FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Lourdes Institute administration & faculty is proud to provide continuing education and individual offerings facilitated by exceptional guest presenters who are noted for their practical & teaching skills plus the depth of their experience. LOURDES ADMINISTRATION Helen Owens, OSF, D.Min, MSN, RN, Founder 6ister +elen is the founder of Lourdes :ellness &enter and Lourdes Institute of :holistic 6tudies. +er background is in &ommunity Health Nursing and in wholistic modalities. Her interest in wholistic spirituality prompted her to include the wholistic modalities certi¿cation programs at 2ur Lady of Lourdes. Frank Pileggi, Ph.D., RHP, Dean 'r. 3ileggi is the 'ean of Lourdes Institute of :holistic 6tudies. He has received his 0asters 'egree in Holistic Health 6ciences and his 'octorate in Holistic $rts and 3ractices and is a nationally 5egistered Holistic 3ractitioner speciali]ing in $dvanced %odywork and 6omatic 7herapies. He is the founder of &orrective 0uscle 7herapy holding certi¿cates in over modalities and in $thletic 7raining. In addition to his studies 'r. 3ileggi spent ¿ve honored years training with the 6hamans of the $benaki $merican Indians in Northern Vermont. Angela Austin, AS, Coordinator/Assistant to the Dean $ngela is the &oordinator and $ssistant to the 'ean for Lourdes Institute of :holistic 6tudies. $ngela is an honors graduate of Lourdes Institute with an $ssociates 'egree in $pplied 6cience0assage 7herapy. 6he also completed the <oga 7eacher 7raining program the 5eÀexology program and is currently pursuing her education in Health and (xercise 6cience. $ngela provides administrative assistance and helps to facilitate the needs of the students, faculty and staff. Beverly Chabalowski, AS, Registrar %everly is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of :holistic 6tudies and holds an associate¶s degree in 0edical 6ecretarial 6cience. %everly has been with Lourdes Health 6ystem for years, holding administrativeclerical positions in various departments Emergency, Ambulatory and Wellness. She enjoys helping others in a simple, joyful and hospitable manner. Lourdes Jesukiewicz, BS, Registrar Lourdes is the 5egistrar for Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies. Lourdes graduated with honors from &ommunity &ollege of 3hiladelphia with a 'egree in *eneral Studies and a &erti¿cate in 0anagement and is currently pursuing her 0aster¶s 'egree in 2rgani]ational Leadership and 0anagement. She has worked with Lourdes Health System since . FACULTY Dorothea Atkins RN, BSN, MA, Th.D, Infectious 'isease, &E8¶s A graduate of 7emple 8niversity¶s %SN nursing program, she received her 0aster¶s 'egree from )airleigh 'ickinson 8niversity. She completed her massage training at 3ennsylvania School of 0uscle 7herapy, having studied extensively in many modalities. 'otty, a retired high school teacher and staff nurse, received a Doctor of Theology degree with focus on Spiritual Healing. Dr. Atkins’ doctoral research on ³Self0assage for .nee 2steoarthritis´ has been published in the International -ournal of Therapeutic 0assage and %odywork and in the Lower Extremity 5eview 0aga]ine. Michelle Carlino, BA, ERYT, <oga TechniTues and Teaching 0ethodology, <TTformally known as <TT 0ichelle has been studying multiple styles of yoga since and has been teaching since . She is certi¿ed in Hatha, .ripalu, Anusara, &hristian, .undalini and <oga for &ancer&ardiac patients. She has done extensive studies in therapeutic yoga and speciali]es in working with special needs populations, including clients with 0ultiple Sclerosis, )ibromyalgia, brain injuries visually impaired and back pain. 0ichelle is certi¿ed as a )oot 5eÀexologist, Tai &hi &hih instructor and chair massage therapist. She has been an Assistant Director of the Lourdes 200 hour yoga teacher training program since 2002. 18 FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Ralph Casciato, NCBTMB, LMT, Therapeutic 0assage, Integration & Application, Integrative Workshop, &linic Supervisor, &E8’s 5alph is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies and is a nationally certi¿ed 0assage Therapist. He maintains a private practice in &ollingswood, speciali]ing in Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, and Seated &hair 0assage and is an active member of the South -ersey Wellness &ouncil. Corinne A. Corcoran, Ed.D., AMTA, LMT, 5eÀexology I, 5eÀexology II, 5eÀexology III, Science of Ayurveda, Ethics, &E8’s &orinne is a nationally certi¿ed massage therapist, N- state licensed in bodywork and holds a doctorate from Temple 8niversity. She is an A.&.A.5.E.T. accredited educator of 5eÀexology, and an Authori]ed 2ne %rain facilitator from Threein2ne &oncepts. &orinne has taught holistic arts for over twenty years and started the Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies in 2. Having studied with Dr. Deepak &hopra and Dr. David Simon, she teaches Ayurveda and Vedic &hant. She is certi¿ed by the %ellanina Institute in the %elavie )acelift 0assage. She is certi¿ed by the American 5eÀexology &erti¿cation %oard and designed the Three Level 5eÀexology 3rogram at Lourdes Institute. She is also the author of “My Forever Home: A Child’s First Book of Yoga”. Monica DeVaughn-Nobling, NCBTMB, LMT, %usiness 0anagement 0onica is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies and holds a national certi¿cation and N- State license in Therapeutic 0assage and %odywork. &urrently managing a private practice, 0onica also enjoys teaching the %usiness 0anagement course at Lourdes Institute. Susan DiGregorio, NCBTMB, Structures and )unctions I and II, )ootHand Anatomy, Hand 5eÀexology, %usiness for 5eÀexology, 5eÀexology II, New Trends in 5eÀexology, &E8’s Sue is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies, speciali]ing in Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, 0yofascial, 3regnancy and Infant 0assage, as well as )oot 5eÀexology. She has maintained a private practice for years. She is also an instructor for the massage and reÀexology programs at Lourdes Institute. Gisele Dunston, E-RYT, RYT Candidate <oga TechniTues and Teaching 0ethodology, <TT00formally known as <TT 00 Gisele graduated from Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies Yoga Teacher Training program in 2008. In addition, she has attended advanced training classes, with master teachers such as 5oger &oles ³Twist Anatomy and 3ractice´ and 5od Stryker ³%andhas, The Theory Application, and 3ractice´ and various posture clinics with -udith H Lasater. Gisele teaches &hair Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Vinyasa, Yoga Nidra and Yoga &ore Strengthening classes. Her classes are based in the tradition of Yoga for the total health of the body. David A. Egan, BS, CSCS, .inesiology & 3alpation, Environmental 0anagement, &E8’s David earned his %achelors Degree in Exercise 3hysiology from Temple 8niversity. He is a certi¿ed Strength and &onditioning Specialist who speciali]es in functional strength training and Àexibility. He has been practicing Active Isolated Stretching since and is a certi¿ed Active Isolated Stretch therapist. David has been teaching at Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies since , with specialties in anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, palpation skills, chair massage and body mechanics. Andrea Finley, NCMT, Therapeutic 0assage, &linic Supervisor Andrea is a graduate of the Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies. She is a Nationally &erti¿ed 0assage Therapist and student of the Neurosomatic Educators, LL&. She is a Wellness therapist at Lourdes Little 3ortion and maintains a private practice in Swedesboro, New Jersey. Xavier Harvey, LMT, 3athology, Deep Tissue, 3athology for 5eÀexology, &E8’s ;avier Harvey is a NJ &erti¿ed 0assage, %odywork, and Somatic therapist. He has studied at 3aci¿c &ollege of 2riental 0edicine 3&20 and Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies. He is a certi¿ed 2riental %ody Therapist and has received his Tui Na &erti¿cation. Melanie Linton, BA, RYT, LMT, Dipl. oI ABT, Eastern Therapeutic &oncepts 0elanie is a certi¿ed personal trainer and certi¿ed pilates instructor through the American Aerobic Association International and International Sports 0edicine Association. She is also a certi¿ed Shiatsu therapist, having a certi¿cate through the American 2rgani]ation for %odywork Therapies of Asia. She graduated from Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies with her 5YT200 and blends styles with her &hinese medicine background. 19 FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATION Sheri McLellan Krauss, L.AC, Ma, Ac, (Auricular Therapy) Sheri is a nationally licensed acupuncturist who received her 0aster’s Degree from the New England School of Acupuncture. She completed an internship at the Women’s &enter at Harvard 8niversity’s teaching hospital, 0ount Auburn, and is especially interested in the treatment of women’s healthcare and pain management. She combines Western and Eastern medical research into her practice and is known for her gentle touch and compassionate care. Barbara Moeller, MA, E-RYT, (Yoga TechniTues & Teaching 0ethodology, &hristian Yoga, YTT00formally known as YTT 00) %arbara is the Director of the 200 and 00 Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies. She has been an avid practitioner of yoga and meditation since and has taught for over 0 years. She has received extensive training in multiple styles of yoga and is certi¿ed in &lassical Hatha, .ripalu, &hristian Yoga, Ashtanga, Yoga Nidra, and Yoga of the Heart for cardiac and cancer clients. %arbara is very active in retreat ministry and advocates yoga as a holistic modality, honoring body, mind, and spirit. Lisa O¶Brien, RYT, CRM, (Yoga TechniTues & 0ethodology, YTT00formally known as YTT 00) Lisa is a registered yoga teacher. She is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies Yoga Teacher Training program and is familiar with various styles of yoga. She speciali]es in &hakra Yoga, which supports the body’s energy system, meditation, yoga for seniors and students with physical challenges. Nita Spielberg, RN, ERTY, (Yoga Anatomy & 3hysiology, Yoga TechniTues & 0ethodology, YTT00formally known as YTT 00) Nita is a graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies Yoga Teacher Training program. She has studied in the Iyengar and .ripalu traditions since and has extensive teaching experience. Through group classes, workshops, and individual sessions, Nita teaches classical Hatha and Vinyasa yoga for beginning to advanced students and has travelled nationally to conduct workshops in anatomy and physiology related to yoga practice. Her interest in anatomy and physiology and her nursing background attempts to link Eastern and Western approaches to health. Adam Travia, (Therapeutic Sensory App I &II) Adam Travia is an herbalist, massage therapist, and reÀexologist. He is a graduate of the Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies and has studied Western and Eastern Herbalism with many of the ¿eld’s leaders. He maintains a private practice in both 3hiladelphia and New Jersey. Pamela West, M.Ed., LMT, (Integrated 0yofascial Structural TechniTues) 3amela is certi¿ed in %ody Education and earned a 0asters in Dance from Temple 8niversity. She has over years in movement studies including dance improvisation, The Alexander TechniTue, and )eldenkrais 0ethed. She holds a 3ennsylvania license in 0assage Therapy and is a founding member of the )ascial 5esearch Society. She has maintained a private practice in 3hiladelphia since 8. 20