UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON FINA 4334. Section 22356 MANAGERIAL ANALYSIS SPRING, 2008 Instructor: Hilda Maraachlian Phone: (713) 743-4766 Fax: (713)743-4789 E-mail: Course Information: Office: 230 J Melcher Hall Hours: Tue, 5:30–6:30PM & appointments Class Time: Tue, Thu, 4:00-5:30PM COURSE OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of this course is to give you a working knowledge of the analytical tools that bear most directly on the economic decisions firms must regularly make. The course will emphasize on market structure and industrial performance, including the strategic interaction of firms. We will examine the behavior of individual markets -- the producers and consumers that sell and buy in those markets -- focusing on cost analysis, the determinants of market demand, pricing strategy, market power, and the implications of government regulatory policies. COURSE WEB PAGE: TEXTBOOKS: Microeconomics and Behavior, 6th edition by Robert Frank, McGraw-Hill/Irwin (Required) Microeconomics, 6th edition by Pindyck and Rubenfield, Prentice Hall (Recommended). Principles of Microeconomics, 3rd edition by Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke, McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (Recommended). PREREQUISITES: Junior standing, ACCT 2332, MATH 1313, MATH 1314, and ECON 2304. GRADING: Midterm Exam: 35% Homework: 25% Class Participation: 5% Exam II: 35% ANY/ALL MISSING OR LATE HOMEWORK WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. ADDITIONALLY, THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY NO GRADE CHANGES, UNLESS IT IS AN INSTRUCTOR ERROR AND IT IS ADDRESSED WITHIN TWO (2) CALENDAR DAYS. -1- EXAMS: Exams will be based on class lectures and homeworks. The lectures will [generally] correspond to material covered in the readings. Please note the following, (1) periodically the lectures will encompass more material than is covered in the readings, and (2) the lectures [often] will not cover everything that is in the assigned readings. Hence, attending class and taking good notes is very important. In addition, all the lectures will be made available on the course website. EXAM DATES: Midterm Exam: TUESDAY, March 4, 2008 . Exam II Exam: THURSDAY, April 24, 2008. POLICY ON HOMEWORK SETS EXAMINATIONS AND GRADING: Exams will be closed book. Absolutely no collaboration is permitted on exams. Make-up exams will NOT be given. If an emergency arises, you should contact me immediately, and present valid proof to take a make-up exam. Homework will be assigned in class. Collaboration among students is not permitted. Handwritten homework is fine as long as it is neat and legible. Late homework will not be accepted. Homeworks are due at 4:00 pm (beginning of class) on the respective due date. Any missing homework will automatically receive a grade of zero. Grades are final and NOT subject to negotiation, unless you note a professor error, which needs to be addressed within two (2) calendar days. READINGS & COURSE PROCEDURE: Readings (from the textbook) will be assigned before the class and posted on the course website. These readings are mandatory and students are required to read the material before class. The Socratic Method will be applied in this course to develop critical thinking skills and stimulate student participation while contemporaneously providing an environment where students develop understanding through questioning. Students are expected to come to class prepared by having read the topic to be discussed before the respective class begins. Additionally, on the day of the respective class, students will be chosen, in class, to answer questions and lead discussions related to the day’s lecture. -2- STUDENT CONDUCT: Late arrivals are disruptive to both the instructor and class discussion, and show disrespect to the attendees. Class starts at 4:00 pm sharp, so please do not come late to class. If you are more than 10 minutes late, please don’t disturb the class. Students cannot leave the class early unless they have obtained prior permission. All laptop computers and hand-held devices are to be turned off during class. All cell phones and pagers are to be placed on “silent” or “vibrate” mode during class and are to be used exclusively for emergencies or critical personal matters; emergency cell phone conversations or pager call-backs are to be executed outside of the classroom. After class has begun all ancillary conversations are to cease and desist. You should act respectfully towards all class participants. Each student should be familiar with the “Bauer Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct” before taking this class. Students are expected to attend each class. Students who miss a class are responsible for all the materials and announcements presented in class. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: Academic Honesty: The University of Houston Academic Honesty Policy is strictly enforced by the C.T Bauer College of Business. No violations of this policy will be tolerated in this course. A discussion of the policy is included in the University of Houston Student Handbook, Students and expected to be familiar with the policy. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: The C.T. Bauer College of Business would like to help students who have disabilities achieve their highest potential. To this end, in order to received academic accommodations, students must register with the Center for Students with Disabilities (“CSD”) at (713) 743-5400, which has a wide variety of academic support services to all currently enrolled students who have any type of mental or physical disability of either a temporary or permanent nature. Such students must present approved accommodation documentations to the instructor in a timely manner. -3- COURSE OUTLINE AND WEEKLY SCHEDULE (Tentative): Weeks 1 & 2: (January 15-24) o Course Overview. o The Basics of Supply and Demand (Chapters 1 and 2). Week 3: (January 29 & 31) o Rational Consumer Choice (Chapter 3) Weeks 4 & 5: (February 5-14) o Rational Consumer Choice. o Individual and Market Demand (Chapter 4) Week 6 & 7: (February 19 - 28) o Individual and Market Demand (Chapter 4) o Choice under Uncertainty (Chapter 6). Week 8: (March 4 & 6) o Midterm Exam (March 4) o Imperfect Competition/Game Theory (Chapter 13) Week 9: (March 11 & 13) o Imperfect Competition/Game Theory (Chapter 13) Weeks 10 & 11: (March 18-27) o Spring break o Imperfect competition/Game Theory (Chapter 13) Weeks 12 &13: (April 1-10) o Perfect Competition (Chapter 11) o Monopoly (Chapter 12) Weeks 14: (April 15 & 17) o Monopoly (Chapter 12) Week 15: (April 22 & 24) o Review for Exam o Exam II (April 24) ------------------------ -4-