Ancient China Lesson PowerPoint Presentation Part 1

9/17/12 Advances in Agriculture
Ancient China
Tang and Song Dynasty
Chapter 14 Section 2
•  Northern Farmers:
•  -Wheat
-Other Grains
Song Dynasty Farming
•  The Dragon Backbone Pump:
•  -a new irrigation device that
allowed one person to do the
work of several
•  Southern Farmers:
•  -Rice
Song Dynasty Farming
•  Increase in
the number of
•  New fastripening rice
Chang’an Video
•  Focus
What does
•  Tang Dynasty: 60 Million
•  Song Dynasty: 100 Million
Focus Question: Why did the population increase
in the Song Dynasty?
•  New crops:
cotton and tea
•  Play from
Tang Dynasty City Life
•  Chang’an:
•  Population of 1 million
•  Largest city in the world at the time
•  Trade Center
•  Cosmopolitan
•  Religious center
*hint: think about the last few slides
Song Dynasty City Life
•  Kaifeng (ky-fuhng)
•  -Song Dynasty Capital City
•  -Population of about 1 million
•  -one of many large cities in the Song Dynasty
•  The Grand Canal:
•  -a series of waterways
that linked major cities
and carried large
amounts of trading
goods (mostly food)
•  World’s longest human
made waterway
1 9/17/12 Trade
Trade: Tang Dynasty vs.
Song Dynasty
•  Tang Dynasty Trade:
•  -Mostly land routes west to India/
Southwest Asia and East to Korea/
•  Song Dynasty Trade:
•  -Sea Trade
•  -Development of PORCELAIN
•  -Development of world’s first system
of paper money in 900
Important Inventions
•  The Invention of Paper: Cai Lun (Han Dynasty)
Important Inventions
•  Magnetic Compass
Important Inventions
•  Woodblock Printing
Art: Tang Dynasty vs. Song Dynasty
•  Tang Dynasty
•  -Wu Daozi: Mural Artist
•  Li Bo: Poet
•  Du Fu: Poet
•  Song Dynasty
•  Li Qingzhao (Ching-ZHOW): one of China’s greatest
female poets
•  Porcelain
•  Celadon: a pale greed glaze that covered porcelain
Important Inventions
•  Gunpowder (0:00-1:06)
Important Inventions
•  Movable Type Printing (0:15-1:35)