Chapter 6 E-BUSINESS AND E-COMMERCE Learning Objectives กก!"#$%&ก'(")*$ (electronic commerce), (123 456752( 4589ก7 3%: 2(:;'<=>? '9)@45A8!BC"D"ก('9>"4>ก(2(:@1%"6%"$ (online auction) 3%: ก( 3%ก2%"*")5F(B(ก("6%"$ (online bartering) GH> major applications 4> business-to-consumer commerce 'C>"C(@GH> service industries 3%: major issues @BA#5 e-tailers. GH> business-to-business application ='96@ intrabusiness 3%: B2E 8H>GB=2O" e-commerce GH> e-government activities 3%: consumer-to-consumer e-commerce 1 GH> e-commerce support services P7Q!:=>> payment 3%: logistic Gก3G%>GH>)@*9)S3%:ก(79"">"กกก(PTUV3"6%"$ Gก3G%>A"(B>กก8((((V3%:กWF@'ก45>ก e-commerce IT-Performance Model 2 Dell is using E-Commerce for success The business problem/opportunity: Michael Dell 675ก=<C>(U' Dell Computer A"2a 1984 P74 PC e="ก(*>fBC'> mail Dell ก3(: PC 2O"(:4>4>3%:>AF5%1ก)52O"e15ก9F"7(:675> !BAF5675(:<@'%1ก)5<5>ก( (ก3")@)7"C= Build-to-Order (e%<<@ A*>) 8ก"C"8H>*=>62AF5%1ก)53 direct mail 2a 1993 Dell <P<8"ก%2O"(U''e%<)@!<($AFS=(:7 1 A" 5 4>P%ก c 3%:(@@ก('9*>)(@75"()ก Compaq #=>%"C Dell ()9*>fBCP7 Fax 3%: snail mail 3%: ก7ก(*1S*(675 A"2a 1994 675*1S*(67562GH> 100 M$ Solution: Direct Marketing Online ก(*B*(""<($"&<(@2(:@V<5"2a 1990 3%:(@3":"9 Web A"2a 1993 fH> Dell @>F&"Pก*A"ก(43"6%"$ 3%:*(5> Web !B()9*>fBC3 Online =>(=>7="3%:462*1=pP(23%:# 3%:>!@*")5B" ? 4562A" &6f<$ '9AF5 Dell (@6752( Compaq A"2a 1999 Dell ก%2O"F@%4F"H>4> P%กA"ก(4 PC 62'P%ก 2q88p""C @74'P%ก2(:@V 06 B$ @!"ก>" @กก= 63,000 )" Dell 44>AF5*>ก%p=@ )B p))%'62'fBC62A#5<@5" ก()543"C(ก= Business-to-consumer (B2C) 3%: *9"ก>"''9p(ก8 fH>(ก= Business-to-Business (B2B) 3 Dell @ก(!"@<('>p(ก8F%(892O"<5>@ก(*B*(3%:(=@@Bก"A"#> ECollaboration #=" (=@@Bกe1587*=> UPS 3%: FedEx "ก8ก"C" Dell ><5>AF5(ก(3ก=%1ก)589""@ก 8H><5>@)(B>@BF%=> #=" CRM, Helpdesk 2O"<5" (ก(@ ? ก"2O" E-Customer Service Dell <5>e%<<@)9*>4>%1ก)5 7>"C"8H><5>@ก(>3e")@<5>ก(<Gp73%: ก(e%<=>3@="9 2O"<5" Dell 8H><5>u)(B4=A"#> Intrabusiness EC 45@ #= Results: Dell <7(:7F"H>A"F54>"<*(v($81"@<C>3<=2a 1999 @74กB 4 !"%5" F(S<=2a Lesson Learned: Dell 2O"e15pกก direct-marketing model *9F( PC 3%:)%B"62*1=ก()543 online "ก8ก"C" Dell >'9<%7A"#> build-to-order F(B custom-built model (mass customization) @B*>fBC89""@ก ก96(4> Dell ก('9<%7P7<(>'9AF5 <7<ก%>ก62 '9AF5@*")5)>)%><9 3%:'9 cash flow 6757@ ก!(:%1ก)5<5> 8=>"ก=" !BAF5*7(ก)@<5>ก(89""@ก3%:*")5@)pV;! Dell 675A#5 EC model 'F&"=>#78"ก&)B e-Procurement @2(2(p>ก(fBC<Gp7 A#5 collaborative commerce ก)1)= 5 A#5 intrabusiness *9F(2q2(p>ก(79"">";A" 3%: e-CRM ก%1ก)5 4 6.1 Overview of E-Business and E-Commerce "@3%:3")@)7 Electronic commerce ((ก=?= e-commerce F(B EC) )B ก(:"ก(A"ก(87 fBC ก(4 ก(87*=> F(B ก(3%ก2%"*")5F(B(ก(<=>? 3%:/F(B *(*" 'u e="'>)(B4=)@!<($ 'C>"C(@GH>"<($"&<75 >)"@>'@ ycommercez =2O"ก(Q!:ก('9p(ก((@ (transaction) ' ก74HC"(:F=>e15'9p(ก875ก" fH>71= @"8:3)ก"62 @B A#5ก'@ yelectronic commercez 7>"C" 8H>@กA#5)9= ye-businessz 3'" E-business 2O"#B(กก5> ? 4> EC fH>(@62GH> ก(fBC ก(4*")53%:(ก( <=>? "ก8ก"C">(@GH>ก(AF5(ก(%1ก)5A"#>)@(=@@B'>75" e-learning 3%:87AF5@ก(79""p(ก8#>%)'(")*$ (electronic transaction) <=>?4HC";A" >)$ก( EC 'C>F@7 F(B >*=" (Pure versus partial EC) Electronic commerce *@(G'9675F%(123 'C>"4C HC"1=ก degree of digitization (F@GH> ก(2%"8ก(123'>ก;!2O"78<%) '*@(G'9675 Degree of digitization 8:*@!"$ก (1) e%<;V{$F(B(ก('4 (2) ก(:"ก( F(B (3) <3'"89F"= (delivery agents F(B intermediary) A"(1234>EC%5" ? F(B pure EC "C" 'pก?@<8:<5>1=A"(124>78<%'C>F@7 3<=G52O"78<%!>3)=@<7 (8:GB=2O" EC !>>*=" (partial EC) 4AF571<=><=62")C ( G5'="fBCF">*B%=@F"H>8ก Amazon 3%5*=>@'> 62(UV$ =>"C2O" Partial EC !(: F">*B3%:ก(87*=>2O"'>ก;! 3<=G5fBC F">*B%=@F"H>' Amazon F@B"ก" 3<=2O" E-Book 3%: '="*@(G download 675 >F%>8กก(8=>" =>"C2O" Pure EC F">*B Text 4>(8:A#5'@ EC 3'"'C>F@7 6@==8:2O" Pure F(B Partial EC 5 Pure vs Partial EC cont} >)$ก(3 Brick-and-mortar )B >)$ก('@e%<;V{$ ก(:"ก( 3%: ก(87*=> e%<;V{$ 1=A"#>ก;!'C>F@7 #=" (5"4F">*B!@!$(@G"" <F">*B !@!$2O"(12%=@'>ก;! ก(:"ก(fBC4ก&2O"ก;! ก(87*=>ก&2O"3 ก;! 8:F&"='pก@<2O"ก;!'C>*C" =>"C (ก=2O" Purely Physical 3%: >)$ก("C(ก= Purely Physical Organization F(B (ก675=2O"3 Brick-andMortar Organization EC Organizations >)$ก(*@B" (Virtual organization) )B >)$ก('@ e%<;V{$ (product) ก(:"ก( (process) 3%: <3'"89F"= 2O"78<%'C>F@7 >'(ก= pure play organization Pure vs Partial EC cont} Click-and mortar )B >)$ก('e%<;V{$ ก(:"ก( 3%: <3'"89F"= 2O" 'C>3ก;!F(B78<% (physical or digital) F@GH> @'C>P)(>*(5>'>ก ;! #=" P#$(1@ vvu 3%: 2O"3 Online 75 3"P"5@2q88p""C >)$ก(2(:;' Brick-and-Mortar ก9%>2(2%"(123 4><">AF52O" Click-and-Mortar P7ก(!@A"*="4> online 4562 6 4)@ Brick-and-Mortar ก('9p(ก837>C 7@'e15fBCกe154<5>!F"5ก"A"vvuF(B*P<($ F(B P#$(1@ #=" (5"4ก3v (5"44>#9 2O"<5" Click-and-Mortar F(B Click-and-Brick (Brick-and-Mortar) + (Click and-Order) = (Brick-and-Click) 2O"ก('9p(ก83e*@)B@'>C vvu F(B Store (!B7"4562fBC) 3%: 2O"3 online shopping 75 <=>#=" Barnes and Noble Click-and-Click 2O"ก('9p(ก83 online %5" ? 6@=@vvuF(B Store AF57"4562fBC4> <=>#=" Amazon The EC Landscape 3")@)7!B"C D"4> EC ก&)B ก('9ก(:"ก('>p(ก8AF52O"<P"@< AF5@ก'*p7'='8:2O"62675 7 E-Business – Transaction Medium E-commerce 79""ก(e=""<($"&<'C>*C" 3<= EC >*@(G79""ก(e=" private networks 67575 #=" e=" value-added networks (VANs, networks that add communication services to existing common carriers), local area networks (LANs) F(B wide area networks (WANs) E-Commerce Transaction #"7<=> ? E-commerce transaction ก(:'9675F%*="75ก" (123P7' ?62 (@>'e15 fBC3%:e154) 8:2O"7> <=62"C Business-to-Business (B2B): E-commerce 'e1543%:e15fBC'C>*> 2O">)$ก( p(ก8'C>)1= (123"C8:2O"(123'A#5ก"@ก'*p7A"ก('9 E business Collaborative commerce (c-commerce): Ecommerce fH>)1=)5(=@@Bก"P7A#5 %)'(")*$2O"*B (71'ก((=@@Bก"2O"F%ก 3'"'8 :2O"ก(fBCF(B4) ' !F&"P7'62)BPf=p2'" (Supply Chain) Business-to-Consumers (B2C): E-commerce fH>e1542O">)$ก('>ก()5 *="e15 fBC2O"e15fBC(=((@7 F(B(กก"ก=>F"H>= e-tailing (@8ก)9= Electronic retailing) 8 Types of E-Commerce Transaction cont} Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C): )B E-commerce 'e154*")5F(Be%<;V{$(= )54กe15fBC(=#="7ก" (>3F=>A#5)9= customer-to-customer) Business-to-business-to-consumers (B2B2C): )BBusiness 44>AF5 business 3<= 87*=>*")5F(B(ก(<(>62AF5%1ก)53<=%:( Customer -to-Business (C2B): )B E-commerce '%1ก)5(:pGH>)@<5>ก(e%< ;V{$ F(Bก((ก('89!:8:8>%>62 3%5f!!%($'9ก(87Fe%<;V{$ F(B (ก(45><5"AF5ก%1ก)5 Intrabusiness (intraorganizational) commerce )B E-commerce F@GH>>)$ก('A#5 EC ;A">)$ก(!B2(2(p>ก('9>"AF574HC" B2E( business to employees) EC: 2O"ก(V!uU4> intrabusiness e-commerce A" (123'>)$ก(87*=>e%<;V{$F(Bก((ก(AF5ก!"ก>"4><"> Types of E-commerce cont} GovernmenttoCitizens(G2C): E-commerce fH>(D%87F(ก(<=>? AF5ก !%@B>4><"e="'>')P"P%<=>?'ก45>ก EC Government-tobusiness (G2B): E-commerce fH>(D%F"H>? '9p(ก8ก(D% B"? (G2G) F(B F"=>"p(ก8<=>? (G2B) Mobile Commerce (m-commerce): E-commerce 'u wireless environment. 9 EC Business Model Business Model F@GH> ก('(U'F"H> ? *(5>(6754HC"@!B4)%B" <"> The major business model of EC are summarized in Table 6.1 E-Commerce Business Models F"5202 10 Brief History and Scope of EC Brief History ก(2(:pก<$A#5>"4> EC (@#=><5"2a1970 P72O"ก(P">"'>%&)'(")*$ <=@675!"2O" EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) 3%54<62>p<*Fก((@ <=>? <5"2a 1990 ก(2(:pก<$A#5 EC @4<=>(7(& "B>8ก@"<($"&<3%:@ ก( A#5& 2a 2000 ก(79""ก('ก45>ก EC ก%2O"(B>AFS=4>>ก( @p(ก8 dotcom ก74HC"=>@ก@ ก*@2a<=@ @ dotcom F%(5(U'G"<ก@ <C>3<=2a 2003 2O"<5"@ EC (@">3%:<P<4HC"=>)>' 11 EC Newcomers: Social Network Sites ก(!@ 4HC"4>)(B4='>*>)@'9AF5ก7Pก*'>75" EC ="!@ <@A" A Closer Look 6.1 yInteresting Student-Targeted Web Sitesz page 203 Social Commerce: ')P"P%4> Web 2.0 ก=AF5ก7)@"@75" blog *=>e% AF5ก7 Social Commerce 4HC"@ ="!@<@A" A Closer Look 6.2 Web 2.0 Social Commerce of Googlez page 204 The Scope of EC ก(2(:pก<$A#5 EC '(>(P7P)(>*(5>!BC"D"fH>2(:ก75 ($73($ fv'$3($ 3%:"&<($) P7(@8ก($f($628"GH>@%<@7 3%:(@GH>ก(*"*"p"A" 75"B" ? ก 5 75" 6753ก= )" (People) 6753ก= e15fBC e154 )"ก%> e15#9"Sกก IS 2O"<5" "P'2(:กu*1=*(V#" (Public Policy) #=" (B>'กก กWF@ "P 45>)<=>? #=" ก(ก7ก"'>ก()5 ก93!>;U 8ก(D% 2O"<5" ก(<%73%:ก(PTUV (Marketing and advertising) EC <5>ก(ก('9ก(<%7 3%:PTUVF@B"p(ก8B" ? P7Q!:=>> B2C online !(:e1543%: e15fBC <=>6@=(158กก" (ก(*"*"p"<=>? (Support services) (@8กก(:"ก(8=>"GH>ก(87*=> !"@<('>p(ก8 (Business Partnerships) #=" Joint Venture, e-marketplaces 12 A framework for e-commerce Components of EC 2(:P#"$4> E-commerce 2(:P#"$<=>)$ก( #=" ก(675@fH><%7'@1=3%5P7((@#<3%:<%7(:F=>2(:'u %7<5"'p"4>ก(2(:@%e% ก(ก(:8 3%: ก((กA#5>"4>*(*"'u 2(:P#"$<=%1ก)5 #=" *@(G45GH>e%<;V{$3%:ก((ก(<=> ? 675=>@ก@ 3%:<%7% 2(:P#"$<=#p@#" #=" *@(G87*=>*(*"'u ก((ก( e%<;V{$62AF52(:##"A"@B><=> ? !BC"'A"#"'<=>? 3%: A"2(:'u'ก9%>!"'C>F% ="!@<@A"<(>' 5.2 F"5 173 13 6 14 4589ก7<=>? '>')P"P% (Technological Limitations) 4589ก7<=>? '>')P"P% (Technological Limitations) #=" ก(473)%"@<(D"75")@2%7;'675(ก(@(ก"'62 3"7$4>ก(*B*(6@=!!> ก(45GH>>@()3!> (Expensive accessibility) 4589ก7'>75"'6@=ก45>ก')P"P% (Nontechnological Limitations) #=" @ก(@(ก"= EC >6@=@)@2%7; >6@=*@(G3ก52qSF'>75"กWF@675 >47 critical mass 4>e1543%:e15fBC ="!@<@A"<(>' 5.3 F"5 173 15 6.2 Major EC Mechanism ก%6กF%ก?4>ก(fBC3%:ก(4""<($"&<)B %)'(")*$ @($ก&< (electronic market) %)'(")*$ 3)<<:%&ก (electronic catalog) ก(2(:@1%#> %)'(")*$ Electronic auctions) 3%: ก( 3%ก2%"3"6%"$ (online bartering) Electronic Markets (e-market): GB2O"!BC"'*9)S"ก=AF5ก7 EC transaction emarket )B <%7"7*@B" (virtual marketplace) 'e15fBC3%:e154!2:3%: ก=AF5ก7p(ก((@F%2(:;''3<ก<=>ก"62 Electronic Catalogs: Electronic catalogs A" CD-ROM 3%: 1=""<($"&<ก9%> 675()@"@@ก4HC" %&ก'(")*$ 3)<<:%&ก 2(:ก75 product database, directory 3%: )@*@(GA"ก( search 3%:vq>ก$#"ก("9*" Electronic Auctions (E-auction) )B ก%6ก'>ก(<%7fH>e154*"()(@<5" 3%5e15fBC*"()fBC34=>ก" 7>"C"()8:)%B"6F62@4HC"1=กก(*" ()34=>ก" Electronic bartering )B ก(3%ก2%"*")5F(B(ก( P76@=<5>'9p(ก((@ '>ก(>" 16 Electronic catalogs Electronic catalog *@(G873=>675P7u*@@<<=62"C ก()%B"6F(dynamic)4>*(*"'u'" 9*" 3)<<:%&ก8:2O"3 static F(B dynamic ก&675 Static catalog 2O"ก("9*"*(*"'uA"(12<กU(3%:;!"> Dynamic catalog 2O"ก("9*"*(*"'uP7;!)%B"6F3%:8@ *> 75 >u3F=>ก(87(123AF5F@:*@ (Degree of customization) Standard catalog F@GH>3)<<:%&ก'AF5ก%1ก)5'pก?(F@B"?ก" Customized catalog F@GH> "BCF () )pV*@<<=>? A"3)<<:%&กG1ก2( AF5F@:*@ ก)@<5>ก(4>%1ก)52O"(?62 Electronic catalogs >u4>ก(2O"ก;! (Degree of integration) @B'กก(:"ก(F(B (123'>p(ก8<=> ? 3)<<:%&ก*@(G3=>3ก62<@>u3F=>)@2O"ก;!<@ก(:"ก( F(BP)(>*(5>4>p(ก8"C" ? 6753ก= ก((ก(*>fBC3%:ก(87F (:#9(: >"3%&)'(")*$ (:3%:fv'$3($ก(6F%4>>"""<($"&< (:ก(87ก&*")53%:ก(#9(:>" extranet4>f!!%($F(B4>%1ก)5 2O"<5" 17 Electronic Auction (E-Auctions) ก(2(:@1% (Auction) )B ก(:"ก(ก(34=>4"fH>ก76758กe154(7*" 4AF5กe15fBCF%(*"()34=>ก" F(B e15fBC(7*"fBC8กe154F% ( '9ก(*"()434=>ก" ()8:)%B"6F<@ก(34=>4" @Bก(2(:@1% 45><5"'9e="'>%&)'(")*$F(B"<($"&< (ก= E-Auction 3=>6752O": Forward auction: )B ก(2(:@1%'e154A#5#=>'>A"ก(462>e15fBC'*"A8F%? ( e15fBC(A7'AF5()*1>*p72O"e15#": (A"#>e154*@(G4675()*1> >' (ก ก(2(:@1%4) Reverse auction: )B ก(2(:@1%'e154(F"H> (*="@ก@ก2O">)$ก() <5>ก(fBC e%<;V{$F(B(ก(=>A7=>F"H> ((1237ก" 3<=fBC89""@ก) f!!% ($8:45622(:@1%34=> (A"#>A)(*"4A"()<98:2O"e1#5 ": >'(ก= ก(2(:@1%fBC) ="!@<@A" IT at Work 6.1ye-Bay-The Worlds Largest Auction Sitez, page 209 Bartering Electronic bartering )Bก(3%ก2%"*")5F(B(ก(P76@=@p(ก((@'>ก( >" *@(G3=>6752O"*>3 )B ก(3%ก2%"p))%<=p))% (Individual-to-individual bartering) 2O"ก(3%ก 2%"A"%กUV:)@!H>!A8*="<@กก= >)$ก(''9 e-bartering (Corporate e-bartering) F@GH>>)$ก('< C>4HC"@!B'9 ก(3%ก2%"P7A#5%)'(")*$2O"*B (e.g., 18 6.3 Business-to-Consumer Applications B2C E-commerce (@@B(U'(#=" Amazon)(@4<(>AF5ก%1ก)5(= P7 ก(A#5"<($"&< fH>@F%375ก" P7F%ก?3%56753ก= Electronic Retailing Mechanisms: Storefronts and Malls A"7< @B'="1='5"*@(GfBC4>e="3)<<:%&ก675 <=@675!"4HC"P7 '="*@(GfBC4>e="(ก(PTUV'>P'('u"$ 2q88p""C '="*@(GfBC 4>A"3 online e="'>"<($"&<675e="'> storefronts 3%: malls )9= Electronic retailing (e-tailing) F@GH> ก(4<(> (direct sale) 4>*")5 F(B(ก( e=" electronic storefronts F(B electronic malls *")5F(B(ก(45> <5" @กG1กก3AF51=A"(1234> electronic catalog 3%:/F(B electronic auctions B2C Applications cont} *>(123'" @ก"" online )B electronic storefronts 3%: electronic malls: Electronic storefront )B website 4>(U'F"H>'@ Internet address 4><"> (*@(G*>fBC*")5675e="#=>'>"C storefront >3=>6752O"*>3)B Specialized storefront fH>44>!>#"77F(B*>*@#"7 #=" 4F"> *B3%:CD 2O"<5" *=" General storefront 8:44>@ก@F%#"7 Electronic malls (cyber mall) )B ก((@ก"4>(5")53<=%:( (individual shop);A<5 Internet address 7ก" 3=>2O"*>#"7#="ก" )B Referral malls 3"'C ="6@=*@(GfBC*")5675A""C" '="<5>62fBC<@(5")5'(:p65'= "C" (@65!B%Bก71'="C") 3'*>'="*@(GfBC675P7A#5 electronic shopping cart 8:%BกfBC8กe154(A7ก&675A""C" ((7F(BF%(ก&675) 3<=%#9(:>"<5>(@2O"(ก(7ก" 19 E-Tailing: The Essentials 3")@)74> retailing F@GH> ก(4*")53%:/F(Bก((ก(AF5%1ก)52O" (?62(2O"ก(4AF52O")"?62 fH>F@GH>ก(42%ก"">) *>'"=*"A8"F"H>4> E-trailing (A"3>=4>2O"ก(42%ก3F"H>)ก&)B )@*@(GA"ก(*"*")5'F@:*@กe15fBC(customized product)A"()' *@F<p*@e%3%:87ก(AF5*(&8*C"(&!)( (<=>#=" Dell computer) ="!@<@A" IT at Work 6.2 The King of E-Tailingz, page 211 B2C Applications cont} Online Service Industries %>@7175"p<*Fก((@ก(AF5(ก(A"p)%)'(")*$ก"5> <=>6753ก=: Cyberbanking ก(79""ก('>")(F%กF%(123''9e="*B%&)'( ")*$8ก5" *G"p(ก8 F(B 4V:7"'> 3'"'8:<5>62'")(8(> ? <""C @(ก(F%กF%2(กก@ #=" Virtual bank fH>F@GH> *G"กก ")('AF5(ก('>p(ก((@""<($"&< (ก(4*")5F(B(ก() Online Securities Trading *@(G*>fBC8ก'A7ก&675 %A7ก&675 "ก%>'p"*@(G !8(V*(*"'u675@ก@'กก45@1%Q!:4>(U' F(B e15(=@'p" The Online Job Market "<($"&<'9AF5ก7*;!37%5@'F@:*@*9F(e15' <5>ก(F>"'93%:(U'<=>?'<5>ก(85>>" #=" e15F>"*@(G)5"F <93F"=>>"'F@:*@ก<" ก(f1@65 A" Web 2O"<5" 20 B2C Applications cont} Travel Services "<($"&<)B*G"'A"p7@)<A"ก(>3e" ก(<(8* 3%: ก(87(123A"ก(7"'> '9AF5e15<5>ก(62'=>'>3e"AF5F@: *@ก<">675%=>F"5 Real Estate ก('9p(ก8กก*>F(@'(!$GB2O"75"'*@1(V$3 *9F( EC %1ก)5 *@(G71*"'(!$<=>?675>= 6@==8:2O"ก(87(>3%: 3=>ก%p=@<@)pV %กUV:<=> ? *@(G71ก(ก3ก(<3<=>;A" 3%: *;!37%5@; "ก67575 ก()5"F<=>?'9675(7(&4HC" Customer Service v*A" Customer Service Life Cycle ก(AF5(ก(%1ก)5)(A#53"'>'(ก= a business life cycle process fH>2(:ก75 4 4C"<"7><=62"C Phase 1: Requirement #=ก9F"7)@<5>ก(4>%1ก)5: #=%1ก)53ก3:)@<5>ก(<=>? '>75" (12;!4>e%<;V{$ ก("9*"A"(1234>7P ก(A"(123< กU( ')@F(Bก( '7* *>" CD 3%: ก(7"$PF%76v%$<=> Phase 2: Acquisition #=((@*>'%1ก)5<5>ก(: #=%1ก)5675(e%<;V{$F(B(ก(<@'<5>ก( (online order entry, negotiations, closing of sale 3%: delivery) *ก("AF545@1%<(>ก("<=>?3%:()<<@'%Bก%3%:*ก(" e="'> Website GB2O"ก(ก(:'9A" Phase1,2 21 Customer Service Phase 3: Ownership 3*7>กfH>)@2O"854>A"ก(4562#=%1ก)5: *"*"p"%1ก)5AF579"" ก( <=6267575<"> (interactive online user groups, online technical support, FAQ and answer, resource libraries, newsletters, and online renewal of subscriptions) Phase 4: Retirement #=F'>ก@B%ก/Fp7A#5>": #=AF5e15fBC3ก3:ก(AF5(ก(F(Be%<;V{$ (online resale, classified ads) e154)@!<($87<C> electronic help desk !B#=%1ก)5 install computer GB2O" Phase 3 3%: #=%1ก)54)@!<($)(B>ก=GB2O" Phase 4 ="!@<@8ก<=> yFidelity Investment Offers Financial Information and Newsz, page 214 E-Entertainment: *>*@2a'e="@"C8:!F&" e-entertainment <@ Web <=> ? @ก4HC" >3F=>ก&v( >3F=>ก&<5>8=>" Customization and Personalization: 456752(F%ก4> EC ก&)B)@*@(G A"ก(*"e%<;V{$F(B(ก(<@'ก%p=@%1ก)5<5>ก(F(B3@53<=)@ <5>ก(()"ก&<@A"()'*@(G@(675 22 Issues in E-tailing 'C>"C"B>8ก e-tailing <P<=>(7(& F%?(ก9%>2(:*ก2qSF G5 6@=3ก564ก&8:'9AF5@e%ก(:'<= e-tailing 4>>)$ก( 1) 3ก52qSF(B> channel conflict G5e1542O"(U'3 click-and-mortar @B4 '9 online 88:*=>e%ก(:'<=<3'"89F"=7@ (ก= channel conflict 2) 3ก52qSF)@4735>;A">)$ก(3 clickand-mortar 3<=7@>)$ก(2O" 3 Brick-and-Mortar (44> offline) @B<7*"A844>"6%"$ 8'9AF5 ก7 )@4735>กก('9>"A"*="v6%"$675 3) 87ก%p=@'>75" order fulfilment 3%: logistics E-tailer @ก8:2(:*ก2qSF 75" ก(87*=>*")5<C>3<=89"""5?62GH>89""@ก62AF5ef15 BC (@62GH>4> '*=>ก%)B" Issues in E-tailing 4) )5"F3"'>A"ก(79""ก(<=62 3%: )@*>4> online e-tailers e15''9 pure online e-tailer A"#=> 2000 2003 @ก2(:*2qSFกก>"*7F@p"" ก(F%1ก)5 ก(87F4><@A*> ก(!ก(V$)@<5>ก(4>%1ก)5 "ก8ก "C">@)31= 4=>!@4HC"@ก@ !(:e15)5(AF@=45@675>= 2qSF4> e-tailer F"5 AF@=ก&)B '9=>6(8:79""ก(<=62675""A"4V:'>"'p"%7%> 5) (:pGH> appropriate revenue models F@GH> ก('9p(ก83"6%"$""C 8:<5> FAF5675= 8:'9ก96(675=>6( ก<=>#="p(ก8 dotcom A"7<)7= 8:'9 675>"8กก(4PTUV" web <">A"#=>3(ก'!%C><>675 @B)"(185 ก @ก4HC" ? PTUV8:45@@ก4HC"3%:*@(G4HC")=PTUV675 8:*@(G'9ก96( 675 3<=6@=2O"#=""C"A"#=>3(กFPTUV675"58"6@=*@(G%C><>(7 23 6.4 B2B Applications A" business to business (B2B) applications, e15fBC e154 3%: ก('9p(ก((@<=> ? 8:ก(:'9P7>)$ก(p(ก8<=>? (123F%ก? 6753ก= sell-side marketplaces, buy-side marketplaces 3%: electronic exchanges. ก) Sell-side marketplace. (123 B2B '>)$ก(<=> ? 4AF5ก>)$ก(B" ? 8ก e-marketplace *="<4>4 3%:/F(B 8ก third-party site (123"C8:)%5?ก B2C )B )7=e15fBC (A"ก(V4> B2B @ก8:!p=>262'>)$ก(@กก=) 8:45@> Web 4>e145 713)<<:%&ก3%5*>fBC 7>"C"ก%6กF%ก8:2(:ก75 1) Electronic catalog '*@(G87AF5F@:กe15fBC(AFS=675 2) ก(79"">"3 Forward auctions Major B2B Models 4) Buy-side marketplace (123 B2B model '>)$ก(<=> ? fBCe%<;V{ $F(B(ก( '<"><5>ก(8ก>)$ก(B" ? P7u%)'(")*$ @ก8:e="'> reverse auction <=>#=" (U'F"H><5>ก(fBC*")5#"7F"H>2O"89""@ก 48H>>ก*(4 AF5*"() (Request for quotation; RFQ) 4HC"" Web e154'C>F%8:45622(:@1% *"434=>ก"e="'>%)'(")*$ E-procurement ก(87fBCP7uก(*"*"p"'>75"%)'(")*$3%:@ก2O" 3 Reverse auction *@(G3กก2O"*>ก%p=@ )B Group Purchasing 2O"ก%p=@'@7ก(*>fBC89""@ก8กe15fBCF% ? ((@ ก" '9AF5@9"8A"ก(<=(>!B%7()%>@675@ก "B>8ก2O"ก(fBC 89""@ก (volume discount) 24 Major B2B Models Desktop Purchasing: ก(F"H>4> E-procurement fH>3)<<:%&ก4>f!!% ($<=>? 8:G1ก(@ก"2O"@*<($3)<<:%&ก (master catalog) 3%:A*=65A" f($v($4>e1587fBC ""F@)@=e15fBC*@(G(ก713)<<:%&ก3%&) '(")*$3%:*>fBC*")56758กP<:'9>"4>4 Major B2B Models )) Public exchange (exchanges): E-marketplace fH>@ก%p=@e15fBC3%:e15489""@ก (ก(45ก%p=@'9675>=) *="@ก@ก8:@(U''*@2O"854>3%:79"">" P7 !BC"D"3%5@*#"775ก": 1) Vertical distributors for direct materials )B B2B marketplaces 'fH> direct materials (materials 'A#52O""!p'A"ก(e%<) G1ก87fBC89""@กA" *;!37%5@3 long-term relationship (158กก"'62A"#B systematic sourcing. 2) Vertical exchanges for indirect materials F@GH> indirect materials A" p<*Fก((@F"H> ? G1กfBC"!BC"D"4> “as-needed” ((ก spot sourcing) e15 fBC3%: e15486@=(158กก" A"ก(V4> vertical exchanges ()8:2%"32%> 1=<%7 %'C>"4C HC"1=ก)@*@7p%(:F=> supply 3%: demand. ="!@A" IT at Work 6.4 yChemical Companies yBondz at ChemConnectz, page 218 25 Major B2B Models 3) Horizontal distributors 2O"3 “many-to-many” e-marketplaces *9F( indirect (MRO; Maintenance, Repair and Operating) materials <=>#=" <Gp7*C"2%B>'A#5A"*9"ก>" A"p<*Fก((@<=>? ()@ก8:)>' F(B 3%53<=<ก%>ก"A"(123 systematic sourcing-type exchange. 4) Functional exchanges 2O"(123'< 5>ก(A#5(ก( #=" ก(#=F%B# )( F(B #=!BC"')54#)( A"#>“as-needed” (spot sourcing) () @ ก()%B"6F3%:4H"C 1=ก supply 3%: demand 2O"=>@ก 6.5 Major Models of E-Business: From E-Government to C2C "ก8ก EC 8:'9(:F=> business partners 3%5 >ก74HC";A">)$ก(75 (ก= Intrabusiness Intrabusiness. E- commerce ;A">)$ก(F"H>? ((:F=>>)$ก(3%:!"ก>"4>4 (B2E) F(B (:F=>F"=p(ก8<=>? A">)$ก(""C ? F(B (:F=>!"ก>"<=>? A" >)$ก(7ก") Business to its Employees (B2E) commerce 2O"ก(79""p(ก8e="'> intranet 4>(U' *="@ก@(U'2O"e1543%:@!"ก>"2O"e15fBC #=" ก((@3 "6%"$'9AF5!"ก>"%Bก%675> ก('92(:ก"A"()!uU ก(fBC3!&ก ก862'=>' F(B fBC4>()G1ก8ก(5"44>4>(U' 2O"<5" 8p7@p=> F@F%ก@6753*>Fก96( 3<=2O"**7ก(4>!"ก>" 26 E-commerce between and among units within the business >)$ก('@4"7AFS= @ก2(:ก75F"=>"<=>?F%?F"=' 2O"*(:8กก" F(B (ก= strategic business units (SBU) F"=>"F%="C8: 4 F(B fBC<Gp7 *")5 3%: ก((ก(8กก"3%:ก" e="'> intranet E-commerce between and among corporate Employees >)$ก(>3F=>@AF5 !"ก>"4*")5e=" intranet 4>>)$ก(675 Collaborate commerce (C-commerce) F@GH>ก(A#5')P"P%78<%#=AF5 ก7)@(=@@Bก"A">)$ก(A"75"ก(>3e" ก3 !" (F( '9ก( 8 "ก=AF5ก7 e%<;V{$ (ก( 3%: "<ก((@'กก EC E-Government E-government. )Bก(A#5 e-commerce @'9ก(87*=>*(*"'u3%:ก(AF5(ก( * (V<=>? 62>2(:##" !"@<('>p(ก8 3%: f!!%($4>(D%"C" (@'C>*=">"B" ? '2O"F"=>"*(V: E-government application *@(G3=>6752O"*@3F%ก ? )B ก) government-to-citizens (G2C) F"=>"(D%AF5(ก(<=>?e=" internet 4) governmenttobusiness (G2B) F"=>"(D%4F(BfBC4>8กF"=>" p(ก84>ก#" )) government-togovernment (G2G) ก&8:2O" EC 'ก7(:F=>F"=>"4>(D% F"H>ก(:'9กF"=>"4>ก(D%F"H> 27 Customer-to-Consumer(C2C) E-Commerce Customer-to-Customer (C2C) F@GH> E-commerce fH>'C>e15fBC3%:e1542O"(= (6@=675'9p(ก8) *@(G'9675F%'> 6753ก= C2C auctions e154(=*=>4>62" Web )"ก%>!BAF5e15fBC(=2(:@1% F(B'9ก(272(:@1%75<">e="'>fv'$3($''9F"5'" C Classified Ads 87'9 ads online !BPTUV4*")5 Personal Services 2(:กu*"AF5ก((ก( #=" (=)@ (f=@3f@*> 2%1ก*(5>" internet Support services to C2C 2O"ก(*"*"p"ก8ก((@4> C2C #=" ก(#9(:>" ก(*=>4> 2O"<5" 6.6 E-Commerce Support Services: Advertising Payment and Order Fulfillment ก(2(:pก<$A#5 B2B 3%: B2C <5>ก(ก(8=>"3%:ก(87F*")562AF5e15fBC Portals <5>ก( *>')(A*=65 % 8:F&"= >)$2(:ก4>ก(AF5(ก( @ F%กF% #=" e-infrastructure (mostly technology consultants, system developers and integrators, hosting, security, and networks) e-process (mainly payments and logistics) e-markets (mostly marketing and advertising) e-communities (different audiences and business partners) e-services (CRM, PRM, and directory services) e-content (supplied by content providers) 28 Representative Advertising Strategies Online ก(2(2(p>ก(PTUV37C>7@62*1=ก(PTUV""<($"&< '9AF5ก7)@ 6752(F%2(:ก( #=": *@(G2(AF5'"*@675<%7% P7A#5<5"'p"<93%:'9675(& *@(G45GH>e15fBC'@uก;!A"ก(fBCก%p=@AFS=675'P%ก >)(C>G1กก=ก(PTUV3*B*>!@!$ *B'p *BP'('u"$ *@(G<*"> 3%:!p=>262>ก%p=@e15*"A82O"!uU<=> ? 3%:/F(B e15*"A8Q!:)" @)@*@F<p*@e%A"ก(5ก(PTUV4HC"62""<($"&< A"4V:'e15#@ ก9%>!@@ก4HC" Shortcomings: *="@ก8:ก!"ก)@p=>กA"ก(72(:*'e%3%:ก( <7*"A8'>75" <5"'p"A"ก(PTUV 29 Major Strategies Used 1) Affiliate Marketing and Advertising: 2) Search Engine Advertisement: 3) Ads as a Commodity: 4) Viral Marketing: 6) Customizing Ads: *=>PTUV'F@:ก%1ก)53<=%:( (one-to-one advertising) 7) Online Events, Promotions and Attractions: 8) Live Web Events: 9) Advertising in Newsletters: 10) Posting Press Releases: 11) Advergaming: 30 Electronic Payments Electronic Payments )B *="F"H> A">)$(@4>ก('9p(ก8 8:2O"37@F(B "6%"$ก&<@ 3<=ก(8=>"P7ก(7@?6@=F@:*@ก EC P7Q!:=> > 3 B2B )(8:2O"(1237><=62"C Electronic funds transfer ก(P">"P7A#5*B%)'(")*$ Electronic Checks (e-checks) 8:2O"3)%5?ก#&)'(A#5' 62 "@A#5ก B2B Electronic Credit Cards '9AF5ก(#9(:>"3 online '9675>=4HC" P7e="'> credit card Purchasing Cards A"ก(V4> B2B @"8:'7'@ก electronic credit cards. Electronic Cash (e-cash) @*@(12375ก")B: stored-value money cards, smart cards 3%: person-to-person payments. Three forms of electronic cash Person- to-Person Payment (123F"H>4>e-cash '@AF5@ก(P">"(:F=> ( =*>( F(B(:F=>(:=ก>)$ก(p(ก8 P76@=675A#5 credit card Stored-value money card (123F"H> 4> e-cash fH>ก&>"'6758=%=>F"565 ก="3%5 65 89"">"8:G1กFก'pก ? )(C>'ก ($7G1กA#5 Smart card (123F"H> 4> e-cards fH> ((8p microprocessor (chip) 65 '9AF5 ก($7 *@(Gก&*(*"'u'<5>A#56589""F"H> @"8:G1ก"9@2(:@% @BA#5 Electronic Bill Presentment and Payments @AF5%1ก)58=>"2O"(7B" #=" )= P'(u!'$ )="C9 )=6v 2O"<5" e="'>(ก("6%"$ Paying Bills at ATMs 2O"ก(#9(:>"e="'>)(B> ATM Micropayments )B ก(8=>"89"""5 ? P7A#5 credit card B2B special methods )B ก(8=>"(123'<=>ก62A"ก('9p(ก8 #=" wire transfer, electronic letter 2O"<5" 31 How e-credit cards work 32 Security in Electronic Payment *>(B>'<5>"9@!8(V)B :6('8:'9AF5 EC payment 2%7; 3%: ก(A7 )("9@A#5 )@<5>ก(กก)@2%7; ก(((> (Authentication) e15fBC e1543%:paying institution 8:<5>F&"<(>ก"'C> *@ A"ก('9 p(ก((@'ก9%>79""1= )@2O"ก;! 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Failed EC initiatives within organizations. ก7454735>A"ก('9p(ก8A"(123 EC ก ก('9p(ก8A"(1237@ #=" ก( '9p(ก8A"(123 EC '9AF52(@Vก(44>F"5(5"37@%7%> '9AF5ก7 )@4735>4HC"@A">)$ก( 38 MANAGERIAL ISSUES 3. Success stories and lessons learned A"4V:7ก"ก&@)@*9(&8A"ก(79""p(ก83 EC AF5F&"#="ก" 4. Managing resistance to change. Electronic commerce 8'9AF5AF5!BC"D"A"ก('9p(ก8ก7ก(2%"32%> !"ก>" Vendor3%:%1ก)58<=<5"ก(2%"32%>'ก74HC" 7>"C" ก(AF5 )@(15 ก((@3%:27e<=*(V#"*ก#=>%F"H>ก="'9ก( 2%"32%>8:#=3ก52qSF"C675 MANAGERIAL ISSUES 5. Integration of e-commerce into the business environment. E-commerce <5>ก()@(=@@Bก"A"F% ? ;)*="4>p(ก8A">)$ก( )@ (=@@B"C(@GH>ก(>3e" ก(87*(('(!ก('@3%:<5>A#5A"P)(>>"<=> ? ก(#B@<=(:F=> EC กD"45@1% P2(3ก(@2(:pก<$'@A #5A"2q88p" 3%: infrastructure <=> ? 6. 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