITIES (Division 3: Health & Safety, First Aid FIRST-AID MINIMUM STANDARDS REGULATION R.Q. C. A-3, R.8.2 SK CHILD CARE FACILITIES ACT PURSUANT TO SECTION 8 OF THE CHILD CARE FACILITIES ACT R.S.P.E.I. 1988 Page 6 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Sections of Acts & Regulations Jurisdiction OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS, 1996. AS AMENDED BY SASKATCHEWAN REGULATIONS 6/97, 35/2003, 112/2005, 67/2007 AND 91/2007. Source: Govt. of Saskatchewan PART 1: PRELIMINARY MATTERS (Interpretation 2(g, h, y, z, aa, bb, kkk)) PART 3: GENERAL DUTIES (Training of Workers 19(2)) PART 5: FIRST AID PART 18: CONFINED SPACE ENTRY (Precautions where safe atmosphere not possible 274(7)) PART 20: DIVING OPERATIONS (Equipment for Diving Base 293(d) PART 22: CONTROLLED PRODUCTS – WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION SYSTEM (Laboratory and Sample Labels 324(1)) PART 28: FORESTRY AND MILL OPERATIONS (First Aid Attendant 391) PART 29: OIL AND GAS (First Aid Attendants 447) PART 30: ADDITIONAL PROTECTION FOR ELECTRICAL WORKERS (Emergency Program 467(2)) PART 32: ADDITIONAL PROTECTION FOR FIREFIGHTERS (Interpretation 479(b)) APPENDIX: TABLE 2 (First Aid Services Authorized by Class A Qualification), TABLE 4 (First Aid Services Authorized by Class B Qualification), TABLE 9 (Summary of First Aid Requirements), TABLE 10 (Required Content of First Aid Box) YK OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT Additional Information Supplies 30) PART 4: STANDARDS FOR CENTRES (Division 1: Staff, First Aid an CPR Training 43) Source: Govt. of Yukon CHILD CARE CENTRE PROGRAM REGULATION, Y.O.I.C. 1995/087 REGULATIONS (Regulations, 51(2) (z)) Source: Canadian Legal Information Institute OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT – MINIMUM FIRST AID REGULATIONS O.I.C. 1986/164 CHILD CARE CENTRE (First Aid Qualifications 8, Health and Medical Standards 14(1), Administration and Record Standards 19(4)(h)) Source: Govt. of Yukon FAMILY DAY HOME PROGRAM (First Aid Qualifications 6, Health and Medical Standards 12(1), Administration and Record Standards 17(4)(h)) Page 7 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008 Red Cross First Aid. Prepare for life.® 1.877.356.3226 | LIST OF OHS ACTS AND REGULATIONS FOR FIRST AID Jurisdiction Sections of Acts & Regulations Additional Information SCHOOL-AGE PROGRAM (First Aid Qualifications 8, Health and Medical Standards 14(1), Administration and Record Standards 19(4)(h) Page 8 of 8 Click on blue text in the chart to follow links. This information is intended as an overview of first aid legislation in Canada and may/may not encompass all policies/procedures in each province/territory. Please consult with the appropriate OH&S authority in your jurisdiction for answers to specific situations. Last Updated: November 2008