ExamView - Unit 2 Review.tst

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
APES Unit 2 Review
Complete each statement.
1. As _______________ species, many sharks play crucial roles in helping to keep their ecosystems
2. ____________________ diversity is the most obvious component of biodiversity.
3. Large regions such as forests and deserts, with distinct climates and species, are called _______________.
4. The world's cumulative body of discovered fossils is called the ____________________.
5. Genetic variation in a population is the result of ____________________.
6. For natural selection to work, a heritable trait must lead to _______________, which enables individuals
with the trait to produce more offspring than others members of the population.
7. Any heritable trait that enables an organism to survive through natural selection and produce more offspring
under prevailing environmental conditions is a(n) ____________________.
8. New species form when one species splits into two or more different species, a process called
9. Species that are only found in one area are called _______________ and are very vulnerable to extinction.
10. The number of species on the planet at any time is a result of the interaction between the processes of
____________________ and ____________________.
11. A(n) ____________________ is a significant increase in extinction rates above the background level.
12. ____________________ is the alteration of an organism's genetic material, through adding, deleting, or
changing segments of its DNA.
13. The species diversity of communities varies with their ____________________.
14. Species that migrate into, or that are deliberately or accidentally introduced into, an ecosystem are called
15. A 2005 study found an apparent correlation between ____________________ and the extinction of about
two-thirds of 110 known species of harlequin frog in Central and South America.
16. If a species of frog becomes threatened by a change in environmental conditions, the species would be
considered a(n) ____________________.
Name: ________________________
17. ____________________ keystone species feed on and help regulate the populations of other species in an
18. Butterflies, hummingbirds, and bats play a keystone role in some ecosystems by ____________________
plant species.
19. The southern sea otter has been classified as a(n) ____________________ species.
20. ____________________ is a competitive interaction between species for food and/or space.
21. ____________________ occurs when a member of one species feeds directly on all or part of a member of
another species.
22. In _______________ two species behave in ways that benefit both by providing each with needed resources.
23. The most common interaction between species is ____________________.
24. The concept that no two species can occupy the same ecological niche for an extended period of time is
known as the ____________________.
25. When two different species interact over a long time, changes in the gene pool help both species to become
more competitive or avoid competition. This is called _______________,
26. ____________________ is like an arms race between interacting populations of different species.
27. Five warblers in the state of Maine have evolved to share food resources and reduce food competition
through ____________________.
28. The most common form of population dispersion found in nature is ____________________.
29. Individuals in populations with a high intrinsic rate of growth typically reproduce ____________________
and have short ____________________ times.
30. A population exceeding its carrying capacity suffers a(n) ____________________ or
____________________, unless the excess individuals can switch to new resources or move to a new area.
31. ____________________ is the combination of all factors that act to limit the growth of a population.
32. The gradual change in species composition in a given area is called ____________________.
33. One of the factors determining at what rate succession occurs is _______________, in which one set of
species makes an area suitable for other species with different requirements.
34. ____________________ involves the gradual establishment of biotic communities in lifeless areas where
there is no soil.
Name: ________________________
35. Systems, such as the global climate, can reach a(n) ____________________, where any additional stress can
cause the system to change in an abrupt and usually unpredictable way that often involves collapse.
36. _______________ is the average atmospheric or weather conditions in a given region during a time frame of
several decades to thousands of years.
37. The highest solar energy input is at ____________________.
38. ____________________ global warming can cause climate changes that last for centuries or thousands of
39. The rain shadow effect means deserts are likely to form on the ____________________ side of mountains.
40. A desert is an area where ____________________ exceeds ____________________.
41. Global warming has caused the melting of ____________________ in the tundra, with the release of
methane and carbon dioxide, both greenhouse gases.
42. Tropical savannas in East Africa have herds of ____________________ and ____________________ hoofed
43. Soil nutrients are remarkably sparse in the ____________________, considering the overall high levels of
44. Because of a slow rate of ____________________, temperate deciduous forests have nutrient rich soils.
45. Climate and vegetation vary with both latitude and _______________.
46. Coral reefs form in clear, warm coastal waters of the _______________ and _______________.
47. The aquatic equivalent of terrestrial biomes are called ____________________.
48. The distribution of many aquatic organisms is determined largely by the water's ____________________.
49. In deep aquatic systems the photosynthetic zone is called the ____________________ zone.
50. Algal blooms can result in a cloudiness called ____________________, which can reduce the penetration of
51. ____________________ are where rivers meet the sea.
52. In the deepest ocean zone, the abyssal zone, most organisms get their food from dead and decaying organisms
drifting down from upper, lighted levels, a phenomenon called _______________.
53. ____________________ is threatening marine ecosystems by warming the oceans and making them more
Name: ________________________
54. A lake is a(n) ____________________ body of freshwater, which also includes ponds and inland wetlands.
55. Lakes that fall between the extremes of nutrient rich eutrophic lakes and nutrient poor oligotrophic lakes are
called _______________ lakes.
56. Surface water becomes ____________________ when it flows into streams.
57. ____________________ lakes are typically shallow, have murky brown or green water, and have high
58. Some wetlands are covered with water all year; others remain under water or soggy for a short time each year
and are called ____________________ wetlands.
Use the Figure above, which represents the niche of the Panda and the raccoon, to answer the following
59. Which of the two animals, the panda or the raccoon, is considered a generalist?
60. Which graph (A or B) is representative of a generalist species?
61. What does the height of the graph represent?
Name: ________________________
62. Notice the region lettered C. What does that region represent?
63. What is the interaction of the two species as a result of the area lettered C?
64. What advantage does the characteristic indicated by letter D bestow upon the animal who occupies this niche
as opposed to the animal occupying the other niche?
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
65. Choose the letter that represents when resources are not limiting and a population can grow at its intrinsic
rate of increase.
66. Choose the letter that represents population size when the population reaches equilibrium between resource
use and population size.
Name: ________________________
67. Choose the letter that represents limiting abiotic factors.
68. Choose the letter that represents a population's capacity for growth.
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
69. Choose the portion of the curve that results from reproductive time lag.
70. Choose the portion of the curve that results from the interaction of reproductive ability and environmental
Name: ________________________
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
71. Choose the portion of the graph that can be called a dieback.
72. Choose the portion of the graph that represents the number of reindeer that can be sustained indefinitely in a
given area.
73. Choose the portion of the graph that represents the number of reindeer that exceeded the capacity of their
Name: ________________________
Global Air Circulation
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
74. Choose the letter(s) that represent(s) tropical deciduous forest and grasslands.
75. Choose the letter(s) that represent(s) moist air rising, cooling, and forming precipitation.
76. Choose the letter(s) that represent(s) temperate deciduous forest.
77. Choose the letter(s) that represent(s) cool, dry air falling.
Name: ________________________
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
78. What does the dark line represent?
79. What does the gray coloration at the bottom represent?
80. Do any of the three deserts types receive a majority of their precipitation during the summer months
(warmest period)?
Name: ________________________
81. How much of the year is the cold desert below freezing?
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
82. How much of the year is the tropical grassland below the freezing point?
83. What is the mean monthly precipitation, in millimeters, of the tropical grassland in the month of December?
Name: ________________________
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
84. When is the rainy season in the tropical rain forest?
85. What is the mean monthly temperature in the tropical rain forest?
Name: ________________________
Major Life Zones and Vertical Zones
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
86. Choose the zone in which most organisms are blind or have poor eyesight.
87. Choose the zone that receives enough sunlight for photosynthesis.
88. Choose the zone that is otherwise known as the twilight zone.
Name: ________________________
Temperate-Zone Lake Life Zones
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
89. Choose the zone close to shore in which light reaches all the way to the bottom.
90. Choose the zone of open water where photosynthesis can occur.
91. Choose the zone that is usually cold and barely penetrated by sunlight.
Name: ________________________
Downhill Flow of Water
Use the Figure above to answer the following question(s).
92. Choose the zone containing wider, lower elevation streams.
93. Choose the zone containing rivers that empty into the ocean.
94. Briefly explain how natural selection has worked, and is working to change populations over time.
Name: ________________________
95. After looking at the figure above, explain how the movement of the continents can help explain why some
species have the geographic distribution that is observed today.
96. Using a small rodent, such as a field mouse, and a predator, such as a snake, explain how coevolution works.
97. Briefly summarize the El Niño Southern Oscillation.
Name: ________________________
98. Using the environmental factors of moisture and temperature, describe the relationship between the three
types of biomes (e.g., grasslands or forests).
99. Briefly explain the major types of organisms in aquatic life zones, giving an example of each.
100. Consider why global warming is likely to cause a lessening of the amount of available freshwater and how
that would likely cause changes throughout the downhill flow of freshwater.