DAE 101 Biomedical Dental Science

DAE 101
Biomedical Dental Sciences
Course Package
Approved June 4, 2009
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
Contact person(s)
Tracy Gift
Date of proposal to
June 4, 2009
Curriculum Committee
Prefix &
DAE 101
Title Biomedical Dental Sciences
Catalog Course Description
Introduction to bio-sciences as they are related to the oral cavity. Includes anatomy and
physiology, tooth morphology, oral pathology and nutrition, each of which affect total
dental health.
Credit hours
Lecture hours
Lab hours
Appropriate score on the assessment test or completion of PCS
021, TRE 089 and TRM 090.
Does this course need a separately scheduled lab component? __ Yes
X No
Effective Semester
X Fall
__ Spring
__ Summer
Does this course need additional fees attached? If so, please explain.
Is there a similar course in the
X Yes __ No If yes, identify: DAE 101
college bank?
Articulation: Is this course or an
__ Yes X No If yes, identify the college, subject,
equivalent offered at other twoprefix, number, and title:
and four- year universities in AZ?
Writing Across the Curriculum Rationale:
Mohave Community College firmly supports the idea that writing can be used to
improve education; students who write in their respective content areas will learn more
and retain what they learn better than those who don’t. Courses in the core curriculum
have been identified as “Writing Across the Curriculum” courses.
Suggested minimum standards for the Writing Across the Curriculum component are as
1. The writing assignments should total 1500 – 2000 words. For example, a single
report which is 1500 words in length could fulfill the requirement, or a series of
essay questions and short papers (example: four -375 word assignments) which
total 1500 words could meet the requirement.
2. The writing component will represent at least 10% of a student’s final grade in
the course.
Is this a course identified as a Writing Across the
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
__ Yes
X No
Curriculum course?
Intended Course Outcomes
By the end of the semester, students will be able to:
1. Describe structural units and organization of the body.
2. Describe the anatomical structures of the head and neck.
3. Summarize the embryological development of the face and oral cavity.
4. Differentiate primary and permanent teeth by location, function and morphology.
5. Categorize primary and permanent teeth according to the various tooth numbering
6. Relate general nutrition knowledge to oral health.
7. Define the general types of oral lesions.
8. Describe the tissues of the teeth and periodontium in health and disease.
Course Competencies and Objectives
In a document designed by the American Dental Education Association, it is suggested
that allied dental students should exhibit competence in five domains. They are Core
Competencies, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Community, Patient/Client
Care and Professional Growth and Development.
Competency 1
Core Competencies (C) reflect the ethics, values, skills and knowledge integral to all
aspects of the allied health professions. These core competencies are foundational to
all the roles of the allied dental professional.
C.1 Apply a professional code of ethics in all endeavors.
C.2 Adhere to state and federal laws, recommendations and regulations in the
provision of oral health care.
C.3 Use critical thinking skills, comprehensive problem solving, and evidence-based
decisionmaking to identify oral health care strategies that promote patient or
client health and wellness.
C.4 Use evidence based decisionmaking to evaluate and incorporate emerging
treatment modalities.
C.5 Assume responsibility for professional actions and care based on accepted
scientific theories and research as well as the accepted standard of care.
C.6 Continuously perform self-assessment for life-long learning and professional
C.7 Integrate accepted scientific theories and research into educational, preventative
and therapeutic oral health services.
C.8 Promote the values of the profession through service-based activities, positive
community affiliations, and active involvement in local organizations.
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
C.9 Apply quality assurance mechanisms to ensure continuous commitment to high
standard of care.
C.10 Communicate effectively with diverse individuals and groups, serving all persons
without discrimination by acknowledging and appreciating diversity.
C.11 Provide accurate, consistent and complete documentation for assessment
diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of oral health services.
C.12 Initiate a collaborative approach with all patients or clients when developing
individualized care plans that are specialized, comprehensive, culturally
sensitive, and acceptable to all parties involved in care planning.
C.13 Integrate emergent technologies and valid scientific research to achieve highquality, cost effective patient or client care.
C.14 Initiate consultations and collaborations with all relevant health care providers to
facilitate optimal treatments.
C.15 Manage medical emergencies by using professional judgment, providing life
support and utilizing required CPR and any specialized training or knowledge.
Competency 2
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HP) is a key component of health care.
Changes within the health care environment require the allied dental professional to
have a general knowledge of wellness, health determinants and characteristics of
various patient or client communities.
HP.1 Promote positive values of overall health and wellness to the public and
organizations within and outside the profession.
HP.2 Respect goals, values, beliefs and preferences of all patients or clients
HP.3 Refer patients or clients that may have physiologic, psychological or social
problems for comprehensive evaluation.
HP.4 Identify individual and population risk factors and develop strategies that promote
health related quality of life.
HP.5 Evaluate factors that can be used to promote patient or client adherence to
disease prevention or health maintenance strategies.
HP.6 Utilize methods that ensure the health and safety of the patient or client and the
oral health professional in the delivery of care.
Competency 3
Community (CM): Allied dental professionals must appreciate their roles as health
professionals at the local, state and national levels. While the scope of these roles will
vary depending on the discipline, the allied health dental professional must be prepared
to influence others to facilitate access to care and services.
CM.1. Assess the oral health needs and services of the community to determine action
plans and availability of resources to meet the health care needs.
CM.2 Provide screening, referral and educational services that allow patients or clients
to access the resources of the health care system.
CM.3 Provide community oral health services in a variety of settings
CM.4 Facilitate patient or client access to oral health services by influencing individuals
or organizations for the provision of oral health care.
CM.5 Evaluate reimbursement mechanisms and their impact on the patient or client’s
access to oral health care.
CM.6 Evaluate the outcomes of community based programs and plan for future
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
CM.7 Advocate for effective oral health care for underserved populations.
Competency 4
Patient/Client Care (PC): The three primary allied dental professionals have different
roles regarding patient or client care. These are reflected in the competencies
presented for each discipline. The roles of the allied dental disciplines in patient or
client care are ever changing, yet central to the maintenance of health. Allied dental
graduates must use their skills to assess, diagnose (DH), plan, implement and evaluated
treatment or services provided. Allied dental personnel must be appropriately educated
and credentialed for the patient and client services they provide, and these
requirements vary by individual jurisdictions,
PC.1 Systematically collect, analyze and record diagnostic data on the general, oral,
and psychosocial health status of a variety of patients and clients, using methods
consistent with medico-legal principals.
PC. 2 Recognize predisposing and etiologic risk factors that require intervention to
prevent disease.
PC.3 Recognize the relationship between systemic disease, medications, and oral
health that impact overall patient or client care and treatment outcomes.
PC.4 Identify patients or clients at risk for a medical emergency and manage the
patient/client care in a manner that prevents an emergency.
PC.5 Select and assemble the appropriate materials and armamentarium for general
and specialized patient or client care.
PC.6 Collaborate with the patient or client, and other health professionals and indicated,
to formulate a comprehensive care plan that is patient or client-centered and based on
the nest scientific evidence and professional judgment.
PC.7 Utilize universal infections control guidelines for all clinical procedures.
PC.8 Collaboratively manage restorative procedures that preserve tooth structure,
replace missing or defective tooth structure, maintain function, are esthetic, and
promote soft and hard tissue health.
PC.9 Provide clinical supportive and intra-oral treatments within the parameters of
general and specialized patient care.
PC.10 Prevent, identify and manage medical and dental emergencies.
PC.11 Evaluate the effectiveness of the provided services and modify as needed.
PC.12 Compare actual outcomes to expected outcomes, reevaluating goals, diagnoses
and services when expected outcomes are not achieved.
Competency 5
Professional Growth and Development (PGD) reflect opportunities that may increase
patients’ or clients’ access to the oral health care system or may offer ways to influence
the profession and the changing health care environment. The allied dental
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
professional must possess transferable skills (e.g., in communication, problem solving,
and critical thinking) to take advantage of these opportunities.
PGD.1 Pursue career opportunities within health care, industry, education, and
PGD.2 Develop practice management and marketing strategies to be used in the
delivery of oral health care.
PGD.3 Access professional and social networks to pursue professional goals.
Teacher’s Guide
Course Materials and Equipment
Modern Dental Assisting w/ WKBK 9th edition
Doni Bird and Debbie Robinson
Saunders Elsevier
Internet access
Learning Units
Learning Unit Topic 1: General Anatomy
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Differentiate between anatomy and physiology.
2. Identify the planes and associated body directions used to divide the body into
3. Identify the four levels of organization in the human body.
4. Describe the structure and function of a cell.
5. Identify the four types of tissue found in the human body,
Activities/ Assignments: Read chapter 6, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards, labeling
exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 2: General Physiology
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Name and locate each of the ten body systems.
2. Explain the purpose of each body system.
3. Explain the function of each body system.
4. Describe the signs and symptoms of common disorders related to each body
5. Give examples of conditions that require interaction among body systems.
Activities/ Assignments: Read chapter 7, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards and
workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 3: Oral Embryology and Histology
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Define embryology and histology.
2. Describe the three periods of prenatal development.
3. Discuss prenatal influences on dental development.
4. Describe the functions of osteoclasts and osteoblasts.
5. Describe the steps in the formation of the palate.
6. Identify the stages of tooth development.
7. Discuss genetic and environmental factors that can affect dental development.
8. Discuss the life cycle of a tooth.
9. Compare clinical and anatomical crowns.
10. Name and describe the tissues of the teeth.
11. Name and describe the three types of dentin.
12. Describe the structure and location of dental pulp.
13. Name and describe the components of the periodontium.
14. Describe the function of the periodontal ligament.
15. Describe the various types of oral mucosa.
16. Explain the eruption patterns for primary and permanent dentitions.
Activities/ Assignments: Read chapter 8, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards, labeling
exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 4: Head and Neck Anatomy
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Identify the regions of the head.
2. Locate and identify the bones of the cranium and face.
3. Locate and identify the muscles of the head and neck.
4. Identify and trace the routes of the blood vessels of the head and neck.
5. Identify the components of the temporomandibular joint.
6. Describe the action of the temporomandibular joint.
7. Identify the location of the major and minor salivary glands.
8. Describe and locate the divisions of the trigeminal nerve.
9. Identify the locations of major lymph node sites of the body.
10. Identify and locate the paranasal sinuses of the skull.
11. Integrate knowledge of head and neck anatomy into clinical practice.
Activities/ Assignments: Read chapter 9, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards, labeling
exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 5: Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Name and identify the landmarks of the face and oral cavity.
2. Describe the structures found in the vestibular region of the oral cavity.
3. Describe the oral cavity proper.
4. Restate the characteristics of normal gingival tissue.
5. Locate and describe the function of the taste buds.
Activities/ Assignments: Read chapter 10, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards,
labeling exercises, identification on student partners and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 6: Overview of Dentitions
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
1. Explain how the size and shape of teeth determine the functions of different types
of teeth.
2. Name and locate each tooth surface.
3. Identify landmarks of the teeth using appropriate terminology.
4. Differentiate between primary, mixed and permanent dentitions.
5. Relate the terms occlusion, centric occlusion and malocclusion.
6. Characterize occlusion based on Angle’s Classification.
7. Articulate the three primary systems of tooth numbering.
8. Identify teeth using the Universal/National system, the Palmer Notation System and
the ISO/FDI system.
Activities/ Assignments: Read Chapter 11, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards,
labeling exercises, manipulation of tooth models, charting exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 7: Tooth Morphology
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Describe each permanent tooth according to location, anatomical features,
morphology, function, position and other identifying factors.
2. Describe each primary tooth according to location, anatomical features,
morphology, function, position and other identifying factors.
3. Compare and contrast the features of the primary and permanent dentitions.
4. Discuss clinical considerations of permanent teeth.
5. Discuss clinical considerations of primary teeth.
Activities/ Assignments: Read Chapter 12, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards,
manipulation of tooth models, identification exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 8: Periodontal Disease
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Describe the structures of the periodontium.
2. Describe the prevalence of periodontal disease.
3. Identify systemic factors that influence periodontal disease.
4. Describe the two main types of periodontal disease.
5. Explain the significance of plaque biofilm and calculus in periodontal disease.
6. Identify the risk factors that contribute to periodontal disease.
7. Describe the clinical characteristics of gingivitis.
8. Describe the progression of periodontal disease.
Activities/ Assignments: Read Chapter 13, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards,
labeling exercises and workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 9: Nutrition
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Explain how diet and nutrition can affect oral disease.
2. Describe how an understanding of nutrition is used in the profession of dental
3. Describe the three types of protein.
4. List the six areas of My Pyramid.
5. Explain the meaning of “recommended dietary (daily) allowance” (RDA)
6. Identify and explain the function of vitamins, minerals, and water.
7. Define nutrients found in foods, including carbohydrates, fiber, fates, proteins and
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
amino acids.
8. Explain how various nutrients affect oral hygiene.
9. Interpret food labels.
10. Discuss the health and oral implications of eating disorders.
11. Outline the criteria that must be met for a food to be considered “organic”.
12. Summarize the relationship between frequency and quantity of cariogenic foods in
causing tooth decay.
Activities/ Assignments: Read Chapter 16, electronic flash cards, labeling exercises and
workbook pages
Learning Unit Topic 10: Oral Pathology
Competency: C1, C3, C5, C14, HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5, CM2, PC1, PC2, PC3
1. Discuss why oral pathology is important for the dental assistant.
2. Compare and contrast the categories of diagnostic information.
3. Describe the types of oral lesions.
4. Give examples of the types of oral lesions.
5. Describe the appearance of lesions associated with the use of smokeless tobacco.
6. Describe three conditions associated with the tongue.
7. Describe oral conditions related to nutritional factors.
8. Recognize developmental disorders of the dentition.
9. Define three anomalies that affect the number of teeth.
10. Define five anomalies that are related to the shape of the teeth.
11. Describe the oral conditions of a patient with an eating disorder.
12. Describe the classic signs of inflammation.
13. Differentiate between chronic and acute inflammation.
14. Identify the oral effects of methamphetamine use.
Activities/ Assignments: Read Chapter 17, PowerPoint slides, electronic flash cards and
workbook pages
Course Assessment Information
Description of Possible Course Assessments
(Essays, multiple choice, etc.)
Essay, multiple choice, matching, true/false,
slide identification, fill-in the blanks, etc.
Exams standardized for this course?
Other (please specify):
Where can faculty members locate or access
the required standardized exams for this
course? (Contact person and location)
Example: NCK – Gen Ed Division Chair Office
Are exams required by the department? __
Yes X No
If Yes, please specify:
MCC Form EDU 0007 (rev. 2/27/2009)
Office of Instruction______________________